divine talisman

Chapter 1622 The last day

Chen Xi was shocked, and almost subconsciously used all his power to suppress Cangwu Miaomiao's restlessness.

The Cangwu seedlings seemed to be extremely unwilling, and there was a burst of rapid fluctuations, as if expressing their dissatisfaction.

But how dare Chen Xi let it show up, once he is targeted by that Abizhuo sword, he will be the first to suffer!


At this very instant, an incomparably sharp aura swept over, piercing Chen Xi's soul like needles, and he couldn't help trembling all over his body.

Horrible scenes such as the sea of ​​purgatory blood, piles of god corpses, and soaring rage emerged in his mind, as if he wanted to capture his Dao Xin will and fall completely.

not good!

Still being targeted by that Abi Zhuojian!

Chen Xi was so terrified that his bones were terribly frightened, and his ghosts froze. At this extremely critical moment, he bit the tip of his tongue fiercely, and let out a grand voice in his heart, with a bang, to drive away all those visions and distracting thoughts.

Then, he didn't have time to think about it at all, he embraced the essence and kept the one, his heart condensed and released, concentrated all his thoughts on the Taoist heart, meditated on himself, and used the power of the divine way to strengthen the defense, and entered a kind of drowsy and quiet state. In a strange situation.

This is a means of sealing the six senses and isolating external objects, in order to keep the Dao heart from falling.



Chen Xi didn't notice it at all, but at the moment when he closed his six senses, suddenly, a dull and muddy sword chant resounded, and almost at the same time, a terrifying and incomparable sword aura crushed towards him. Come.

Along the way, the Abi's turbid air shrouded in the sky and the earth retreated one after another, and the turbid spirits all over it didn't even have time to dodge, but they were completely crushed by the coercion of this sword air, and they had no power to resist.

If you look down from the sky, you can clearly see that in the east of the turbid spirit star, a gray sword energy swept across, crushing a terrible crack along the way, spreading at an incredible speed, and the target was directly at the hiding place. Chen Xi in a deep mountain!

If he was hit by this sword, with Chen Xi's current state, he would definitely die right away.


At this moment of urgency, a smear of clear sword aura appeared across the sky, and with a bang, the gray sword aura was forcibly pulverized, and the light and rain flew down. thing.

Immediately, a dull and turbid sword chant resounded again, but compared to before, it revealed a smell of anger.

But soon, this sword chant was submerged, because at this moment, hundreds of millions of clear sword energy descended from the sky again, like a violent storm, almost covering the entire eastern area of ​​the turbid spirit star.


The sword qi surged, and the blazing sword qi shattered and shattered the night sky, and the light burst out, illuminating the nine heavens and the ten earths.

It was not until a long time before it all ended.


In the starry sky, Empress Yu Che wore a fiery red phoenix robe, her face was covered with a red veil, her slender figure stood proudly alone, and a strange gleam appeared in her pair of clear eyes.

The Litian Divine Sword in her hand was already silent, but she seemed to have fallen into silence, with a lingering sense of surprise lingering between a pair of black as ink black eyebrows.

"This time the battle seems... to end earlier than usual?" A big man frowned, keenly noticing that this confrontation tonight was a bit unusual.

As soon as these words came out, the other big figures immediately came to their senses, and they also realized that the previous situation of being evenly matched seemed to have been broken.

"My lord empress, it seems to be..." the old man Yun Qing frowned and said in a low voice.

"That's right, in the duel just now, something should have distracted Abi Zhuojian's will." Empress Yu Che said.

"Oh?" Yunqing narrowed his eyes, and suddenly realized that this might be a turning point for subduing Abi Zhuojian!

"Wait and see, there are still three days left before the end date, if you can seize one of the chances, maybe this time you can really..."

He didn't finish his sentence, but Yun Qing already understood Empress Yu Che's meaning.

"My lord empress, do you want me to check it out?"

"No, if you go, you will only startle the snake, and make the Abizhuo sword fall into silence again. If you want to subdue it at that time, you don't know how many years you will have to wait."

Empress Yu Che's clear eyes were filled with wisdom-like brilliance, she paused, and she suddenly said via voice transmission, "Pay more attention to that Chen Xun."

Chen Xun?

Yun Qing narrowed his eyes, then nodded silently.


Early the next morning.

Chen Xi opened his eyes. Thinking of everything that happened last night, a trace of shock still remained in his heart.

The situation at that time was really too scary, if he hadn't acted in time, he would almost have been taken away by that Abi Zhuo sword!

And once the Dao Heart falls, it will be no different from those turbid spirits who are like dead things.

"It seems that the existence of the Cangwu seedling also made that Abi Zhuojian feel threatened, otherwise he would never have taken the initiative to target me..."

Chen Xi pondered. He was very clear that Cangwu Miaomiao regarded Abi Zhuoqi as nourishment for self-transformation, which was destined to be unbearable for Abi Zhuojian.

"From now on, we must take strict precautions at night, and such things must never happen again!" Chen Xi made a decision.

