divine talisman

Chapter 1617 Suppression in One Action

Chen Xi said that in this hunting area, the other party actually threatened him with death, and he was really dazzled by anger.

"Do you know why I didn't move to kill just now? It's not out of fear, I just want you to taste the taste of being humiliated and trampled on." Chen Xi said with a smile, the cloud is calm.

Xuan Tuozi's face became more and more gloomy, and he gritted his teeth and shouted: "Hugh, don't be presumptuous, even if you can leave the hunting area alive, if you are offended, don't think you can survive!"

The implication is that they want to fight Chen Xi to the death.

Chen Xi's expression was indifferent, and he just uttered an oh. He was too lazy to talk nonsense with the other party. He had heard so many threatening words like this so far, so how could he take these in his heart.


The word "oh" was like the most heart-piercing sarcasm, which made Xuan Tuozi unable to hold back any longer. Holding the halberd in both hands, he slammed down and slashed down, splitting this piece of time and space, and a big crack appeared in the sky, which seemed to tear the universe apart. All split.

All of a sudden, the battle halberd was heavy, and a phantom of a god and demon emerged, chanting Taoist scriptures, releasing divine power, frightening people's hearts and souls, making the power of this blow even more terrifying.

Tie Yunping, who was watching the battle from a distance, had her heart beating wildly, and her body felt cold. Xuan Tuozi's fighting power seemed to be much stronger than before, which was too frightening.


Chen Xi's figure also moved at the same moment, stepping continuously in time and space, he took the initiative to meet him, and punched him away.


The fist surrounded by hundreds of millions of mysterious runes collided with the thousands of heavy halberds, and a thunderous roar burst out, resounding through nine heavens and ten earths, and the divine brilliance burst into pieces.

"It seems that the power aroused from the other party is somewhat unusual..." Immediately afterwards, Chen Xi's figure flickered slightly, his blood was a little churned, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he did not show any fear.

Xuan Tuozi's whole body was filled with monstrous Taoist profound energy, his face was gloomy like water, and his eyes were burning with anger.

The opponent actually blocked it again!

This is his trump card. It is the power of an old antique from Lingzhen Daoist Temple. It is imprinted in his body. Once activated, it is enough for him to have a short confrontation with the ancestor god of Dongyu!

But now, they still can't help each other...

This made Xuan Tuozi almost unacceptable.


He yelled violently, and swung his halberd again, condensing a more tyrannical force, majestic and grand like a surging river.

On the war halberd, there is a mysterious Dao pattern Xuanguang, which is simple and thick, and seems to have the power of opening up the world. It is extremely intimidating, and it is obviously not something that a god of light can possess.

Chen Xi raised his eyebrows. This kind of fighting method is somewhat similar to his "Blast Qi Killing God Art". It also increases a person's fighting power, but obviously, what the opponent activates is not his own power.


Xuan Tuozi rushed to kill, becoming more and more violent, as if enraged Tianzun descended to the earth, the war halberd in his hand shattered everything, invincible.

Chen Xi's figure flashed, but he didn't force himself to do so. He cast the Kunpeng Divine Art, combined wind and thunder, yin and yang blended, and dodged in an instant. In Xuan Tuozi's eyes, he was showing weakness and fear.

"Want to hide?" Xuan Tuozi sneered.


His movements did not stop, and he charged again with the halberd. In just a split second, the halberd had been slashed thousands of times, with sharp edges, like billions of stars flowing, and it became more and more terrifying.

This piece of heaven and earth was shattered, it was extremely terrifying, against which Xuan Tuozi looked like an unrivaled God of War.

Chen Xi frowned, and dodged again. Originally, he thought that the power in the opponent's body would not last long, but the result was beyond his expectation. The opponent's combat power was actually improving all the time.

This has to be shocking, what kind of power is it that can achieve such a terrifying power?

"Why, are you scared? Huh, I'm playing, today you have to pay the blood price for everything you did before!" Xuan Tuozi was dazzling all over, holding a war halberd, long hair flying, and his killer moves became more and more fierce.

"It seems that you haven't remembered the trampling and humiliation just now. The scars are so healed that you forget the pain, and you don't know how to live or die." Chen Xi smiled bluntly.


Xuan Tuozi's expression was extremely cold, his eyes were like knives, his halberd was almost on fire, and his divine brilliance was boiling, which was extremely dazzling.

He stopped talking nonsense, he was so angry that he wanted to tear Chen Xi to pieces on the spot.

Seeing this, Chen Xi no longer dodged. He had already seen that if this continued, the opponent's fighting power would only become more violent, and he no longer wanted to waste it any longer.


The next moment, Chen Xi's body erupted with immeasurable divine light, and the Wuji divine talisman turned and opened with all its strength. Hundreds of millions of divine laws were like divine chains, covering his whole body, and blazing unparalleled divine power gushed out.

With a sudden thrust of his hand, he abruptly broke through thousands of attacks, grabbed the opponent's halberd in one fell swoop, exerted force with his fingers, like iron tongs to firmly imprison the edge of the halberd, and then exerted force suddenly, this divine treasure twisted violently stand up.

Seeing this scene, Tie Yunping was so startled that her whole body was stiff, and she couldn't find any words to describe the shock in her heart. This senior is too tyrannical, so powerful that it makes people speechless.

This war halberd is obviously an innate spiritual treasure. It was struggling violently at this time and it was not damaged, but Xuan Tuozi's face suddenly changed. No matter what, he never expected that Chen Xi would be so perverted that he dared to use his bare hands into the white blade !

