divine talisman

Chapter 1640 Aggressive

Falling copper coins!

Daluo Skynet!

When hearing these two names, the atmosphere of the entire hall froze for an instant, and there was a dead silence, and the air seemed to freeze.

Including those big figures, their eyes were all wide open, as if they couldn't believe it.

This is not only unusual, it is simply appalling!

For all the great people here, these two innate spiritual treasures are definitely no strangers. One is from the leader of the Supreme Sect, and the other is from Fuxi, the leader of Shenyan Mountain. They are quite famous in the entire ancient gods.

The most important thing is that the Taishang Sect and Shenyan Mountain are absolutely deadly enemies. Since the establishment of the orthodoxy a long time ago, they have always been at odds with each other.

And according to Na Yitian, the Chen Xun in front of him actually owns a treasure from the Taishang Sect and Shenyan Mountain at the same time, which is simply beyond everyone's imagination.

There are still some young ascetics who don't understand this, but when they saw the change in the atmosphere in the hall and the astonishment on the faces of the big figures, they immediately understood that this matter is indeed a big deal!

All of a sudden, many eyes looking at Chen Xi changed, with a hint of surprise and uncertainty.

Could this guy really come from the lower realm?Isn't it a monk who was born in the ancient gods?

If this is true, it is unbelievable.

Because in their conception, all people from the lower realms are weak and unbearably weak, slaves of gods, and extremely humble.

This is a kind of identity disapproval, and has nothing to do with cultivation!

At this moment, Chen Xi's handsome face seemed to be as calm as before, but there was a cold murderous intent in the depths of those black eyes, which was fleeting.

He is well aware of the consequences of being innocent and guilty, so since participating in the Star Hunting Conference, he has never used the Big Sky Net and the Luobao Copper Coin.

However, he never thought that at this last moment, Yitian had exposed all of this in one word and exposed his privacy. How could Chen Xi not be angry?

What's more important is that once these things are exposed, and if his identity is exposed, according to the pervasive power distribution of the Supreme Sect, I believe it won't take long for him to come to him!

"Yitian, do you dare to be responsible for what you say?" Suddenly, Su Wan'er spoke angrily, breaking the silence in the hall.

She felt that this was really absurd. Just before, Chen Xi had turned the tide and helped them, the younger generation of Xuemoyu, resolve a crisis. But now, this Yitian is ungrateful and biting like a mad dog. This made her very unhappy.

Many people had the same opinion as Su Wan'er, upon hearing this, they all looked at Yi Tian with some displeasure.

Yiwen, the elder of the Dayi Clan, frowned and said in a deep voice, "Tian'er, what is going on?"

Seeing this, Yitian seemed to have been wronged by the sky, and shouted: "I dare to swear to the sky, I never lied!"

After a pause, he suddenly gritted his teeth again, and looked at Chen Xi with resentment on his face: "And you all don't know, it was this guy who killed many members of my Dayi clan in the Land of Doom back then, even Jiu who had been taking care of me growing up. Uncle, I also lost my life at the hands of this son! Under such circumstances, how could I recognize the wrong person?"

His voice was stern, full of resentment, shaking the hall.

All of this was like a blockbuster, shaking many people in the hall, and they couldn't calm down.

It turned out that this Chen Xun had an enmity with this Dayi clan earlier, no wonder he eliminated all the Dayi clan's children in one fell swoop in the Star Hunting Conference.

Thinking about it this way, many of the eyes looking at Chen Xi were filled with suspicion. Could it be that all of this is true?

"Chen Xun, is all of this true?" Yi Wen's face was sullen, and his eyes were like lightning, looking at Chen Xi aggressively.

"Little guy, you'd better explain everything."

"Hmph, I knew this kid had a strange background, and now it looks like he is!"

At this moment, Miaoya of Lingzhen Daoist Temple who was extremely hostile to Chen Xi, and some other big figures all spoke out, and their words were quite unkind.

As for Chen Xi's current situation, it felt like he was being blamed by everyone and besieged on all sides.

"Everyone, are you judging criminals?" Tie Yunping suddenly said, her delicate and exquisite face was full of anger.

"I also want to ask, why are senior Chen Xun and I being snubbed and rejected by you when we won No.1 in the Star Hunting Conference?"

Every word was sonorous, full of angry questions.

Everyone's expression froze.

"Now, Senior Chen Xun took action again, defeated Xun Yangping, helped you resolve a crisis, and preserved the reputation of the entire Xuemoyu younger generation, but why did you treat him like this after he did this? "

At this moment, Tie Yunping was completely willing to go all out. Chen Xi's experience made her empathize with her, and she was completely out of anger.

In the end, she glanced at everyone in the hall, and uttered three words one by one: "Why?"

For a moment, Tie Yunping's angry, distressed, and sad voice echoed throughout the hall.

Everyone was speechless, they didn't expect that a little girl would be so impatient, even a little displeased, how could they have been questioned in front of such a person?Especially when it was a little girl of low status who questioned them?

