divine talisman

Chapter 1646 Reappearance of the Broken Sword

Chen Xi remained silent, with complicated emotions.

In the end, he nodded, got up and walked out of the Qianyuan Treasure Tower without saying anything.

He wanted to be alone.


Fengqi Divine City is extremely vast, with streets and alleys extending in all directions, every brick and tile, every plant and tree are all filled with the charm of ancient vicissitudes.

With his hands behind his back, Chen Xi walked alone on the bustling streets, aimlessly.

Perhaps because he has experienced too many ups and downs and turmoil since he was a child, Chen Xi has always been relatively restrained and even passive when it comes to relationships.

But this does not mean that he is numb and dull, as early as in the Great Chu Dynasty, he was aware of Zhen Liuqing's affection for him.

Perhaps, after not seeing each other for many years, anyone could fall in love with another person. Chen Xi could understand this, but he couldn't accept this result. He was so familiar before, but now he didn't recognize each other in person, like a stranger, even more than a stranger. Even more cruel!

At least there was no relationship between strangers before, so naturally there was no pain.


Chen Xi couldn't figure it out.

Unknowingly, he walked out of the east gate along the street, and his vision suddenly widened, and a vast ocean came into view.



The tide is rolling, the waves are empty, and thousands of piles of snow are rolled up. The blue sea seems to be boundless, the waves are undulating, and the sound is like thunder and vibration.

If you look carefully, you can even see that this vast ocean stretches to the horizon, spans the sky, and reaches the depths of the universe, seemingly endless.

Stars sink and float in the vast ocean, and they circulate along different trajectories, stirring up the sky and sea water, which is extremely spectacular.

Chen Xi's eyes couldn't help but brighten up, and the depression accumulated in his heart was suddenly released, and his whole body became open-minded and transparent.

This is the Sea of ​​Burying Gods!

An ocean where an unknown number of gods are buried, and countless stars and stars have sunk, stretches across the extreme eastern edge of the ancient gods' domain. Since ancient times, no major force has been able to subdue it.

No one even dares to say how vast this sea is and where it ends.

Chen Xi was in a mess of clothes, and went straight to a cliff facing the sea. He sat down cross-legged and looked at the vast expanse of blue sea in the distance.

In this situation, the fragments of the river map in his mind quietly moved, and the image of the blood-stained broken sword reappeared.

The broken sword was mottled all over, with patches of blood stains on its surface, but it had an overwhelming aura that would kill people through the ages and look down upon the universe.

At the beginning, Chen Xi comprehended the three-style swordsmanship of "killing the invisible", "watching the sea and listening to the waves", and "returning to come" through comprehending this picture of a blood-stained and incomplete sword. The level of the Sword Emperor.

It can be said that this blood-stained sword looks mottled and extremely incomplete, but it has an immeasurable effect on the improvement of Chen Xi's swordsmanship.

But at this moment, the picture of the blood-stained broken sword reappeared, and the fragments of the river map quietly moved from the silence, making Chen Xi immediately attracted.

He could clearly feel that after all this happened, a throbbing suddenly rose in his heart.

It seems that in a certain unknowable area in the deepest part of the God Burial Sea, there is something calling him. It seems to be faint, if there is nothing, but Chen Xi can be sure that this is real and not an illusion. .

But in just a moment, when Chen Xi was about to get to the bottom of it, this perception disappeared without a trace, and even the picture of the blood-stained broken sword in his mind disappeared along with the fragments of the river map.

This made Chen Xi startled, and murmured: "It seems that the Mang Ancient Ruins may indeed be related to the fragments of the River Map..."

He still remembered that among the nine obscure ancient characters he recognized from the fragments of the river map, there were the words "Huang" and "Xuan".

And just now, the changes in the fragments of the river map in the sea of ​​consciousness, as well as the slight perception in his heart, made Chen Xi roughly judge that there must be some kind of echo among all these clues.

Thinking of this, he suddenly felt a sense of anticipation for his trip to the Manggu Ruins, and wanted to see what existed there that could actually cause changes in the fragments of the river map.

It wasn't until night fell that Chen Xi got up and returned to the Qianyuan Treasure Building in the city.

"I'm really worried that you will be devastated after such an accident." Yun Qing looked relieved when he saw Chen Xu come back.

Chen Xi smiled, and didn't say much, he wasn't that vulnerable anymore, although he still hadn't completely let go of Zhen Liuqing's indifferent attitude until now.

"These days, you just stay quietly in the Paradise of Paradise and adjust your breath, and when the Burying God Sea enters the dormant period, you can start taking action." Yun Qing urged.

Chen Xi nodded.

However, just when he was about to leave, Yun Qing seemed to remember something, stopped him, and said with a serious expression: "Master Chen Xi, after entering the Manggu ruins, if you have a conflict with Gongye Zhefu, you will inevitably have conflicts with that man." When a girl fights, what will you...how will you plan?"

Chen Xi narrowed his eyes suddenly, and after a long silence, he said, "Don't worry, I will definitely do my best to do what I promised."

After finishing speaking, he stood up and returned to the blessed place he had ordered.

"I hope so." Looking at the back of Chen Xi leaving, Yun Qing suddenly sighed in his heart.

