divine talisman

Chapter 1628

The divine light was dense, and the Dao rhyme was transpiring. At this moment, Chen Xi's body felt as if he was in a furnace, being continuously tempered and sublimated by that mysterious force.

This kind of power is extremely terrifying, as if it came from the source of chaos, and raised Chen Xi's original divine body to a higher level in one fell swoop.

At this moment, his skin is as smooth as jade, his muscles and bones are like refined steel, and even the meridians and acupoints in his body are carved like the most precious sacred stone in the world, imprinted with the texture of the avenue, and filled with mysterious charm.


The qi machine that boils like molten lava affects the rolling divine power, continuously circulating in the body, and every cycle consumes [-]% of the mysterious power pouring into the body, and his own cultivation base also increases by [-] point !

This speed of improvement is simply too shocking, the road to the divine way is so difficult, and the existence of the ordinary cave light spiritual realm has been closed for thousands or ten thousand years, and it may not be able to improve one's own cultivation base.

But at this moment, Chen Xi's cultivation base has been rising steadily and advancing by leaps and bounds in just a few breaths. If such a scene is seen by other cultivators, his jaw will drop in shock.

Chen Xi's consciousness had already awakened from the darkness and pain, and he immediately noticed the shocking changes that were taking place in him. Even with his composure, he couldn't help being surprised at this moment and couldn't believe it.

How is this going?

Where did that mysterious force come from?

Chen Xi took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down, his eyes were already looking at the sky.

Fierce battles continued to erupt, and the Tai Chi pattern spun wildly, still devouring the violent and shattering force between heaven and earth.

It's just that at this time, after this violent force entered Chen Xi's body, it could no longer bring him much pain.

All this stems from his divine body undergoing astonishing transformation, as well as his ever-improving cultivation...

And in the sky, whether it was the Cangwu seedling or the Litian Divine Sword, they had all exerted their full strength to suppress the desperately struggling Abizhuo sword, and they were no longer as fierce as before.


Abi Zhuojian even began to whine, like an insect caught in a spider, being restrained and about to be killed.

Chen Xi squinted his eyes and looked at the Litian Divine Sword. Suddenly, his heart moved, and he had a vague guess as to who actually produced the mysterious power he obtained just now.

However, he couldn't figure out what this mysterious power was, because in his cultivation career, he had never seen such a miraculous power that could make himself who was seriously injured and dying in a very short time. The bowels reshape their vitality, undergoing astonishing changes like reborn.

Withdrawing his gaze, Chen Xi stopped thinking about it, and focused all his thoughts on the Tai Chi pattern in front of him.

This is a kind of cycle, communicating between Chen Xi and Cangwu seedlings, and its ultimate purpose is to promote the final transformation of Cangwu seedlings!


The berserk force kept impacting Chen Xi's whole body, but time passed, and it was no longer able to cause any harm to Chen Xi.

On the contrary, it was precisely because of the impact of this violent force that the refining speed of the mysterious force in Chen Xi's body was accelerated, and on the contrary, it indirectly stimulated the potential of Chen Xi's aura, and the transformation of his divine body and cultivation was also a result. Constantly accelerating.

Everything is moving in a favorable direction...


After a cup of tea, a shocking collision suddenly occurred in the sky.

Abi Zhuojian, who was about to be cornered, let out a dull whine, and turned around abruptly, wanting to run away.


Almost at the same time, Empress Yu Che, who had been waiting for a long time, slammed all the power into the plowing sword.


A torrent of clear sword energy fell down on Zhou Yu, covering the entire Turbid Spirit Star, and bursting out with blazing and dazzling divine light.

This blow was so grand that it was shocking to the world, and it shocked the hearts of all the ascetics who had been paying attention to this battle, and took a deep breath.

"Is it over?"

All the big figures in the starry sky stood up suddenly, their hearts were agitated. This Abi Zhuo Sword is the number one fierce soldier born in the chaos of the Snow and Ink Region, and it will be surrendered just tonight. At this moment, no one can Can sit still.


On Zhuo Lingxing, hundreds of millions of sword qi slammed and shattered together, spreading out the aftermath with the power of destroying heaven and earth.

Under such fierce killings, the Abi Zhuojian tried everything, but in the end he was unable to break free, and his figure was quickly submerged in the attack of the Litian Divine Sword.

It worked!

Unconcealable excitement and joy suddenly appeared in Empress Yu Che's eyes, and a phoenix-like robe swayed, outlining a graceful and slender figure.

She had waited countless years for this legendary number one murderous soldier, and now that her wish was finally fulfilled, one can imagine the joy in her heart.

"Congratulations, my lord empress!" Yun Qing cupped his hands at the side, and his old face was only filled with relief and excitement.

The other big shots also seemed to wake up from a dream, and they cupped their hands one after another, congratulating in unison. Suddenly, the entire starry sky was full of congratulatory sounds, which seemed very lively.


Did you make it?

