divine talisman

Chapter 1624

The sky was gray, and the dark figures were like swift lightning, whistling and rushing between the heaven and the earth, crushing time and space, causing endless chaos.

These pitch-black figures are all turbid spirits. They are covered with thick black and turbid air, like undead monsters from purgatory, roaring wildly, with hideous faces and extremely frightening.


Guan Hongyu slashed away with a sword, the light of the sword seemed to shoot the sun and startle the rainbow, forcing the more than ten turbid spirits rushing forward to force them back.

At this time, his clothes were blood-stained, his long hair was draped, and the refined aura between his brows was replaced by a cold and murderous aura.

His eyes were stern, and the corners of his lips were tightly pursed. Even though he was surrounded by many things, he was still like a rock on the seabed, which could not be shaken by thousands of currents.

But as time passed, Guan Hongyu's brows were tightly locked, a little dignified.

The reason was that Su Wan'er beside him was severely overstretched, her delicate and soft cheeks were pale and transparent, and her petite body was trembling slightly.

Although she bit her cherry lips tightly from beginning to end and said nothing, Guan Hongyu knew that her Dao heart was suffering a severe impact and was about to be eroded by Abi's turbid air.

This made Guan Hongyu feel a little heavy. The only thing he could do was to try his best to guard Su Wan'er's side, and kill off the turbid spirits that were besieging them like a tide.

"Wan'er, hold on, as long as you hold on till [-] o'clock at dusk tomorrow, all this will come to an end." Guan Hongyu tried his best to make his voice appear relaxed, in order to encourage Su Wan'er beside him.

"Senior brother, I will definitely do it. Don't be distracted by me anymore. If I can achieve today's achievement in this hunt, even if I am eliminated now, I will not be unwilling." Su Wan'er forced a smile, also pretending Relaxed, I don't want Guan Hongyu to worry about himself.

Why doesn't she know that Guan Hongyu's physical strength has also been exhausted so far after fighting on this turbid spirit star?


Another group of turbid spirits rushed forward without fear of death, forcing Guan Hongyu to stop talking, and could only fight with all his strength.

But he was a little anxious in his heart. If this momentum continues, will they be able to persist until the end of tomorrow?


Suddenly, Su Wan'er who was beside her trembled violently, coughing up a mouthful of blood, and her whole body was exhausted to the extreme.

"Wan'er!" Guan Hongyu was shocked, gritted his teeth suddenly, and carried Su Wan'er on his back, "Don't think about it, take out the pill and take it!"


Because of this moment of distraction, a turbid spirit took the opportunity to rush forward, shaking the general Hong Yu so that his body staggered backwards, and his whole body was violently tumbling.

"Brother, be careful!" Seeing this, Su Wan'er couldn't help shouting anxiously.

"I'm fine." Guan Hongyu gritted his teeth, and he did not know what kind of secret technique he had used. His divine light exploded, and he stabilized his body again, forcing back the turbid spirits surrounding him.

But after only one cup of tea, his face gradually turned pale, he was out of breath, and there was a faint sign of being unable to hold on.

There is no way, there are too many of these turbid spirits, and their strength is strong, they are not afraid of death, as if they can't be killed at all, under such circumstances, no matter how amazing Guan Hongyu's combat power is, he can't stand this kind of almost endless consumption battle.

Even if he could be given even a moment to rest, the situation would not have become so serious.


Looking at the dense army of turbid spirits in all directions, Guan Hongyu sighed softly in his heart, is it really going to stop here?

Not reconciled!

Wan'er has always been No.1, how could he be reconciled if he was eliminated from the competition?

What's more, at ten o'clock in the evening tomorrow, when the conference is over, who can give up when they see success in sight?


No matter how resentful and unwilling Guan Hongyu was, those turbid spirits continued to rush towards him without fear of death. Their ruthless appearance made one feel chills all over his body.

"We must persist till night, definitely!" Guan Hongyu yelled frantically in his heart, his eyes were bloodshot.

At this moment, his physical strength has been exhausted, and he is relying entirely on an extremely tenacious will to hold on.

But as time went by, his will couldn't help shaking a bit, and his consciousness even had vague signs.


Suddenly, a terrifying force hit him, knocking Guan Hongyu flying, and Su Wan'er, who was on his back, fell into the distance.

Before their bodies fell to the ground, many turbid spirits were already rushing madly, as if they were going to tear them into pieces.

"Is it really not possible..." No matter how powerful Guan Hongyu was, he couldn't help but feel a tinge of despair in his heart at this moment.

But at this moment, a sword roar suddenly sounded in his ears, like a dragon's chant, like a Taoist cry, at first it was weak, and then suddenly rose high, resounding throughout the nine heavens and ten earths!


Guan Hongyu was stunned, and couldn't help raising his eyes to scan his surroundings, but he was shocked to find that the army of turbid spirits that were madly killing them from all directions, at this moment, was like harvested crops after autumn, falling down one after another.


Guan Hongyu's heart skipped a beat, and he almost couldn't believe his eyes.