"Get out!" He roared, using all the strength in his body, and Daoguang flowed all over his body, pouring into his halberd, exerting force fiercely.

Chen Xi's eyes were cold, his right hand was still grasping the war halberd, while his left hand was as paranoid as a sword, with a chirp, a "return back" suddenly appeared, and the moment the opponent was caught off guard, he forcibly chopped off his arm.

If it wasn't for the timely dodge, even this blow would be enough to kill Xuan Tuozi!

But it was also because of this blow that he suddenly suffered from pain, and Chen Xi suddenly snatched the halberd from his hand. His whole body was shaken upside down, blood was spilled from the broken arm, and he was in extreme embarrassment.

"How is this possible! Who are you... you...!" Xuan Tuozi's expression was distorted, and he was extremely frightened and angry.

The opponent's combat power is too abnormal, even if I use my killer's mace, the opponent can catch it with bare hands, and hurt myself in one fell swoop, which is unbelievable!


With a shake of his hand, Chen Xi threw out the halberd and plunged it into the ground.

At the same time, he stepped on the void, with runes intertwined all over his body, rushed forward, and stepped towards Xuan Tuozi.

"How dare you!" Xuantuo's eyes were about to split open, and he violently shook his arms away, as if embracing yin and yang.


A sound of bone breaking resounded, and the strength of his arms was crushed by Chen Xi's foot. The burst of strength shattered all the muscles and bones of his arms, and the divine blood spattered.

Then, with a bang, as before, Xuan Tuozi was once again stomped on the chest by Chen Xi, which ruthlessly stepped on the void, and was suppressed to the ground.

This made Tie Yunping terrified, it was too scary!To what extent is this senior's fighting power so tyrannical?How could this be the power that Dongguang Lingshen could display?


Xuan Tuozi screamed in pain, the pain was unbearable, his face was contorted, and his whole body was convulsed. This kick almost made him lose his fighting power, and the foundation of the divine way almost collapsed.

Seeing this, Chen Xi couldn't help sneering: "With this little ability, I dare to..." Speaking of this, he suddenly raised his eyebrows, and his face was completely ice-cold.


At this moment, a bronze divine arrow flew over, tearing through the sky, with an aura of killing all things and shattering the world, and an indescribable piercing power.

The most important thing is that this divine arrow is not aimed at Chen Xi, but at Tie Yunping standing in the distance!

It's Dayi again!

Chen Xi was furious, and he guessed the identity of the sneak attacker in no time. He was treated like this in the Land of Doom, and now, the other party still dares to repeat the same trick, which is simply unforgivable.

At the same time, he also knew that the person who came was extremely conceited, the timing of his attack was just right, and the precision was outrageous, especially the power of this blow was extremely terrifying, unmatched in the past.

Just like now, Tie Yunping's combat power has improved a lot, but facing this blow, she was so frightened that she froze there, unable to move!


Chen Xi shifted his shape, and in an instant, he blocked Tie Yunping's body, but he had no time to block the arrow.

In an instant, a bloody hole was pierced through Chen Xi's left chest, and the powerful impact caused his figure to fly backwards.


After this divine bronze arrow pierced through Chen Xi's chest, its momentum remained undiminished. It crushed a huge mountain in the distance, and the mountain rock collapsed and turned into flying ash, disappearing into nothingness.

It can be seen from this that the power of this bronze divine arrow is so terrifying. If it is hit head-on, it will make people worry whether there is a chance to be rescued by the power of the oracle.


Chen Xi gritted his teeth, a terrifying sharpness remained from the wound on his left chest, constantly impacting his body.

But Chen Xi couldn't care about these anymore, and with a flash of his figure, he left the spot with Tie Yunping.


Sure enough, as soon as the two of them left the place, a series of bronze divine arrows pierced through the air, and the time and space exploded, shattering the world and destroying everything.

At this moment, Chen Xi finally sensed that there were many figures standing in an extremely distant place.

And the leaders are the second son Yixun and the third son Yitian of the Dayi clan!

Among them, Yi Xun was holding a large bronze bow in his hand, his eyes were stern, and he was locking on here from a distance, his aura was chilling and fierce.

But when he sensed Chen Xi's thoughts sweeping over, he suddenly smiled lightly, waved the big bronze bow in his hand, his movements were frivolous, full of disdain and provocation.

But immediately, he didn't stay any longer, and turned around with everyone around him.

Chen Xi's face was ice-cold, he was really angry, and he didn't care about Xuan Tuozi, his figure flickered, and he moved away abruptly.

But in the end, he couldn't catch up.

In addition, Chen Xi's heart was concerned about Tie Yunping's safety, so he could only suppress the anger in his heart, and gave up his plan of chasing and killing her.

"These damn things!"

Chen Xi couldn't help but grit his teeth with hatred in the face of these assassin-like guys who were elusive and proficient in archery.

But he knew very well that this was the scary part of the Dayi clan. Their fighting style was destined to be best at long-distance attack and sneak attack.

"Senior." When Chen Xi returned, Tie Yunping hastily greeted him.

"Where's that guy?" Chen Xi swept his gaze away, and Xuan Tuozi, who had already been beaten to the point where he almost completely lost his fighting power, actually disappeared.

"I took the initiative out of the game." Tie Yunping's expression was complicated, with a touch of deep worry, "He said, when we leave the Star Hunting Conference, it will be our death..."


The second update is at 10 o'clock.

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