divine talisman

Chapter 1644

Fengqi Divine City.

This ancient city built on the top of the sky, on the top of the white clouds and its vastness, is glowing with a touch of gold, solemn and grand.

This is the landing place for ascetics to explore, and it is the only god city on the easternmost edge of the ancient gods.

Further to the east is the Sea of ​​Burial Gods, which no longer belongs to the domain of the ancient gods.

Because the Burial God Sea is different from the ocean in the ordinary sense, it expands almost endlessly to the unknown universe, and even the unknown God's Domain!

It is no exaggeration to say that this is an ocean that is wider than the universe, and you can even find bright stars in the sea.

There are even rumors that not only the corpses of gods are buried in the sea of ​​burying gods, but also countless starry universes!

With this, we can know how vast this sea of ​​burying gods is, absolutely beyond imagination, and because of this, the sphere of influence of the ancient gods came to an abrupt end here, and could no longer cover more areas.

The reason is that there is this sea of ​​burying gods blocking it here.

In recent days, with the news about the ancestral roots of the Ninth Rank Emperor Daoyuan, the "Mang Ancient Ruins" located in a certain area of ​​the Sea of ​​Burying Gods has once again become the focus of attention.

And Fengqi Divine City, which is located on the bank of the Burying God Sea, suddenly became lively because of the rumors on this side.

Almost every day, ascetics from different regions rush to the world, waiting for the reappearance of the ancient ruins in the world, waiting to compete for the ancestral root of the emperor-level dao source!


"Master Chen Xi, in half a month, the Sea of ​​Burying Gods will enter the dormant period, and it will be the best time to go to the Manggu Ruins, so all the ascetics trying to go to the Manggu Ruins these days We can only stay in Fengqi Divine City and wait."

Yun Qing put away the ink-lin treasure chariot, and led Chen Xi towards the middle of Fengqi Divine City, while walking, he introduced the situation to Chen Xi.

Chen Xi listened quietly, looking around from time to time.

This city in the sky is completely different from what he has seen before. The layout is empty and grand. Whether it is the streets or the buildings, it is full of the charm of ancient vicissitudes, which are the traces of time and the precipitation of history.

The pedestrians on the street are almost all cultivators, there are human races, and there are also powerful creatures of other races, of all kinds.

But the most common one is God Slave!

Batch after batch of ragged, haggard and numb god slaves were loaded in one treasure ship after another, transported here, and then escorted by some god-level powerhouses who had been waiting here for a long time, and sent them to the city Slave camps in different regions.

Just during the period of time when Chen Xi followed Yun Qing into the city, he saw no less than a hundred treasure ships, and escorted countless god slaves to arrive here. Those scenes were also extremely shocking.

"These god slaves all came from the lower realms. They were captured by the forces in the universe of the ancient gods, and then they were forcibly escorted here. The purpose is to let these god slaves go to the unknown gods to explore new fields and resources. .”

Yun Qing said indifferently, "Generally speaking, eight or nine out of ten of these god slaves will perish in that unknown god's domain. Even if they survive by chance, most of them will become slaves, and they can only work for some powerful forces for the rest of their lives."

Chen Xi frowned, and an uncomfortable feeling faintly rose in his heart.

He knew very well that if he had not been strong back then, he would have been captured by the Dayi clan and reduced to a god slave when he entered the realm of doomed law.

Therefore, when seeing such a scene and hearing Yun Qing's explanation, the emotions in his heart were quite complicated, with heaviness and loathing.

However, Chen Xi also knew that this kind of situation happened in almost every corner of the Ancient God Realm. For those creatures in the Ancient God Realm, this was already commonplace, and he was powerless to change anything by himself alone.

Just like Yun Qing in front of him, why isn't he also a divine slave beside Empress Yu Che?

The only difference may be that Yunqing is different from those god slaves who were escorted to Fengqi Divine City, and their fate is completely different.

"If one day, when I can have the power to reverse the entire pattern of the ancient gods... perhaps such a thing will not happen again in the future?"

Chen Xi took a deep breath, suppressed the complicated emotions in his heart, and stopped thinking about it. For the current him, thinking about it was futile.


Next, Chen Xi also lost interest in observing and appreciating this Fengqi Divine City. Under Yun Qing's leadership, the two went straight to a place called "Qianyuan Treasure Building", booked two caves, and then went to Gathered in the lobby on the first floor, ordered a drink and food and chatted.

Qianyuan Treasure Tower is the largest restaurant in Fengqi Divine City. It is said that the owner behind it comes from a powerful force in the imperial domain, so it has been standing here for so many years, and no one dares to provoke trouble here.

At this moment, the hall on the first floor of the Qianyuan Treasure Building was already full of guests, all of whom were ascetics with gorgeous clothes and extraordinary bearing.

The fact is indeed the case, and it is impossible for ordinary people to be able to consume here, because the price here alone cannot be consumed by ordinary ascetics.

