divine talisman

Chapter 1648

Between the sky and the earth in the area covered by the Burying God Sea, there is a wild and chaotic atmosphere that is completely different from the ancient gods.

This force is ubiquitous, but it cannot be absorbed at all, just like the power of development that runs the way of heaven, without a trace.

This made Chen Xi shudder in his heart, realizing that after entering this sea of ​​burials, he had already surpassed the realm of the ancient gods, and he could no longer treat the current situation as before.

He became more careful and even slowed down his movement.

Just like this, a whole incense stick of time passed, and just when Chen Xi thought he was making a big fuss, suddenly there was a shrill scream from a distance, which seemed extremely pervasive in this extremely silent night.

When Chen Xi opened and closed his eyes, a flash of cold electricity flashed, and he swept away, only to see a sea area far away, filled with divine blood, dyeing the water red, and under the sea water, a huge shadow suddenly disappeared. .

This made Chen Xi frowned, and thought to himself, could it be that there are many terrifying and unknown creatures dormant under this sea of ​​burials?

He was not mistaken, it was obvious that someone died just now, and was killed by that huge shadow on the bottom of the sea, but it was a pity that when Chen Xi glanced over, that shadow had disappeared.

"It seems that this Sea of ​​Burying Gods is not safe..." Chen Xi took a deep breath, and casually sacrificed the sword talisman, not daring to be negligent.

He continued to move forward, but he did not encounter any danger along the way, but in the surrounding sea area, there was a shrill scream from time to time, which made the atmosphere even more terrifying in the vast night.

Chen Xi's expression also became extremely vigilant, he didn't want any accidents to happen before he arrived at the Manggu Ruins.


After a long time, there was a sound of breaking through the sky, and a huge divine bird flew across the sky. Its wings spread hundreds of feet, and a hurricane blew up, causing thousands of huge waves in the sea.

In an instant, it passed over Chen Xi's head.

There were some figures standing on the back of the divine bird, and when they saw Chen Xi walking forward alone, they all showed a strange look.

"Hey, isn't that the guy who went to strike up a conversation with Gongye Zhefu's female companion in the Qianyuan Treasure Building a few days ago?"

"Haha, it really is that toad. I didn't expect that he also came and was alone. Aren't you afraid of being murdered for money?"

"Not to mention, such idiots are often very bold."

The divine bird hovered in the air and did not leave in a hurry.

Chen Xi raised his head, looked at those ascetics, squinted his eyes, and suddenly laughed. Back then, when he was in the Qianyuan Treasure Building, it was fine if he was ridiculed. After all, there are so many people, and it would be very troublesome if something happened. .

But now, in this sea of ​​burying gods, only those who are strong in the spirit and god realm can set foot there, and it is so empty, it is completely an excellent environment where the moon is dark and the wind is high and the murderous night is high. Chen Xi will never wrong himself again, otherwise it would be terrible. It's just too useless.


Chen Xi casually slashed out with a sword, and a flash of brilliant sword energy pierced through the air. It was secretive and tricky, making it impossible to guard against.

Those ascetics were talking and laughing at themselves and mocking Chen Xi, but they suddenly staggered and almost fell off the back of the divine bird.

Immediately, they were shocked to find that a pair of wings of the divine bird under their feet had been cut off abruptly, the feathers were flying, and the divine blood poured down, making a sharp mournful cry.

"Bastard! This guy dared to attack us!"

"Damn it, you actually killed my Biyanxue Guangdiao, I want you to pay for it!"

Those ascetics' complexions darkened, and they flew into a rage. They leaped into the air, sacrificed various divine treasures, and ruthlessly charged towards Chen Xi.

For this, Chen Xi didn't even look at it, and he slashed away with his sword again. It was mighty and majestic, just like the star sea rolled back, and its power was unparalleled.

The second form of the sword emperor's realm - watching the sea and listening to the waves!


In just a split second, the sword energy crushed and crushed all the attacks, as if he was invincible.

This group of ascetics is very strong, and they are also among the top leaders in the spirit and god realm. Unfortunately, when they meet Chen Xi, they are no match at all, and the difference is too great.

Even Xun Yangping, who is a descendant of Emperor Chen and has the potential to be the supreme god, was easily beaten by Chen Xi, let alone them.

"You... who are you?" Those ascetics were taken aback, and with just one blow, they realized that Chen Xi was extraordinary, completely superior to them.

The next moment, they couldn't scream anymore. They were coughed up blood by the sword energy that Chen Xi slashed, as if they were crushed by a hundred thousand mountains, they all flew upside down, and fell into the burial ground like dumplings. In the sea of ​​gods.

Chen Xi doesn't have any sympathy for this kind of people, so he should let them know what it means to speak out.

However, Chen Xi didn't kill him, so a lesson would be enough, he wouldn't be so stingy to the point where the other party would just taunt him and kill him in one fell swoop.


But to Chen Xi's surprise, before he could kill him, a gigantic beast suddenly leaped out from under the sea, opened its mouth and swallowed all those cultivators into its stomach.

This ferocious beast has a body like a kui ox, but it has a pair of blood pupils, a pair of dragon horns, and pitch-black scales all over its body, with a luster like cold metal.


A scream came from the beast's mouth, and it stopped abruptly, apparently completely dead in the belly of the beast.

