divine talisman

Chapter 1643

Strength increased by [-]%!

This is already an astonishing improvement. In real combat, let alone a [-]% increase in strength, even a [-]% increase is enough to change the pattern of a battle.

Like before when Chen Xi fought against Xun Yangping, it was precisely because the sword in his hand couldn't fight against the opponent's innate spirit treasure, so he was somewhat passive.

If not, with Chen Xi's combat strength, he could easily beat the opponent.

Similarly, if the sacrificial talisman is successful this time, not to mention Xun Yangping, who is ranked No. 70 in the Spiritual God Realm in the list of gods, Chen Xi will not have any fear even if he is facing a higher-ranked existence.


A month later.


A sword chant resounded, as if startling a dragon coming out of an abyss, like the sound of heaven shaking together, revealing a magnificent and unparalleled Tao rhyme, shocking the soul.

Immediately, a streak of black lightning soared into the air, transforming into a simple and clean black sword.

Strands of obscure and dense runes linger around the body of the sword, making the whole sword even more mysterious and frightening.

Chi la ~ chi la ~

It can be clearly seen that although the sword talisman is suspended in the air and does not move, the time and space around it is shattered inch by inch, turning into ripples and rolling continuously.

In other words, even if the sword talisman is not sacrificed, its own power alone is enough to crush time and space and kill the five elements!

This is the sword talisman after re-sacrificing.

Its power is so strong that it even surpassed Chen Xi's estimation. It is comparable to the high-ranking divine treasure, but it is not as difficult to use as the high-ranking divine treasure in the hand.


Chen Xi opened his mouth and swallowed it, and the sword talisman suddenly turned into a sword-shaped rune the size of a baby's palm, and was taken into his body.

For this sword talisman sacrifice, Chen Xi not only exhausted those rare divine materials, but also deduced all the laws of the divine way that he had mastered, through the deduction of the Wuji divine talisman in his body, and evolved them into various divine talisman patterns, and finally carved them with seals. In the sword talisman.

This also caused the sword talisman to completely undergo an astonishing transformation, but with Chen Xi's will, it evolved into various forms of weapons, with infinite changes and unpredictable power.

"That's right, with the current power alone, even if you meet an opponent who sacrifices the innate spirit treasure in the future, you will be able to fight."

The corners of Chen Xi's lips showed a hint of satisfaction.

The difference between Xiantian Lingbao and Acquired Lingbao is actually difficult to distinguish. If we only talk about lethality, the current sword talisman is actually not much inferior.

Of course, if it comes across the Litian Divine Sword and Abizhuo Sword in the hands of Empress Yu Che, it will be a different matter.

To reach Chen Xi's level, the most important thing is actually the competition of one's own strength. The power of the divine treasure can only be used to assist oneself, and one cannot rely on the divine treasure for everything.

After all, although Shenbao is strong, compared to one's own cultivation, level of enlightenment, and combat experience...it is a foreign object after all, and can only be used as a means of fighting.

"The Talisman Armament and Dao Treasure of Shenyan Mountain really deserves its reputation." At this moment, a clear and deep voice suddenly came.

Immediately, a red dress fluttered, and Empress Yu Che suddenly appeared. She was as usual, wearing a phoenix crown and a fiery red phoenix robe, with a slender and graceful figure that was lonely and graceful.

"I've seen Her Majesty the Empress." Chen Xi got up and said with cupped hands.

"How is it? Are you ready?" Empress Yu Che asked.

"It's time to act." Chen Xi nodded, counting the time, and it was already the departure time agreed with Empress Yu Che.

"This is some information I have collected these days. You can look it up when you are on your way. It may be helpful for you to enter the Manggu Ruins."

Empress Yu Che handed a jade slip to Chen Xi, and then floated towards the layman, "Come with me, Yunqing has been waiting for a long time."

Chen Xi didn't care about looking at the jade slip in his hand, and hurriedly followed.


Outside the Shuiyun Palace.

It was quiet, and as the Star Hunting Tournament came to an end and all the contestants left, the peace of the past was restored here.

At this moment, the old man Yunqing was standing in front of Shuiyun Palace.

"Whether you succeed or not, remember to put your own life first. If something happens to you, I'm afraid Shenyan Mountain will not let it go."

After walking out of Shuiyun Palace, Empress Yu Che made a rare joke with Chen Xi.

Chen Xi smiled and nodded to express his understanding.

"Yunqing, I'll be counting on you for this journey." Empress Yu Che looked at Yunqing who was on the side, "Remember, Chen Xi must be delivered safely."

"Here." Yun Qing nodded and didn't say much, but Chen Xi knew very well that the execution ability of this old man was absolutely reassuring.

"Then you all set off now, Yunqing will wait for your triumphant return outside the Manggu ruins." Empress Yu Che stared at Chen Xi with clear eyes, "Take care all the way."

Chen Xi cupped his hands, then turned around and followed Yun Qing.


A moment later, a bronze treasure chariot smashed through the clouds, cut through time and space, and disappeared into the depths of the universe in an instant.

"Little girl, let's go back."

After standing and staring for a long time, Empress Yu Che said softly.

At some point, Tie Yunping was already standing beside her. Hearing this, she lowered her head and hummed, then there was no more sound.

