divine talisman

Chapter 1630

This is the last day of the Star Hunting Conference.

On this day, Chen Xi didn't slack off at all. After leaving Zhuo Ling Star with Tie Yunping, he flew all the way to other planets.

Compared with the previous Turbid Spirit Star, the number of beasts distributed on other planets is obviously much rarer, and most of them have been swept away by other disciples, making it even more difficult to find the traces of beasts.

Under such circumstances, it is almost impossible to hunt and kill a large number of ferocious beasts in less than a day.

Even, on this day, many disciples had given up their actions and began to concentrate on recuperating, quietly waiting for the closing time of the Star Hunting Conference.

However, Chen Xi didn't give up just yet. He took Tie Yunping and kept moving from one planet to another. With his huge thoughts, he was able to find some lonely beasts from time to time.

Although the number is scarce, and it is extremely time-consuming and energy-intensive, it is better than nothing, and it is still a kind of harvest after all.

It was with this kind of mentality that Chen Xi made the calculations until the end of the action at Rimu Ten. He actually hunted and killed hundreds of spirit-level beasts along the way, which was completely beyond his expectations.

This is the so-called accumulation of gold mountains, seemingly insignificant gains, once accumulated, it will appear extremely rich.


A ray of red glowed from the sky, and Zhuang Su felt a tinge of desolation.

In the wilderness, Chen Xi's tall and straight figure stood side by side with Tie Yunping, they both looked at the sky, their expressions were peaceful.

In this Star Hunting Conference, they have tried their best, and the next thing is to see what the final result will be.

Not to mention excitement, nor anticipation, just waiting for an end to draw a full stop to this journey.

At this moment, it wasn't just Chen Xi, those disciples who stood firm to the end in the hunting area, those big figures sitting in the starry sky, and those ascetics scattered on various planets all turned their gazes to the sky.

The sunset has come, and this unprecedentedly grand Star Hunting Conference will come to an end with the final result.

Everyone is looking forward to, looking forward to the final ranking on the hunting list.

"What do you think, who will win the championship in the end and occupy the first place?" Discussions like this happen almost everywhere in this universe.

"Of course it's Su Wan'er!"

This is the answer of most people, and the answer is without hesitation and full of confidence.Because Su Wan'er is accompanied by an official, Hong Yu, and because they have always occupied the No.1 position in this Star Hunting Conference, and have never been surpassed!

This is why they firmly believe that Su Wan'er can continue to be No.1.

"Su Wan'er? That's not necessarily the case. With the help of that Chen Xun, Tie Yunping already has the ability to hit the first place."

There were also quite a few people who held different opinions, and all believed that Tie Yunping, under the leadership of Chen Xi, might still be able to create a miracle this time.

There was a reason why they dared to infer this, because in recent days, Tie Yunping's ranking had risen too fast, and it was rising at an incredible speed almost every day.

Coupled with the help of fierce people like Chen Xun by his side, he has long been regarded as a dark horse that can enter the top ten and compete with Su Wan'er for the first place.

The only regret is that last night, due to a shocking battle, the hunting list rarely appeared, so that people did not see the specific achievements of each disciple yesterday.

This also made all their speculations a bit confusing.

As for Xiao Ruoruo and Yitian, who had been No. 3 and No. [-] before, no one paid attention to them anymore.

The reason is very simple. They were eliminated before the end of the conference, and they didn't even have any results. How can they attract people's attention?

In short, at the moment when the final ranking was announced, the two most discussed and controversial people were Su Wan'er and Tie Yunping.

Because the first and second rankings will inevitably be born among the two of them!


This kind of dispute and discussion did not happen among those big figures sitting in the starry sky.

Because they have long believed that Su Wan'er can get the first place. On the one hand, it is because Su Wan'er has always been No.1, and her results are extremely dazzling.

On the other hand, it was also because in their opinion, no matter how fast that Tie Yunping's ranking rose, there was still a big gap between her and Su Wan'er. In the last two days, it was absolutely impossible to surpass her.

However, they intentionally or unintentionally ignored a detail. The judgment they made at this time was based on the results that appeared in the hunting list two days ago.

And what happened yesterday and today, they didn't take into account.

Perhaps, they have also noticed, but they don't think that in the last two days, things that can turn the situation around will happen.

Regarding this, Empress Yu Che has been silent. No one can know her opinion on all this, and no one has seen it. When she heard these comments, the corners of her lips covered under a piece of red veil twitched. There is a slight arc, the meaning is difficult to understand.


At this moment that everyone was looking at, a brilliant golden light suddenly lit up in the sky, and immediately spread out like a tide.

