divine talisman

Chapter 1632

The atmosphere in the hall suddenly became dead silent, and the air was so oppressive that it was difficult to breathe.


Under the gaze of the domain lord, Empress Yu Che, and in front of the big figures in the snow and ink domain, Chen Xi opened his mouth and unceremoniously counterattacked the elder of the Dayi clan, Yi Wen, with harsh words and no concealment of sarcasm. Make everyone startled.

Because no one thought that a young man with a bright and spiritual spirit would dare to say such unscrupulous words on such an occasion.

In just a split second, quite a few big men looked at Chen Xi with complicated eyes, like astonishment, pity, and sympathy.

Guan Hongyu was stunned, and secretly sighed in his heart, he is courageous, born with arrogance, to achieve today's achievements, this guy is really extraordinary.

Xia Houzhong, who acted in a low-key manner and had a resolute temperament, also took a rare glance at Chen Xi, then withdrew his gaze and remained silent.

Empress Yu Che, who was sitting on the main seat in the center, was as usual, her deep and clear eyes were calm, making it hard to see what was going on in her heart.

Yun Qing beside her frowned, and then stretched out again.

But at this moment, Tie Yunping's heart was full of waves, and she was so grateful that she couldn't be more shocked. She never expected that at this moment, Chen Xi beside her would not hesitate to completely offend a great ancestor god, but also to stand up for her.

All of a sudden, everyone in the hall had different emotions, and there was no sound.


Suddenly, Yi Tian, ​​the elder of the Dayi Clan, seemed unable to control it anymore, and slapped the desk in front of him with a slap, sawdust flying, and the sound shook the entire hall.

"How brave!"

Yi Wenxu was furious, and was so angry that he was scolded by a little guy as old and disrespectful in front of so many people. This was simply a challenge to his dignity!

What's more important is that, after those contestants from the Dayi Clan were dismissed by Chen Xi, he was extremely dissatisfied with the latter in his heart, and now he was provoked and insulted by Chen Xi in front of him, how could he hold back anymore.

When the ancestor god is angry, the universe changes!

At this moment, following Yiwen's anger, a terrifying aura, like the punishment of the Great Dao, suddenly locked onto Chen Xi, as if it wanted to kill him on the spot.

If it were an ordinary Dongguang Spiritual God, he would have been so frightened by this terrifying coercion that he would have collapsed and knelt down!

Everyone in the hall changed their expressions slightly, Yi Wen, is this going to punish this son regardless of his status?

But what surprised them was that under Yiwen's terrifying pressure, Chen Xi didn't seem to notice it. His tall body was like a mountain, and he remained motionless. His expression was calm and indifferent, and he didn't even blink his eyelids.

As if... none of this could bring him any harm!

The fact is indeed so. At this moment, Chen Xi didn't even use the forbidden path secret pattern to dissolve it, and he was able to bear this coercion by relying on his own cultivation alone.

At the same time, he sneered secretly in his heart, "It seems that I still looked up to this old guy before, this level of coercion is much worse than that of Ye Yan, who was taught by the Supreme Master..."

Thinking of this, Chen Xi's demeanor became more calm and composed, while Yi Wen's face became more livid and gloomy.

Seeing this scene, all the adults present were secretly surprised, this kid is amazing!

They knew very well that Yiwen had set foot in the realm of the ancestor gods many years ago, and his cultivation base was among the best among them, but this boy could not be attacked by Yiwen's coercion. amazing.

Even, among the ascetics of the Hollow Spiritual God Realm looking at the entire Snow and Ink Region, I am afraid that no one can do this step!

"Arrogant boy, you dare to be presumptuous in the hall and provoke the old man, do you think the old man dare not punish you?"

Hearing the deep voice, Na Yi opened and closed his eyes, revealing murderous intent, he thrust out his palm suddenly, wrapped in a terrifying divine brilliance, and ruthlessly suppressed and killed Chen Xi.


Time and space exploded, and the power of this palm was full of the power of the ancestor gods. How could such power be comparable to ordinary ones.

All of a sudden, everyone in the room turned pale again, this Yi Wen actually made a move!

Tie Yunping was so shocked that she almost screamed. If Chen Xi was punished because of herself, she would definitely feel guilty for the rest of her life.

At this moment, Chen Xi's eyes narrowed, and a cold edge appeared. This old guy really thinks that he is a soft persimmon, who can be manipulated at will?

The Qi machine in his body was quietly running, and the power of the divine way was accumulated between his palms and fingers, and he had made up his mind, since this old man wants to make a fool of himself, he will fulfill him!

Seeing Chen Xi standing still, motionless, as if he had been frightened, Yiwen couldn't help showing disdain, and the murderous intent in his eyes became stronger and stronger. He wanted everyone to see it and dare to challenge him. Yes, not a good end!

But just when his attack was about to crush Chen Xi, suddenly, a clear and pleasant voice sounded—"What kind of trouble is there, this is Shuiyun Palace!"

Accompanied by the sound, a clear divine light that did not contain pyrotechnics came first, blocked in front of Chen Xi, and easily deflected Yiwen's attack with a chirping sound.

