divine talisman

Chapter 1637 How dare you not follow

Xun Yangping glanced at the crowd with an arrogant expression, and made no secret of his contempt. Seeing that no one had responded to the challenge, he suddenly sighed and shook his head in disappointment: "At first, I thought that the top spiritual masters of the Xuemo Region were gathered here, but now See you, hehe..."

He didn't finish his sentence, but that sentence "hehe" was so harsh, coupled with his arrogant and disdainful expression, it made everyone in the hall almost go crazy with anger.


It's too arrogant!

Even Chen Xi couldn't stand it anymore, and a sliver of fighting intent was rarely aroused in his heart, which showed how rampant this guy Xun Yangping was.

"I'm here to learn your brilliant trick!"

"I come!"

Almost at the same time, two figures rushed out of the hall and flashed into the battle area. They were Guan Hongyu and Yixun, the second son of the Dayi clan.

The two obviously hadn't discussed it before, and they couldn't help being startled when they saw that the other party rushed out like themselves.

"let me."

Guan Hongyu glanced at Yi Xun.

"Hmph, let me do it."

Yi Xun snorted coldly, staring fixedly at Xun Yangping in the arena with his gaze like a knife.

Seeing this, everyone couldn't help applauding the courage of the two of them. Even before the battle started, the two of them were unafraid to show up and challenge Xun Yangping. This kind of courage is extraordinary.

Seeing this, the big shots couldn't help nodding secretly. Under such a situation, it was not easy for the two of them to stand up.

But Xun Yangping smiled disdainfully at this, pointed his finger at Hong Yu and Yi Xun frivolously, and said: "You, and you, since you can't wait to find abuse, let's go together, and save my son's time .”

As soon as these words came out, everyone was so angry that they couldn't help but want to tear this guy's mouth apart. They were so arrogant that there was no limit.

Guan Hongyu and Yi Xun's expressions also darkened, and their self-esteem was greatly humiliated. They have rarely experienced this feeling since they practiced.

"This bastard!" Even, a big man couldn't hold back and cursed out, which showed how angry he was.


Suddenly, the skinny old man who came with Xun Yangping raised his eyelids, a flash of cold electricity flashed in his cloudy eyes, and he glanced at the big man.

In an instant, the big man's face changed suddenly, and an uncontrollable throbbing rose in his heart, and his whole body was terrified.

"Qing Nu, if you do something, don't be rude!" Empress Yu Che gave Qing Nu a cold look with her clear eyes, and sent a thought.

The skinny old man narrowed his eyes, and immediately returned to his original appearance. Obviously, he was also quite afraid of Empress Yu Che.

All of this happened in a blink of an eye, only a very small number of people, most of the people in the hall were still paying attention to the battle situation.

"You step back!"

Guan Hongyu's expression was unusually stern, and he did not want to join hands with Yi Xun.

"If you want to retreat, you will do so!"

Yi Xun refused to give an inch, both of them were the top leaders in the Spiritual God Realm of Xuemo Realm, and they were both extremely proud in their bones, unwilling to take any advantage.

"Hmph! There's so much nonsense!"

Impatient immediately, Xun Yangping leaped forward, his whole body roared with pale golden thunder patterns, and radiated golden light, his whole body was like a thundering sun, charging away.


His majestic body shattered time and space, and his fist swept across, like a hundred thousand mountains pushing across, killing Xiangguan Hongyu.

At the same time, with a swing of his left arm, like a galaxy rolling backwards, billowing thunderstorms and lightning surged out, aiming at Yi Xun on one side.

At this moment, he used two supreme methods at the same time, attacking Xiang Guan Hong Yu and Yi Xun!

How confident and arrogant is this to dare to do this?

Everyone's complexion changed suddenly.

To Guan Hongyu and Yixun, Xun Yangping's action was even more humiliating, which made both of them completely furious, and without any further hesitation, they acted together.


Guan Hongyu's five fingers are close together, the roots are crystal clear, filled with five-color divine brilliance, flowing the power of the five elements of the divine way, condensing into a blue sky, suppressing and killing.

collapse!collapse!collapse! ...

Yi Xun held a big bow of ancient animal bones, pulled the bow and pulled the string, and shot thousands of dazzling arrows in an instant, tearing time and space, and whizzing away.

At such a short distance, using the technique of archery to snipe, the power is so terrifying that everyone in the vicinity dodges one after another, fearing that they will be affected.

At this very moment, Empress Yu Che waved her scarlet sleeves and sacrificed a treasure basin-shaped divine treasure, which turned into a light curtain and enveloped the battle area. Aftermath.


The void exploded, the divine splendor here exploded, and pieces of the Divine Dao law shattered, and the divine power burst forth like a torrent in troubled times.

In an instant, thousands of supreme magic techniques and all kinds of terrifying treasure techniques rushed up among the three, fighting and confronting constantly there.


A bronze long spear appeared in Guan Hongyu's hand, and his momentum suddenly changed, as mighty as a god, wanting to kill the world.

At the same time, Xun Yangping let out a cold snort, and a four-foot-long saber appeared in his hand, with thunder spurting from its surface, twined with blazing arcs, extremely violent.

Seeing this, everyone was excited, and finally forced this guy to sacrifice his weapon!


The fierce battle became more and more fierce. In the battle situation, the sword light, gun shadow, and magic arrow collided together, and the light was overflowing. Those with weaker strength could no longer even spy on the situation.