The hall on the first floor was very lively, and almost every table of guests was discussing things about the Mang Ancient Ruins.

"The situation is not good this time. As far as I know, just today, there have been three supreme gods again in the imperial domain, like Yuqiujing from the Yuqiu clan, Kunwuqing from the Kunwu clan, and Zhuanyu from the Kunwu clan. Zhuan Yushui of the Clan, the three of them can be ranked No.16, No.19, and No.20 in the Spiritual God Realm on the List of Conferred Gods!"

"Indeed, if we count the nine Supreme Spiritual Beings who arrived a few days ago, there are now twelve Supreme Spiritual Beings gathered in Fengqi Divine City. Such a rare scene could never have happened in the past."

"Hey, what you said is only on the surface, and I'm afraid there are many gods and gods who have arrived in the dark!"

"It's really helpless. The unrivaled talents who were rarely seen in the past have all appeared in Fengqi Divine City recently. In this way, the cruel competition can be imagined. It is extremely difficult to obtain some benefits from the ancient ruins."

"It's not the fault of that ninth-grade emperor-level Daoyuan ancestral root, and I don't know which dad who suffered a thousand knives leaked the news, which caused the number of ascetics who came to Fengqi Divine City to increase day by day. If this continues, The situation will only become more and more unfavorable to us ordinary existences in the spiritual realm."

"That's not true. The hateful thing is that there is still half a month before the Burial God Sea enters the dormant period. If it weren't for this, I would have found an opportunity to go to the Manggu Ruins, so why would I be in such a hurry like I am now. "

"Hehe, I forgot to tell you, as far as I know, Gongye Zhefu of the Emperor Yu Gongye Clan will also arrive today!"

"What? Is Gongye Zhefu really coming?"

"Gongye Zhefu..."

When the name of Gongye Zhefu was mentioned, the discussions in the hall on the first floor suddenly became noisy, and there were many voices of surprise and admiration.

Chen Xi listened to all of this in detail, and couldn't help feeling secretly in his heart. When he was in Xuemoyu half a month ago, Xun Yangping shocked the ascetics present to such a degree. If they had witnessed such a scene , what should I think?

Yes, there are too many gods and gods gathered in Fengqi Divine City now!It was beyond imagination, and if placed anywhere in the Ancient God Realm, it would probably cause a huge commotion.

After all, that is the supreme god, there is no one in a million, it is rare in the world, and each one is so dazzling, like the arrogance of the world.

Now, these extremely dazzling arrogances have gathered in one area by coincidence, and it's hard not to cause a sensation.

On the other hand, it can also be seen from it that the attraction of that nine-rank emperor-level ancestral root is so great that even the Supreme God cannot refuse its temptation.

"Yuqiujing, Kunwuqing, Zhuanyushui..." Chen Xi silently pondered the information about these three people in his heart.

For Chen Xi, who also possesses the potential to be the supreme god, only powerhouses of the same level will attract his attention.

Just like these three names, they respectively represent the powerful existences ranked No. 16, 23, and [-] on the list of gods.

Just by looking at their rankings, one can tell how powerful they are. Even among the gods, they are all leaders.

In the jade slip given to Chen Xi by Empress Yu Che, some information about these three people was also recorded.

It can be said that all three of these people were born in ancient families in the Imperial Region, and each of them has an astonishing background.

Competing with such characters, even having to consider whether they will be hated by the forces behind them after offending them.

"Emperor Realm is the most prosperous core realm in the entire ancient God Realm, and there are countless ancient forces in it, and the Yuqiu Clan, Kunwu Clan, and Zhuanyu Clan are not comparable to those few ancient orthodoxy, but It can be regarded as a first-class existence in the imperial domain, and each clan has survived for more than tens of millions of years, which can be called a colossus."

As if seeing what Chen Xi was thinking about, Yunqing explained through voice transmission, "But you don't have to worry about these things, you only need to stop that Gongye Zhefu alone this time."

After a pause, Yun Qing continued: "What's more, with your background, you don't have to worry about these forces at all."

The implication is that you are the descendant of Shenyan Mountain, so you don't have to consider the consequences of offending the other party.

Hearing this, Chen Xi couldn't help being startled, thoughtful, and with a few words, he had a further understanding of Shenyan Mountain's power in the Ancient God Realm.

At this time, there was a sudden commotion outside the Qianyuan Treasure Building, and immediately, a man and a woman walked into the hall on this floor side by side.

The man was tall and tall, with purple eyes and silver hair, and an extremely handsome face. He was wearing a black crane cloak, and his complexion was as fair as jade.

After seeing the appearance of this man clearly, the originally noisy and noisy hall on the first floor suddenly became silent, and there was a shock on everyone's face.

Chen Xi couldn't help but cast a glance, but unfortunately, he didn't recognize who that man was. To him, it was an extremely unfamiliar face.

But when his gaze passed over the man and landed on the woman next to him, he froze suddenly, his pupils suddenly dilated, and his whole body froze.


ps: The second update is around 3 pm.

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