divine talisman

Chapter 1629 Operations Research

At the same time, these big men couldn't help sighing in their hearts.

Indeed, as Empress Yu Che said, after witnessing the miraculous power of that Cangwu Sacred Tree, they also developed a sense of possessiveness.

But now that Empress Yu Che unceremoniously warned them, they immediately extinguished this idea.

It was not because they were afraid of Empress Yu Che's power, but because of their abilities, without the help of Empress Yu Che, it would have been impossible to subdue the Cangwu Divine Tree.

In the depths of the Wuwu galaxy, the vast divine splendor subsided and returned to silence, leaving only thousands of scarred stars, all of which were injured in the battle just now.

The ascetics did not just stay silent. On the contrary, the shock in their hearts had been suppressed for a long time, and at this moment they couldn't help but burst out again, and all kinds of noisy discussions filled the air instantly.

"Depending on the situation, the Empress has already succeeded!"

"That's right. Originally, the Litian Divine Sword was the most precious treasure in the world. Now that you have this Abizhuo Sword, the power of the Empress will definitely be raised to a higher level!"

"However, everyone, you seem to have forgotten that this is the Star Hunting Conference, and tonight's hunting list does not seem to appear..."

"Hey, no wonder I always feel that something is missing. It turns out to be the hunting list."

"It doesn't matter if you don't watch it. Tomorrow evening will be the end of the Star Hunting Conference. At that time, the ranking will be determined."

"Actually, what I am most looking forward to is that Chen Xun's performance..."


The night is dark, and different from the past, the Zhuo Lingxing at this moment is clean, clear, with traces of hazy cyan luster, peaceful and quiet.

Without the turbid air, the haze, the turbid spirit, and the gloomy atmosphere that oppresses people's hearts, the turbid spirit star at this moment seems to be no different from other stars.

With his hands behind his back, Chen Xi stared into the distance, like a motionless sculpture, he had maintained this position for a long time.

But in front of him, the Cangwu sacred tree that towered above the sky had disappeared.

On the open space in front of him, there was only a small tree that was only one foot high, clear and translucent, with lush branches and leaves, filled with strands of divine luster.

Different from Cangwu seedlings, it obviously looks like a mature sacred tree, with curly branches and leaves, vigorous stems, mysterious and clear leaf veins, even the breath is not comparable to Cangwu seedlings.

In simple terms, it is like a Cangwu sacred tree that has shrunk a thousand times.

Chen Xi kept staring at this exquisite Cangwu Sacred Tree, his brows were furrowed, and he didn't know what he was thinking about.

In the end, he sighed softly in his heart, and waved to the Cangwu sacred tree.


The Cangwu Sacred Tree turned into a smear of blue light, and instantly appeared in Chen Xi's palm. The branches and leaves were soft, floating with a green and divine luster.

Immediately, it quietly poured into Chen Xi's body, and as usual, it took root in the core area of ​​the universe in Chen Xi's body.

Then, it stretched its branches and leaves, trembled for a while, and its torso suddenly rose, rushing out of the sky, out of the galaxy...

And its branches and leaves, like growing weeds, spread continuously, covering pieces of galaxy, and hanging down every corner of the universe in the body.


The surging and majestic divine power suddenly diffused, and began to nourish the universe in the body, thick, pure, and vast...

In just a split second, Chen Xi felt that his whole body was filled with inexhaustible power, which was surging and boundless.

But Chen Xi sighed softly again, a little helpless and a little disappointed.

In the ear, it seemed that the voice sounded again: "Thank you for taking care of me all these years. For your path and mine, I am destined to leave."

This was the voice of the Cangwu Sacred Tree, and it was the first communication with Chen Xi after it completed its final transformation, but it was a kind of farewell.

Yes, as Chen Xi expected, after the successful transformation of the Cangwu Sacred Tree, it finally possessed its own wisdom and morality.

Therefore, its departure is already doomed.

The Cangwu Sacred Tree is different from the Xiaoding. The Xiaoding lives next to Chen Xi to avoid disaster, but the Cangwu Sacred Tree has successfully transformed, and it has its own path. If it wants to improve, it must leave Chen Xi. Otherwise, it will not only affect itself, but also bring many influences to Chen Xi.

This has nothing to do with betrayal, it's just for practice.

However, when the Cangwu Sacred Tree left, it only took away its own wisdom and morality, while leaving behind its own body.

Perhaps, it already regarded Chen Xi as its home, and it left just to make a living, not to say goodbye forever.

"Leave as soon as you leave, who in this world is willing to stay with their parents for the rest of their lives?"

"Take care of yourself!"

Chen Xi took a deep breath, looked up at the night sky in the distance, and cupped his hands in the distance.


The night was getting darker and darker, and the silence on the Zhuo Ling Star became more and more peaceful.

With his hands behind his back, Chen Xi walked alone in the wilderness. The night wind was blowing, making his green shirt flutter, and his long black hair fluttered in the wind.

He is the only one left in this world, but he is not alone.