At the same time, the Dao sound boomed here, forming terrifying battle ripples, crushing time and space, and spreading continuously, causing the surrounding prohibitions and the treasure basin-shaped secret treasure to buzz and tremble.

It can be seen how terrifying this confrontation is. The outside world does not know how many cities will be destroyed, how many mountains and lakes will be destroyed.

"Hmph, the two of you teaming up is nothing more than that. I'm really disappointed!" Suddenly, Xun Yangping's loud shout was heard from the battle, like a thunderstorm, which made everyone's eardrums buzz.


Immediately, everyone was shocked to see that Xun Yangping slashed the bronze spear from officer Hong Yu's hand with a slash of lightning saber.

Then, Xun Yangping's figure leaned hard, and Guan Hongyu's whole body seemed to be hit by a hundred thousand mountains. His bones broke in an instant, blood spurted from his mouth and nose, and he flew out violently.


Almost at the same time, a divine arrow pierced through the air, but Xun Yangping grabbed it abruptly, and crushed the divine arrow into powder with a single click.


Xun Yangping turned around, as if an unrivaled god and demon came to the world, the long knife in his hand was wrapped with thousands of thunder and lightning, tearing time and space, and crushed away towards Yi Xun.

With a bang, the ancient beast-bone bow broke, and Yi Xun screamed. His skin was scorched and cracked, and his whole body was like a piece of burnt wood. He fell straight out of the battle.

All these happened so quickly that no one had time to react, Guan Hongyu and Yi Xun were defeated at the same time, the scene was extremely tragic.

"It's nothing more than two people working together, they are really weak enough." Xun Yangping laughed, his long hair fluttering, and the thunder knife in his hand shot out electric light, he was extremely domineering and arrogant.

Everyone was completely stunned. Before, they all hoped that Guan Hongyu and his team could win the game together. Who would have thought that they would also lose, and the defeat would be so tragic.

Is that guy really invincible?

Everyone was desperate and could not accept this situation.

Especially those big shots, all of them were ashen-faced and extremely ugly.

In this dead silence, Xun Yangping, who was in the proud battle, raised his head, his eyes were as bright as the sun, and he glanced at the heroes, with a hint of disdain on his lips: "Is this the arrogant man in your eyes? That's all. Whoever thinks he is stronger than these two guys, stand up for me!"

A dead silence.

At this moment, it was rare for everyone to make noise or anger, and they were all a little disheartened by this cruel reality.

Even top figures such as Xuan Tuozi, Yi Xun, and Guan Hongyu were defeated, who else could defeat this extremely arrogant guy?

"Brother Chen Xun, it's already this time, can you still bear it?" Suddenly, the seriously injured officer Hong Yu spoke hoarsely and looked towards the side of the hall.

Chen Xun?

Hearing this name, everyone who was originally disheartened was slightly startled, and then a bright light suddenly appeared in their eyes, yes, how could I forget this guy!

All of a sudden, many eyes were all looking in the same direction. There was an ancient wooden copybook. Behind the copybook, sitting cross-legged was a thin figure with a handsome face and a calm demeanor. It was Chen Xi.

Seeing everyone's gazes on him, Chen Xi couldn't help sighing in his heart. The reason why he has endured until now was not because he was afraid of the other party, nor was he pretending to be profound, but simply because he really didn't want to get into this troubled water.

After all, he was not from Xue Moyu, and he and Tie Yunping had been neglected and rejected by the people around him, no matter outside the hall or in the hall, how could he have the mood to stand up for them.

Even though he couldn't get used to Xun Yangping very much, when he saw Yi Xun's fellows being beaten so miserably, he felt quite happy in his heart.

However, being called by Guan Hongyu and watched by everyone around him, Chen Xi immediately knew that it would be difficult for him to stay out of it...

"Chen Xun, if you can defeat him, I guarantee that no one will dare to trouble you in the Snow Ink Domain."

Suddenly, a melodious and deep voice came out from beside his ear, and Chen Xi was stunned. He raised his head and glanced at Empress Yu Che who was in the distance. She was staring at him with a pair of clear eyes, and there was a hint of expectation in her eyes.

Seeing this, Chen Xi immediately made a decision, and said via voice transmission: "Back then, on Zhuo Lingxing, the Empress had already helped this junior resolve a crisis. Now that the Empress has spoken, how dare this junior disobey."

As he spoke, he stood up, took a step forward, and suddenly came into the middle of the battle, looked at Xun Yangping on the opposite side indifferently, and said, "Aren't you going to fight, I will accompany you."

The voice is calm, indifferent, without any bluff, but it has a calming power.

Seeing that Chen Xi had finally appeared, everyone in the room couldn't help but feel a little bit complicated while being excited when they saw Chen Xi finally appear. They probably remembered their previous coldness and rejection of Chen Xi.

Empress Yu Che saw this, but there was a gleam in her clear eyes, this little guy is not bad, it is worthwhile for me to help him with the etheric water at that time.

"Hehe, you have such a big airs, you know, what I dislike the most is people like you, you are too pretentious!"

Xun Yangping was extremely arrogant, he looked at Chen Xi, and there was a touch of contempt in his voice, "Do you want to call some more helpers?"

As he said that, he glanced around and said, "Or, if any of you are dissatisfied, you can all play together. I don't have the patience to play with you anymore."


ps: Drunk and drunk finally coded this chapter, I feel that the whole person is not good, please encourage me with a monthly ticket~~

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