"Senior brother, this can't be a hallucination, right?" Su Wan'er's voice sounded like she was dreaming.


The sword howl resounded again, this time, Guan Hongyu finally saw clearly, it was the sword energy descending from the sky!

Sterling, fierce, enveloping billions of laws of divine brilliance, astonishing as a dragon, as fast as lightning, and pouring down like heavy rain, covering the world and tearing the space and time into shocking cracks.

And the turbid spirits in it were instantly submerged by the torrential rain of swords...


Guan Hongyu took a deep breath, his consciousness was completely awakened, and he finally understood that there was a strong person helping him!

He steadied his body abruptly, and when he looked up again, none of the Zhuo Ling army within a radius of ten thousand miles was able to stand up!

Even the pitch-black mist in this world was dispelled.

Then, both Guan Hongyu and Su Wan'er saw a girl holding a divine sword, and her figure moved across the battlefield, chopping the head of the Zhuoling on the ground with one sword after another. The movements were skillful and precise, and it was obviously not the first time she had done this .

This scene made Guan Hongyu's eyes straighten and their heads a little dazed. All this happened so fast that they couldn't react.

"Are you all okay?" At this moment, a calm voice resounded, awakening Guan Hongyu and Su Wan'er.

The two looked back, and saw a tall figure who had appeared nearby at some point, looking at them indifferently.

"Chen Xun?"

A flash of inspiration flashed in Guan Hongyu's mind, and he blurted out.

These days, he also noticed the changes in the rankings on the hunting list, and naturally heard everything about Tie Yunping and Chen Xi.

Combined with Chen Xi's horrific method of beheading the turbid spirits in all directions, Guan Hongyu could tell without thinking, that the other party must be that Chen Xun!

He even remembered that when he signed up to participate in this Star Hunting Conference, he had met Chen Xi once. At that time, out of an intuition, he felt that Chen Xi was extremely unusual, but he still did not expect it , the other party is so unusual.

"That's right, I'm next." Chen Xi nodded.

"It's really you!"

When Su Wan'er heard this name, she was also startled. Immediately, she was a little stunned and a little unbelievable. It turned out that the young man in front of her was the most attention-getting Chen Xun these days!

Chen Xi smiled and didn't explain much.

The reason why he took the initiative to help the two before was because he had no enmity with each other after all, and Chen Xi was not stingy enough to regard the children who participated in the hunting operation as enemies.

"Thank you fellow daoist just now!" Guan Hongyu clasped his fists and said seriously.

"Thank you." Su Wan'er also got off Guan Hongyu's back and bowed in salute.

Before, if it wasn't for Chen Xi's help, they would have been eliminated directly. They are naturally very grateful for this kind of kindness.

"You're welcome, it's just a matter of raising your hands." Chen Xi smiled, then turned around and walked towards Tie Yunping.

There is only a little more than a day left before the end of the conference, and he has not yet found the opportunity to transform the Cangwu seedlings, so he dare not delay any time.

At this time, Tie Yunping had also finished cleaning up the battlefield, and when she saw Chen Xi approaching, she excitedly said: "This time, a total of 230 nine heads were hunted."

The number seems to be rare, but these are existences comparable to cave lights, and their significance is far greater than the number.

"Let's move on." Chen Xi nodded.

Seeing that Chen Xi left just as soon as he said that, Guan Hongyu couldn't help being stunned, and immediately seemed to think of something, and hurriedly said: "Fellow Daoist, wait a minute, after passing through the range of [-] miles from this place, you will find the domain of the Abi Zhuo Sword. Once you get close, it will be like Stepping into the Thunder Pool, the consequences will be disastrous!"

Chen Xi frowned, fell silent for a moment, and said, "Thank you for reminding me, fellow daoist."

While speaking, he continued to move forward with Tie Yunping, not intending to stop there.

This made Guan Hongyu startled again. He stared at Chen Xi for a long time, and finally shook his head with a wry smile. He couldn't understand Chen Xi's behavior.

"Brother, do you think he is going to subdue Abi Zhuojian?" Su Wan'er said suddenly.

Guan Hongyu was startled, shrugged immediately and said: "Who knows, but no matter what, we still owe him a favor, and we must find a chance to repay him in the future."

After a pause, he continued: "Let's go, get out of here first."

Now that their physical strength is seriously overdrawn, it is imperative to rest and recuperate first.

As evening approached, the originally gloomy sky became more and more gloomy, and night was approaching. Guan Hongyu couldn't help but turn his head again, staring at the direction where Chen Xi and Tie Yunping left, with a lot of thoughts in his heart.

What are they... for?


In the starry sky, Empress Yu Che suddenly raised her eyes, her flaming skirt fluttered in the wind, she stared into the distance, took a deep breath, and said slowly: "Yun Qing, everything will end tomorrow evening, tonight This is our last chance to subdue Abi Zhuojian, are you ready?"

"Definitely go all out!" Yun Qing's originally slightly hunched body straightened abruptly, a look of contempt and determination appeared on his old face, and an indescribable aggressiveness suddenly appeared in his whole person.


ps: before 10:[-] in the second update. !!

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