She didn't want Empress Yu Che to see the sadness and loss on her face.

But such a character as Empress Yu Che, she felt Tie Yunping's sadness and depression without even looking at it.

She didn't know what she remembered, and suddenly sighed quietly, with a touch of tenderness in her clear eyes, she patted Tie Yunping's shoulder, and said: "Little girl, when you don't worry about it one day, that's the most let Painful and numb."

After finishing speaking, she put her hands on her back, turned around and left, with a lonely and solitary figure behind Qiaoyue.

Tie Yunping was startled, looked up at Empress Yu Che's back in a dazed distance, and thought, "Could it be that a big person like her also has an unresolved pain in her heart?"



Time and space tumbling, a bronze treasure chariot shuttled through it, and the cart was pulled by four black jade god deer, the gods were extraordinary.

This chariot was driven by Empress Yu Che, named Mo Lin Bao chariot, and it was comparable to that of Emperor Gochen's Huagai Yunxiang Chariot.

This treasure chariot can travel thousands of universes a day, spanning the land of the Ten Realms, and its speed is shocking. At least with Chen Xi's current ability, relying on his own time and space teleportation method, it is impossible to compete with this treasure chariot speed comparison.

And for this operation, Empress Yu Che even lent out this treasure chariot, which shows how much she attaches importance to Chen Xi.

Yun Qing looked meticulous and concentrated on driving the treasure chariot, while Chen Xi sat alone in the treasure chariot, flipping through the jade slip presented by Empress Yu Che.

The Jade Slip introduced some general information about the Manggu Ruins, which also surprised Chen Xi to discover that the location of the Manggu Ruins was actually outside the easternmost edge of the Ancient God Domain!

Strictly speaking, the ancient ruins of Mang have left the realm of the ancient gods, and are in the vast and unknown realm.

The so-called unknown domain is the domain that has not yet been explored, like some big forces captured the slaves of the gods and sent them to the unknown domain in order to tap more domains and resources.

What puzzled Chen Xi was, since the Manggu Ruins had been discovered by ascetics in the Ancient God Realm, why hasn't anyone been able to take it as their own?

Soon, Chen Xi got the answer from the jade slips. The reason was that the environment of the Manggu ruins was extremely harsh, and it was filled with many strange and mysterious places. In the end, they all failed, including the ancient orthodoxy from the imperial domain!

However, what made Chen Xi feel a little relieved was that although the ancient ruins of Manggu were terrifying, they would enter a period of "hibernation" every time. Ascetics enter it safely to explore.

"Perhaps, after we arrive there, we will know whether the ancient ruins of Mang are related to the ancient text in the fragments of the river map..."

After a long time, Chen Xi put away the jade slip, thoughtful.

Regarding this action, he didn't have much confidence in his heart. After all, according to what Empress Yu Che said, all those who entered the Manggu Ruins this time were powerhouses at the supreme level of gods, and almost all of them came from ancient warriors in the imperial domain. Orthodoxy.

Under such circumstances, no one can guarantee whether conflicts will break out between them after entering the Manggu ruins.

Therefore, Chen Xi had no choice but to make the most prudent plan.

"Gongye Zhefu..." Inexplicably, Chen Xi remembered this name again. Now, he finally understands that the Gongye clan where Gongye Zhefu belongs to has an extremely close relationship with the Supreme Sect, and even the members of his clan Many big figures all hold extremely important positions in the Supreme Master, and they can be said to have monstrous power.

This is also the reason why Empress Yu Che said that dealing with Gongye Zhefu would be beneficial to Chen Xi but not harmful at all.

This also made Chen Xi realize more and more how powerful the influence of the Supreme Sect in the ancient gods was, and it could be said to spread all over the world.

The only thing that puzzles Chen Xi so far is what kind of relationship is there between the Three Realms and the Ancient God Realm? Obviously, whether it is Shenyan Mountain, Nuwa Taoist Palace, or the Supreme Sect has already established a foothold in the Ancient God Realm, why? In the past, did they have to pay so much attention to the Three Realms?

If the Three Realms were like the "lower realms" despised by those cultivators in the ancient God Realm, how could they be inextricably linked with the three great traditions?

There must be some reason for this!

Chen Xi was very sure of this point, but with his current knowledge, he still couldn't get a specific answer.


half a month later.

Chen Xi suddenly woke up from meditation.

At this moment, the Mo Lin treasure chariot he was sitting on suddenly stopped, and at the same time, Yun Qing's old and indifferent voice sounded outside.

"Master Chen Xi, Fengqi Divine City has arrived."


Chen Xi was stunned, got up and stepped down from the treasure chariot, and sure enough, he saw, on the sky far away, stood a divine city, resplendent and vast, immeasurably magnificent, like a kingdom built in the sky.

This is Fengqi City, a divine city built on the easternmost edge of the ancient divine realm, and it has been standing for an unknown number of years.

Further to the east of Fengqi City, there is the world-famous "Sea of ​​Burying Gods", and the ancient ruins are said to be in a certain area of ​​"Sea of ​​Burying Gods"!


ps: To fulfill the promise tomorrow, there will be a small explosion, the first update will be around 12 noon.

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