divine talisman

Chapter 1647

Suppress realm and cultivation!

It was the first time for Chen Xi to hear such news, and he couldn't help asking curiously: "So, the higher the cultivation level, the greater the suppression?"

Yun Qing nodded: "That's right. Do you know why this sea area is called Burial God? Because in these boundless years, there are many people who come here with powerful wrists, wanting to break this confinement with their own power, but in the end... All gone."

Chen Xi was startled in horror, and only then did he understand the meaning of Burying Shenhai's name.

"It doesn't matter if your cultivation is weaker than the Spiritual God Realm, because even if you can step into it, you can't resist the dangers in it, so this operation to the ancient ruins, only the strong in the Spiritual God Realm can safely arrive."

Yun Qing sighed and said, "This is the Sea of ​​Burying Gods, a sea of ​​mystery. The scope of the ancient gods ends here. The reason is that no one has been able to take this sea area as their own since ancient times."

While speaking, there was an uproar in the distance.

Then, a purple phoenix burning with purple flames pierced the sky and flew from a distance.

The wings of the purple phoenix are like hanging clouds, covering the sky and the earth, noble and gorgeous, the purple divine flames permeating the whole body, dyeing the void purple, it is really gorgeous.

A young man with purple eyes and silver hair stood proudly on the back of Zihuang. He was well dressed and handsome, exuding a sharp and sharp aura from his whole body.

Dressed in a black dress, Zhen Liuqing, with a clean and beautiful face and a calm demeanor, stood next to Gongye Zhefu, making him look even more dignified and extraordinary.

Seeing the two arriving on the purple phoenix, everyone present couldn't help but feel a sense of amazement, envy, shock, and a heavy pressure.

After all, among all the ascetics in the spirit and god realm present, the strength of Gongye Zhefu is the most respected.Compared with him, it is difficult not to make people feel pressured.

And the moment Chen Xi saw Zhen Liuqing, he couldn't help feeling sour in his heart, and immediately moved his gaze away, not looking any further.

Sometimes it's simply impossible to let go of a relationship completely.

Yun Qing on the side saw all this in his eyes, and couldn't help sighing again in his heart. He was really worried, when Chen Xi confronted Gongye Zhefu, and the latter threatened Zhen Liuqing, how would Chen Xi face it.

After that Gongye Zhefu arrived in Zihuang, he didn't know whether it was intentional or not, he brought Zhen Liuqing to Chen Xi's area.

This made Yun Qing frowned, vaguely feeling that this guy was probably doing it on purpose!

Facts have proved that Yun Qing's feeling is not bad, because in the next moment, Zhefu Gongye walked towards Chen Xi with his arms around Zhen Liuqing's waist.

Zhen Liuqing obviously also saw Chen Xi, and Mo Dai frowned, as if she wanted to refuse, but as if she couldn't help herself, she was brought over by Gongye Zhefu, which made her frown even more fiercely, Looking at Gongye Tetsuo beside him, he didn't say much in the end.

The people nearby were obviously a little puzzled, seeing Gongye Zhefu approaching, they all avoided and opened a way.

This made it difficult for Chen Xi not to pay attention. When he turned his head, he saw Gongye Zhefu and Zhen Liuqing approaching, and a coldness flashed in the depths of his eyes. What does this guy mean?Did you come here to humiliate yourself on purpose?

However, when he was less than ten feet away from Chen Xi, Zhefu Gongye suddenly stopped, smiled slightly at Chen Xi, and chatted with Zhen Liuqing on his own.

Talking and laughing at Yanyan, acting as if no one was around, and patted Zhen Liuqing's shoulder affectionately from time to time, as if showing affection.

"This bastard really did it on purpose..." Chen Xi watched all of this with indifference. What made him even more distressed was that from the beginning to the end, Zhen Liuqing was not at all unhappy, and she couldn't tell what was going on in her heart.

"Do you want to change places?" Yun Qing looked at Chen Xi with a little worry.

Chen Xi shook his head, suddenly smiled slightly, and said, "No, I want to see how long he can play."

The smile was bright, but there was no emotional fluctuation, which made Yun Qing's heart skip a beat, knowing that Gongye Zhefu's behavior had already completely angered Chen Xi.


At this moment, an incomparably loud cry resounded through the air, shaking the world and shaking the soul of everyone in the audience.

This cry is too loud and clear, like a devil, full of arrogance and disdain.

The hustle and bustle of the arena suddenly fell silent at this moment, even Gongye Zhefu seemed to be startled, suddenly raised his eyes and looked into the distance.

Under the gazes of the crowd, eight beautiful and slim girls in silk, carrying a bridal sedan chair, floated over from a distance.

On the bridal sedan chair, there was a young man reclining. He had a slack demeanor, his long hair was loose, his chest was open, and he was drinking wine with a wine jug. breath.

On his shoulder, there is also a fiery red mythical beast Suzaku, the steed is extraordinary, and the cry just now was obviously made by it.

"Luo Shaonong, the young master of the Luo clan of the Imperial Region!"

