divine talisman

Chapter 1618 Shocking the audience

Chen Xi narrowed his eyes, but said with disdain: "I've seen this kind of guy a lot, so don't take it to heart."

Tie Yunping said: "But... Xuantuozi is standing behind Lingzhen Daoist Temple, if they attack us because of this..."

Chen Xi interrupted with a smile: "Don't worry, when I was the True God Dongwei, I was hunted down by an ancestor god of Dongyu for more than a month. Haven't I survived safely to this day?"

Tie Yunping was dumbfounded, almost thinking that she had heard wrongly, senior, he was too aggressive, right?

"What's more, after the Star Hunting Conference is over, we will leave Xuemoyu immediately. Even if they want to deal with us, I'm afraid there is nothing they can do."

Chen Xi comforted the girl in front of him again, in his plan, it was indeed so planned.

Tie Yunping nodded and said, "Well, I listen to my seniors."

Immediately, she fixed her eyes on the bloody wound on Chen Xi's left chest, and said worriedly, "Senior, your injury..."

"No problem, it will recover soon." Chen Xi said while scanning his surroundings, "Let's leave here first, there was too much movement just now, I'm afraid it has alarmed many people."


At that moment, Chen Xi cast the method of time and space teleportation, and disappeared in an instant with Tie Yunping.


"Xuantuozi was actually defeated!"

"God, Chen Xun's fighting power is so amazing, where did he come from? Why have I never heard of his name before?"

"Just now he used the Kunpeng divine art, and it is very likely that he is a descendant of the Kunpeng clan in the Northern Nether Region!"

"Impossible, the Beiming Realm is hundreds of regions away from our Xuemo Realm. How could the descendants of Kunpeng come here? Those guys are very proud. Except for the central imperial region, it is difficult to enter them in other places." Dharma eyes."

"Don't talk about that, have you noticed just now that even Yi Xun, the second son of the Dayi Clan, also hurt Chen Xun in a sneak attack?"

"Hey, how should I put it, if it wasn't for that little girl from the Purple Underworld Sect, it might not be so easy for Yi Xun to get her."

Not long after Chen Xi and Tie Yunping left, spiritual thoughts suddenly surged from all directions, covering the battlefield, communicating with each other endlessly.

In the voice, everyone was shocked and unbelievable by the fighting power displayed by Chen Xi. They knew very well that because of Chen Xun's birth, the pattern of this Star Hunting Conference... would change!


Night falls.

The familiar "hunting list" floated above the sky as usual, spread out, and dazzling names flickered among them.

This is already five days into the Star Hunting Conference, and with five days left, the curtain will come to an end. Whether it is the big figures in the starry sky or the ascetics scattered on the various planets in this universe, they have already recognized the names on the list. The name is commonplace.

Especially the top [-] names have hardly changed since the Star Hunting Conference, maintaining the same pattern.

But out of inertia, when this list appeared tonight, people couldn't help but look up and scan the top twenty names.

Immediately, a jaw-dropping scene appeared - Xiao Ruoruo's name actually disappeared in the second place!

Everyone almost thought they were dazzled, but when they looked carefully, it was still the same. The second-ranked name had been replaced by Yi Tian, ​​who had previously ranked third.

Suddenly, countless uproars resounded under the same night.

"The ranking has disappeared! Doesn't this mean that Xiao Ruoruo has been eliminated?"

"Who is so powerful and able to break Xuan Tuozi's protection, did Guan Hongyu do it?"

"Perhaps it's Yi Xun, the second son of the Dayi clan. After all, the Dayi clan is unparalleled in archery skills, and its strength is comparable to that of officials Hong Yu and Xuan Tuozi, and they don't give in too much."

"God! The structure of this Star Hunting Conference has changed at this time, which is really unexpected."

For those ascetics scattered on various planets, they can only speculate on the development of the situation based on the ranking changes on the hunting list, but they cannot really know who eliminated Xiao Ruoruo and Xuan Tuozi in one fell swoop.

But for the great figures in the starry sky, they judged at once that this shocking change was definitely not something that Guan Hongyu and Yi Xun could do.

In other words, they would never attack Xuan Tuozi and Xiao Ruoruo at this moment.

"I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it!" Miao Ya, the elder of Lingzhen Taoist Temple, murmured, his face gradually became gloomy, and water was about to flow out.

Seeing that only five days away, the Star Hunting Conference will come to an end, but at such a critical moment, Xiao Ruoruo and Xuan Tuozi were eliminated in one fell swoop, how could he accept this?

The expressions of the other big figures nearby all became weird, showing pity, doubt, gloating, and so on.

Miao Ya, the old guy, is probably going crazy with anger at this moment, isn't he?

"Huh? No, it seems that the top [-] disciples of the Spiritual Truth Taoist Temple have all been eliminated..."

A big man made a sound in surprise.

When the others saw it, they realized that it was indeed the case, and their faces changed slightly. Such a ruthless and thorough method actually took all the participating disciples of Lingzhen Taoist Temple!

Doing this is no different from completely offending the Taoist Temple of Lingzhen. Based on the understanding of these big shots, disciples like Guan Hongyu and Yi Xun would never do this.

So, who is the person who made the move?

