divine talisman

Chapter 1642 2 Conditions

During the fusion process of the fragments of the river map, lines of obscure and mysterious ancient texts appeared on its surface more than once.

And with Chen Xi's ability, he has only recognized nine ancient texts from it so far, namely Huang, Shen, Xu, Gu, Emperor, Domain, Ji, Zhu, and Ji.

During the Star Hunting Conference, he accidentally heard the name of the Central Imperial Region, so he had a vague feeling that the ancient texts emerging from the fragments of the river map might have a slight connection with the Central Imperial Region.

But when he learned about the place "Manggu Ruins" from Empress Yu Che at this moment, his heart suddenly moved again. The clues provided by the fragments of the river map were inseparable from this "Manggu Ruins".

This is not a random speculation without reason, but a strong intuition derived from Chen Xi's instinct.

After careful analysis, it is not difficult to find that both the central imperial domain and the ancient ruins are extremely unusual areas in the ancient god domain.

The former is the central hub of more than 1000 domains in the ancient gods, and there are countless powerful forces and unimaginable ancient orthodoxy, which are difficult for ordinary ascetics to reach.

As for the latter, although Chen Xi was not clear about it, after hearing Empress Yu Che's words just now, he vaguely understood that it might not be as famous as the Central Imperial Region, but it was definitely a remarkable place.

After all, it is absolutely extraordinary to be able to give birth to the ancestral roots of Daoyuan and attract many gods and supreme beings in the imperial domain.

It was precisely based on this kind of cognition that Chen Xi instantly connected all of this with the mysterious ancient text that emerged from the fragments of the river map.

Among them... Is there really some kind of connection?

Chen Xi's thoughts flew like flying.

"How about thinking about it?"

Seeing Chen Xi's delay in saying anything, Empress Yu Che couldn't help being a little puzzled. In her opinion, even if she refused, there was no need to think about it for so long.

"why me?"

Chen Xi suddenly woke up from his contemplation, and organized his thoughts, but found that he had no thoughts at all, so he smiled wryly and opened his mouth.

"There are many reasons. For example, if you want to advance to the Ancestral God Realm, you must go to the Manggu Ruins. For example, if you want to know where the gate of Shenyan Mountain is, you must also take this opportunity to enter the Central Emperor Realm. "

Empress Yu Che spoke slowly, "What's more, going to deal with that little guy from the Gongye clan will also benefit you and not harm you at all."

Chen Xi raised his eyebrows immediately: "Who is that guy from the Gongye clan?"

He admits the first two reasons. After all, he already knows at this moment that for himself, who has the potential of the supreme god, if he wants to advance to the realm of the ancestor god, he really needs to go to the Manggu ruins.

Because only in the ancient ruins of Mang, can the origin of the ancestors suitable for the supreme gods to advance to the ancestor gods be born.

And similarly, if Chen Xi wanted to get the answer to go to the Shenyan Mountain sect from Empress Yu Che, he could only accept this condition.

Therefore, under such circumstances, Chen Xi had actually begun to accept all of this, otherwise he would not have cared about who that guy from the Gongye clan of the Imperial Region was.

"Gongye Zhefu."

Empress Yu Che said indifferently, "This little guy is the most outstanding child of the Gongye Clan in recent years. With the potential of being the supreme god, he ranks No. 9 in the list of gods in the list of gods. A well-known man of the hour."

After a pause, she continued: "Going to the Manggu ruins this time, Gongye Zhefu's purpose is the same as that of other gods and gods, which is to seize the newly born ancestral root of the ninth-rank emperor-level dao source, and with his current There is still great hope of success.”

Gongye Zhefu.

The most outstanding arrogant figure of the younger generation of the Diyu Gongye Clan, No. 9 in the Spiritual Realm of the Conferred God List!

Just listening to these words is enough for Chen Xi to understand how amazing such an incomparably dazzling Peerless Talent is.

Compared with that, Xun Yangping, the thirteenth son of Emperor Gouchen, suddenly looked a lot bleak.

After all, one is ranked ninth in the list of gods, and the other is ranked No. 70. It is conceivable how different their strengths are.

Hearing this, Chen Xi smiled wryly again, this Empress Yu Che really thinks highly of herself, to actually let herself go to such a perverted opponent.

Although it was only to prevent the other party from successfully capturing the ninth-rank emperor-level Daoyuan ancestral root, Chen Xi knew very well that this request was not much easier than killing the other party.

"No, this condition is too dangerous, unless you, Empress, agree to one condition." Chen Xi took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "No, two conditions."

"Tell me." Empress Yu Che said without hesitation, "Don't say two conditions, as long as I can do it, I can promise you everything."

This made Chen Xi startled, and immediately understood that he had no choice but to agree or not.

For a moment, he thought quickly in his mind, and said: "I need a large number of divine materials to sacrifice and refine treasures. This is the first condition."

"Okay, no problem." Empress Yu Che agreed bluntly, she was just a genius, and for her status, it was nothing.

