divine talisman

Chapter 1626 Tai Chi Pattern

At this moment, even ascetics scattered on various planets could clearly see a brilliant green light rushing out from the deepest part of the Wuwu galaxy, the light was green and clear, filling the universe starry sky.

Almost at the same time, a cloud of gray sword energy spread rapidly, fighting against it!

Those scenes are too shocking, like an ancient miracle, presented in the universe, so dazzling and magnificent.

And when Empress Yu Che sacrificed the Litian Divine Sword, releasing billions of clear sword radiance, howling above the nine heavens, the situation suddenly became more and more chaotic.

It can be clearly seen that the countless stars in the deepest part of the Wuwu galaxy are trembling violently at this moment, being swept by that shocking duel.

No one expected that such a big commotion would happen just the night before the end of the Star Hunting Conference!

No one paid attention to the hunting list anymore, and everyone's minds were shocked and attracted by the scene in front of them.



The violent roar resounded in the ears, shaking the mind and soul, and the horrific and cold air flow continued to hit, making Chen Xi feel like a leaf of duckweed in the midst of a stormy sea, about to be submerged.

At this moment, with all his strength, he could only prevent himself from being defeated, and fighting back had simply become a luxury.

Chen Xi even suspected that if the Cangwu seedlings hadn't attracted all the attention of the Abi Zhuojian, he might have been crushed to death long ago.

This is unbelievable, a number one ferocious soldier born in the chaos of the Snow Ink Region can cause such terrifying destructive power, it is simply unimaginable.

"I don't know if the Pangu Ax, the number one treasure born in the chaos of the Three Realms, also possesses such terrifying power..."

At this moment, Chen Xi inexplicably remembered the Three Realms, the Pangu Axe, the Big Skynet and the Luobao Copper Coin he was carrying.

It is also an innate spirit treasure, but the gap in power can be clearly felt from this moment.

Sometimes Chen Xi would also wonder why all kinds of innate spiritual treasures were bred in the chaos?

Could it be that in the origin of chaos, there is still some kind of consciousness that overrides the origin of chaos?

Perhaps this consciousness can be called the Creator?

This question sounds very simple, but when you think about it carefully, the more you think about it, the more frightening it becomes. Especially now that Chen Xi has already reached a certain height on the road, but whenever he thinks about this question, he still feels unspeakable. Heart palpitations and shock.

He couldn't figure out any clues, so he couldn't figure it out, and everything he didn't understand often made people feel awe and fear.

The unknown is fear!

But immediately, Chen Xi came back to his senses, completely awake, his face was a little ugly.

He knew that at that moment just now, his Dao heart was frightened to such an extent that a flaw appeared, which caused some distracting thoughts. If he didn't wake up in time, the consequences would be disastrous!

After all, at this moment he was in the midst of a terrifying fierce battle, even if he had no power to fight back, if there was any slight mistake, he would inevitably end up dead.

"No, if this continues, you can only be beaten passively, and once Cangwu Seedling loses, you will not escape..."

Chen Xi took a deep breath, a look of determination appeared between his brows, his mind completely recovered his composure, and he began to look for opportunities to make a move.

In the sky, the gray sword energy was raging and violent, smashing the strands of green god chains released by the Cangwu seedlings, thundering like thunder, and raining light.

Originally, with the current strength of the Cangwu seedling, it would be difficult to resist such a terrifying attack, but with the addition of the Litian Divine Sword, it was able to resist the attack of the Abizhuo sword.

The current situation seems to be a scene where Litian Shenjian and Cangwu Seedling join forces to deal with Abi Zhuojian.

Moreover, Abi Zhuojian faintly showed signs of being suppressed.

It was also because of this that Chen Xi, a fish that slipped through the net, was able to survive in the cracks of this fierce battle.

However, this situation is extremely dangerous. Once Cangwu Seedling or Litian Divine Sword loses, it will bring him disaster!

Because he is already in the middle of the situation, it seems that he can only protect himself, but the relationship between himself and Cangwu seedlings has long been inseparable, everything is doomed, and he can't stay out of it at all.


Light and rain are flying, and the confrontation between the three supreme gods creates a flood of explosions that continues to spread, tearing the world apart and turning it into chaos.

But at this moment, Chen Xi had long since stopped paying attention to all of this. All his mind was focused on the battlefield, carefully observing every subtle change in the situation.

In his mind, he frantically deduced all possible contingency methods, for nothing more than to let himself take the initiative!

Even if it's just a trace, it can guarantee that his life will no longer be subject to this battle.

The battle became more and more intense, shaking the universe and shaking beyond the sky. The sword energy released by the Abi Zhuo Sword was continuously chopped into pieces like light rain.

Similarly, the attacks released by the Litian Divine Sword and the Cangwu seedlings also continuously splashed and spread in all directions during this collision.

If this momentum continues, the entire Chaoling Star may fall and be completely crushed by this battle!