But at this moment, Miao Ya's complexion was already extremely livid, the veins on his forehead were distorted, and the anger in his heart had already stimulated him to go berserk.

What courage, what a ruthless method!

It's simply that I don't take my Lingzhen Taoist view seriously!

This is definitely provocative!

At this moment, a disciple came in a hurry and said something in Miao Ya's ear, which made his pupils freeze suddenly, and then he couldn't control his anger anymore, and shouted: "It's him? how is this possible!?"

Almost at the same time, the other big shots also got the news and learned about everything that happened in the hunting area, and their expressions immediately became extremely exciting.

Chen Xun!

It's this guy!

For these big shots, the name Chen Xun is no longer unfamiliar. As early as half a month ago, because of Tie Yunping's strong rise, he entered the top [-] hunting list, which made the name Chen Xun appear. in their field of vision.

And later, Tie Yunping's ranking continued to rise, which made them look sideways, and they had already deduced that all of this was due to that Chen Xunzhi.

But until now, they are still confused about Chen Xun's identity, and they don't even know where this little guy came from.

And when they learned that Xuan Tuozi and Xiao Ruoruo's disciples of the Lingzhen Dao Temple were all defeated and eliminated by Chen Xun alone, these big men couldn't help but feel a wave of turmoil in their hearts, and they were shocked.

In the realm of Dongguang Lingshen, Xuan Tuozi has already reached the peak height, and it is almost rare to have an opponent among his peers, but now, he was eliminated in one fell swoop by a strange young man. Who would dare to believe this?

The atmosphere was a little dull.

All the great figures were thinking, their eyes flickering.

"Do you all remember that two months ago, the entire Snow and Ink Region suddenly descended from a vision of heaven and earth, and a supreme god was born?"

Suddenly, Mo Zhan, the Great Elder of the Yuxiao Divine Sect, spoke in a deep voice, which surprised all the great figures present.

"Does Fellow Daoist Mo Zhan mean that Chen Xun may be the young man who has just advanced to the Dongguang Spiritual Realm and obtained the qualification of 'Supreme God' in one fell swoop?" Everyone asked in surprise.

"If not, how could he have achieved this step?" Mo Zhan took a deep breath and said solemnly.

"Impossible!" said Miao Ya, the elder of Lingzhen Taoist temple, with an angry look on his face, "Even though he has the potential to be the supreme god, after all, he has just advanced to the Dongguang Spiritual God Realm, how could he be the opponent of Xuan Tuozi, who has already established himself at the top?" ?”

Many people also deeply believe that, yes, the supreme potential of the gods is potential after all, and cannot be transformed into combat power.

But in this way, everyone became more and more confused, who is this Chen Xun?Is the supreme god born two months ago related to him?

At this moment, Chen Xi's image in the eyes of these big figures in the Snow and Ink Region became more and more mysterious.

In the presence, only Empress Yu Che remained silent. She was dressed in red like fire, with a slender figure, covered her face with a red veil, and stared into the depths of the Wuwu galaxy in the distance with a pair of clear eyes like water.

Beside him, the old man Yunqing was holding the Litian Divine Sword, indifferent, like Empress Yu Che, seemingly unaware of everything around him.

"My lord empress, I suspect that there is something wrong with Chen Xun's origin, I must find out!" Suddenly, Na Miaoya gritted her teeth, spoke in a deep voice, and looked at Empress Yu Che.

Everyone's heart trembled, they never expected that Miao Ya would make such a gaffe at this moment.

"You mean to say that the Empress let a person with a problem to participate in the hunt?" Yun Qing who was on the side spoke, with an indifferent expression and a calm tone.

But just one sentence made Miao Ya's expression uncertain for a while, and he cupped his hands and said: "I have absolutely no intention of questioning your empress."

"There is no problem with this Chen Xun." Empress Yu Che suddenly said, the melodious and deep voice seemed to have a magical power, which made people feel convinced involuntarily.

Miao Ya was startled, hesitated to speak, and finally said no more with a sullen face.

Empress Yu Che is the master of the Xuemo Region, with supreme authority, she has ruled the Xuemo Region for an unknown number of years, no one dares to slander what she said.

Not even Miao Ya dared, even if Lingzhen Dao Temple and other top powers stood behind him, they still had to respect the dignity of Empress Yu Che.

Seeing that Empress Yu Che spoke up for Chen Xun, the other big shots were also surprised. Could it be that the Empress already knew the identity of this kid?

But why didn't she point it out?

Is there something hidden in it?

"Yunqing, prepare carefully, that official Hong Yu has already set foot on Zhuo Lingxing, don't let him be injured by A Bi Zhuo Sword."

Empress Yu Che spoke again, but she mentioned another matter, which suddenly diverted the attention of everyone present.

Turbid spirit star.

The place where Abi Zhuojian hides.

Guan Hongyu, a disciple of the Yuxiao Divine Sect, has already set foot on it!


ps: Tomorrow is Goldfish's birthday, let's spend it with updates, guarantee 2 updates, at least 3 updates, and try our best to 4 updates.There will be 10 more outbreaks this month, and it will take some time for the goldfish to recover and recover their fighting power. Please encourage me with a monthly ticket~

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