divine talisman

Chapter 1641 Mang Ancient Ruins

It wasn't until this moment that Chen Xi fully realized how terrifying the might of Empress Yu Che, the master of the three thousand universes in the Shenwei Xuemo Region, was.

Like this Yi Wen, who can be regarded as an elder in the top powerful Da Yi Clan, with great authority, but just because of one word, he was suppressed by Empress Yu Che, who even asked the Lord of the Dayi Clan to take the initiative to come to apologize From this, it can be seen how sublime the majesty of Empress Yu Che is.

Not only Chen Xi, but even other big shots and disciples were shocked, and they dared not speak again, for fear of offending Empress Yu Che's majesty.

Just like that, Chen Xi and Tie Yunping followed Empress Yu Che, and left the hall under the gazes of all the complicated gazes.

"Elder Yiwen!"

Until this time, the people of the Dayi clan dared to step forward, intending to help Yiwen who was sitting on the ground paralyzed.

But before they approached, they were blocked by a person.

"From now on, if the Lord of the Dayi Clan doesn't come to apologize to the Empress, then this fellow Taoist can only stay here."

The one who blocked him was Yun Qing, his old face was expressionless, he said a word indifferently, and with a wave of his sleeve, he took that Yiwen away, from the beginning to the end, no one dared to stop him.

All the disciples of the Dayi family looked ugly, uncertain.

And Yitian was even more stunned, wanting to cry but no tears, completely unimaginable how things could develop to such a point.


Why did I clearly expose that guy's identity, but didn't receive any effect, instead causing Elder Yiwen to be captured?

Even, because of this, he offended Empress Yu Che and caused the patriarch to be implicated?

What exactly is this for?

Yitian couldn't figure it out, feeling lost but helpless.

Seeing this, everyone in the hall couldn't help feeling a little bit sad. They could already see that Empress Yu Che was obviously helping that Chen Xun!

She wanted to do this without hesitating to offend the Dayi clan. What was Empress Yu Che doing for it?Then who exactly is Chen Xun, and why should Empress Yu Che do this?

Everyone can't figure it out.

But no matter what, they felt more and more mysterious about Chen Xi's origin, and no one could tell whether he came from the lower realms, or whether he possessed the Luobao copper coin and the big Luotian net.

But they have already determined that Chen Xi's background is extraordinary. Not only does he have the potential to be the supreme god, but he also helps Tie Yunping win the No.1 Star Hunting Tournament by himself, and defeats Xun Yangping, the son of Emperor Gouchen, in one fell swoop.

Such a character is not simple at all.


The waves are shimmering, the lake is clear and blue, and on the vast and misty sky, the gods and birds are flying lightly, sprinkled a series of clear cries, just like the sound of heaven.

In the middle of the lake, there is a platform, on which the divine mist is dense, and golden divine lotuses are planted nearby, swaying in the wind, and emitting a refreshing fragrance.

This is a secret place, where Empress Yu Che retreated.

At this moment, Chen Xi was sitting cross-legged in front of the writing desk. On the writing desk was a cup of steaming divine tea, the fragrance of which filled his nostrils.

This tea is obviously also a rare treasure. Just taking a sip of it will make Chen Xi feel comfortable for a while, every inch of the pores in his body will be opened, and the energy mechanism will be running lively, which is extremely miraculous.

Empress Yu Che was sitting cross-legged in front of another desk. She had taken off the phoenix crown on her head at this moment, and her hair was as thick as a waterfall of love.

Only the red veil still covered her face, making it difficult to see her true face, leaving only a pair of clear and deep eyes like lake water.

But even so, she still has a unique and mysterious beauty, which is thrilling, as if she has stepped out of a painting, which is not something the world can have.

Sometimes Chen Xi wondered if he could see his true face if he used the "Eye of Divine Essence". This thought made his heart skip a beat, but he didn't have the guts to do so. Otherwise, if he was discovered, he would definitely be courting death. no difference.

"In this ancient god's domain, there are many people who are proficient in talismans, but there are very few who can achieve certain attainments in talismans."

Suddenly, Empress Yu Che raised her clear eyes, and looked at Chen Xi quietly, "And there are only a handful of people who can use the Talisman Talisman in battle and burst out with your power in the same realm."

Chen Xi was startled, took a sip of the tea on the desk, and didn't say much.

"Combined with what that little guy from the Dayi family said, I have roughly guessed your origin."

Empress Yu Che's clear eyes suddenly glowed with an illusory strange light, "Little brat, do you admit it?"

Chen Xi put down his teacup, and said, "My lord empress is as insightful as a torch. This junior is indeed from Shenyan Mountain. I concealed it before, and I didn't want to cause more trouble. I hope my lord empress will forgive me."

The answer was straightforward without any hesitation, which made Empress Yu Che startled, and she couldn't help but said dumbly: "I thought you would refuse to admit it just like you did in Shuiyun Palace just now."

Chen Xi shrugged his shoulders and smiled wryly, "If I do this, I'm afraid you will be dissatisfied, Empress, right?"

Empress Yu Che nodded: "Yes, if you dare to do this, I dare to hand you over to the Dayi clan right now."

Chen Xi's expression froze.

A rare smile flashed in Empress Yu Che's clear eyes, and she said, "Actually, as early as when the Star Hunting Conference was in progress, I roughly guessed your origin. , I want to use my hand to arrest a person."

