divine talisman

Chapter 1625 Cangwu Shocked Change

The wilderness is boundless, filled with thick black fog.

In the black mist, from time to time there came out one after another of sharp and piercing screams, which were the roars of turbid spirits, like the roars of demons, which made one's heart palpitate.

Chen Xi held a sword in one hand, and Tie Yunping in the other, like a silent flowing rainbow, shuttled through the black mist, and walked forward amidst the roar of the turbid spirit.

All the way east.

Kill all the way.

Where the two of them passed by, corpses of turbid spirits fell to the ground and turned into dust, which could be said to be invincible, like a broken bamboo.

But along the way, Chen Xi's expression gradually became more dignified, his pupils opened and closed with a cold glow, full of vigilance.

They have crossed the [-]-li range that Guan Hongyu said, and entered the domain of Abi Zhuojian.

In this area, there is a heavy murderous aura that is as real as it is, oppressing people's hearts and souls.

The number of turbid spirits began to decrease sharply here, until they became rare and could no longer be found.

Between the heaven and the earth, there are only wisps of Abi turbid air like black divine flames lingering, silent, strange and terrifying.

With Chen Xi's current power, he also felt a heavy pressure at this moment, and a hint of danger quietly lingered in his heart.

He pursed his lips, his handsome face was full of determination, and in the end, regardless of Tie Yunping's objection, he temporarily put her away and hid her in the magic treasure he carried.

Then, he walked alone.

This belongs to the domain of Abi Zhuojian, and there is no trace of Zhuo Ling anymore. If Tie Yunping follows him again, his actions will be hindered instead.

What's more, the number of turbid spirits hunted and killed along the way is already enough, and it is easy to help Tie Yunping rank among the top ten.

Along the way, the Cangwu seedlings that were taken into Zhouyu's body were also constantly absorbing Abi turbidity, and as it got closer to the east, it absorbed more and more Abi turbidity.

To Chen Xi's relief, the transformation speed of the Cangwu seedling was obviously accelerated. If it was just a small sapling with strong stems and green branches and leaves, at this moment, it seemed to have lush branches and leaves, faintly like Lingyun. Potential.

The advantage brought by this is that he has almost a constant source of divine power in his hunting actions along the way, without having to rely on the divine crystal.

With the help of his Dao Xin cultivation at the heart infant level, it is completely possible to continue to fight uninterruptedly.

This is almost no different from when we were in the Three Realms.

The strength of his Dao Heart provided him with extraordinary fighting endurance, and the help of Cangwu Seedlings gave Chen Xi the power to fight non-stop.

With the assistance of the two, Chen Xi was no longer afraid of any stalemate and protracted battles.

Youngsters like Guan Hongyu, faced with the endless siege of the turbid spirit army, were also forced to suffer severe physical exhaustion, and were almost eliminated from the competition.

The reason was the lack of strength for sustained combat, and Chen Xi obviously didn't have to worry about it anymore.

However, this was not the final result of the transformation of the Cangwu seedling, so Chen Xi did not stop his steps.

Cangwu seedlings are just saplings. When it truly becomes the Cangwu sacred tree, that is when it will be the most powerful!

Thinking back to the ancient times, the Cangwu sacred tree that was based in chaos and communicated with the fairy world was a world-leading giant, with immeasurable power, shaking the heavens, comparable to the ant supreme, the chaotic lotus, Fuxi, Nuwa, and the supreme leader. Wait for existence!

As the root of the Cangwu Sacred Tree, once the Cangwu seedlings are successfully transformed, one can imagine what awe-inspiring abilities they will possess.

The atmosphere was dead silent, and the overwhelming murderous intent became more and more intense, which made every inch of Chen Xi's nerves tense up.

His expression was dignified, his eyes vigilant, like a big bow that was fully drawn, ready to deal with the ominous opportunity at any time.

He didn't stop and continued to move forward.

In this vast black world, it seems that he is the only one left, walking alone, so small.

Suddenly, Chen Xi stopped and raised his head to look at the sky.

Calculated according to the time, the night will spread in a quarter of an hour.

But this time, Chen Xi didn't plan to hide anymore, because tomorrow evening, this Star Hunting Conference will end, and by then, even if he wants to stay, it will be impossible.

This also means that if Cangwu seedlings cannot be promoted tonight, there may be no chance tomorrow!

Chen Xi had no idea that, like him, Empress Yu Che also regarded tonight as her last chance to subdue Abi Zhuojian.

The purpose of the two is different, but there seems to be a subtle connection between them.

If Cangwu seedlings want to advance, they cannot do without absorbing Abi turbid air, and the source of Abi turbid air is the Abi turbid sword.

Deduced in this way, in fact, the opportunity Chen Xi was looking for along the way is also inseparably related to the Abi Zhuojian.


A quarter of an hour later.

The black night visible to the naked eye quietly spread.

Chen Xi narrowed his eyes, and finally gritted his teeth, intending to suppress the breath of the Cangwu seedlings like before.

But at this very instant, an unmatched wave of divine nature erupted from his body, making Chen Xi's whole body stiff.

Immediately, the Cangwu seedling rushed up from its body with a crash, causing him to exert all his strength, but he was unable to suppress it!


