divine talisman

Chapter 1616 True Martial Art

This time the confrontation was earth-shattering and terrifying, the land with a radius of [-] miles was turned into ruins, chaos and death.

You know, the Guiming planet is full of turbid air, and the mountains, rivers and rocks are extremely solid, like poured steel, which is comparable to a divine treasure.

Under this blow, it can cause such terrifying destructive power. It is conceivable how strong the fighting power of the two has reached.

At this moment, both Tie Yunping, Xiao Ruoruo and the others couldn't help becoming nervous.

Suddenly, a muffled snort came from the billowing smoke, and immediately Xuan Tuozi's slender figure appeared, with a cold face and a chill between his brows.

His taoist robe was buzzing, holding a halberd in his hand, and his whole body was filled with spiritual light, like an immeasurable god, descending on the world in anger.

"Friend, at this point, don't you plan to use weapons?" Xuan Tuozi's face was gloomy, and his heart was already irritated.

In that blow just now, Chen Xi was forced to resist with all his strength with his bare hands, although he successfully blocked it, but in comparison, he was already a little weaker.

"Then it depends on whether you have the ability." In the distance, Chen Xi's figure was tall and straight, his demeanor was indifferent, and there was a look of disdain in the silence.

He said this bluntly, Xuan Tuozi was not qualified enough to let him use weapons, Xiao Ruoruo, Xiao Tianlong and others were stunned when they heard it, and then their teeth itch with anger, this guy is really too arrogant!

"Hehe, very good! You are the first one in Xuemoyu who dares to provoke me like this!" Xuan Tuozi was furious, no longer hesitating, stepping on time and space, the war halberd in his hand buzzing and vibrating, transpiring hundreds of millions of mysterious light lines , kill here.

He no longer held back his hands, and used all his strength to move his hands. The weather was completely different from before, and there was an extra murderous intent.

In an instant, the sounds of heaven and earth reverberated, and the war halberd exploded with golden lights, making Xuan Tuozi look like an ancient war god of Taoism.

"Senior Brother Xuantuozi is completely motivated to kill!" Xiao Ruoruo's eyes suddenly brightened, and he became excited.

The other disciples of Lingzhen Daoist Temple were also excited. They knew very well that once senior brother Xuantuozi had the intention to kill, the power would be unimaginable. At least for so many years, no opponent has ever survived his murderous intention!

Xuan Tuozi's aura is indeed different, with murderous intent lingering, like a god of war, his aura has skyrocketed by a large margin.

This made Chen Xi narrow his eyes, and immediately his lips could not help showing a cold arc.

"Kill!" Xuan Tuozi yelled, his eyes were cold, and he descended from the sky with a war halberd, looking more and more powerful.


The war halberd was surrounded by thousands of mysterious lights of Dao patterns, and it smashed down. The murderous intent surged, changing the color of the world, and this area began to sink and collapse.

"True martial arts subdue demon energy!" Someone exclaimed, recognizing what kind of method this is.

This is the secret method that is not transmitted by the Taoist Temple of Lingzhen, and non-core disciples cannot be passed on. Once it is used, it will be like the possession of a real Wu Tianzun, and the combat power will skyrocket, shaking the sky and the earth, destroying stars and destroying the moon.


Chen Xi's figure flashed, and he cast the Kunpeng Divine Art, like a bolt of lightning, the speed reached the limit, making it impossible for people to lock his trace with his thoughts.

At the same time, he formed seals with both hands, instantly shooting thousands of palm images, the wind and thunder galloping, from the strongest to the strongest, from the yang to the most powerful, with the natural rhythm of the Tao, filled with hundreds of millions of mysterious runes.

In an instant, the two have been shaken thousands of times, and the divine brilliance bursts out, just like the shocking thunder that destroys the world, shaking and roaring again and again.

What made everyone horrified was that under such a terrifying fight, the unarmed Chen Xi did not lose the slightest bit. Everyone couldn't believe how he managed to do this.

And this also made Xuan Tuozi startled and angry, kept shouting, and displayed various supreme methods.


The halberd seemed to be burning, emitting a dazzling golden light. With a roar, Xuan Tuozi was about to kill again.

However, with a chirp sound, his eyes blurred, and Chen Xi's figure broke through thousands of halberd shadows and appeared. The speed was unprecedentedly swift, and he appeared in a sudden illusion. His palms were wrapped in mysterious rune light and rushed towards him.

He came to attack and kill on his own initiative.


As the halberd danced in the air, Xuan Tuozi's face was gloomy, and he forcibly overwhelmed Chen Xi's attack.

In an instant, all the thousands of palm prints hit the halberd, the runes rolled, and the divine light roared, continuously resounding through the heavens and the earth.

Xuan Tuozi's body suddenly began to tremble violently, his face was flushed, and then turned from flushed to livid, until he was pale, and his forehead was soaked with cold sweat like beans.

In fact, this is Chen Xi's real method. In all previous fights, he was testing the opponent's strength and limits.

The result made Chen Xi slightly disappointed. No matter how strong the opponent was, he could only show off his might in the Dongguang Spiritual God Realm, and could not really fight against the Dongyu Ancestral God.

And as early as a few months ago, when Chen Xi had just advanced to the Dongguang Spiritual God Realm, he had killed Ye Yan and other Dongyu ancestor gods and fled.

Even though Ye Yan was seriously injured at that time, he was an ancestor god after all, and he was not comparable to the spirit of Dongguang, but in the end he chose to flee, which shows how terrifying Chen Xi's combat power had reached at that time.

Not to mention these things, just Chen Xi's "spiritual supremacy" potential has already been destined to be in the same realm, and he has established himself on a level that is almost unrivaled!

