divine talisman

Chapter 1645 Heartbroken

Because of the arrival of the man and the woman, the entire hall on the first floor of the Qianyuan Treasure Building suddenly became silent.

Everyone's eyes were focused on the man with purple eyes and silver hair, and there was more or less a hint of shock in his expression.

And Chen Xi's gaze, the moment he saw the woman, did not move away an iota.

His pupils dilated, his heart trembled uncontrollably, and even his body became stiff at this moment, as if he was in a daze.

The woman was wearing a black dress, her complexion was creamy, and her thick hair like a waterfall was tied into a bun by a wooden hairpin, revealing a pure and beautiful melon-seeded face.

She has a graceful figure, a slender waist, and stands casually, with a quiet and natural beauty, like a pure ice lotus on the cliff.

Zhen Liuqing!

Chen Xi dared to swear to the sky that the woman he saw at this moment was definitely Zhen Liuqing, because her appearance and temperament were the same as before, pure and elegant.

However, what Chen Xi never expected was that after not seeing him for many years, he would actually meet him in this ancient god domain, in this Fengqi Divine City. Startled.

Scenes from the past flashed into my mind quickly like watching flowers on horseback.

Back then, Zhen Liuqing was picked up by her senior brother Tatian Dasheng when they were on the ancient battlefield leading to the Xuanhuan Realm. Since then, whether in the Xuanhuan Realm or after entering the Immortal Realm, Chen Xi has never seen each other again.

In the past, he also knew about the place "Dark Holy Abyss" in the Domain of the Conferred Gods, and knew that Zhen Liuqing and his master Dao Que lived here, but when he went to look for it, he was told by the Great Sage Tatian , Zhen Liuqing and her master Dao Que had already left.

Until he later became the principal of the Dao Emperor Academy, Chen Xi never gave up on looking for Zhen Liuqing, but unfortunately, the other party seemed to have evaporated from the world, and he could no longer be found...

But now, she actually appeared in Fengqi Divine City. How could Chen Xi not be shocked and surprised by this?

But soon, all these emotions were replaced by ecstasy and excitement. Meeting an old friend in a foreign land, meeting Zhen Liuqing here, this feeling really made Chen Xi overjoyed.

His eyes were no longer calm, but there was a touch of undisguised joy.

Almost at the same time, Zhen Liuqing also seemed to notice something, and turned her head to look in Chen Xi's direction, but she only took a glance, then turned her head away, as if she didn't see Chen Xi at all.

This not only made Chen Xi slightly startled, did she not recognize him?

He couldn't help standing up any longer, and called out, "Miss Zhen."

The atmosphere in the hall was originally silent, and Chen Xi suddenly got up at this moment, and greeted Zhen Liuqing loudly, which immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Almost at the same time, the silver-haired young man with purple eyes narrowed his eyes, looked at the woman beside him, and then at Chen Xi in the distance, with a look of great interest.

The old man Yun Qing was also shocked at this moment, but when he saw that Chen Xi was only greeting the woman in black, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time couldn't help being a little puzzled, did this kid know each other before?

"Young master, you seem to have misunderstood someone?" The woman in the black skirt frowned, her plain and beautiful face still so peaceful.

wrong person?

Chen Xi's expression froze, he stared at Zhen Liuqing for a long time, and said with a smile, "Miss Zhen, are you kidding me?"

"Are you kidding me?" The woman in the black dress frowned more and more, and said with some displeasure, "My lord, I don't make jokes with people I don't know."

Chen Xi's heart sank, he was a little surprised, did he really admit the wrong person?

But at this moment, the eyes of everyone in the hall looking at Chen Xi changed from the original surprise to a hint of suspicion, which was very strange.

"Do you know her name?" Suddenly, the silver-haired young man with purple eyes spoke, his voice was low and soft, with a trace of unique magnetism.

The woman in the black skirt seemed to notice something, turned her head to the silver-haired young man with purple eyes and said, "I'm a little tired, I want to find a place to rest."

With that said, he turned to leave.

"Wait a minute, I think this fellow Taoist is quite familiar with you." The silver-haired young man with purple eyes grabbed the arm of the woman in the black skirt and said with a smile.

The woman in the black skirt seemed to froze all over, trying to struggle, but she stayed in the end, but her expression was a little gloomy.

Chen Xi raised his eyebrows, looked at the silver-haired young man with purple eyes, then at the woman in black dress, and said, "If I'm not mistaken, this girl is naturally my good friend Zhen Liuqing."

The purple-eyed, silver-haired young man's lips suddenly curled up, and he looked at Chen Xi with some amusement, and said, "You're right, her name is indeed Zhen Liuqing."

Seeing this, everyone in the hall was taken aback, confused by this scene, did that kid really know that woman?

But if this is the case, why did the woman meet and not recognize each other?

Everyone couldn't help thinking that this woman had an affair with this boy in the past, but now she has a new love by her side, so she deliberately pretended not to know him?

All of a sudden, everyone became excited. They knew how scary the identity of that purple-eyed, silver-haired young man was. If that boy was really the old lover of his girlfriend, then it would be a good show.

"Yes, my name is Zhen Liuqing, but I really don't know who you are. If you continue to pester me like this, don't blame me for being rude!"