On the contrary, he enjoyed this rare moment of tranquility, because he hadn't experienced such tranquility for a long time.

From entering the Realm of Doomsday, to this Snowy Ink Realm, from being rounded up by the Dayi clan, to being chased and killed by the Supreme Sect Ye Yan, to now participating in the Star Hunting Conference, he has hardly stopped for a moment.

It wasn't until after the thrilling battle just now that he finally had this short period of peace.

At this time, Chen Xi seemed to have emptied himself, he didn't think about anything, he didn't have any thoughts, he just walked around like this, but he felt so comfortable, calm, and comfortable.

But in the end, he suddenly stopped, waking up from this blank state, his black eyes glowing brightly.

Enough is enough.

The road is difficult, full of thorns, wind and rain, and impermanence. After a short rest, we still have to go on the road.

This is the path of cultivation!

Now that you have chosen, you are destined to wear the stars and wear the moon, and have no regrets in the wind and rain.

At this moment, Chen Xi regained his fighting spirit, he no longer clings to the past, he is not afraid of the future, and his peace of mind reveals incomparable firmness and persistence.


In his body, the air mechanism is running silently, boiling endlessly, and the altar is suspended above the soul, blooming strands of mysterious rays of light, everything is so orderly and perfect.

And his state of mind also underwent a transformation overnight, becoming more calm, firm, and clean.

This is the benefit brought by the experience. This night, he has gone through the test of life and death, and endured endless pain and suffering. In the end, he got a blessing in disguise, and his body was reshaped like Nirvana.

Of course, none of this would be possible without the help of that mysterious force. Although Chen Xi didn't know that it was the "Taiyi Divine Water" gifted by Empress Yu Che, and that it was a rare and rare treasure, but he But he understood that the amazing transformation that happened to him was due to this mysterious force.

"It's only one step away from reaching the consummation of the Spirit God Realm, and the next threshold is the Dongyu Ancestor God Realm..."

Chen Xi sat anywhere and began to examine himself.

After careful calculation, it has only been less than half a year since he advanced to the Dongguang Spiritual God Realm, but his own cultivation has undergone earth-shaking changes, and now he is about to touch the perfection of the Spiritual God. In the entire Ancient God Domain, it can be called shocking.

But Chen Xi himself knew very well that although he was able to reach this step, although he had the help of great chance, he had put in too much painstaking effort. Just before, he almost even took his own life.

So, Chen Xi couldn't say he was very happy about this.

"With my current combat power, even if I face Ye Yan in his heyday, I should be able to have the power to fight. It's just that the power of the ancestor god cannot be estimated. Once we meet in the future, we should be cautious."

After perceiving his own strength thoroughly, Chen Xi roughly judged how far his current cultivation base was.

That is, in the same realm, it is rare to meet opponents again, and if it is a cross-border battle, at least you have the strength to fight.

However, Chen Xi clearly remembered that when he was promoted to Dongguang Spiritual God, even though he possessed the potential of "Supreme Divine Spirit", he still could only rank in the bottom [-] in the ranking of the Spiritual God Realm in the list of Conferred Gods. bit.

Now that his cultivation base has been greatly improved, he may be able to make his ranking higher, but it will definitely not be much higher.

This also means that, looking at the entire ancient God Realm, in the realm of Dongguang Lingshen, he cannot be called unrivaled for the time being.

Of course, if it was placed in this snow and ink domain, Chen Xi was quite confident that it would be very difficult to find a real opponent among the same generation.

"This hunting has completely offended the Dayi clan and Lingzhen Taoist temple. When the conference ends tomorrow, maybe we should start planning to leave Xuemoyu..."

Chen Xi pondered, "I just don't know, which girl Tie Yunping will be ranked in the end. If she is number one, she can ask Empress Yu Che about some things, but if she is not...you can only rely on yourself Go for a chance."

Chen Xi's original purpose of coming here was to learn something about Shenyan Mountain and Nuwa Dao Palace through Empress Yu Che.

Now that the conference is about to end, he will not miss this matter.

Early the next morning.

With a wave of Chen Xi's sleeve robe, Tie Yunping's figure quietly appeared. She raised her eyes to look around, and couldn't help being slightly startled.

"This is where?"

Tie Yunping was a little uncertain, the sky was blue and cloudless, and there was no trace of smog, and it was completely different from the turbid spirit star she knew.

Chen Xi smiled and briefly explained everything that happened last night, then said, "Let's go, this evening, the conference will come to an end, seize this last moment, and let's go to other places to hunt some ferocious beasts."

"Oh." Tie Yunping nodded subconsciously, feeling a little dazed.

Although Chen Xi said it lightly just now, when she heard that the Abi Zhuo Sword had been subdued, she couldn't believe it in her heart. It felt like opening her eyes after sleeping, and the whole world changed suddenly.

More importantly, she was keenly aware that the aura of the senior in front of her had become more and more unfathomable than before. Although it was still as calm and calm as before, it made her unconsciously feel awe. .


ps: I feel a little uncomfortable, the update of this chapter is a bit late, please bear with me~

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