divine talisman

Chapter 1621 1 pot end

Yi Xun shot out in anger, the power of the divine arrow tore a long crack in time and space, and the turbid spirits that had been standing near the crack were all pierced through by the arrow.


In the end, this divine arrow exploded in the void thousands of miles away, bursting out hundreds of millions of shattered divine light, filling the sky and the earth, extremely dazzling.

Almost at the same moment, everyone suddenly saw a tall figure flashing out of it.

The man was wearing a green shirt, with thick long hair flying in the air, and a handsome face, it was Chen Xun!

In an instant, all the disciples of the Dayi clan understood that what they experienced just now was indeed caused by someone behind the scenes.

And the culprit is exactly this Chen Xun!

All of a sudden, their faces became extremely ugly, and they didn't expect that they fell into the schemes of others without knowing it.

If Yi Xun hadn't discovered it in time, they would have thought that those turbid spirits that appeared like thousands of horses and horses were just accidental encounters.

"Kill! You must kill this damn thing!" Everyone was furious, hating Chen Xi to the core, roaring angrily, and rushed towards Chen Xi.

"Oops!" Yi Xun's face changed suddenly, and he shouted sharply, "Are you looking for death, get out of here and act together, anyone who dares to leave the team without authorization will be severely punished!"

He is very clear that under the siege of this army of turbid spirits, once they disperse, it is absolutely no different from courting death.

When everyone heard the words, their minds were cleared up immediately, they got rid of their anger, did not dare to act without authorization, and gathered around Yi Xun again.

But they were extremely unwilling in their hearts. Looking at Chen Xi in the distance, it was as if he had eaten a dead fly, not to mention how uncomfortable it was.

Now, they can only vent their frustration and anger on the chaotic spirit who keeps rushing up.


In the army of turbid spirits in the distance, Chen Xi's figure kept flickering, and after using the secret pattern of the way of heaven, his whole body's aura was completely covered. Even if he was close at hand, if he didn't pay attention, he couldn't lock his aura at all.

In addition, he kept using the method of teleportation, and even if he was noticed, he would disappear in an instant, making those turbid spirits helpless.

And in the process, from time to time, he would use his means to release the aura of Cangwu seedlings one after another, like bait, attracting a steady stream of turbid spirits coming here from all directions.

The purpose of doing this is of course very simple, it is to take this opportunity, with the help of Zhuo Ling's power, to get rid of these Dayi's children in one go!


"No! How could that kid be safe and sound?" Yitian suddenly exclaimed.

The people who were fighting with all their strength also immediately noticed that the figure of Chen Xi in the distance was flickering frequently in the densely packed army of turbid spirits, but from the beginning to the end, he did not suffer any attack.

This made them both surprised and puzzled, why is that kid so lucky, but they have to suffer from the constant rush of these turbid spirits?

Is there any mystery in this?

"No matter what, concentrate first and break out of the siege!" Yi Xun's face was gloomy, and his voice seemed to be squeezed out of his teeth.

But what made them desperate was that no matter how hard they rushed, the turbid spirit seemed to be inexhaustible, and their physical strength was constantly being consumed in the process, and many children were on the verge of exhaustion...


Suddenly, a disciple screamed and was approached by a turbid spirit, his entire right arm was scratched to pieces. If the oracle he carried with him hadn't exploded on his own, forcing him to move and eliminate him, his head would have been almost broken .



Everyone was frightened and angry, grief and indignation intermingled, but there was nothing they could do, because there were so many turbid spirits that they couldn't be killed.

At this moment, even Yi Xun couldn't help but feel powerless in his heart, his eyes were tearing apart with hatred, and he was speechless to the sky.

After a while.

Another student was eliminated due to lack of physical strength.

This is like a fuse. In the next incense stick, disciples will be eliminated one after another.

With Yi Xun's ability, he can only protect Yi Tian, ​​as for the other disciples, he has no energy to care about them anymore.

Another quarter of an hour passed.

Only Yi Xun and Yi Tian were left in the field, and the other children of the Dayi clan were all eliminated.

This kind of serious loss directly stimulated Yi Xun to go crazy, his face was livid to the extreme, and a guy who appeared out of nowhere forced them into such a miserable situation, all of which made Yi Xun's heart thump Blood, hated Chen Xi to the extreme.

"Damn! Damn—!!" Next to him, Yi Tian's eyes were reddened by the same irritation, and he couldn't help but hissed.

"When you attacked me back then, did you ever think that this day would come?"

Suddenly, Chen Xi's indifferent and calm voice came from a distance, it was so ear-piercing that both Yi Xun and Yi Tian hated it to the point of gnashing their teeth.

"Comparatively speaking, I have been kind enough, at least I didn't take the initiative to attack you, otherwise, do you think you can persist until now?"

Standing in the distance, Chen Xi looked at Yi Xun and Yi Tian, ​​who were besieged by the army of Zhuo Ling, who were in a state of distress. His expressions were calm and calm.

He will never forget how unbearable and embarrassing these Dayi disciples made him when he was in the Land of Doom.