Suddenly, a ray of cold light burst out from Chen Xi's dark abyss-like pupils, and his whole demeanor changed suddenly.

He had thought of a brilliant idea, but it was extremely dangerous, and it might even put him in a desperate situation, but at this moment, he couldn't care less about it.


Immeasurable divine brilliance surged from his whole body, which transformed into billions of mysterious runes that lingered around his body, giving him an extravagant aura of intimidating awe.

Clang!The sword talisman in his hand groaned, and with the rotation of his wrist, he suddenly drew a round pattern in the void.

Immediately, the hundreds of millions of mysterious runes wrapped around the body seemed to find a vent, and poured into the round sword mark.


The birth of yin and yang, the confluence of dragons and tigers, the appearance of light and darkness, the blending of black and white, the four supreme laws of the divine way converge at this moment in the round sword marks, reflecting a perfect Tai Chi pattern!

This is the law of Taiji, one of the supreme avenues that Chen Xi has long comprehended and controlled. It combines the power of the four avenues of yin, yang, light, and darkness. At this moment, Chen Xi displays them in one fell swoop, and gathers them into a round sword mark. .

But that's not all!

In the next moment, Chen Xi cast the Kunpeng divine art, pouring the charm of devouring into the Taiji pattern.


The Taiji pattern suddenly glowed, roared and spun, black and white overflowed, yin and yang were interchanged, releasing an indescribable devouring force.

This piece of time and space is distorted, cracked, and turned into shattered turbulence, crazily rotating along with the Tai Chi pattern.

"Sick!" Chen Xi suddenly shouted.

The Tai Chi pattern rotated more and more horribly, like a black hole in the starry sky, following Chen Xi's will, it began to crazily devour the shattered divine light floating between the heaven and the earth.

Those divine auras have the shattered sword energy of the Abizhuo sword, and also the shattered power from the Cangwu seedlings and Litian sword...

At this moment, these originally chaotic and spreading forces are drawn by the devouring force released by the Taiji pattern, and they surge towards this side uncontrollably.


In just an instant, the violent turbulent flow was swallowed into the Tai Chi pattern, and it continued to flow. Because these forces were too violent, they clashed violently with each other. Now they are sucked into the Tai Chi pattern together, and the Tai Chi pattern began to be violent in an instant. Vibrated, faintly showing signs of collapse.

Chen Xi seemed to have guessed this point long ago, he gritted his teeth suddenly, his heart condensed, he completely released Zhou Yu in his body, and drew all this berserk power into his body.

In an instant, Chen Xi's face suddenly turned pale, and the veins all over his body protruded and exploded like earthworms. It was as if he had swallowed ten black dragons alive at once, and was about to explode.

But he didn't stop all this. Instead, a look of madness flashed between his brows, and he opened up all his power, no longer defended, and completely let this violent force pour in.


Unspeakable pain!

It was like thousands of swords gathered in the heart, and it was even more like being cut inch by inch by a blunt knife. The stimulation made Chen Xi's handsome face contort, and his teeth were almost crushed.

If it wasn't for his fortitude and fortitude, he might have given up because he couldn't bear it.

After all, this kind of berserk power comes from the three supreme gods, the Abi Zhuo Sword, the Cangwu Seedling, and the Litian Divine Sword. Even if it is just a smashing power, it is not at all capable of being resisted and resolved by the current Chen Xi.

This is also the reason why he tried his best to display the Tai Chi pattern before, in order to use this power of Tai Chi to resolve the terrifying impact and lethality contained in this violent force to the greatest extent.

Otherwise, if you go directly to devour it, it is no different from courting death.


The berserk force tore apart Chen Xi's flesh and blood membrane, shattered his meridians and acupoints, and finally turned into a torrent, pouring into his body, and began to wreak havoc.

The stars that densely covered the universe in the body were originally transformed by the laws of divine power, and they were extremely strong, comparable to divine iron and stubborn stones, but at this moment, they were like paper paste, easily destroyed by this violent force.

If it goes on like this, it won't take long for the universe in his body to be washed away, making Chen Xi completely lose the foundation of the divine way, and thus become a cripple.

At this moment, Chen Xi, who was caught in the boundless pain, had no choice but to spare a sliver of his sanity and pay attention to all this nervously.

From the very beginning of offering the Taiji pattern, to the moment when he devoured this violent force into his body, everything was within Chen Xi's expectations. If what happens next deviates from his deduction result...


Fortunately, the process of waiting was only for a moment, and it didn't make people nervous. When the violent force was about to touch the core of Zhouyu in the body, suddenly an incomparably thick force rushed out, turning into green and dripping waves. It spread and enveloped that violent force...

That was the original power of the Cangwu seedling left in the universe, but at this moment, like a shark smelling blood, it suppressed that violent power and began to absorb it with all its strength!

It worked!

Seeing this, Chen Xi's hanging heart was completely relaxed. It was as if he had passed through the gate of life and death. His whole body was drenched in cold sweat, and there was still a trace of panic in his heart that could not be shaken off.

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