Someone exclaimed, and immediately, the whole scene was like an explosion, and there was an endless sensation. Everyone showed a look of disbelief, as if they did not expect that he would come.

Luo Shaonong!

The third-ranked existence in the Spiritual God Realm in the list of Conferred Gods!

This means that, among the more than 1000 domains in the entire ancient gods, and the spiritual realms in countless universes, except for the few people who rank ahead of him, he is already invincible!

"This guy...is as unexpected as ever." Gongye Zhefu's pair of purple pupils was twirling cold electricity.

At this moment, even Chen Xi couldn't help looking over, and immediately felt a chill in his heart, keenly aware that the strength of the other party's aura was so strong that he had never seen it in his life, which made him feel a little bit of pressure.

This made Chen Xi feel even more emotional. There are really enough perverts in this world. Compared with them, Xun Yangping is simply not worth mentioning.

"Hey, isn't that Canaan, the holy son of the Buddhist sect?" Suddenly, someone exclaimed in surprise.

A stone stirred up thousands of waves, and everyone was shocked to find that there was a monk standing on the other side of that extremely far away.

He wore a moon-white coarse cloth monk's robe, stepped on straw sandals, and held a dead wooden Zen staff. His face was ordinary and nothing outstanding, but his temperament was calm. See, it's easy to overlook him.

Compared with Luo Shaonong's way of appearing on the stage, this holy son Canaan was extremely low-key, and it was only now that people discovered it.

But no one dared to underestimate the other party, because this was an existence that ranked seventh in the Spiritual God Realm on the List of Conferred Gods!

A full two ranks higher than Nagongye Zhefu!

All of a sudden, two rumored peerless talents appeared in the arena, which immediately overshadowed Gongye Zhefu's limelight, and shifted the audience's attention to these two.

It wasn't that they underestimated Gongye Zhefu, but that everyone never expected that these two would arrive at such a moment.

"It seems that the news that Empress Yu Che received is not false. Luo Shaonong and Canaan have arrived one after another..."

Chen Xi's reaction was much more insipid. He didn't pay much attention to that Ninth-Rank Emperor-level Ancestral Dao Root when he came here this time, and because of Zhen Liuqing's relationship, his current thoughts were completely out of control. Moved to that Gongye Zhefu, thinking about how to stop the other party's actions.

The sky gradually became dark, and when the night completely shrouded and covered the sky, the God Burying Sea in the distance finally fell into a dormant silence, with no wind or waves, not even a single ripple, revealing a mysterious silence , mysterious and palpitating.

But this scene, for the ascetics present, made them all heartbroken and restless.

"Finally it's time to start action!"

"Hurry up, if you take one step at night, I'm afraid you won't even be able to drink the soup."


Amidst a burst of noise, streaks of brilliant light burst out of the sky, illuminating the sky, tearing apart time and space with a roar, and rushing towards the depths of the God Burial Sea.

All of a sudden, the entire world was filled with the colorful light, and the densely packed ascetics started to move, covering the sky and covering the earth, and the scene was extremely spectacular.

However, although the speed of the crowd was fast, they were not as fast as Luo Shaonong, Kanan and Gongye Zhefu. The three started to move almost immediately, and disappeared on the vast sea in an instant.

"Be careful, the Mang Ancient Ruins is extremely dangerous, and it is completely different from the Ancient God Realm. If you encounter danger, remember to put your own life first." Yun Qing warned again with a serious expression.

Chen Xi nodded to express his understanding.

"Go, I will wait here for your return, take care." Yun Qing said.


Cupping his hands, Chen Xi's figure flashed, and immediately he broke through the sky towards the God Burying Sea in the distance without any hesitation.

In just a moment, it disappeared.

"Since ancient times, heroes have been saddened by beauty, little guy, you must not stumble in front of beauty..."

Yun Qing watched Chen Xi's figure go away, and couldn't help muttering to himself.


The Sea of ​​Burying Gods under the night is like a dead mirror, extremely mysterious.

From time to time, one can see bright beams of light rushing up from under the sea surface, illuminating the night sky. It is the starlight released by the planets suspended under the sea water, soaked in sea water, and has a magnificent and transparent beauty.

The Sea of ​​Burial Gods is huge, as if it is boundless.

After moving the time for a cup of tea, it was difficult to see other figures in the surroundings, and it seemed that only Chen Xi was left in the world.

This is also normal, once entering this sea of ​​burials, it means that the competition has already begun, and no one is willing to act with other people unless they have a deep relationship.

Chen Xi was naturally no exception.

"Sure enough, the law of heaven here has obviously become thinner, and there is a wild and chaotic power in the world. Perhaps it is because of this power that the powerhouses above the ancestor gods dare not set foot in this area. Sea area?"

While moving, Chen Xi sensed his surroundings, and keenly discovered that everything in this Sea of ​​Burying Gods was indeed quite different from the Ancient God Realm.

The reason lies in that wild and chaotic power, mysterious and thick, omnipresent, covering every inch of the Burying God Sea.


ps: The fifth update is before 11:[-].

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