divine talisman

Chapter 1631

Seeing Xuan Tuozi's appearance like this, Xiao Ruoruo also knew that it was already the limit for the other party to make such a statement, and he couldn't ask for anything more.

She immediately gritted her teeth and agreed, "Okay, that's the decision!"

"Sister, you...you don't care about my life or death?" Xiao Tianlong called out, with anger in his voice.


Xiao Ruoruo couldn't help but slapped the other party hard, and scolded: "Shut up! Look at what you look like now!"

Xiao Tianlong's cheeks were red and swollen from this slap, and his head was a little dazed, but he came to his senses a little bit, and realized that his sister would definitely not ignore him.

"Everyone, if you are interested in dealing with Chen Xun, you can cooperate with our Dayi clan."

A voice suddenly sounded from the side, and with the sound, the second son Yi Xun and the third son Yi Tian of the Dayi clan appeared in everyone's sight.

Seeing this, Xiao Tianlong was stunned for a moment, and immediately felt ecstasy in his heart. He just opened his mouth to agree, but was stared coldly by Xuan Tuozi, who was so frightened that he swallowed the words forcefully.

"Sorry, I don't have this idea yet." Xuan Tuozi said calmly and refused directly.

Yi Xun smiled, disapproving, nodded and said: "In this case, I will not force you to wait." Then he turned and left with his younger brother Yi Tian.

"Sister, this time that kid also made the Dayi family miserable, why don't we join hands with them to deal with that kid?" Xiao Tianlong was puzzled, but he didn't dare to ask Xuantuozi.

"It's just to deal with Chen Xun. Does my Xuanling Taoist Temple need to join forces with the Dayi clan?" Xuan Tuozi's figure was plain, but he had a look of contempt and arrogance.

"That's it, that's it." Xiao Tianlong quickly apologized.

"Junior sister Xiao, let's go, let's go to see the elders of the master." Xuan Tuozi directly ignored Xiao Tianlong, turned around and left.

"Damn it! What are you so proud of!" Xiao Tianlong cursed in his heart, his face turned green and pale, and finally he followed in desperation.


"First? It's a little surprising."

In the wilderness, with his hands behind his back, Chen Xi couldn't help being slightly surprised when he saw the ranking on the hunting list, and immediately burst out laughing.

On the one hand, he was happy for Tie Yunping, and on the other hand, after Tie Yunping won No.1, he didn't need to look for any opportunities at all, and he could be received by Empress Yu Che.

This is what really made Chen Xi gratified.

"First...I actually won the No.1 of the Star Hunting Tournament...Is this...could it be a dream?"

Tie Yunping was already incoherent with excitement, her petite body was trembling slightly, she looked at the hunting list with her eyes, as if she couldn't believe it.

Chen Xi couldn't help being dumbfounded, but he never expected that this little girl's reaction would be so great.

In fact, think about it, he traveled all the way from the Great Chu Dynasty to the Primordial Battlefield, Xuanhuanyu, Immortal Realm, Daohuang Academy... During this process, I don’t know how many firsts he won. Ping was so excited.

"Senior, thank you this time... this time!" Tie Yunping said, her voice suddenly became choked up, and tears were steaming in her eyes.

Chen Xi was stunned, then patted the other person's shoulder and said, "This should belong to you in the first place, and there is still a long way to go in the future, so you must not let it go."

Tie Yunping took a breath, nodded fiercely and said, "Senior taught me the lesson."


Chen Xi couldn't help smiling wryly, this girl seemed to respect him too much blindly, this is not good.



In the sky, the hunting list fluctuated and disappeared quietly like ripples.

Immediately, a strange force suddenly descended on this hunting area, covering every disciple.

clap clap~~

The next moment, the "Oracle" carried by all the disciples, including Chen Xi, suddenly shattered, turning into strands of space-time force, enveloping them, and bringing them all out of the hunting area.

So far, this two-month Star Hunting Conference has come to an end.

Everyone knows that it won't be long before everything about Chen Xun and Tie Yunping will spread like a hurricane to the entire Snow and Ink Region, causing a sensation in the world and becoming known to everyone.


Shuiyun Palace.

Accompanied by a fluctuation of time and space, the [-] disciples who persisted until the end in the Star Hunting Conference, as well as the team leader and slaves around them all appeared in front of Shuiyun Palace.

it's over!

Seeing this, all the disciples couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief, with a look of excitement and anticipation on their expressions. Next, it's time to receive the reward.

At this time, the old man Yunqing had already stood in front of Shuiyun Palace, glanced at these disciples, and said indifferently: "You wait for the order, Your Lady Empress is here to invite you."

Saying that, the gate of Shuiyun Palace suddenly opened, and Yunqing turned around and walked in first.

Chen Xi and the others all had a complete expression on their faces, not daring to think about it anymore, and they all walked towards the middle of Shuiyun Palace together.

The Shuiyun Palace has a huge space, magnificent and magnificent, with carved beams and painted columns, dense fog, and a sense of solemnity and majesty.

