divine talisman

Chapter 1619 The Star of the Turbid Spirit

When a new day comes, almost all ascetics who pay attention to this Star Hunting Conference know one thing.

The elimination of Xuan Tuozi, Xiao Ruoruo and others was completely caused by one person, this person's name is Chen Xun!

All of a sudden, the discussion about Chen Xun seemed to have become the hottest topic, and the limelight even faintly overshadowed Hong Yu, the official of the Yuxiao Divine Sect, and Yixun, the second son of the Dayi clan.

After all, Xuan Tuozi was at the same level as Guan Hongyu and Yi Xun, but now he was defeated by Chen Xun. How can this not be shocking?

"The disciple Chen Xun is guarding is named Tie Yunping, and he is now ranked No. 40. Tell me, at the end of the hunt, can Tie Yunping be among the top three with Chen Xun's help? "

"It's very difficult. There are only five days left. Let alone being in the top three, it is almost impossible to be in the top ten. The difference is too great."

"I feel that he can do it. Who would have thought that this little-known Tie Yunping would be able to rank among the top 40? Who would have thought that she would raise her ranking to No. [-] in just a few days?" In the ranks of .[-]? All of this comes from the handwriting of Chen Xun!"

"Hmph, since none of us can convince anyone, let's wait and see and wait for the final result."

Discussions like this happened on almost every planet. It can be seen from this that the battle between Chen Xi and Xuan Tuozi had a great influence.


Gui Mingxing.

In a hidden abyss cave.

After a night of repairs, the wound on Chen Xi's left chest had also healed, leaving no sequelae.

Chen Xi stood up and came to the entrance of the cave, where the Cangwu seedlings took root in the void, and the green branches and leaves fluttered, casting dreamlike little green lights.

In just one night, the size of the Cangwu seedlings seemed to grow larger again, and the branches and leaves became greener and greener, like the purest emeralds in the world, filled with a strong divine aura.

Especially on its stalks and leaf veins, compared to before, the originally shallow and blurred lines gradually became clearer.

This is the benefit brought by absorbing Abi turbidity. The Abi turbidity on Guiming Planet is extremely rich, and there is no need for Chen Xi to search for it. Cangwu seedlings can absorb a steady stream of nutrients and turn them into their own strength.

"It seems... still can't, it seems that if you want to completely transform the Cangwu seedlings, you have to go to the Zhuoling Star."

Chen Xi observed carefully for a long time, and found that simply absorbing the turbid air of Abi floating between the heavens and the earth was far from enough to completely transform the Cangwu seedlings.

In other words, if you want it to transform, you must have a great opportunity, and in Chen Xi's view, if you want to find such an opportunity, there is only one choice, and that is the Turbid Spirit Star!

It is very likely that there is the hiding place of Abi Zhuojian, and the Abizhuo Qi bred must be very amazing.

Similarly, the turbid spirit star must be the most dangerous place in the entire hunting area!

However, Chen Xi was not afraid of this. Crisis, the greater the chance, the greater the danger, the greater the terror.

And most importantly, to help Tie Yunping rank among the top ten, it is imperative to go to Zhuo Lingxing to hunt and kill.

After figuring this out, Chen Xi didn't waste any more time, and took Tie Yunping directly into action.


Turbid spirit star.

The whole body is pitch black, surrounded by a thick layer of black mist, just like the substance, and the black mist is all transformed by the turbid Qi of Abi, which is extremely frightening.

Ordinary ascetics come here, not to mention setting foot on the Zhuoling Star, the black mist covering the surroundings alone is enough to kill them.

From a distance, the entire Zhuoling star is like a black gem embedded in the deepest part of the Wuwu galaxy, with a gloomy and mysterious taste in the darkness.

woo woo woo~~ woo woo woo~~~

When Chen Xi was standing far away in the starry sky with Tie Yunping, when he saw the turbid spirit star, he heard a sound like howling ghosts and wolves coming from afar from that planet.

Almost at the same time, an oppressive aura of evil, gloom, guilt, and bloodthirsty enveloped this area like an invisible shackle.

Just looking up from a distance made Tie Yunping's heart agitated, with distracting thoughts in her mind, and a strong desire to vomit, as if she couldn't stand it, and wanted to sink and degenerate at this moment.

This made her startled, and her expression became more and more serious. She knew very well that if Chen Xi hadn't brought her here this time, she might have encountered an accident long before!

"You take this object and follow me closely, and leave the rest to me." Chen Xi stared at the Turbid Spirit Star in the distance for a long time, then suddenly took out the Cangwu seedling and handed it to Tie Yunping.

Tie Yunping didn't know what the Cangwu seedlings were, but she knew very well that this miraculous little tree could absorb Abi's turbid air, which was not comparable to ordinary treasures.

Seeing Chen Xi raising his hand and handing it to herself now, she was moved, nervous, and a little at a loss.

Seeing this, Chen Xi couldn't help being dumbfounded, and said, "Relax, that turbid spirit star is not a dragon's lake or a tiger's lair, at worst it will just be eliminated from the competition."

Tie Yunping and Ai Ai said: "I'm not worried about the danger, I'm worried about what to do if this little tree is damaged."

Chen Xi was stunned, and said with a smile, "Don't say it's you, even my current strength can't damage a single leaf of this Cangwu seedling."

