divine talisman

Chapter 1627 Tai 1 Shenshui

In Chen Xi's previous deduction, everything centered on the transformation of the Cangwu seedling.

In order to achieve this step, the Cangwu seedlings must be able to absorb enough Abi turbidity as nourishment.

However, according to the previous situation, the Cangwu Seedlings, Litian Divine Sword, and Abi Zhuojian are fiercely fighting for each other, and it is impossible to have a chance to absorb Abi Zhuoqi.

Therefore, Chen Xi could only do it himself.

Therefore, he tried his best to display the Tai Chi pattern, continuously devouring all kinds of power overflowing from the sky and the earth, and then using the universe in his body as a bridge to introduce this power into his body.

In this way, the original power left by the Cangwu seedling in his body can be absorbed and refined indirectly.

At the same time, the power refined by the Cangwu seedlings also provided assistance for its own transformation. In the end, a perfect cycle was formed between the Taiji pattern, Chen Xi, and the Cangwu seedlings.

However, this approach is extremely dangerous. The key is that the power devoured by the Taiji pattern is too violent, and Chen Xi's own strength is relatively too weak. Once he cannot withstand the impact of this violent force, it will not be as simple as failure. , and even took Chen Xi's life.

But fortunately, after going through endless pain and suffering at this moment, Chen Xi finally succeeded.

At this moment, the Tai Chi pattern is spinning wildly, still devouring all kinds of power flowing between the sky and the earth.

Then, using Chen Xi as a bridge, it poured into the universe in the body, and was continuously absorbed and refined by the original power of the Cangwu seedling.

In this way, Zhou Yu in the body, which was about to be washed away, was temporarily stabilized, and it was no longer as dangerous as before.

However, Chen Xi didn't dare to be careless, because all this was just the beginning, not the end!

Just like at this moment, his whole body is still in severe pain, and he is always under the impact and suffering of that violent force.

Unless the Cangwu seedlings are completely transformed, this state can only continue forever.


In the sky, the Cangwu seedlings spread out their branches and leaves, filled with billions of blue and misty rays of light, which turned into chains of gods, spreading in all directions, with immeasurable divine power.

After receiving Chen Xi's help, its power has obviously increased a lot, and every inch of its veins is filled with the light of divinity, which is mysterious and dazzling.

This scene seemed to enrage the Abi Zhuojian, and the attack became more and more violent. Thousands of gray sword qi seemed to come from hell, constantly colliding with the cyan chain and fighting together.

And under the control of Empress Yu Che, the Litian Divine Sword sprinkled the sword's brilliance, shot at the sky, cooperated with the Cangwu seedlings, shattered all these attacks, and faintly began to suppress the Abi Zhuojian!



The three supreme forces confronted each other in this world, and the aftermath spread out, reflected in the universe deep in the Wuwu galaxy, dazzling and unparalleled.

All the ascetics who witnessed this scene were shocked. This battle has continued until now, and not only did it show no signs of ending, but it became more and more fierce. The terrifying power made their hearts tremble and their hair stood on end.


People even dared to believe that even if the existence of the Ancestral God Realm was involved, they would be powerless to resist.

"Looks like tonight, that Abi Zhuojian will definitely be surrendered!" In the starry sky, a big man sighed.

"Success or failure depends on tonight. Looking at the current situation, it is obvious that the Empress has the upper hand."

"But everyone can see, what is that green divine light? Why did it suddenly appear tonight?"

"It's a sacred tree. According to the old man's observation, it seems to be the legendary Cangwu sacred tree!"

"The Cangwu Sacred Tree? Didn't it become extinct as early as the ancient times?"

"The ancient God Realm has many domains and tens of thousands of universes. Who can guarantee that these gods will be annihilated?"

"Leaving aside these things, what the old man is curious about is, where did this Cangwu sacred tree come from?"

A group of big figures from the Snow and Ink Realm talked about it, but no one could deduce the origin of the Cangwu Sacred Tree.

They even suspected that the Cangwu Sacred Tree might be an ally that Empress Yu Che had found.

Of course, they could only speculate secretly in their hearts, and once the secret about Empress Yu Che was involved, it would be an offense if they said it out.

"Yunqing, get ready." Empress Yu Che, who was manipulating the Litian Divine Sword to fight against the enemy, suddenly spoke through voice transmission. Not only was there no trace of joy in her voice, it was rather serious.

This made Yun Qing startled slightly, the current situation is obviously very beneficial to them, why is the Empress still looking so dignified?

"Abi Zhuojian is about to counterattack. The next attack is bound to be extremely terrifying. If it can be blocked, it will have no possibility of escape. If it cannot be blocked..."

When Empress Yu Che said this, she pursed her lips, but the meaning of her words had already been completely understood by Yun Qing.

Yun Qing didn't dare to be negligent, and he was running all his cultivation bases, ready to wait.

At this moment, Empress Yu Che's beautiful eyes suddenly flashed a ray of light, and she said a word from her lips: "It's about to start!"



Suddenly, an incomparably dense series of sword chants resounded in Chen Xi's ears, which were dull and muddy, and there was a smell of rage in it.

Is this Abi Zhuojian going all out?

Chen Xi was terrified, his soul was trembling.

Almost at the same time, the Cangwu seedlings and the Litian Divine Sword also surged with divine brilliance, and unleashed terrifying attacks. The blue divine chain and the fierce sword energy complemented each other, and swept away with a rumble.

