divine talisman

Chapter 1620

Tie Yunping was a little weak, even though Chen Xi had helped her get rid of the turbid Qi in her body, the damage caused by her soul and dao heart could not be repaired for a while.

Chen Xi couldn't help feeling a little worried, and said, "Should we find a place to recuperate first?"

Tie Yunping shook her head stubbornly and said: "No need, senior, let's hurry up and act. Anyway, I can't help much anymore. If we delay the time, it will be an unforgivable crime."

Chen Xi patted her on the shoulder as a sign of comfort, and didn't say much. He knew that this girl was very strong. Once she made a decision, she would never change her mind. This was very similar to when he was young, the same Stubborn and persistent.


Without saying much, Chen Xi used his divine power to prop up a light curtain made up of dense runes, covering himself and Tie Yunping within it.

Then with a bang, the two disappeared in place.


The Turbid Spirit Star is very big, much bigger than the Gui Ming Star, and it is comparable to the scope of ten big worlds.

To be careful, in order to avoid being noticed by those turbid spirits, Chen Xi simultaneously cast the forbidden path secret patterns to completely cover his own Tie Yunping's aura, and only then began to carefully investigate the situation on the turbid spirit planet.

The planet, the sky and the earth, are filled with thick black Abi turbidity, and even the mountains, rivers and lakes covering the surface are also filled with astonishing Abi turbidity.

Moreover, Chen Xi discovered that the farther he traveled to the east of the turbid spirit star, the stronger the turbid air of Abi became. From a distance, it seemed to be covered with a thick layer of black haze, making it hard to see everything inside.

"It seems that if the Abi Zhuojian is hidden on this Zhuoling Star, it must be hidden somewhere in the east..."

While flying away, Chen Xi deduced. Along the way, with his powerful and unparalleled thoughts, he also discovered many turbid spirits, tens of thousands, a huge number, shocking.

These turbid spirits are like walking corpses, walking aimlessly in the thick black mist, their breath is dead and cold, extremely frightening.

But their sense of smell and perception were extremely keen. Chen Xi had done a test before, and once they got close to within a hundred miles of them, they would be instantly aware of it, and even the forbidden path secret pattern would be useless.

"Since these boundless years, how many gods have fallen here, reduced to a lifeless chaotic spirit?"

"Are they all here to subdue that Abi Zhuo Sword?"

The more he understood, the more astonished Chen Xi became. It was hard to imagine how many gods' souls were buried on this turbid spirit planet.

Suddenly, there was a violent roar in the black mist in the distance.

"Anyone fighting?"

Chen Xi's heart trembled, and a ray of cold divine light suddenly burst out from his eyes, and the aura in his whole body suddenly became extremely chilling.

Immediately, a strange smile appeared on the corner of his lips, "It's really a narrow road to the enemy."


In the distance billowing black mist.

More than a dozen figures gathered together, sacrificed all kinds of divine treasures, performed various supreme methods, and released terrifying and monstrous divine brilliance.

In this line, there are Yi Xun and Yi Tian of the Dayi Clan. Obviously, they all come from the Dayi Clan, and now they gather here to hunt more targets, in order to hit the ranking on the hunting list.

Around them, densely packed turbid spirits are constantly coming in like a tide. These turbid spirits are so powerful that they can perform various Taoism techniques, and their power cannot be underestimated.

However, the Taoism of these turbid spirits is full of evil, gloomy, and sinful atmosphere, which is particularly terrifying.

But no matter how tyrannical he was, it would be a bit of a disadvantage to meet the disciples of the Dayi family who had achieved extraordinary accomplishments in the way of archery.

Chi la!Chi la!Chi la!

A series of blazing and dazzling divine arrows pierced through the air, piercing through the bodies of those turbid spirits before they approached, the divine brilliance exploded, and the corpses were smashed to pieces.

"Other team leaders, please pay attention, you are only allowed to seriously injure the opponent, and leave the rest to the participating disciples to deal with!" Yi Xun reminded others through voice transmission.


Everyone responded in unison, with momentum like a rainbow.

With Yi Xun's guards, even if they are surrounded here now, they have no fear in their hearts, but are extremely excited.

Because what they urgently need right now is to hunt and kill the target, and these turbid spirits came to their door on their own initiative, so they might not be happy and excited.

"Young Master Yixun, why don't we, the team leaders, compare and see who has the most wounded spirits?" someone shouted.

When the other team leaders heard the words, they were all excited, gearing up and eager to try.

"Why not? Then let's start!" Yi Xun laughed loudly, with great enthusiasm, he bent his bow and set up an arrow, and in an instant, he shot thousands of blazing arrows in succession, whistling away, looking extremely overbearing and powerful.


Almost at the same time, the other team leaders also made their moves one after another, and the divine arrow pierced through the air, sending out a sharp air explosion, piercing through time and space in all directions.

These children are all the elites of the Dayi clan, all of them are excellent archers, and they have been able to persevere in the Star Hunting Conference until now, and they have set foot on this turbid spirit star, which has already proved that their strength is extraordinary comparable.

At this moment, hunting those turbid spirits together, the scene is also extremely spectacular, but seeing the divine arrows piercing the sky, like thousands of divine rainbows soaring into the sky, it is really gorgeous and colorful.