Tie Yunping was surprised: "It's so powerful?"

Chen Xi smiled, and without further explanation, he led her into a flash of golden light, piercing through the thick black mist that shrouded the Turbid Spirit Star, and disappeared in an instant.


"My lord, there are only 130 seven disciples left in the hunting area, and the other disciples have all been eliminated. Among the remaining disciples, 89 are operating outside the hunting area..."

"You just need to tell me how many disciples have entered the Turbid Spirit Star now."

"If you don't count the leader and slaves around them, a total of nineteen disciples have now arrived at Zhuo Ling Star."

On the starry sky, Yun Qing quickly reported the news he learned one by one.

"Nineteen disciples, nineteen team leaders, plus a group of god slaves... I don't know how many will survive until the end."

Empress Yu Che stood alone in the void with her hands behind her back, her clear eyes staring into the distance, "Yunqing."

"The old slave is here."

"Give me the Litian Divine Sword."

"Sir, you..."

"That's right, this time I will come to the opponent's Abizhuo sword with my own hands. I don't have much time to wait any longer."



The black sky, the black earth, and the black mountains... Looking around, the entire Zhuo Ling star is pitch black, even the whistling wind in the air, and the water waves flowing in the river are all pitch black.

This kind of scene is too harsh, as if you have come to a black purgatory, the air is filled with an indescribable oppressive force, making it difficult to breathe, and the soul is shocked by a terrifying force.

When Chen Xi arrived here with Tie Yunping, his expression became serious in an instant. Just the power that filled this world made him smell a terrifying and dangerous aura.

hum ~ hum ~

But at this moment, the Cangwu seedlings held in Tie Yunping's hands suddenly became excited and lively, releasing wisps of strange fluctuations, the branches and leaves swaying, emitting a misty green light, actually began to continuously absorb the incomparably thick Abi in the air foul air.

Apparently, it has regarded this turbid spirit star as a natural nourishment field.

But in just an instant, Chen Xi's expression changed, because in his mind, there were sinister and violent figures approaching here at an incredible speed.

Those figures are all broken, some are covered with broken bronze armor, some are ragged, some are even incomplete, and their bones are exposed, but without exception, their bodies are black as hard as rocks. His eyes were empty and dead, like a group of walking corpses without souls.

Turbid spirit!

A terrifying spiritual body evolved from being corroded by the turbid air of Ah Bi, which degenerates the Dao Heart!

Before they were alive, they were powerful and unparalleled gods. After death, they turned into dead spirit bodies who only knew killing and bloodthirsty.

At this moment, these turbid spirits obviously sensed the strange fluctuations released by the Cangwu seedlings, and rushed towards them crazily.

Their speed is very fast, and their time and space teleportation is not inferior to any existence in the spiritual state of holes.


Without any hesitation, Chen Xi raised his hand to grab Tie Yunping, and disappeared in the same place in an instant. Before he figured out the situation on Zhuo Ling Planet, he didn't want to fight head-on with these Zhuo Ling.

But very soon, Chen Xi discovered that these turbid spirits seemed to be psychic, chasing them all the way, and in the process, new turbid spirits continued to join in, and soon there were no less than a hundred of them!

This made Chen Xi squint his eyes, and immediately realized that he had overlooked a problem. These turbid spirits were all attracted by the Cangwu seedlings.

Without any hesitation, with a wave of his sleeve robe, he immediately put away the Cangwu seedlings and hid them in his body. At the same time, he cast the secret pattern of the forbidden path to cover the energy of his whole body.

Sure enough, not long after, these turbid spirits seemed to have lost their target and became dazed. They stood in place and became restless for a while, but they were no longer able to chase and lock on to Chen Xi.

"I didn't expect that the Cangwu seedlings used the Abi turbidity as nourishment, and these turbid spirits also regarded it as an enemy. In this case, once I sacrifice the Cangwu seedlings, I am afraid that it will attract a steady stream of turbid spirits. attacked..."

Chen Xi frowned. No matter how powerful he was, he still couldn't hold back wave after wave of attacks from the turbid spirits, especially the strength of each of these turbid spirits was comparable to the existence of the Hollow Spiritual God Realm.

Immediately, Chen Xi's frown relaxed, and he suddenly thought of a brilliant idea.

However, before putting it into practice, he had to figure out the situation on Zhuo Lingxing to prevent any accidents during the action.

"Too bad, I actually forgot that this girl is still powerless to resist the attack of Abi's turbid air." Chen Xi turned his head and glanced, and saw that without the protection of the Cangwu seedlings, Tie Yunping's condition suddenly became worse.

Her small pale face was filled with black air, her eyes were dazed, lifeless, and her whole body was trembling slightly, as if she was having a nightmare, but she couldn't wake up.

Chen Xi didn't dare to hesitate, he reached out and grabbed Tie Yunping's hand, and used a lot of divine power to help her neutralize the Abi's turbidity that had invaded his body in one fell swoop, until the other person's expression returned to normal, then he secretly breathed a sigh of relief .

This turbid spirit star is indeed too dangerous, and any negligence may cause immeasurable consequences.


ps: before 6 pm for the second update.Today is the goldfish's birthday, ask for a monthly ticket~~

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