"Little girl, we have no intention of judging Chen Xun. It's a bit too much for you to say that." A big man said in a deep voice, implying criticism and warning.

The others also nodded.

Seeing this, Tie Yunping became more and more angry in her heart, and was about to speak again, but was stopped by Chen Xi with a smile, not letting her say any more.

Immediately, he looked indifferently, swept the crowd, and said: "I have said so much, I just want to ask, is all this related to you?"

The implication is, is my origin related to you?Do I have these two innate spirit treasures, and does it have anything to do with you?

yeah, is it relevant?

Everyone's expression was stagnant again, and those who were questioned were speechless, and some didn't know where to start.

Only Yitian, seeing Chen Xi's face of refusing to accept his responsibility, was so angry that his eyes were tearing apart, and he shouted: "Chen Xun, you dare to do it but dare not admit it, you are simply extremely despicable!"

Chen Xi's face suddenly became icy cold, his eyes shot with murderous intent, and he said, "If you continue to slander me, don't blame me for being rude!"


A terrifying coercion crushed away, and Yitian's heart trembled in fright, his face changed suddenly, and he couldn't help but backed away two steps.

But immediately, a trace of incomparable shame and anger welled up in his heart, and he was actually scared away under the eyes of everyone!

"Hmph, don't be presumptuous!" Na Yiwen stepped forward and snorted coldly, "Why all this has nothing to do with you? If you really killed so many people from my Dayi clan, do you think you still have a chance of surviving today? "

Chen Xi narrowed his eyes, and said with a smile, "What about the evidence? Just because of the words of your clan and family, you planted everything on my head. You, the Dayi clan, are really domineering."


Na Yiwen sneered and said, "As long as you cooperate obediently and go back to the Dayi family with the old man, it will prove your innocence. Do you dare?"

There was an undisguised deep disdain on the corners of Chen Xi's lips: "Hehe, why does your Dayi family want me to cooperate obediently? Do you really think that I, Chen Xun, are easy to bully?"

As he said that, his aura suddenly changed, becoming contemptuous and powerful, "Isn't it because you eliminated the disciples of the Dayi clan in the Star Hunting Conference? If you are not convinced, you old guy, why don't we compete and see Let's see if I, Chen Xun, will be afraid!"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was shocked.

This Chen Xun is too strong, dare to challenge Dayi's family directly, how can this be something that a Dongguang Lingshen realm dares to do?

And when Chen Xi called him an old man, Yi Wen immediately laughed with rage, his beard flew up, and said, "What a sharp-mouthed kid, since you invite me to fight, if the old man doesn't agree, he will look too useless !"


When he spoke, he stepped forward with one step, and the aura of the ancestor gods around him shook, like a great demon god revived, his aura disturbed all directions, and it was extremely terrifying.

The corners of Chen Xi's lips curled up in a cold arc, resolutely fearless.

Seeing that a big battle was about to break out, suddenly a clear and pleasant voice sounded - "Nonsense!"

There were only two words, but it swept across the hall like a hurricane, causing everyone's hearts to tremble and feel a suffocating depression.

And Chen Xi and Yi Wen, who were originally confronting each other, were also suffocated, and their whole body energy was absolutely suppressed, making it impossible for them to move even an inch!

Then, under the gaze of a crowd of shocked eyes, Empress Yu Che walked up to Chen Xi and Yiwen with her hands behind her back, her eyes were as clear as lightning, and she was glowing with a blue radiance.

She was fluttering in a fiery red phoenix robe, and her slender and graceful figure became more and more dusty, like a real female emperor, with a compelling majesty of contempt.

"Don't mention this matter again."

She glanced at Chen Xi, then landed on Yi Wen. Obviously, she was warning him not to go too far.

"It's all over. This banquet has been going on so far, and it should be over. Chen Xun and Tie Yunping, you come with me."

In the cold and deep voice, Empress Yu Che turned and returned.

Chen Xi narrowed his eyes, and finally agreed.

Seeing that Chen Xi was about to disappear into the hall with Empress Yu Che, Na Yiwen struggled for a while, and suddenly said, "My lord empress, but..."

Empress Yu Che suddenly stopped, without turning her head, she just waved her sleeves, which was an understatement.


An invisible force spread suddenly, and in an instant, Yiwen, the ancestor god of Dongyu, was sent flying out with a bang, screamed and fell to the ground, his whole body twitched, and he couldn't stand up anymore!

Everyone gasped in shock, it was too terrifying, an ancestor god was suppressed in an instant.

Chen Xi's heart was also shocked. How unbelievably high was Empress Yu Che's cultivation?

"I said, don't bring up this matter again, but you don't listen. In this case, you can stay. When the Lord of the Dayi Clan comes to apologize, I may consider letting you go. If I wait for me to personally Find the Dayi family... the consequences will not be so simple."

Empress Yu Che's clear and deep voice resounded in the hall, as if she had done something very ordinary, but seeing Yi Wen who was struggling and screaming on the ground, and listening to this warning, everyone felt chills in their hearts. Creepy.

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