divine talisman

Chapter 1633

"This girl, Hongfu is in charge, her luck is amazing!"

A big man secretly sighed.

It is just a girl with mediocre aptitude, but she was able to get Chen Xi's help all the way, and finally won the honor of No.1 in the Star Hunting Conference, and now she is about to be personally instructed by Empress Yu Che, how can this not make people feel emotional.

This is the power of luck, which can often inadvertently bring about earth-shaking changes in people, thus changing the trajectory of life.

But Tie Yunping's reaction was still beyond the expectations of many big shots. She, like Feng Jianjie and Su Wan'er, wanted to give this No.1 reward to Chen Xi.

The difference from the other two was that she refused to agree to Chen Xi's refusal, saying that if Chen Xi didn't accept it, then she didn't want the reward either.

This scene made all the dignitaries in the audience stunned. Many people also began to appreciate Tie Yunping. This girl is not greedy for fame and wealth, but knows how to be grateful, which is really rare.

Regarding this, Chen Xi couldn't help but feel a little helpless. He has cultivated all the way so far, and he already has his own cultivation method, so why does he need others' guidance?

What's more, their path of cultivation in Shenyan Mountain is different from that of the outside world. It is based on Talisman Dao as the core, and there are very few people in this world who are capable of giving advice.

But he couldn't say this, because saying it like this would definitely give people an arrogant view, and would even displease Empress Yu Che.

How to do?

Looking at the stubborn and firm eyes of the girl beside him, Chen Xi couldn't help feeling a little headache.

"Presumptuous! What do you take the Empress' reward for?" The old man Yun Qing frowned, a little displeased.

Some of the big shots here are a little gloating.

Especially the Yiwen of the Dayi family and Miaoya of the Lingzhen Daoist Temple, they wished that Yunqing would deprive this reward, so that neither Chen Xi nor Tie Yunping could get it.

But something unexpected happened, Empress Yu Che suddenly said, "Since this is the case, let the two of them get this reward together."

Everyone is stunned, is that okay?

All of a sudden, they couldn't help being jealous again. Originally, Tie Yunping was the only one who could be rewarded, but now there is another Chen Xun, which is simply unreasonable!

Seeing this, Yi Wen and Miao Ya were even more depressed and almost vomited blood. They never expected that the situation would develop to such a point. The empress...is too partial!

And Chen Xi was also slightly startled, and immediately took Tie Yunping's hand, and saluted Empress Yu Che together: "Thank you, Empress, for your love!"

"Okay, all six of you go down too, remember to come to the dinner tonight." Empress Yu Che waved her hand.

At that moment, Chen Xi, Tie Yunping, Guan Hongyu, Su Wan'er, Feng Jianjie, and Xia Houzhong all joined hands and immediately exited Shuiyun Palace.


Outside the Shuiyun Palace is the Shuiyun Villa, which is also the place where Chen Xi and his disciples gathered when they participated in the Star Hunting Conference.

It's just that at this moment, the number of people in the villa has decreased a lot.

Most of the disciples who were eliminated in the Star Hunting Conference have left sadly, and they don't want to stay in this sad place anymore.

Of course, there are also a small number of contestants who stayed, like Yi Xun and Yi Tian of the Dayi clan, Xuan Tuozi and Xiao Ruoruo of Lingzhen Dao Guan, Xiao Tianlong and Lu Yan of the Ziming Shenzong...

There are about 300 of these disciples. Apart from them, there are also those disciples who have achieved rankings in the Star Hunting Conference. Including Chen Xi and others, there are hundreds of them.

At this moment, these children are all gathered in Shuiyun Villa, chatting, drinking tea, or meditating, but no one left.

Because it won't be long before the grand dinner arranged by Empress Yu Che will begin, under such circumstances, who would want to leave.

"Look! Brother Guan and the others have come out."

"Congratulations to senior brother Guan, congratulations to junior sister Wan'er."

When Guan Hongyu and Su Wan'er came out of the hall, they were immediately surrounded by a group of people, eagerly exchanging pleasantries.

Among them are not only the disciples of the Yuxiao Divine Sect, but also the successors of other forces. This shows how influential Guan Hongyu is in the younger generation of Xuemoyu.

Even Feng Jianjie and Xia Houzhong of Wang Dao Jianzong were surrounded by a group of people at the moment, and the scene was very lively.

Only when Chen Xi and Tie Yunping appeared together, the scene suddenly became cold, as if no one cared about them, and all the eyes looking at the two were quite complicated, with fear, repulsion, loathing, There is hostility, and so on.

It stands to reason that after being awarded No.1, it should have received a lot of attention, but it has to be said that it is a bit embarrassing to see such a situation now.

In the final analysis, on the one hand, it was because both Chen Xi and Tie Yunping were almost unknown before the Star Hunting Conference, and no one knew the two of them at all.

But the most important thing is that everyone now knows that in the Star Hunting Conference, Chen Xi successively offended the disciples of the two top forces, the Xuanling Taoist Temple and the Dayi Clan, all at once.

Under such circumstances, who would dare to get close to them?

They don't want to be indirectly hated by the children of these two top forces because of this.