The ascetics scattered on other planets are a little uncertain, because in their field of vision, they can only see the deepest part of the Wuwu galaxy, which is filled with a vast expanse of divine light, dazzling, and they can't see everything in it clearly.

But they can still roughly judge that Abi Zhuojian might really be subdued this time, because at this moment, there is no more fighting fluctuation.


For Chen Xi, he noticed all of this almost immediately, and saw all of it clearly.

Yes, at this moment Abi Zhuojian has been surrendered!

But to Chen Xi, this was meaningless, and he couldn't talk about any regrets, because he never thought about taking the Abi Zhuo Sword as his own from the very beginning.


In the billowing divine radiance, the figure of Cangwu seedlings stood upright, the branches and leaves overflowing with verdant divine radiance, and the aura became stronger and stronger.

The battle is over, but the transformation of the Cangwu seedling is not over. It began to take this opportunity to spread its branches and leaves, covering all directions, covering all the turbulent Abi turbidity.

Chen Xi stopped his movements, and the Taiji pattern gradually disappeared.

At this moment, there is no need for him to help, and whether the transformation can be successful in the end depends entirely on the Cangwu seedling itself.

However, Chen Xi didn't relax just yet. With his hands behind his back, he stared at the Cangwu seedlings in the distance, his black eyes as deep as the starry sky filled with contemplation.

The shocking change of the Cangwu seedlings tonight seemed to faintly escape his control, which made Chen Xi suddenly realize a problem that he had never thought about before.

The Cangwu sacred tree in the ancient times was a mighty figure with unrivaled power, possessing wisdom and fighting power that shook the heavens.

Then when this Cangwu seedling of mine finally transformed successfully, will it be different from before, possessing its own consciousness and Taoism?

Unknowingly, Chen Xi gradually frowned.

He instinctively rejected things beyond his control, but in the end, he shook his head, sighed softly in his heart, and stopped thinking about it.

Cangwu seedlings have already helped themselves too much, if something unpredictable happens after this transformation, then let it go.


A wave of terrifying power surged into the sky. At this moment, the Cangwu seedlings radiated divine light in mid-air, like a round of verdant and scorching sun, bright and vast, illuminating the night sky and covering Abi on the turbid spirit star. All the turbidity is swept away!

Then, its originally somewhat blurred Qingtian body began to become clear. The stems, branches, veins, roots...all surged with a thick divine aura, disturbing the wind and clouds in all directions.

At this moment, it seems to have become a sacred tree that reaches up to the heavens and connects to the earth below, with lush branches and leaves covering the sky!

Looking from a distance, it seems to see a peerless god showing his majesty at this moment, stirring up the wind and clouds.

Seeing this, Chen Xi pursed his lips, feeling relief, excitement, and joy in his heart, as well as a trace of complicated emotions that even he couldn't express himself.

He stood there in a daze, staring at it like this.

He didn't even notice that in his body, that mysterious force had also been refined, and the transformation of his own divine body and cultivation also came to an end at this moment.


"Another Cangwu Sacred Tree has transformed and grown..." Empress Yu Che murmured in the starry sky, with a rare exclamation in her tone.

This Star Hunting Conference has been going on so far, full of many variables, there are chances, there are murderous intentions, and there are some unexpected things.

For Empress Yu Che, Chen Xi's appearance was an accident, but it was not enough to move her.

But when the Cangwu Sacred Tree appeared, she was finally unavoidably startled, and immediately realized that the opportunity in her eyes was also a chance for the Cangwu Sacred Tree?

I subdued the Abizhuo Sword, and the Cangwu Divine Tree obtained the power of complete transformation from it, which was completely unexpected by Empress Yu Che before.


Suddenly, she frowned her black eyebrows, her clear eyes stared at the turbid spirit star in the distance, and the corners of her lips covered by the red veil raised an inexplicable arc.

"The acquisition of all these opportunities is inseparable from that little guy... However, there is a definite reason for every drink and peck. He has already obtained the Taiyi Divine Water and rebuilt his divine body, which can be regarded as repaying him. cause and effect."

Empress Yu Che knew very well that the Cangwu Sacred Tree must have a great relationship with Chen Xun, and the surrender of the Abizhuo Sword before was also inseparable from the help of the Cangwu Sacred Tree, so in this chance, she, Cangwu Wushenshu and Chen Xi could be regarded as each getting what they needed, and everyone was very happy.

It's just that when Empress Yu Che thought of the advice given to her by that great figure in the imperial domain, she couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

Could it be that...has deduced everything that will happen today?

"My lord empress, the Cangwu sacred tree seems to be an ownerless thing. With your current power, why don't you take this opportunity to surrender along with it?"

Suddenly, a big man spoke, which attracted everyone's attention, and they all looked at Empress Yu Che.

"I'm not that capable." Empress Yu Che glanced at everyone, "I advise you to stop thinking about it, this kind of fetish is not something you can miss!"

Everyone's expression was stagnant, and they couldn't help being embarrassed by Empress Yu Che's words.


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