At this moment, all eyes were on No.1 for the first time.

After a burst of golden light flashed, a name gradually became clear at the number one position——

Tie Yunping!

When this name came into view, everyone was completely sluggish, like a clay sculpture, but there was an uncontrollable surge of turbulent waves in their hearts.

At this moment, there was no sound, and the atmosphere was silent, but everyone's hearts had already been shaken to the point where they couldn't calm down.

It is at this moment that silence speaks louder than sound.


The teacup in Yuxiao Shenzong's great elder Mo Zhan's hand shattered, but he didn't seem to notice it, his eyes were fixed on the number one name, and the corners of his lips trembled uncontrollably.


A big man spurted out a mouthful of wine, his face flushed from holding back, and he looked quite embarrassed.

The other big shots also had different expressions.

Yi Wen, the elder of the Dayi clan, and Miao Ya, the elder of the Lingzhen Taoist Temple, saw this name, and they didn't know what had provoked them to be angry, and their faces turned livid.

"Tie Yunping!"

Finally, a voice pierced the silence, and immediately, there was a commotion in various areas of the universe, and the sound waves shook the sky.

"It's actually her?"

"How is this possible? Su Wan'er was surpassed by a little girl from the Purple Dark Sect!"

"God, isn't this a joke?"

"Ha, haha, I guessed it right, it really is Tie Yunping! I knew that with the help of Chen Xun, there would definitely be an accident in this final ranking!"

At this moment, when they saw that Tie Yunping had really won the first place, even those who originally thought that Tie Yunping could take the first place couldn't help feeling a little shocked.

After all, even they didn't dare to affirm the speculation they made before, but now, it just happened to come true!

The situation suddenly became boiling, and there were noises everywhere. Some people were shocked by Tie Yunping, while others felt sorry for Su Wan'er.


"how so?"

On a planet in the hunting area, Guan Hongyu was a little stunned. When he saw that the first place was Tie Yunping instead of Su Wan'er beside him, he couldn't believe it.

"Brother, when we were rescued by Chen Xun on Zhuo Lingxing, I vaguely guessed that this would happen, but I didn't expect that this would actually happen."

Su Wan'er tried her best to appear calm, but there was an uncontrollable bitterness lingering in her heart that could not be dispelled.

"Yeah, I guessed it too, but when I actually face it, I always feel a little unbelievable." Guan Hongyu sighed softly, with a slightly complicated look on his face.


Water Blossom God City, Shuiyun Palace, those disciples who were unfortunately eliminated in the Star Hunting Conference, were moved here by Qiqi after they were eliminated.

"Sister, sister, what do you think I should do, this Star Hunting Conference has come to an end, I... I have completely failed this time!"

At this moment, Xiao Tianlong was completely panicked, he was in a state of confusion, his hands firmly grasped Xiao Ruoruo's cuffs, there was a hint of crying in his voice, and he could no longer maintain his composure.

There was a bet between him and Chen Xi, and he knew he had failed as early as when he was eliminated, but he still had a little luck in his heart, hoping that Chen Xun would also be eliminated. up.

But he never thought that instead of being eliminated, Chen Xun helped Tie Yunping win the No.1 Star Hunting Tournament in one fell swoop. How could he accept this?

At this moment, it was as if he had been hit hard by a sledgehammer in his heart, and his whole body was about to collapse. He didn't have the courage to face what would happen after the bet failed.

Seeing Xiao Tianlong like this, Xiao Ruoruo, Xuan Tuozi, Lu Yan and others on the side were also pale and confused.

This result... They also did not expect it!

"For the current plan, I can only go to the seniors of the teacher's sect to come forward. It would be great if I can help you cancel the bet."

Xuan Tuozi took a deep breath, and said with a gloomy face, this proposal made him feel extremely humiliated and aggrieved, but he had to do it this way, the so-called situation cannot be controlled.

"Yes, yes, brother Xuantuozi is right!" Xiao Tianlong nodded his head as if he had grasped at a straw, without any sense of shame at all.

With his face, Xuantuozi could only see that he was frowning and sullen. This bastard really can't support the wall with mud, and he has no integrity at all!

"Senior brother, if it's useless for the elders of the school to come forward, what should we do?" Xiao Ruoruo hurriedly said, and she couldn't see her younger brother's useless face.

"Then..." Xuan Tuozi's eyes flashed coldly, "Kill him!"

"But if you do this, you still can't cancel the bet." Xiao Tianlong was stunned, and then said anxiously.

Xuan Tuozi is too lazy to talk nonsense, if he knew this, why bother?It is the utmost benevolence for an outsider to help here.

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