All of a sudden, this piece of heaven and earth was collapsing and sinking, and the terrifying aftermath spread, shaking the entire Chaoling Star violently and endlessly.


Chen Xi couldn't bear this terrifying oppressive force any longer, he coughed up blood from his lips, and his body trembled violently as if sifting chaff.

And the Taiji pattern in front of him was shaking violently at this moment, and it was about to collapse.

"Damn it!" Chen Xi gritted his teeth, let out a loud roar, gathered all the strength in his body, and poured it all into the Tai Chi pattern.

At this moment, he couldn't care about his own pain, he only knew that once the Taiji pattern was broken, the transformation of Cangwu seedlings would also stop, and he was doomed to escape!


With the help of Chen Xi's divine power, the Taiji pattern was stabilized without any danger.

But that Abi Zhuo Sword was like a trapped beast, and with all its means, the power overflowing from the heaven and the earth became even more violent. When these powers were swallowed by the Tai Chi pattern, they directly acted on Chen Xi.


As if being hit hard by a hundred thousand mountains, Chen Xi only felt that all the bones in his body were shattered in an instant, and his tendons were distorted and shattered.

puff puff~~

Immediately, the skin all over his body exploded inch by inch, and the divine blood shot out.

Looking at it from a distance, the current Chen Xi was like a bloody man, his skin and flesh were ripped apart, his bones were looming, and there was not a single inch of his body intact, it was extremely miserable.

If this situation continues, within a short while, his whole body will be torn to pieces by this violent force.


In the universe inside the body, the original power of the Cangwu Seedling seemed to realize that something was wrong, so it released a burst of green divine power, and began to help Chen Xi repair his injured body.

Then a strange scene appeared, Chen Xi's body that was covered in scars had just been repaired, and then it was torn apart by that violent force again, and this cycle continued, as if the trees withered and flourished continuously appeared on the body.

But to Chen Xi, this was even more uncomfortable than killing him, tearing, repairing, tearing, repairing... That kind of endless cycle of pain almost caused his whole body to collapse.

If it was someone with a slightly weaker will, they would have been tortured to the point where their minds and souls had collapsed, their Dao heart lost, and then they would disappear.

But even so, Chen Xi's situation was still extremely dangerous, because his body couldn't withstand such torture at all, and when it reached the limit he could bear, it would shatter into pieces and die completely.

Chen Xi had been tortured to the point where he was on the verge of becoming insane. He had never experienced any kind of pain since he practiced, but this situation like today is unique!

What's more terrible is that he has no other way at this moment, but can only rely on his own will to hold on.


"Yunqing, take out the Taiyi Divine Water!" In the starry sky, Empress Yu Che seemed to have witnessed all this, she gritted her teeth suddenly, and determination flashed in her clear eyes.

"My lord empress, this is..." Yun Qing was startled and hesitated a little. This Taiyi Shenshui is a treasure that can't be found. It was collected by Empress Yu Che through untold hardships. It is of invaluable value and wonderful effect , It is enough to restore a dying ancestor god to its peak state in an instant, and there is no disadvantage!

"Take it out!" Empress Yu Che's voice carried an undeniable force.

Yun Qing opened his mouth, finally let out a long sigh, and reached out his hand to find a snow-white mutton jade bottle that was only the size of a thumb.

"This time it's cheaper for this little guy." Yun Qing caressed the jade bottle with some reluctance, and finally waved his hand, and with a whoosh, the jade bottle turned into a white light, tearing apart time and space.


The soul is trembling.

Consciousness is blurring.

At this moment, Chen Xi seemed to be plunged into darkness, almost drowning, and he didn't even have any thoughts to pay attention to the ongoing battle.

This is a sign of being on the verge of collapse. Chen Xi is very clear that once he sinks, it means death, but he is powerless to change anything.

All he can do is to use the remaining sliver of reason to try his best to guard the immortal fire of his soul...

The severe pain has turned into numbness, and the body seems to no longer belong to me...

How to do?

Is it doomed this time?

Chen Xi is not reconciled!

"If it really doesn't work, I can only put all my eggs in one basket and give up...huh?" Just as he was about to make a certain decision, he suddenly felt a cool and warm force pouring into his body.

Like the spring breeze turning into rain, watering the dry and cracked world, every inch of his body's shattered flesh, shattered muscles and bones, and collapsed meridians and acupoints suddenly gained an incomparable vitality.

This force was pure and mysterious, and it seemed to contain infinite vitality. It flooded through his body like a tide, and made Chen Xi escape from the purgatory of pain all of a sudden, making him feel as comfortable as soaking in a hot spring.

In just a few breaths, the injuries all over his body recovered as before. Not only that, that force reshaped all the meridians, acupoints, membranes, tendons and bones all over his body, becoming more and more tenacious, filled with strands of pure Divinity breath.

And the Qi mechanism in his body suddenly surpassed the previous peak, boiled to the extreme, and even his cultivation base suddenly soared a lot at this moment!


ps: Many friends asked when the big explosion will happen. Goldfish’s plan is before next weekend, because the details and outline have to be prepared, and the most important thing is that the later plot is really difficult to write. Friends who have never written a book will definitely not be able to Experience this feeling of scratching your head and pulling your hair, but you can’t write a fart.

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