For this, Chen Xi didn't show any mercy, but he was slightly surprised and even more vigilant. He never expected that the sea water would be so dangerous.


That ferocious beast glanced coldly at Chen Xi with its blood pupils, then its figure flashed, and it got under the sea water. Obviously, it didn't intend to confront Chen Xi above the sea.

"It seems that the intelligence of these ferocious beasts is obviously extremely high, and they already know the way to advance and retreat." Chen Xi raised his eyebrows, feeling more and more unusual about this sea area.

Those ascetics are all top-level existences in the spirit and god realm. Even if they were injured by themselves, they did not hurt their origin, but now they are all swallowed by that fierce beast. It is conceivable how powerful they are.

"Buying God Sea, Burying God Sea... No wonder you dare to call this name."

Chen Xi secretly sighed in his heart, his figure flashed, and flew towards a higher void, widening the distance from the sea surface.

Not long after, after traveling about a million miles, a bone-chilling breath came, and there was a faint smell of blood in the air.

Chen Xi narrowed his eyes immediately, and he suddenly saw that the sea surface in the far distance was frozen into a layer of ice, which was several feet thick and covered tens of thousands of miles. There were some corpses, animal bones, and some fragments of divine treasures piled up on the ice surface. There were even many stumps and broken arms frozen in the ice, which looked extremely strange.

"This should be caused by a supreme method of ice-cold attributes. The person who made the shot has obviously controlled the divine way of water at a small level..."

Chen Xi quickly deduced it in his mind, and vaguely felt that the strength of the person who made the shot would definitely not be much worse than himself.


Suddenly, there was a violent shaking from under the ice layer, and it shattered, and immediately a huge golden figure rushed out.

It was a thousand-foot-long beast with an extremely thick body, like a dragon but not a dragon, like a python but not a python, with four scaly claws growing from its abdomen.

As soon as it rushed out, it opened its bloody mouth, sucked it violently, and swallowed the severed limbs, stumped arms, and corpses in the shattered ice layer into its mouth.

"This seems to be...a trap?" Chen Xi narrowed his eyes, and suddenly his figure flashed, hiding in the distance.


Almost at the same time, a cold light suddenly shot out from the distant time and space, turning into the shape of a icy crescent moon, and slashed down.


Almost without encountering any obstacles, the head of the terrifying beast was chopped off, and the huge body swayed violently, spraying blood like a waterfall.

Immediately, a young man with a long and narrow face and wearing a green robe appeared in a blink of an eye. He took out a jade bottle, pointed the mouth of the bottle at the corpse of the beast, and with a bang, he actually ingested the corpse and stuffed it into the jade bottle middle.

"Yes, with this four-clawed python corpse as bait, it is enough to attract the attention of the ancestral spirit insects after entering the Manggu ruins..."

The green-robed young man smiled slightly, carefully put away the jade bottle, and immediately looked like lightning, and swept towards Chen Xi's hiding place.

Immediately, a smile appeared on the corner of his lips, and he said, "Fellow Daoist, since we've met, why bother to hide? I, Kunwuqing, am not a villain. Could it be that I can eat people?"

"You don't know how to eat people, but you can cheat people." Amidst the indifferent voice, Chen Xi's stern figure flashed out.

At the same time, his heart trembled, Kun Wuqing?Isn't that the God Supreme who ranked No. 19 in the Spiritual God Realm on the list of Conferred Gods?

"Oh? What do you mean by that?" Kun Wuqing said with a smile.

"Just now, in order to lure that evil obstacle, you killed three strong men in the spiritual realm, and frozen their corpses in ice. Such a cruel method is not just as simple as deceiving people. .” Chen Xi said indifferently.

"Hahaha, it's just some waste. It's their honor to be used by me, Kunwuqing."

After being exposed, Kun Wuqing was not only not annoyed, but laughed out loud. Chen Xi couldn't help frowning with that indifferent appearance.

Apparently, this Kunwuqing was indiscriminate, and this was not the first time he had done so.

"I'm just curious. With your identity, you just hunted some ferocious beasts. Why did you use such despicable methods?" Chen Xi raised his eyebrows.

"Oh, it seems that fellow Daoist, you don't know that the fierce beasts in this sea area are very difficult to hunt. Unless you use the flesh and blood of a strong man in the divine realm as bait, they won't show up at all."

Kun Wuqing said slowly, "In this way, I can only make a bad decision, otherwise, how could I be willing to let those garbage get my hands dirty?"

Speaking of this, an unfathomable color suddenly appeared in his eyes, he looked at Chen Xi leisurely, and said, "If I want to choose an opponent, I will definitely choose someone like you, Fellow Daoist, and not those rubbish."

A hint of vigilance suddenly rose in Chen Xi's heart, but he smiled and said, "It's just right, after seeing everything just now, I also want to learn about your methods, fellow Taoist."

Kunwu narrowed his blue eyes, stared at Chen Xi for a long time, then suddenly smiled, then turned around and left with a wave of his sleeve.

"I can't see through you, so it's better not to do it. Even if you want to do it, it's not impossible after entering the Manggu Ruins, but it's definitely not possible now..."

Amidst the loud laughter, he tore apart time and space and left in a flash.


ps: With this chapter, 5 chapters have been updated today, but I only received 2 monthly tickets after exhausting myself. Haha, suddenly I feel very powerless~

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