Chen Xi's heart was shocked, and his eyes suddenly narrowed. This Supreme Sect is really pervasive, and his ghost is lingering!

"However, I did not agree." Empress Yu Che said indifferently, "Not only for you, but also to maintain the order of the Star Hunting Conference. No matter who wants to break my rules, they have to weigh the consequences of offending me."

Chen Xi not only glanced at Empress Yu Che in surprise, he knew in his heart that, invisible, the other party had helped him resolve a crisis from the Supreme Sect.

In fact, Chen Xi knew very early on that the moment the Grand Master Ye Yan ran away, he was doomed to face threats from the Grand Master sooner or later.

So he wouldn't doubt Empress Yu Che's words at all, and as the other party, he didn't need to deceive himself by that at all.

"No matter what, this time I have to thank the Empress for her kindness in protecting me." Chen Xi cupped his hands and said seriously.

Empress Yu Che waved her hand, changed the topic, and said, "Since you helped that little girl get the first place in the Star Hunting Conference this time, you must be rewarded. Tell me, do you have any doubts about cultivation? You can bring it up, if I can answer it, I won’t disappoint you.”

Chen Xi thought for a while, and said, "This junior has not encountered stagnation in cultivation for the time being, but there is one thing that has been perplexing him all the time, and he wants to take this opportunity to get an answer from you, Empress."

"Say." Empress Yu Che said.

"This junior wants to know exactly where the mountain gates of Shenyan Mountain and Nuwa Dao Palace are located in the ancient God Realm." Chen Xi took a deep breath, and asked slowly, his gaze already filled with anticipation.

Empress Yu Che was startled when she heard the words, and then fell silent.

After a long time, she seemed to be a little amusing, and joked: "You come from Shenyan Mountain, but you don't know where the mountain gate is. If I hadn't confirmed your identity, I would doubt whether you are the real descendant of Shenyan Mountain."

Chen Xi was a little embarrassed, and said, "Brothers and sisters were too hasty when they left the Three Realms, and they didn't tell me everything."

Empress Yu Che nodded, expressing her understanding, before suddenly saying: "I know the answer, but it's very simple for me to tell you, you first agree to one condition."

Chen Xi was stunned for a moment, and there was one more condition he wanted to agree to?

"After all, I only promised to point out the maze of your practice, but I never promised to answer other questions."

Empress Yu Che had a hint of a smile in her voice, as if she was very happy to see Chen Xi slumped. She felt that this little guy was too quiet, and he was not surprised by the world, as if even the sky fell could not shake his heart. This concentration made her Can't help but be surprised.

"Dare to ask, my lord empress, can you tell me the conditions first, so that I can think about it?" Chen Xi frowned.

"Of course, even if you don't agree, I will tell you what the condition is." Empress Yu Che readily agreed.

She raised her clear eyes, looked into the distance, and somehow remembered something from the past, a trace of coldness appeared in her eyes for no reason, and immediately disappeared without a trace, and regained her calmness.

At the same time, her clear and deep voice resounded on this platform, "Not long ago, there was an amazing news in the Central Empire, and a new ancestor was born in the ancient ruins. Daogen, whose appearance has reached the rare ninth-rank emperor level, has caused a sensation among the great forces."

"As far as I know, many gods and supreme powerhouses cultivated by the great forces of the imperial domain have already set off to go to the ruins of Manggu, in order to obtain this ninth-rank emperor-level dao source ancestral root. It is said that the ranking Several unrivaled figures in the top ten of the list of gods in the list of gods have all participated in it."

"And the condition I want you to agree to is actually very simple, that is, to participate in this operation, it doesn't matter whether you can win this ancestral Daogen, what is important is that the little guy from the Gongye clan must not get it." gone."

Mentioning the word Gongye, Empress Yu Che's voice was filled with hatred, which was as cold as ice, making one's heart chill.

Chen Xi keenly noticed this, and couldn't help raising his eyebrows, guessing that Empress Yu Che might have some grudge with this Gongye clan.

"Actually, not to mention these things, according to the supreme potential of the gods you have, if you want to attack the ancestral gods in the future, you must go to the Manggu ruins, because only there will you have the ancestral roots you need. "

Empress Yu Che glanced at Chen Xi, and her voice returned to normal.

The ancestral root of Daoyuan is the foundation for building the realm of ancestral gods, just like the "soul fire" ignited by Dongwei's real god realm, and the "spiritual light altar" built by Dongguang Spiritual God realm, the ancestor root of Daoyuan, It is also one of the signs of a cave ancestor god.

Chen Xi knew this very well. What really shocked him was that when he heard the word Manggu Ruins, his mind was struck by lightning, and he immediately remembered the line that had been reflected in the fragments of the river map. Obscure and mysterious handwriting.

Among them, there are the words "Desolation" and "Ruins"!


ps: There will be an explosion this Sunday. I originally planned to have 10 updates, but there are too many incidents. Goldfish estimates that there will be 6 updates at most. However, don’t make complaints. As compensation, there will be a 10 update next weekend!Everyone should be satisfied with this, right?Maybe it will make everyone dissatisfied because of waiting, but everyone should also be considerate and considerate of the goldfish. I am almost driven crazy by life. What I really need now is encouragement, not complaints. Thank you in advance.

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