He will never forget that in this Star Hunting Conference, the other party sniped and killed him again and again.

And now, it's time for him to take revenge!

As for whether this would completely offend the Dayi clan, Chen Xi never considered this question at all, because this question had an answer as early as in the Realm of Doom.

"Very well, I remember you. After the Star Hunting Conference is over, I will tell you with my actions how serious the consequences of offending me, the Dayi Clan, are!"

That Yixun suddenly took a deep breath, and the sullen look on his face disappeared, replaced by a determination and coldness, his voice paused every word, every word was like a knife, chilling and ruthless.

With that said, he turned his head and looked at Yitian beside him: "Let's leave!"

"Leave?" Yi Tian was stunned.

However, Yi Xun stopped explaining, raised his hand and took out a piece of oracle, and exerted force with his palm. With a bang, light and rain flew, and a force of time and space emerged, directly moving Yi Xun out of the game.

In other words, at this moment, he chose to get out of the game on his own initiative!

It can be seen that if he hadn't known that there was no hope of breaking out of the siege, Yi Xun would definitely not have done so.

"Second brother!" Seeing this, Yitian finally understood, he was shocked and angry, but in the end, all of this turned into extreme unwillingness and panic, and subconsciously, he also crushed the oracle and chose to take the initiative out of the game .

So far, all the children of the Dayi clan who participated in the Star Hunting Conference have been eliminated!

This point is very similar to the Lingzhen Daoist Temple where Xuan Tuozi was located, and also offended Chen Xi, and ended up with such a consequence that the entire army was wiped out.

Far away, Chen Xi witnessed all of this, and there was no disturbance in his expression. He was silent for a long time, and finally shook his head, drifting away.


That night, when the hunting list appeared on the sky, and after seeing all the names of Dayi's children disappear without a trace, another commotion was caused.

Before, Xuan Tuozi and other Lingzhen Taoist disciples were eliminated from the competition, which already made people feel surprised and shocked.

Now, less than two days have passed, the children of the Dayi family headed by Yi Xun have repeated the same mistakes and were all eliminated. It was like a thunder resounding in their ears, and everyone who was paying attention to this hunting was a little afraid. confidence.

This is too shocking!

You know, Xiao Ruoruo, guarded by Xuan Tuozi, and Yi Tian, ​​guarded by Yi Xun, are both the most popular candidates to win the championship, but now, before the Star Hunting Conference ended, they were actually eliminated!

Who did all this?

People are curious, and a name pops up in their minds unconsciously——Chen Xun!

Because the last time Xuan Tuozi and others were eliminated, it was this strange young man alone. Now that Yi Xun and others were eliminated, people subconsciously remembered this name.

"It's this Chen Xun again!" In the starry sky, someone sullenly yelled, it was Yi Wen, an elder from the Dayi Clan, his face was gloomy, his eyes were about to burst into flames, and he looked extremely angry.

The other big shots couldn't calm down, they were all sure that the elimination of Yi Xun and others was caused by Chen Xun, but they still couldn't imagine how this little guy managed to get to this point.

"This little guy is really ruthless. He has offended many people by making such a fuss." Someone muttered.

The other big shots were also wondering, yes, if Chen Xun went on like this, it would be tantamount to completely offending the Lingzhen Taoist Temple and the Dayi clan. Isn't he worried about being settled by Qiuhou?

Of course, they decided not to say these words. On the one hand, it was because of Empress Yu Che's power, and on the other hand, if they said it, they would appear too imposing, although this was all tacitly.


Under the darkness of night, a sword chant suddenly resounded through Zhou Yu, it was dull and low, exuding a sinister and terrifying aura.

The hearts of all the important figures present were shuddered, and the Abi Zhuo Sword was activated again!

Almost at the same time, Empress Yu Che, who had been silent all this time, also sacrificed the Litian Divine Sword, and with a light wave of her bare hand, the sword energy rose into the air, blooming with immeasurable light.

As usual, the two innate treasures clashed again in the starry night sky.

But Chen Xi on the Turbid Spirit Star saw a different scene from the past. In the east of the Turbid Spirit Star, a gray divine sword spewed out. It was shrouded in billowing black mist, and the sword intent was like dense purgatory. Breathtaking!

Chen Xi narrowed his eyes, and he was convinced that it must be the Abi Zhuojian, because just looking over it made him feel a complete coldness from the inside out, and even the eternal divine fire in his soul seemed to be extinguished !

This surprised Chen Xi, he quickly collected his mind, and didn't dare to look over, the aura of this kind of vicious soldiers was too frightening, he couldn't resist it now.


But at this moment, the Cangwu seedlings that Chen Xi had collected into Zhouyu's body suddenly became agitated at this moment, producing a terrifying wave, as if they were about to rush out of the body and head towards the extreme distance. A Bizhuo sword rushed forward.


ps: The third one is delivered, my hand hurts badly, and it will explode again in the next day. In addition, although I didn’t receive many monthly tickets for my birthday today, I have received blessings from many friends. Thank you everyone.

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