The woman in the black dress had eyes as clear as lightning, and looked at Chen Xi coldly, with a tinge of sullen anger.

At this moment, the excitement and joy in Chen Xi's heart had already cooled down, especially when he saw Zhen Liuqing's appearance that he didn't recognize him, his heart felt a little chilled, as if someone had poured a basin of cold water over his head.

He never expected that the matter would develop to such a point, let alone that Zhen Liuqing would be so ruthless.

She used to be... definitely not like this!

You must know that as early as the Great Chu Dynasty, the other party even gave up the qualification to compete with Qing Xiuyi at the Stars Conference for his own sake.

But now, she actually doesn't recognize herself when she meets her...

The more Chen Xi thought about it, the more chaotic he felt. He felt an indescribable pain, and his complexion was slightly clouded.

He is not sentimental, it's just that he has been practicing all the way so far, he attaches great importance to the word love, not to mention, the relationship between him and Zhen Liuqing has long been beyond the ordinary.

Now, after many years, they finally met, but the other party had an indifferent expression on his face, as if he didn't recognize him. This kind of huge blow made Chen Xi unable to accept it for a while.


Why is this happening?

She had clearly admitted that she was Zhen Liuqing, why did she deny herself?

Chen Xi took a deep breath suddenly, his gaze was like lightning, he glanced at the purple-eyed silver-haired youth beside Zhen Liuqing, then turned his gaze to Zhen Liuqing again, and said in a deep voice, "Is it because of him? Or rather, there is something unspeakable in your heart, Had to do this?"

In the end, there was a hint of hope in his voice, he wished that Zhen Liuqing had some unspeakable secrets, instead of ruthlessly refusing to recognize her again.

"It's ridiculous, I think you are stunned?" Zhen Liuqing sneered.

One sentence made Chen Xi's heart so heavy that it was difficult to breathe, and he couldn't help clenching his palms tightly, trying hard to control his emotions.

"Okay, fellow daoist, we don't have time to play with you."

The silver-haired young man with purple eyes suddenly smiled slightly, raised his hand and pulled Zhen Liuqing into his arms, looked at Chen Xi and said teasingly, "Also, next time you want to chase a woman, you must choose a good target, let's forget it this time , if there is a next time, the consequences will be very serious."

The moment he saw Zhen Liuqing being embraced into the arms of the purple-eyed young man, Chen Xi felt as if a needle had been pricked in his heart, and an unspeakable anger gushed out. But my heart suddenly became cold, like falling into an ice cave.

She...has never struggled from the beginning to the end, and even has a hint of intimacy in her expression...


Chen Xi's knuckles were whitishly pinched, and his eyes suddenly became extremely cold.

Seeing this, the purple-eyed, silver-haired young man couldn't help smiling even brighter. He glanced at Chen Xi with pity, then wrapped his arms around Zhen Liuqing's waist, turned around, and walked towards the second floor of the Qianyuan Treasure Building.

And from the beginning to the end, Zhen Liuqing never looked back...

Chen Xi stood there like a sculpture, with a cold expression on his face. No one knew what kind of pain and struggle he was experiencing in his heart, or was it resentment and loss?

As soon as the purple-eyed silver-haired youth and Zhen Liuqing left, the atmosphere in the hall suddenly changed, and it became lively again.

It's just that the content of the discussion has changed.

"Ha, that kid actually wants to eat swan meat like a toad, and he doesn't even look at whose woman it is."

"If you want to strike up a conversation, you have to take your time, but to hook up with Gongye Zhefu's woman face to face, isn't that a crime?"

"I think this kid is dazzled by his beauty, and his concentration is too weak. He even dared to snatch Gongye Zhefu's woman. It was a joke with his life. Fortunately, Gongye Zhefu was magnanimous and didn't get angry. Otherwise, how could he still have?" Fate?"

"Indeed, maybe Gongye Zhefu is too lazy to argue with a small person like him?"

"Speaking of which, who of you recognizes that kid?"

"Who knows, it's definitely not possible for him to be a noble boy from the Emperor's Domain, otherwise how could he not even know Gongye Zhefu?"

All these discussions were like flies buzzing, making Chen Xi's face even more gloomy. He didn't care about being slandered or ridiculed, but he couldn't accept this feeling of "betrayal".

Gongye Zhefu!

Chen Xi took a deep breath, tried his best to keep himself calm, turned around and sat back in silence, there was indeed a touch of gloom between his brows that could not be shaken off.

"Hehe, I didn't expect that the target I dealt with this time became Zhen Liuqing's favorite object. Even for him, she would rather meet than pretend not to know herself..."

Chen Xi suddenly wanted to laugh, feeling like fate was deliberately playing tricks on him, or in other words, punishing him?

Punish yourself for so many years without finding Zhen Liuqing?

"No matter what, some things need to be clarified after all, especially things involving the word love, not for redemption, but for freeing oneself from it."

Yun Qing quietly looked at Chen Xi for a long time before finally speaking. The old man's eyes were full of wisdom that could only be honed through the vicissitudes of life.

"Of course, the result may also be a surprise, who knows?"


ps: Chapter 3 before 7 pm.

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