Chen Xi didn't care about these things, he led Tie Yunping through the crowd, randomly found a secluded corner, and sat down.

Tie Yunping didn't care either. She sat next to Chen Xi with her knees folded, and said in a low voice, "Senior, you said that after the conference is over, you will leave Xuemoyu. Can you... bring me with you?"

Chen Xi was startled, then smiled wryly and shrugged, "The point is, I'm not even sure where I'm going."

Tie Yunping raised her delicate and exquisite face, and said seriously: "Senior, no matter where you go, whether it's a dragon's pool or a tiger's lair, or a remote place in bitter cold, as long as I can practice by your side, I don't care. "

The words were sincere, with a touch of deep expectation.

Chen Xi nodded and said, "Don't worry, I definitely won't leave you alone, after all, it's because of me that you received the hatred from the Xuanling Taoist Temple and the Dayi Sect."

Tie Yunping became anxious, and said: "Senior, I'm the one who burdened you. If you think I'm a burden, then I..."

"Okay." Chen Xi interrupted helplessly, "How about I make a decision based on the situation after I arrange the itinerary?"

Tie Yunping was startled, feeling a little disappointed, but still nodded.

Chen Xi knew that the other party was in a low mood, but he didn't try to comfort him. He had too many enemies and too many burdens on his shoulders. When he couldn't guarantee his absolute safety, how could he bear the heart of a little girl like Tie Yunping to follow her around? By your side?

Suddenly, there was a commotion in the crowd ahead, and immediately, a group of people walked straight towards Chen Xi.

The leader was Miao Ya, the elder of Lingzhen Daoist Temple, and Xuan Tuozi, Xiao Ruoruo, Xiao Tianlong, Lu Yan and others were by his side.

A group of them walked towards Chen Xi in a mighty manner, and they immediately attracted a lot of attention.

"Could it be that Chen Xun is going to settle accounts with Lingzhen Daoist Temple?"

"I can't tell. After all, the dinner party is about to start. It's obviously inappropriate to trouble that Chen Xun at this time."

There was a lot of discussion among the people, and they all knew that the tragic elimination of a group of disciples from the Lingzhen Taoist Temple in the Star Hunting Conference was entirely done by Chen Xi alone, and if it were them, they would probably not be able to swallow this breath.

Chen Xi raised his eyebrows. Although he didn't want to, he finally stood up. He didn't want to be looked down upon and talking.

"Little guy, you don't have to be nervous. The old man came to you this time, just to let you raise your hand and cancel a bet."

Miao Ya came to stand in front of Chen Xi, put her hands on her back, and said calmly, as if she was a senior.

"That's right, as long as you cancel the bet with my younger brother, the past grievances between us will be wiped out." Xiao Ruoruo said quickly from the side.


Everyone was at a loss, but they became more and more curious. What kind of bet did Chen Xun make with Xiao Ruoruo's younger brother, so he didn't hesitate to invite Elder Miaoya to be a lobbyist?

Glancing at Xiao Tianlong next to him, Chen Xi's heart suddenly dawned, but he said: "Since the bet is made, there is no reason for it to be lifted, not to mention, even if I do this, will your Lingzhen Taoist temple really be unreasonable?" Come trouble me again?"

Miao Ya frowned, a little displeased, he didn't want to come, but he couldn't bear Xuan Tuozi and Xiao Ruoruo's unanimous plea, so he could only come, but he never thought that the little guy in front of him could speak so toughly.

His face darkened, and he said: "So, you plan to fight forever?" There was already a touch of threat in his voice.

Chen Xi smiled, looked directly at Miao Ya, and said, "What is confrontation? From the beginning to the end, it was just that your Xuanling Taoist temple couldn't afford to lose. In a hunting competition with fair competition, your Xuanling Taoist temple disciples were eliminated. If you want to blame me, if others are eliminated by you, do you also have to ask your Xuanling Taoist temple for an explanation? What is the reason for this? What is the reason for it?"

As soon as these words came out, it resonated with many people present. They were all eliminated early. Seeing such a scene, they felt a little bit aggrieved for Chen Xi.

Miao Ya's face suddenly became gloomy, he never thought that the little guy in front of him would keep his mouth shut about the gambling contract, but just talk about these things, it's really abhorrent!

Especially, under the watchful eyes of all the people, and at the moment when the dinner party was approaching, he couldn't directly make a move, which felt worse than eating a dead fly.

"Hmph, very good, you really are full of courage. I hope that next time I see you, I can maintain this level of courage!"

Miao Ya narrowed her eyes and stared at Chen Xi for a long time, and finally said a harsh word, then turned around and left.

Seeing this, everyone couldn't help looking at each other, even Xuan Tuozi and Xiao Ruoruo were stunned, they didn't expect that the matter not only failed, but also angered Master Miao Ya.

And many people around were secretly smacking their tongues, this Chen Xun was really stubborn, he didn't even give Miao Ya face.


Suddenly, that Xiao Tianlong fell to his knees violently, kowtowed to Chen Xi, and pleaded in his mouth: "I was wrong, I was really wrong, please forgive me this time..."

Everyone was stunned at once.


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