divine talisman

Chapter 1623 1 Road to the East

"Look, what's the change in today's ranking?"

"Fortunately, Su Wan'er, who is ranked number one, is still there. With the previous two incidents where Xiao Ruoruo and Yi Tian were eliminated, I am really worried that Su Wan'er will also provoke that evil star, Chen Xun."

"Yeah, that guy is indeed a evil star, and anyone who meets him will be unlucky."

"Huh? Why is there no Tie Yunping's name in the forty position? Could it be that she and her team leader Chen Xun finally mentioned the iron plate and were eliminated?"

"Idiot! Didn't you see that Tie Yunping is ranked No. 20!"

"21? God! It's only been a day, and she has jumped up to nearly twenty places?"

"Pervert! This must have been written by that Chen Xun!"

When the familiar hunting list spread out in the night, it immediately attracted the attention of ascetics from all walks of life.

When seeing Su Wan'er still maintaining the No. 40 position, many people unconsciously breathed a sigh of relief, and when they saw Tie Yunping's ranking jump from No. 20 to No. [-], it immediately caused countless uproars .

As we all know, the higher the ranking, the fiercer the competition, especially in the top [-], every step up is hard to reach the sky.

But in such a severe and cruel situation, Tie Yunping's name is like a rising star, occupying the No.20 place, how is this not surprising?

"How on earth did she do it?"

"This question should be asked to Chen Xun. I have paid attention to it. One day ago, Tie Yunping hunted 370 spirit beasts, but now, it has reached 690. In other words, within a day, She killed 320 three spirit beasts!"

"Three heads at 320, that is comparable to more than 300 Dongguang Spiritual God Realm existences, so how did Chen Xun do it?"

"Unbelievable, beyond imagination!"

"Continuing at this speed, I'm afraid that Tie Yunping's ranking may still be among the top ten when the Star Hunting Conference ends in two days' time!"

People were talking about it, and Chen Xi and Tie Yunping seemed to be the topics they liked to talk about.

Even those big figures in the starry sky were so shocked that their jaws almost dropped when they witnessed this scene, and they couldn't calm down for a long time.

If it were a Dongyu ancestor god who did this, they wouldn't feel much at all, but when all this happened to a Dongguang spirit god, it seemed too unusual, even a little unbelievable!

Where did that kid come from? How could he be so perverted?

This doubt has been lingering in the hearts of these big shots these days, but it seems so strong at this moment that they cannot maintain their composure.

Only Empress Yu Che and Yun Qing focused their attention on Zhuo Ling Star, waiting for the A Bi Zhuo Sword to appear.

As expected, it didn't take long for Abi Zhuojian to release his sword energy again, flying across the sky, trying to cut off the hunting list spread out on the sky.

Empress Yu Che did not hesitate to strike and sacrificed the Litian Divine Sword. But to her surprise, there were no surprises during the night, and the battle finally ended with a close match.

This made Empress Yu Che a little puzzled. Could it be that the slight turning point that occurred last night has already disappeared?

Or, is there something else hidden in it?

Yun Qing also couldn't figure it out, frowning and pondering.

"Continue to pay attention. According to the deduction of the big man I got in the imperial domain before, this time is the best time to surrender the Abi Zhuojian. Once you miss it, it will be difficult to find such an opportunity in the future."

Empress Yu Che took a deep breath, her fiery red dress fluttered like a red lotus swaying in the night wind, noble, lonely, and proud.

Yun Qing narrowed his eyes suddenly, and finally understood why Empress Yu Che would take advantage of this Star Hunting Conference to surrender that Abi Zhuojian at all costs. It turned out that all of this came from a great figure in the Imperial Domain!

And if anyone in this world is qualified to give advice to Empress Yu Che, it is only those great figures who live in seclusion in the Emperor's Domain.

"How is that Chen Xun doing today?" Empress Yu Che suddenly asked.

The hunting list was suspended in the night sky, and Tie Yunping's ranking was clearly visible, from which one could easily deduce how Chen Xi was performing, and it was obvious that Empress Yu Che was not asking about these.

"This little guy seems to be carrying some kind of strange treasure, and it's hard to lock his aura. Because of this, he has always had an absolute advantage in dealing with those turbid spirits. As for other situations, this old slave is still unable to deduce." Yun Qing sorted out his thoughts and replied in a low voice.

"Is it a strange treasure that covers the whole body's energy? No, if it is like this, it will definitely not attract the attention of Abi Zhuojian. According to my observation, this little guy may have another mystery."

Empress Yu Che was thoughtful, her clear eyes filled with illusory and blurred luster, "Leave aside these things, this little guy's extraordinary background alone is worth your attention."

Pay attention to what, she didn't say, but Yunqing suddenly realized a problem, could it be that the empress has already seen through the origin of that little guy?

