divine talisman

Chapter 1638 Absolute suppression

Everyone almost suspected that their ears had heard it wrong, and Xun Yangping threatened to join those dissatisfied disciples present?

This is fucking insane!

They even wondered how Emperor Gouchen would give birth to such a son who would do his own thing, act recklessly, and be so arrogant that it could be called shocking.

But it can also be seen from the side, how arrogant this Xun Yangping is, he doesn't take anyone in the hall seriously.

This is a provocation, but also a great humiliation!

"If you delay any longer, then I won't accompany you."

Regarding this, the corners of Chen Xi's lips curled up, and his eyes were deep, still as before, with restrained aura and a calm demeanor.

Xun Yangping looked at Chen Xi with feigned surprise, and said, "You actually said that my son was delaying time? Ha, you really are anxious to find abuse."

His words were frivolous, flamboyant and arrogant, like a goshawk looking down on an ant.

"Things like idiots, if you don't know how to cherish a chance if you are given a chance, then you will die for me!"

Xun Yangping laughed loudly, with long hair flying, he stepped forward with one step, stretched his right arm, and slapped him directly.

He has defeated several disciples in the main hall, Xuan Tuozi, Yi Xun, Guan Hongyu and other three top students in a row, and he has long put no one in his eyes.

At this moment, attacking with the remaining prestige, it is completely a stance of domineering and crushing the world, wanting to completely suppress Chen Xi and end this battle early.


Chen Xi's figure flashed, strands of mysterious runes permeated his body, and he easily avoided the blow.


Xun Yangping sneered, stepped forward again, pushing the sun and the moon horizontally with both hands, wrapped in thousands of thunder, and suppressed it again.

Time and space shattered, thunder rumbled, turned into violent turbulence and flooded this area, making it impossible for Chen Xi to avoid it.

This kind of posture is completely open and closed, simple and rude, and wants to defeat Chen Xi with absolute strength.

Wow~~ Chen Xi's figure was like a kunpeng traveling in Beiming, and with a sudden sway, he pushed aside thousands of thunderstorms, and dodged lightly again.

"Hmph, do you only dodge? If you're timid, just get out, I don't have the patience to waste time on a coward like you!" Xun Yangping snorted coldly.

Everyone in the hall gritted their teeth in hatred, this guy is not only arrogant, but also has a bad mouth.

"Ha ha."

Chen Xi suddenly stopped, and a cold smile appeared on the corner of his lips. Since he practiced until now, he has been criticized for being too strong and domineering, and no one has ever dared to say that he is a coward.

At this moment, hundreds of millions of runes suddenly burst out from his body, steaming around his body, and all kinds of potential burst out suddenly.

His whole body was instantly enveloped by a majestic divine light, like a scorching sun rising into the sky, radiant to the extreme.

At this moment, everyone in the hall was suffocated and in a daze. This aura was too powerful, and they looked down on the emperor like a peerless emperor. They were completely different from the indifferent and calm appearance before, completely different!

Because at this time Chen Xi's body was overflowing with runes, divine brilliance was dense, every inch of his skin from head to toe was glowing, brilliant and vast, and the laws of the divine way were like a substantial ocean, surging, raging, and burning!

"Huh?" The pupils of many big men shrank suddenly, and their faces changed slightly. At this moment, with their Ancestral God Realm cultivation base, they also felt a kind of oppression!

This is so unusual!

"The supreme potential of the gods..." The skinny old man who came with Xun Yangping suddenly twitched his eyelids, and a frightening light burst out of his cloudy eyes.

Empress Yu Che's red dress was fluttering, and the corners of her lips covered by the red veil showed a hint of surprise. It seemed that she never expected that Chen Xi would be able to burst out with such power in this instant.


Before it was too late, Chen Xi stepped forward with a sudden step, and hundreds of millions of dense symbols burst out around him, like ancient god formations, expanding rapidly, covering this area, even covering Xun Yangping.

"Huh..." At this moment, Xun Yangping was also taken aback, feeling a great danger.

Almost subconsciously, he let out a long roar, his majestic body flickered, he stepped on the pole, moved and shifted, and displayed various supreme methods. The power of the divine way surged and turned into a long river of thunderstorms. Chen Xi.

However, what made him horrified was that as soon as his methods collided with the billions of runes, they were disintegrated and completely submerged, to no avail.

In a head-to-head situation, there is no way to shake the opponent in the slightest!

Xun Yangping stared, as if he couldn't believe it, and then he let out a loud roar, and the light golden thunder pattern all over his body suddenly shone brightly, making him look like the master who controlled the thunder, and he waved billions of dollars in his arms. Dao of thunder and lightning with a long whip, whipped away fiercely.

This is a supreme method, inherited from Emperor Gouchen, known as the "Thousand Thunder Whip", it can whip all spirits, and it is the most masculine and domineering.

But in the end, his counterattack was suppressed again!

This time, Chen Xi was really angry, and he used his trump card as soon as he came up, no longer hiding his strength, and broke out with all his strength, immediately catching Xun Yangping by surprise.