The next moment, a dense green and clear divine light suddenly shot up into the sky, and the verdant green was about to drip, illuminating the sky, and the figure of the Cangwu seedling was looming in it.

It's just that at this moment, its branches and leaves are as big as a mat, and mysterious and obscure dao patterns emerge in the veins of the leaves, surging chaotic energy, and its trunk is as vigorous as a dragon, reaching up to the sky and descending into the earth, just forming a " The magnificent scene of standing upright".

Looking from a distance, under the gray night, a single Cangwu seedling seems to support the backbone of the entire sky!

At this moment, it seems to be a towering tree, standing forever, supporting the sky and the earth, and looking down upon the heavens.



As soon as the Cangwu seedlings appeared, green and divine chains overflowed from the veins of the leaves, and suddenly spread in all directions.

Like a god's net covering the sky, all the turbid qi floating in the sky and the earth was trapped, absorbed, refined, and turned into nourishment for the Cangwu seedlings along the way.

This scene was extremely magnificent, but it caused Chen Xi's heart to be turbulent. How could it be like this?

Cangwu seedlings escaped uncontrollably, giving him a feeling of being out of control, and this feeling made him faintly uneasy.

But right away, Chen Xi keenly noticed that although the Cangwu seedling left and began to absorb the turbid air from the heaven and the earth on its own, one of its origins was still rooted in the world within his own body, regardless of each other, as if it were one.

This made Chen Xi secretly heave a sigh of relief, and immediately understood that from the moment he obtained the Cangwu seedling in the Xuanhuan Territory, this miraculous treasure has long regarded him as its destination, like blood dissolved in water, destined to be inseparable.

But very soon, Chen Xi's expression suddenly changed, because at this moment, he felt a terrifying and unparalleled cold murderous intent, like the half of a storm, roaring from an extremely far away.

This world began to become gloomy, chilling, gloomy and cold, with a sinful, evil and terrifying power.

Ah Bi Zhuo Sword!

This time, before the "hunting list" appeared on the sky at night, it had been alarmed and released monstrous power.

Chen Xi murmured inwardly, and subconsciously circulated his whole body's divine power, his whole body glowed, and he suddenly rose into the sky, holding his sword and standing in front of the Cangwu seedling.


In the darkness far away, billowing black mist billowed like wolf smoke, and then a gray divine sword emerged in it, releasing coercion that changed the color of the world.

Indeed it is!

Even though there was an unknown distance, Chen Xi still recognized it at a glance. It was the Abi Zhuojian, the number one fierce soldier born in the chaos of the Snow and Ink Region. extreme.


Chen Xi's whole body was terrified, and the breath alone made him suffocate, so he couldn't help but feel a little chilly. If he just confronted it head-on like this, even if he had nine lives, it wouldn't be enough, right?


However, what surprised Chen Xi was that at this moment, the Cangwu seedlings took the initiative to attack, releasing a green divine chain, like a madly dancing divine whip, tearing apart time and space, and covering it far away.


Almost at the same time, the Abizhuo sword suddenly let out a dull and muddy sword cry, and chopped out a gray sword aura.

In just a split second, the world was divided into two halves, one half was filled with terrifying and evil sword energy, and the other half was shrouded in verdant divine light. The scene was horrifying and unimaginable.

Immediately, there was a bang, and two completely different worlds collided with each other. The sword energy was crisscrossed, the divine light overflowed, steamed and boiled, and spread loudly.

Chen Xi only felt that his eardrums were almost shattered, and his Dao heart trembled. Let alone help, he had to do his best to protect himself.

The confrontation of such forces is really too frightening. I am afraid that even the existence of the ancestral gods came here, and they can only back away from it, not daring to show their edge!



"Cangwu Divine Tree!"

"I didn't expect that after so many years, I witnessed the appearance of such a god of heaven and earth again. No wonder that Abi Zhuojian is so violent..."

"I understand, this is the turning point that the big man in the imperial domain said! Yunqing, it's not too late, you help me protect the law!"


In the starry sky, when the Cangwu seedlings appeared across the sky, triggering the Abi Zhuojian to appear in advance, it was also noticed by Empress Yu Che and Yun Qing who had been paying attention to this place at the same time.

All of a sudden, the eyes of both of them burst into bright radiance, showing endless determination in their excitement.

Without any hesitation, Empress Yu Che immediately took action. Unlike in the past, this time, her red dress rolled over, her slender and graceful figure flashed, and she came to the sky, sacrificed the Litian Divine Sword, and with a swish, slashed and go.

This scene surprised all the other great people present. The night had just fallen, and the hunting list hadn't even appeared. Why did the Empress do it in advance?

Immediately, they saw that the moment Empress Yu Che made her move, a brilliant green light suddenly burst out from the deepest part of the Wuwu galaxy, illuminating the night sky of Zhouyu.

Immediately, another turbid and dull sword chant resounded through the sky, shaking the heavens.

This kind of scene is too grand and magnificent, and the expressions of those big figures are stunned. It is hard to imagine how such an unimaginable scene happened tonight.


ps: The second update is here, ask for a monthly pass~~

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