At this moment, on the main seat in the center, Empress Yu Che was wearing a fiery red phoenix robe and a phoenix crown. Sitting on it was a slender and graceful figure. majesty.

On the two sides below her, a group of big figures from the Snow and Ink Region sat one after another, each with a solemn expression and a solemn demeanor, fully displaying the majesty of the ancestor gods.

The atmosphere in the hall was involuntarily chilling, no one dared to be loud and disrespectful.

"Greetings, my lord empress!"

After Chen Xi and the others entered the main hall, they all bowed and saluted Empress Yu Che.


Empress Yu Che waved her hand and said, "Although there were many accidents in this Star Hunting Conference, it finally came to a successful conclusion. You are able to stand out among thousands of disciples. You can be called a hero and deserve praise."

The voice is clear and deep, although it is calm, it has a force that reaches people's hearts.

As soon as the words were finished, Yun Qing on the side clapped his hands, and immediately a line of beautiful attendants filed out, each holding a jade plate, on which was a lavender jade bottle.

Seeing this scene, the eyes of many disciples were filled with fire, and they guessed almost instantly that the jade bottle must be the "Spiritual Soul Shifting Pill" personally refined by Master Qing, the alchemist of the Emperor Realm !

A rare divine pill that can help ascetics in the Dongwei True God Realm build a spiritual platform of divine light, break through the realm and advance to the Dongguang Spiritual God Realm!

For a spiritual god like Chen Xi, he naturally didn't have much interest in it, but when he saw Empress Yu Che take out hundreds of "Yunling Soul Shifting Pills" at once, he still couldn't help but click his tongue. I am afraid that only Empress Yu Che can do such a big deal.

"Okay, the top three disciples and the team leaders around them will stay here for the time being. The rest of the disciples please leave and rest first. In the evening, the empress will arrange a banquet to celebrate for you."

Yun Qing opened his mouth, and his voice boomed throughout the Shuiyun Palace.

At that moment, most of the disciples saluted respectfully and turned to leave. Only Tie Yunping, Chen Xi, Su Wan'er, Guan Hongyu, a young man in yellow and the leader beside him were left in the hall.

The gray-clothed youth was the No.3 star hunter. His name was Feng Jianjie. He came from the top power in the Xuemo Region, Wang Dao Jianzong. He was handsome and handsome, with red lips and white teeth.

It is eye-catching, but it is the leader next to Feng Jianjie. This person is dressed in ordinary gray clothes, with long hair and shawls. He has a resolute face and a hulking waist. Strong look at the momentum.

His name is Xia Houzhong, the leader of the younger generation of Wang Dao Jianzong, although he is not as famous as Guan Hongyu, Xuan Tuozi, Yi Xun and others, but he is the most low-key among them, so he seems quite mysterious.


All of a sudden, all the eyes in the hall were focused on these six disciples. If you carefully distinguish them, it is not difficult to find that almost half of the eyes are looking at Chen Xi.

The rest of the eyes were almost focused on Guan Hongyu and Xia Houzhong. As for Tie Yunping, Su Wan'er, and Feng Jianjie who won the top three, they did not attract much attention.

This is also very normal, everyone here knows that in this Star Hunting Conference, it is not these participating disciples, but the team leaders around these disciples who really play a big role!

And Chen Xi's performance in this Star Hunting Conference is undoubtedly like a dark horse, so dazzling that it cannot be ignored.

It's just that some of the eyes looking at Chen Xi were not friendly, like Yi Wen, the elder of the Dayi clan, and Miao Ya, the elder of Lingzhen Taoist temple, all looked at Chen Xi with a trace of sullenness and loathing .

Regarding this, Chen Xi became very calm, watching his nose, nose and heart, directly ignoring all gazes.

Tie Yunping was a little uncomfortable. She grew up in the bitter cold since she was a child. After experiencing such a grand scene, she couldn't help feeling uneasy, her fists were unconsciously clenched, and her body was as stiff as a stone.


Suddenly, Yiwen, the elder of the Dayi family, glanced at Tie Yunping, and couldn't help but sneer: "Dear fellows, please see that this Star Hunting Conference No. 1 is so nervous that it's hard to breathe. If it gets out, it will definitely become a big laughing stock."

There was a hint of sarcasm in the voice.

All the big figures were dumbfounded, and many of them also laughed lightly, and the solemn and solemn atmosphere in the hall disappeared without a trace.

But when these voices fell into Tie Yunping's ears, her complexion changed suddenly, and she was a little flustered. How could she have thought that in such a Zhuangsu place, someone among those big shots would make fun of her, and her delicate cheeks couldn't help but swell for a while. Red, getting more and more nervous.

Perhaps, she can face the fierce beasts that are more powerful than herself without fear, but when facing the big figures of the ancestor gods who are sitting again, she still can't help being in awe, and unconsciously lowers her posture very low, so In the face of such a situation, it will appear so helpless.

Chen Xi immediately frowned, glanced at Yi Wen who was in the distance, and let out a chuckle: "As expected, there will never be a shortage of disrespectful old guys in this world. I didn't believe it before, but now I have to believe it. "

As soon as these words came out, the audience fell silent.

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