In just one cup of tea time, the turbid spirits in the field were almost swept away, and even the black mist that shrouded the sky and the ground was dispelled a lot, exposing the pitch-black and cracked earth.

It can be clearly seen that piles of corpses and broken bones are scattered on the ground, and those are all left after the turbid spirit was killed.

"It's still the second young master who is so powerful that one of them seriously injured more than 80 turbid spirits!"

"That's right, we are far inferior to the Second Young Master alone."

Everyone praised it one after another.

Yi Xun smiled slightly, noncommittal.

Immediately, he frowned, and noticed that everyone around him was a little short of breath, obviously exhausted a lot of physical strength in the round of battle just now.

"Second brother, at this speed, before the conference ends, our ranking may surpass that official Hong Yu, right?" Yi Tian said excitedly.

This kind of killing was so exhilarating that he finally understood why Yi Xun insisted on bringing them here.

"It's hard to say." Yi Xun shook his head, not daring to underestimate Guan Hong Yu, but he knew very well how powerful the other party was, and he was not inferior to him at all.

"Second brother, why don't we go find some turbid spirits to hunt?" Yi Tian said excitedly, licking the corners of his lips.

"No, everyone has exhausted a lot of physical strength. We must first find a place to recuperate. Otherwise, if we continue to consume like this, if we encounter any danger, the consequences will be unimaginable." Yi Xun refused without thinking.

You can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, and if you rush anything, it may cause many unbearable consequences.

Hearing Yi Xun's words, Yi Tian couldn't help being a little bit unwilling, but he also knew that what the second brother said was the safest course of action.

But immediately, his eyes lit up, and he pointed excitedly into the distance and said, "Second brother, look, there are many turbid spirits approaching us!"

Without his reminding, Yi Xun and others have also noticed this scene.

"Huh? There are also a group of turbid spirits coming over there!"

"Rear! Behind us, a group of turbid spirits also appeared!"

"Damn, we seem to be surrounded!"

In an instant, everyone was keenly aware that many turbid spirits suddenly came from all directions, and they all rushed towards themselves.

That number is at least as many as a thousand!

All of a sudden, Yitian seemed to be poured cold water, the excitement in his heart disappeared, and he felt a little cold.

How is this going?

The faces of the others were also confused, and some were confused. Could this be caused by the battle just now?But the number is too much, right?

"We can't delay any longer, do it, and kill a way out!"

Yi Xun's face was serious, and he shouted loudly. He knew very well that once they were besieged, the consequences would be unimaginable.


The battle broke out again, and under the leadership of Yi Xun, the crowd continued to attack along a straight line.

Compared with before, they are all in a heavy mood at this moment, without any excitement, and their only thought is to break out of the encirclement first.

All of a sudden, divine arrows pierced through the air in this area of ​​heaven and earth, divine light flowed, broken limbs and arms fluttered, and one after another turbid spirits were bombarded and killed on the spot, creating chaos.

After half an hour.

Seeing that he was about to break out of the encirclement, but what made Yi Xun terrified was that a dense swarm of turbid spirits surged from a distant direction again, like a school of sharks smelling blood, and rushed towards them frantically, with a fearless look on their faces. appearance.

Yi Xun was furious in his heart, but his movements were not slow, and he continued to charge forward.

But he has clearly noticed that with the passage of time, the divine power of the people around him is constantly being consumed, and many disciples of the True God Dongwei are panting and their physical strength is about to run out.

If this continues, it won't take long, even if they are not killed by Zhuo Ling, they will lose due to exhaustion of physical strength!

This made Yi Xun's face even more gloomy. He raised his head suddenly, trying to find a way out of the sky, but the result made his face darken again. The spirit figure is full.

"Second brother, what's going on? I can't hold on anymore!" Yitian's face was full of shock and anger, and he shouted loudly, feeling panic.

Although the others didn't speak, a trace of panic and uneasiness began to spread in their hearts. This scene is too weird!

"To shut up!"

Yi Xun was so angry that he scolded Yi Tian, ​​and immediately said sharply, "Let's charge together, hold on, they are just a bunch of brainless ghosts, don't let this mess up!"

Everyone didn't dare to say more, they all restrained their minds and rushed to kill with all their strength.

But what made them desperate was that they hadn't been able to break out of the encirclement after a full stick of incense!Those turbid spirits seem to be endless, no matter how much you kill them, you can't kill them all!

what on earth is it?

There was unstoppable fear in everyone's hearts, this turbid spirit star is too evil...

"No! Someone is plotting against us!"

Suddenly, Yi Xun turned his head and looked to one side and one direction, his eyes opened and closed with a cold light, which was breathtaking, "Sneaky things, still haven't shown up!?"

As he spoke, he suddenly bent his bow and set his arrow, and with a bang, he shot out a golden arrow, tearing apart time and space, and whistling away.


ps: I had a sudden severe pain in my wrist this afternoon. I asked the doctor about the initial tenosynovitis, commonly known as inflammation caused by mouse hands. The pain was so painful that I wanted to chop my hands!It’s not that there will be no updates, there will be a third update tonight, but the speed will definitely be affected, please understand~

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