"How is this possible!" Xun Yangping roared angrily. He was ambitious at a young age and possessed extraordinary talent. Many years ago, he created the Nine Paths of Spiritual Light in one fell swoop and possessed the potential of being the supreme god. Since then, he has almost never Encountered opponents in the same realm.

This made his father, Dijun Gou Chen, dote on him even more, and made him more arrogant and unscrupulous, but he never thought that he would run into a wall in this snowy ink field, and the shock and anger in his heart would be overwhelmed. One can imagine.

"I didn't expect that you are also a supreme god!" Xun Yangping was able to achieve what he is today. Although his temperament is extremely arrogant, he is naturally not stupid. Supreme God.

But this is nothing, what makes him unbearable is that the opponent's combat power actually shows faint signs of suppressing him!

"Spirit Supreme, this guy actually possesses the potential of Supreme Spirit!" Everyone in the hall was also shocked and couldn't calm down.

At this moment, they also finally understood why in the Star Hunting Conference, Chen Xi was able to single-handedly beat Xuan Tuozi, Yi Xun and other top figures!

This is a supreme god!

Among the more than 1000 domains and countless universes in the ancient gods, there are only a handful of gods who can give birth to supreme gods!

Once such an unrivaled talent like this shows up, he will be picked up by the ancient Taoism in the central imperial region, which is almost rare to see.

But now, in front of their eyes, there are two supreme gods fighting. How can this not be shocking?

Especially the officials Hong Yu, Yi Xun, Xuan Tuozi, and the great figures in the sect behind them all feel extremely complicated at this moment, which is hard to describe.



In the battle situation, Chen Xi came violently and used the Kunpeng treasure technique, and this area was flooded with majestic divine power.

Xun Yangping's eyes and pupils dilated, and there was no trace of neglect in his heart. He concentrated all his strength and roared to fight against it. He could not accept such a situation!


The divine light here is disordered, the avenue is booming, and it is deafening.

The frightening impact of the Kunpeng Treasure Technique was almost destructive, forcibly suppressing any struggles of Xun Yangping, and he could only passively stand by.

"Damn! Damn!..." Xun Yangping yelled again and again, this feeling was simply too bad, and he was suppressed so hard not long after the battle, which he had never encountered before.


At this moment, Chen Xi's thick black long hair fluttered in the air, and his majestic figure was like an unshakable divine mountain. When he punched out, time and space exploded, and all kinds of godly laws roared, his domineering strength reached the extreme.

Without any suspense, this punch directly broke through Xun Yangping's defense, causing the latter to retreat seven steps in a row. With each step, the ground was cracked and pulverized, and the whole hall shook violently.

And his complexion kept changing as he stepped back, until when he stood still, he couldn't help turning pale, and a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his lips.

It can be seen from this that the impact of this punch on him was terrifying. If he was an ordinary person, he might be killed by the punch directly.

Even everyone in the main hall felt trembling in their hearts, it was too strong, and they couldn't help their scalps tingling, but immediately, after the initial shock, they all secretly breathed a sigh of relief, relieved, and excited in their hearts.

Because before that Xun Yangping was too rampant and arrogant, he continuously humiliated and despised them, these Xuemoyu disciples, which made them all hold their breath, but at this moment, Chen Xi's display of supernatural power made them all feel extremely happy.


Xun Yangping let out a stern cry, full of endless anger, and even a sense of aggrieved and unwillingness. His long hair was standing on end, and his eyes were about to burst.

He was really pissed off. The thirteenth son of Emperor Chen, the supreme god who looked down upon the ages, was forced to such a degree at this moment. He had never experienced this feeling before!


He suddenly sacrificed that four-foot-long knife, driving thousands of horses to train thunderbolts, and they swept away with a bang.

This is obviously an extremely powerful congenital spirit treasure, which contains the original power of thunder, and has a terrifying killing power of Yanggang in the chill.

Now as soon as he was sacrificed by Xun Yangping, he broke through the shackles and could no longer be suppressed.

This made Chen Xi raise his eyebrows, he knew that he couldn't be forced to shake it, and it was undoubtedly a short attack on the long, which would allow the opponent to regain control of the initiative.


The next moment, a simple and simple sword talisman suddenly appeared in his white and slender palm.

A sword cut out.

The sword energy strangely disappeared out of everyone's sight, and the next moment, it suddenly appeared on Xun Yangping's side and slashed down.

This sword was too secretive, it came out of the blue, and it was hard to guard against, so Xun Yangping did not forget it, but at this critical moment, he forcibly dodged it.

But his long hair on the left side was swept away by the sword energy, and it all fell off, leaving a terrifying sword mark on his cheek, and the blood of the gods was soaked.

"Damn it!" Xun Yangping was terrified, his face turned livid, and he let out a beast-like roar from his chest.

If he hadn't dodged this blow in time, he would have almost hurt his life. All this made Xun Yangping go crazy.


ps: I am ashamed to say that I can only update once today and tomorrow, because tomorrow Jinyu will go out to the Provincial Writers Association and apply for admission to the Writers Association. I will make up for it when I come back. In addition, it will explode on weekends!

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