Everyone shuddered in their hearts, shocked at the ingenuity of Empress Yu Che's methods, which had almost reached a level that they could not fathom.

"My lord empress..." Na Yi was startled and angry, a little unwilling and a little unhappy.

Almost at the same time, Chen Xi put away the power accumulated between his palms and fingers, and secretly sighed in his heart. He planned to make this old thing look ugly, but Empress Yu Che intervened to stop him, which made him feel a little depressed.

It's not that Chen Xi is arrogant, now that his cultivation base has been greatly improved, it is no longer the same as in the past. In addition, he has roughly judged that Yi Wen's power is not as good as that Supreme Sect Ye Yan, Chen Xi will certainly not Afraid to fight the opponent.

Even before, he was still a little eager to try, wanting to confirm through this battle how far his fighting power has reached.

But now... none of this is possible.

"Why, fellow Daoist Yi Wen, do you have an opinion on this seat's actions?"

On the main seat in the center, Empress Yu Che spoke softly, her clear eyes were calm, her voice was faint, and for no reason, a majestic, sacred, and terrifying aura like an emperor suddenly permeated the hall, making everyone present Everyone's heart trembled, terrified.

Yiwen's complexion also changed suddenly, from blue to white, and finally gave Chen Xi a hateful look, and sat back in his seat with a gloomy expression.

This is the power of Empress Yu Che, as the supreme ruler of the three thousand universes in the Xuemo Region, no one has dared to challenge her dignity and majesty so far.

Seeing this, everyone secretly sighed that Chen Xi was lucky. If Empress Yu Che hadn't made a move, they might have died already.

They didn't know that Chen Xi didn't want Empress Yu Che to interfere in this matter at all...

"Everyone, I have to remind you that this is Shuiyun Palace, and now is the time to award rewards to the top three disciples. I hope this kind of thing will not happen again, otherwise it will be tantamount to provoking the dignity of my empress." !"

The old man Yunqing spoke indifferently, warning those big shots present.

This made Yi Wen's face look ugly again, if it wasn't for the sake of affection, he would have wished to leave in a huff.

But even so, he has secretly decided in his heart that when all this is over, he must capture that kid, humiliate and ravage him severely, so as to relieve the hatred in his heart!

Many people here could guess what Yiwen was thinking, and of course Chen Xi could too, but he didn't care at all. After this time, he would directly leave Xuemoyu, so he wouldn't care about it.

Taking ten thousand steps back, even if Yiwen really came after him, it would not be much of a threat to Chen Xi at all.

What really made Chen Xi afraid was not Yi Wen, not Yi Xun's children, but the Dayi clan behind them, that's all.


A storm settled.

Soon, Yunqing presented the rewards for the top three disciples.

The third-ranked reward is an incomplete secret map, shaped like a broken animal skin, ancient and obsolete, with a mysterious chaotic atmosphere, very extraordinary.

After Feng Jianjie took the secret map in his hand, he handed it to Xia Houzhong beside him, saying: "Senior brother, this is what you deserve."

Xia Houzhong was not polite, nodded, and put it away.

According to Yun Qing, this secret map involves a chance, if it can be found, there will be unexpected gains.

But after all, this is just an incomplete secret map, with limited clues and uncertain benefits, compared to the other two rewards, it is not as good.

The second-ranked reward is an innate spiritual treasure—Blood Rose!

This treasure was born in the chaos of the snow-ink region, like a rose in full bloom, with petals like sharp blades and sharp arcs, a total of 72 petals, dark red like blood, layered on top of each other, filled with strands of amazing innate chaotic aura .

When using it against the enemy, it can condense a blood rose enchantment, trap and kill the enemy in it, it is mysterious and unpredictable, and its lethality is beyond imagination.

Empress Yu Che accidentally found it from an ancient ruin, but now it is given to Su Wan'er as a reward.

All of a sudden, many big shots couldn't help showing envy in their eyes. Innate treasures, each one is unique, not to mention the power, but the value alone is not comparable to the acquired spirit treasures!

Su Wan'er wanted to give the Blood Rose to Guan Hongyu, but was rejected by the latter. This treasure is gorgeous, exquisite, and charming, and it is obviously very suitable for women.

Guan Hongyu's performance has attracted a lot of admiration. Facing such a treasure, he can still maintain this kind of demeanor and openness, which is indeed rare.

And the reward for ranking first is to get a personal instruction from Empress Yu Che. When Yun Qing announced that the reward belonged to Tie Yunping, even though they already knew the result, all the big figures present couldn't help but sigh in their hearts. .

It's not that they look down on Tie Yunping, but they feel that it would be too wasteful for such an excellent opportunity to fall into the hands of a little girl who only has Dongwei's true god level.

What kind of person is Empress Yu Che? How many people in this world can listen to her personal advice?

Even if you can't benefit from it, but through this point of guidance, it is equivalent to forging a good relationship with Empress Yu Che!Who would dare to offend her when she goes out to practice in the future?

This is like asking a teacher to seek art. Although you don't have the name of a master and apprentice, you already have the reality of a master and apprentice!

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