He wasn't worried that Chen Xi would retreat because of this, but he was worried that when he fought Gongye Zhefu, the other party would take that Zhen Liuqing as a hostage to threaten Chen Xi...


From this day on, Chen Xi retreated in the Winter Paradise and never showed up again.

And as time went by, Fengqi Divine City became more and more lively, almost every day ascetics came from all directions.

Although most of them are not supreme gods, they are also the top peak existences in various regions of the ancient gods.

This is also normal, the Manggu ruins are mysterious and vast, and there are countless opportunities buried there, but it is not just as simple as a ninth-rank emperor-level Daoyuan ancestral root.

This is also the reason why the ascetics who came here resolutely rushed here even though they knew that they could not compete with the supreme gods from the imperial domain.

The day before Burial God Sea entered the dormant period, Chen Xi woke up from his meditation, took a deep breath, got up and walked out of the Paradise of Paradise.

Today is the time he and Yun Qing made an appointment, because tonight, the Sea of ​​Burying Gods will enter a dormant period, if you wait to start tomorrow, it will obviously be too late.

Yun Qing had already been waiting outside, and when he saw Chen Xi, Dang even took him out of the Qianyuan Treasure Building and headed towards the Sea of ​​Burying Gods.

Swish swish!

One after another silhouettes moved through the air, like a colorful rain of light, densely packed, flying towards the same direction.

Chen Xi was surprised to find that the atmosphere in Fengqi Divine City was extremely lively this day, and at the same time, there was an aura that seemed like a storm was about to come.

Obviously, all ascetics understand that when the sea of ​​burying gods enters the dormant period, the real competition will begin!

At that time, whether it is for the ninth-rank emperor-level ancestral Daogen, or for other opportunities in the Manggu ruins, there will inevitably be many cruel competitions and fights.

Both Yun Qing and Chen Xi were not in a hurry, and their pace was neither too fast nor too slow.

"I have been inquiring about the news these days. What is certain is that there are a total of 16 gods and gods who entered the Manggu ruins this time, and the top ten are currently only Gongye Zhefu."

Yun Qing quickly introduced the news that happened these days to Chen Xi, "However, this is only on the surface. It is impossible to determine how many supreme gods have come secretly."

Chen Xi silently remembered all of this in his heart, and didn't say much.

"However, the strange thing is that according to the information obtained by the empress, among the supreme gods who came to the Manggu ruins this time, there are two peerless talents who are more powerful than Gongye Zhefu, but now there is no news at all."

Yun Qing pondered, "But no matter what, you must remember that this action competition is bound to be cruel, and everything must be careful."

Chen Xi asked, "Who are those two guys who are stronger than Gongye Zhefu?"

"One is Luo Shaonong, the young lord of the Luo clan, and the other is Canaan, the holy son of the Buddhist sect. The two are respectively ranked No.3 and No.7 in the spirit realm of the Fengshen List. Their strength is unfathomable, and they are in the imperial realm. They are all famous wizards.”

Talking about these two people, Yunqing's voice was filled with admiration, envy and emotion.

Who Luo Shaonong was, Chen Xi didn't care. What made him curious was that the holy son of the Buddhist sect, Canaan, reminded him of the true law of the Buddhist son he had known in the Three Realms for no reason.

"It seems that the power of the Buddha Realm in the Ancient God Realm should not be underestimated." Chen Xi was thoughtful, and even thought that even the Buddha Realm had power in the Ancient God Realm, so what about the Phoenix Clan and the Dragon Realm?Is it the same?

"If you have a chance, you must go to the Emperor's Domain. That's the central hub of the entire Ancient God's Domain. Only when you arrive there may you be able to find what you want." Chen Xi made a decision secretly in his heart.

Before they knew it, the two of them had walked out of the city, and in front of them was the endless sea of ​​burials that traversed the depths of the universe.

It’s just that it’s different from what Chen Xi saw a few days ago, the sea of ​​burying the gods that was originally surging and turbulent has gradually calmed down, like a ferocious beast that is about to fall into a dormant sleep.

Looking from a distance, the blue sea is boundless and the waves are slightly rippling. It is like a bright mirror, reflecting all phenomena in the sky. Even the stars floating in the sea have stopped and no longer circulate.

All of this shows that this boundless sea, which has been turned pale by people's talk, is about to enter a dormant period.

At this moment, on the bank of the sea, there are already an unknown number of figures, densely packed, roughly counted, at least no less than a thousand.

Moreover, almost none of their cultivation bases are lower than the Dongguang Spiritual God Realm, and there are even some Ancestral God Realm existences!

However, most of those Ancestral God Realm powerhouses are obviously first-rate retinues, following one after another Spiritual God Realm cultivators, acting as guards, just like Yun Qing beside Chen Xi.

Yun Qing said in a deep voice at the side: "You don't have to worry about those strong ancestor gods. Although the Sea of ​​Burial Gods is dormant today, it is more terrifying than ever for those strong men whose cultivation base exceeds the spirit god realm. Entering it, the realm and cultivation will be absolutely oppressed, making it impossible to move an inch!"


ps: Before 9:[-] p.m. for the fourth update.

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