But now, he has devoted himself to researching a brand-new fighting method, with the Wuji divine talisman in his body as the core, matching the most perfect divine way law to display his power, and his combat effectiveness has been fully sublimated.

Under such circumstances, even with bare hands, Chen Xi never regarded the opponent as a real opponent at all.


Xuan Tuozi realized that something was wrong and dangerous, and activated a certain secret technique, which evolved into a burst of divine brilliance, blocking Chen Xi's many attacks.

But his whole body was still shaken, and he flew upside down, as if he had been hit by a thunderbolt.

This was the result of Chen Xi's combat power. It was too powerful for Xuan Tuozi to be able to resist at all. His body kept trembling, and the Qi mechanism in his body was almost disrupted by the impact.

"This man is so strong. What he uses is the kunpeng magic. He has mastered it to the level of transformation, and the yin and yang are reciprocal, and the supreme divine power is derived, which is comparable to the ancient kunpeng!"

"Could it be that he is a descendant of the Kunpeng clan in the Northern Underworld?"

Some people were shocked, their pupils dilated, and they couldn't calm down.


Xuantuozi lost, Chen Xi didn't stop, and turned into a Kunpeng, like a flash of golden streamer, killing here violently.

Xuan Tuozi screamed in pain, his Taoist robe burst into pieces, he coughed up blood from the corner of his lips, and his body hit the ground like a falling meteor.

Almost at the same time, Chen Xi's figure chased him up, stepped out suddenly, crushed his chest with a bang, and stepped him into the ground. The rock cracked and countless stone chips were splashed.

For a moment, the audience was dead silent, and Xiao Ruoruo and the others were as sluggish as sculptures.


Brother Xuan Tuozi, who was invincible in the past, famous all over the world, and almost rarely met opponents in the Snow and Ink Field, now... has actually lost! ?

What is especially unacceptable to everyone is that Xuan Tuozi was defeated by the opponent with bare hands!

If you don't see it with your own eyes, who can believe it?

At this moment, even Tie Yunping was stunned. This senior is too powerful. She was already shocked beyond compare when she killed the beasts on the road, but now seeing such a legendary figure as Xuan Tuozi, she was also shocked. The shocking force of his defeat had an unprecedented impact on her Dao heart.

On the battlefield, Xuan Tuozi struggled and tried his best to break free from Chen Xi's suppression. His face was livid and contorted, and his eyes were tearing apart. Suffering such setbacks and humiliation almost drove him crazy.


Chen Xi exerted force with his right foot, released a terrifying force, and firmly stepped on Xuan Tuozi's chest, pinning him to the ground and being unable to escape.

Xuan Tuozi felt that his chest was about to break and shatter, he was so angry that he coughed up blood, and the veins on his forehead burst open, almost exploding.

As strong as him, he also felt a kind of powerlessness at this moment, and couldn't help but growl in grief and anger: "Bastard, I'm going to kill you! Kill you!"

"Senior Brother Xuantuozi!"

"Go together!"

The people who were in shock woke up like a dream. Seeing Xuan Tuozi being trampled on the ground like a dead dog and unable to get up, they were all so angry that they rushed forward with roars.

"not good!"

Tie Yunping's complexion changed suddenly, and she was about to rush to rescue her, but Chen Xi's voice came to her ear, telling her to watch the battle with peace of mind.

Immediately, she saw Chen Xi standing still on the spot, with one foot on Xuantuozi's chest, but when those Lingzhen Daoist disciples rushed up, they were blown away one by one by his sleeves. go out.

It's just that they come and go quickly. Facing fierce men like Chen Xi, these disciples who are far inferior to Xuan Tuozi are like sandbags delivered to their door one after another. They are blown away or cough up blood. If you can't afford it, or you are directly moved out of the hunting area, you are eliminated.

Especially the three of Xiao Ruoruo, Xiao Tianlong, and Lu Yan were taken care of by Chen Xi. Their teeth were peeled off, their cheeks were red and swollen, and how many bones were broken in their bodies. In the end, they were all eliminated from the competition!

In the end, no one got up in the arena, and the ground was full of mess.

"Ah!" Xuan Tuozi was completely furious, and the severe pain all over his body was far from being able to offset the shame in his heart. Who is he?The top powerful Lingzhen Dao Temple, the leader of the younger generation, and the famous figure in the snow and ink region, took over but was trampled here like a dead dog. This is almost more uncomfortable than killing him.

In particular, at this moment, he could only watch those juniors and juniors being defeated, but was unable to help him. The extremely pale and powerless feeling was like thousands of ants constantly devouring his only reason.


Suddenly, a daoist profound light diffused from his body, mysterious and mysterious, exuding a vigorous and upright aura.


The appearance of this aura made Xuan Tuozi finally break free from the shackles, like an angry demon god, with fluttering hair and pupils as red as blood.

This is the supreme profound energy of the Taoist sect, which was injected into his body by the old antique of the Xuanzhen Taoist temple, so that he can save his life in case of accidents.

Now, it is used by him to break free from Chen Xi's suppression.

Chen Xi's figure staggered for a while, his blood was churning, his eyes narrowed, he was a little surprised, but he didn't expect that this guy actually had such terrifying power in his body.

Immediately, he returned to calmness. After all, this was not Xuan Tuozi's own strength. In this hunting area, he could not bring him any threat at all.

"Boy, you have offended me completely, and you are doomed to die!" On the opposite side, Xuan Tuozi's eyes were red and bloodshot, his expression was cold, and he was completely furious and crazy.


ps: Goldfish has arrived home safely, and the 2nd update will be resumed tomorrow. According to the record on the ID card, the day after tomorrow is Goldfish’s birthday, but Goldfish will not go out to parties, and work hard at home to make up updates. Future updates will not disappoint everyone.

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