Immediately, he flashed his figure and left the place.

There are less than three days left before the end of the Star Hunting Conference, and Tie Yunping's ranking is still around No.40.

So, it's time to take action!

After all, Chen Xi had already promised her that he would help her rank among the top ten.


Between the gray sky and the earth, there is a thick layer of turbid air, which is so cloudy that you can't see your fingers when you stretch out your hands.

Suddenly, a ray of emerald-like divine luster emerged like an elf, flickering in the gray mist.

It was like a wisp of blood, which was soon smelled by the nearby turbid spirits, and the next moment, there were bursts of sharp piercing sounds in the mist.


The smog in this world is violently rolling, and at least 40 turbid spirits have charged from all directions.

But just after they arrived, that ray of verdant divine luster suddenly disappeared and could no longer be felt.

This made them bewildered, and they were a little caught off guard.


At this moment, a wisp of sword energy suddenly appeared out of nowhere, it seemed mysterious and abrupt, and with a puff, it cut open the chest cavity of a turbid spirit, and fell to the ground with a bang.

All of a sudden, the group of turbid spirits became restless and furious, but no matter how they perceived it, they couldn't find where the enemy was.

This made them confused again, like a flock of stupid geese, standing in place, looking especially pitiful.

The reason is that although they have combat power comparable to that of Dongguang Lingshen, their minds have long been corroded and infiltrated by the turbidity of the nose, and they are no longer living creatures. When they cannot perceive the enemy, they will not act like ascetics at all. Should have the ability to change.


Soon, another burst of sword energy emerged, and it did the same thing to a Zhuo Ling who couldn't dodge it. His chest was cut open, and he fell to the ground.

Those turbid spirits finally realized that something was wrong, and out of their instinct for danger, they began to flee far away to leave this weird place.

But it was already too late, and at the next moment, one after another of sword energy was like dense meteors, tearing time and space and whistling, covering the whole world.

puff puff~~

All of a sudden, there was chaos in the arena, the muffled sound of sword qi breaking through the body one after another, and all kinds of gods flowed, like bright fireworks bursting, gorgeous and dazzling.

In just a moment, all this was over, and all the turbid spirits in the field had their chests cut open, and they lay on the ground in disorder.


The void fluctuated, and Chen Xi's tall and tall figure appeared, and on the other side, Tie Yunping also followed. As soon as he appeared, he took the indigo sword and smashed the heads of the turbid spirits on the ground. Skillful and precise.

This was already the third batch of turbid spirits she had killed today, because Chen Xi had shot first to seriously injure these turbid spirits, and when she killed them again, it was simply easier than killing chickens and monkeys, so she would not encounter any danger.

"Let's go, within a radius of [-] miles, there is no longer aura of turbid spirits. We need to change places."

When Tie Yunping finished all this, Chen Xi had already explored the surrounding environment, and planned to take Tie Yunping to change places.

Tie Yunping obeyed Chen Xi's decision.

Without any hesitation, the two of them walked away.


Until nightfall was about to fall, Chen Xi and Tie Yunping worked together to kill nine batches of turbid spirits, a total of 320 three.

This is definitely a dazzling achievement.

But for Tie Yunping, she felt a little numb, because during this process, all the dangers had been resolved by Chen Xi, and all the prey had been settled by Chen Xi, and what she did was to make up for the last One sword, sending the prey on the road, does not have much sense of honor at all.

But she also knew that Chen Xi did all this for herself, and the gratitude in her heart could no longer be described in words.

Even she had already made up her mind that if Chen Xi had any demands in the future, even if she went through fire and water and risked her life, she would never frown!

And for Chen Xi, he couldn't be proud of today's killing, because it was all a coincidence.

Because he first used the aura of Cangwu seedlings to lure Lai Zhuoling, and then he used the secret pattern of the forbidden path to cover the aura of his whole body, like an assassin hiding in the dark, and finally he used the most secretive and ruthless "return to return" to hunt down the opponent , since the whole process has never been fought head-on, it is naturally effortless at all.

What really attracted Chen Xi's attention was the changes of the Cangwu seedlings. During this day, the Cangwu seedlings had also been absorbing the turbid Qi in this world. It also became more and more thick and pure.

Even, today's Cangwu seedlings can fully replenish nearly half of Chen Xi's consumption of divine power, and there is no need for Chen Xi to consume too much divine crystal.

Until night fell, Chen Xi took Tie Yunping into hiding without any hesitation, and then directly suppressed the breath of the Cangwu seedlings, and then sealed off his six senses, and fell into a deep meditation.

In doing so, he was also worried about repeating the thrilling scene last night.

And Tie Yunping also started to meditate, and with Chen Xi around, she no longer worried about the dangers that might exist nearby.

Neither of them knew that the moment the hunting list appeared tonight, it caused an uproar like a thunderbolt!


ps: Thank you Tiger and Yaunbaotu for your reward~~Thank you, the second update will be before 11:[-].

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