"Understood." In the end, Yun Qing nodded and didn't ask too much. Since there are some things that the Empress doesn't say, then he, the slave of God, should not know.


The day came as usual, and there were only two days left before the Star Hunting Conference.

According to the hunting list, as of now, there are only 110 disciples left who have not been eliminated.

And there are less than ten disciples who set foot on the Zhuoling Star, including Chen Xi, Tie Yunping, Guan Hongyu, Su Wan'er and others.

As for the other children, most of them chose to stay outside the hunting area instead of approaching the Turbid Spirit Star out of safety considerations.

After all, with their current rankings, they only need to persist until the end of the conference to get a generous reward.

On Zhuo Lingxing, when daylight came, Chen Xi took Tie Yunping to set off again, climbing mountains and ridges, and shuttling through the thick black mist.

In one morning, Chen Xi repeated his old tricks and took care of three batches of turbid spirits, totaling 93.

Logically speaking, this result is already considered impressive, and it is not too far behind yesterday's performance, but Chen Xi frowned, as if he was not satisfied.

At ten o'clock in the noon, he suddenly stopped, no longer took any action, but raised his eyes and stared towards the east.

He has already carefully deduced it in his mind. According to this speed, although Tie Yunping can be ranked among the top ten when the conference ends, there is no guarantee that Cangwu seedlings can undergo a complete transformation!

This was the real reason why Chen Xi frowned and was dissatisfied.

"Next, let's go to the east and get closer!"

In the end, a flash of determination flashed in Chen Xi's eyes, and he made a decision. Before that, he had been tabooing approaching the East, and was worried that he would be targeted by that Abi Zhuo Sword again.

But obviously, such a conservative tactic has a disadvantage, that is, it is impossible to find an opportunity to transform the Cangwu seedlings.

Tie Yunping was stunned, then nodded and said, "I'll listen to senior."

The experiences of these days have already given her an unreserved blind trust in Chen Xi, so she will never have any doubts or doubts about his decision.

"It might be very dangerous, but don't worry, do everything you can, and I will guarantee that you will persist until the end of the conference." Chen Xi said seriously.

His aura is very keen, and his thoughts are also extremely powerful. He can clearly perceive that the closer he is to the east of the Zhuo Ling star, not only the number of Zhuo Ling will increase, but also the air will begin to have a more penetrating coercion .

It was the aura from Abi Zhuojian. It was gloomy, evil, cold and ruthless, and Chen Xi had to treat it with caution.

Tie Yunping nodded, her pretty face was full of firmness, even if Chen Xi asked her to retire at this time, she would agree without hesitation.

Because she has already sensed that after this hunting operation that lasted for nearly two months, she has transformed and improved too much. Even if she can't get the "Spiritual Soul Shifting Pill", she is confident that she can rely on her own efforts It is enough to step into the cave of light and spirit.

Therefore, at this moment, she no longer has the hunting ranking in her heart.

No more nonsense, once a decision was made, Chen Xi didn't waste any more time, and started to approach the east with all his strength along with Tie Yunping.

On the road, he inevitably encountered wave after wave of turbid spirits, but he couldn't stop Chen Xi from moving forward.

By ten o'clock in the evening, they had hunted down a total of [-] spirit-level beasts. No matter how hard they worked, the results could already be equal to yesterday's.

But Chen Xizhi was not here, he came to look for opportunities to transform Cangwu's seedlings, but unfortunately, until now, he still found nothing.

This is the difficulty of finding opportunities, illusory, seemingly without traces, people can only "bump" luck, but can't explore it concretely.

However, along the way, Chen Xi noticed that as he got deeper and deeper into the eastern region, the turbid air in the air became more and more dense, like a thick liquid, covering the space between the heaven and the earth.

Moreover, the icy cold coercion released by the Abizhuo sword became more and more intense, like a sharp sword hanging above the head, which made people frightened.

Even the fighting power of the Zhuo Ling began to become stronger than before. Each one of them was comparable to the top-level Hollow Spirit Gods. If it wasn't for Chen Xi's forbidden path secret pattern to cover his aura, it would be impossible for him to break into this place so easily. up.

Even so, they still encountered many battles along the way, some of which were inevitable, and some of which were deliberately done by Chen Xi. The purpose was nothing more than to help Tie Yunping improve her ranking, even though the latter didn't care about these for a long time.

This is Chen Xi's principle, he must do what he promised, he does not ask others to be grateful, but he asks himself to have a clear conscience.


After a cup of tea, suddenly, in the extremely thick gray mist in the distance, there was an extremely violent battle fluctuation, disturbing the world, causing the time and space to become distorted and chaotic.

There were also bursts of roaring voices from the turbid spirit, which seemed extremely frightening.

This made Chen Xi's heart tremble, and he became extremely vigilant. He released a wisp of thought and swept away. Soon, he raised his eyebrows and said in surprise, "So it's them."

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