"The second condition is to let that little girl Tie Yunping practice by your side." Seeing this, Chen Xi no longer hesitated, and quickly put forward the second condition.

Empress Yu Che couldn't help but glance at Chen Xi in surprise, and said, "I didn't expect you to dote on that little girl quite a bit, but you know that her cultivation aptitude isn't that good, so follow me, It is also impossible for earth-shaking changes to occur in a short period of time.”

Chen Xi smiled and said, "I understand, but what I value is her heart and perseverance. One day, she will definitely become a blockbuster."

Empress Yu Che said thoughtfully: "What you said is not bad, okay, I promise you."

Chen Xi cupped his hands and said, "Then thank you, Empress."

"Are there any other conditions?"

Empress Yu Che said, "Frankly speaking, the two conditions you raised are not too harsh for me, but they make me feel a little bit sorry."

Chen Xi shook his head: "For you, it may be just a small effort, but for this junior, this is indeed a great favor."

Empress Yu Che couldn't help but admire a look of admiration, she was neither arrogant nor impatient, humble and silent, knew how to advance and retreat, and knew honor and disgrace. This is waiting for the successor.

"It's not too late, I'm going to prepare for you right now, and you can take this opportunity to prepare well. After a month, I will send Yunqing to send you to the Manggu Ruins."

After a brief explanation, Empress Yu Che got up, asked Chen Xi for a list of divine talents that needed to be prepared, and then drifted away.


"Senior, do you... really want to leave?"

In a peaceful paradise, Tie Yunping spoke in a low voice, with reluctance and loss on her delicate and beautiful cheeks.

"I have promised Empress Yu Che, and this operation is dangerous, so it is not suitable for me to take you there."

Chen Xi couldn't bear it. In fact, he admired Tie Yunping quite a lot. In her, he could often see the shadow of himself when he was young, with the same persistence and restraint.

"Don't worry, staying by Empress Yu Che's side to practice is definitely much better than following me. When you succeed in your cultivation one day, you can come to see me anytime."

"Well, I'll listen to senior." Tie Yunping took a deep breath, suppressed all the emotions in her heart, and nodded.

Chen Xi smiled: "That's it. I'll go back and make some preparations first. You can practice with peace of mind. If you stay here, no one will trouble you again."

With that said, he turned around and left.

"Senior... One day, I will definitely become stronger. At that time, you don't have to leave me like this..."

Seeing Chen Xi's stern figure disappearing outside the cave, Tie Yunping couldn't control her emotions any longer, and murmured uncontrollably, her eyes filled with tears.

After getting along these days, she has long regarded Chen Xi as an elder relative. Under Chen Xi's care, she has learned too many things, and she has also tasted the love and care that she has never had before. For her who was lonely and helpless when she was young, it was like a dream.

But now, the dream seems to be waking up after all...


Dragon scale cold iron, black jade chaotic grass, five energies and Liuhe water, hole orifice green stone...

That night, Empress Yu Che sent people to bring all the divine materials that Chen Xi needed to sacrifice to refine the divine talismans, a total of 370 kinds, each of which was a rare and precious divine material with astonishing value.

Even according to the market, the total value of these divine materials even exceeds a good-looking innate spirit treasure!

But at this moment, these assorted divine talents were placed in front of Chen Xi like a hill, and he couldn't help feeling that, as the domain master of the three thousand universes of the Snow Ink Region, the efficiency of his actions was truly terrifying.

If you let yourself exchange it, even if you run away, it is impossible to collect all these divine talents in one day.


Without any hesitation, Chen Xi sacrificed the sword talisman, and began to sacrifice various divine materials just like before...

The sword talisman is a treasure of talisman weapons, a secret method unique to Shenyan Mountain, and it is completely different from most treasures in the world.

Because it is not only powerful, but also has the possibility of infinite improvement. This alone is by no means comparable to other treasures.

But in the same way, sacrificial talisman soldiers and Tao treasures consume a lot of divine materials, and this consumption is more than several times that of other treasures.

Like now, if you add up all the divine materials for refining the sword talisman, if you sacrifice other Houtian divine treasures, you can even refine seven or eight middle-level divine treasures.

But now when offering sacrifices to sword talismans, its power can only be increased to a level slightly stronger than the middle-rank sixth-rank divine treasure, but slightly inferior to the upper-rank seventh-rank divine treasure.

However, paying such a price, the effect in exchange is extremely astonishing. At least among the middle-level divine treasures, the power of the sword talisman can occupy an absolute advantage.

As for the mid-level divine treasure, it was originally a treasure that can be perfectly controlled by the strong in the cave light spirit realm. No matter how high the level is, it will be a bit difficult.

Regarding this, Chen Xi saw it very plainly. He didn't think too much about it. The only thing he knew about it was that the sword talisman after the successful sacrifice this time was enough to fully display his own strength. , at least about [-]% stronger!

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