divine talisman

Chapter 1649 Tongtian Portal

This guy is not so arrogant on the surface...

Watching Kun Wuqing leave, Chen Xi frowned, not daring to underestimate these children from ancient families from the imperial domain.

In fact, think about it, how could there be a fool who can have the potential of being a god and put his name on the list of gods.

Without further delay, Chen Xi continued to move forward.

According to Empress Yu Che's instruction, as long as one moves all the way to the depths of the Burying God Sea, one will definitely be able to see the entrance of the Manggu Ruins.

Regarding this, Chen Xi was convinced, because along the way, he found that other ascetics were also moving along a fixed direction just like him.


Before I knew it, several days had passed.

During these days, Chen Xi spent almost all his time on the road, because he had the Cangwu Sacred Tree, so he didn't need to spend much time recovering his physical strength, and he could keep moving and moving continuously.

In this way, he surpassed many ascetics who acted in advance, until later, even for a long time, he did not see a single figure again.

But Chen Xi was very clear that until now, he hadn't surpassed Luo Shaonong, Canaan, and Gongye Zhefu.

Therefore, it is impossible to feel any pride in my heart.

The progress of these few days also made Chen Xi discover that many ascetics are like Kun Wuqing, looking for various opportunities to hunt and kill the fierce beasts in the sea. Of course, there are also some that happened between ascetics. of fighting and fighting.

This made Chen Xi feel a little strange. Could it be that hunting this ferocious beast in the sea would be of any help in entering the Manggu Ruins?

With the intention of giving it a try, Chen Xi actually hunted down seven or eight ferocious beasts along the way.

However, he did not use the ascetic's corpse and flesh as bait like Kun Wuqing did, but directly used himself as bait, releasing some blood stains to attract the beasts, and he succeeded once or twice out of ten times.

Then, he collected the corpses of these fierce beasts in case of emergency.



On this day, when Chen Xi was marching in a sea area, he used the same method again to lure out a three-legged, black-green spikes on its back, and a bull-like head, with an extremely weird appearance.

It rushed out of the sea, and the spikes all over its body suddenly spread out, like spears, and suddenly covered Chen Xi.


Chen Xi held the sword talisman in his hand, and slashed away without haste.


But at the same time as he made a move, a bright horse came from time and space, turning into a crescent moon to suppress and kill.


Chen Xi's sword slashed at that ferocious beast almost at the same time as that round of the waning moon, cutting its body into three, and blood spurted out, causing it to die miserably on the spot.

Seeing this, Chen Xi narrowed his eyes slightly, and did not summon to clean up the battlefield, but glanced to one side.

"Hey, I didn't expect that we met again, fellow daoist, what a coincidence." In the space and time there, a figure appeared with a long and narrow face and a green robe. It was Kun Wuqing.

"For me, your arrival is very unfortunate." Chen Xi said indifferently, he would not think that this was a chance meeting.

"Hehe, fellow daoist, don't get me wrong. I just saw that you are very powerful, so I can't help but want to cooperate with you."

Kun Wuqing smiled and said, "With the ability of the two of us, if we can act together, even if we enter the ancient ruins, we will not be afraid of anyone. Dao Gen will also be effortless, what do fellow Daoists think?"

Speaking of this, he slapped his forehead and said with a smile: "Of course, in order to express my sincerity, I, Kunwuqing, would like to swear to God that I will never do anything to cheat my partner."

If it were any other cultivator, he would have to be tempted to face such an invitation. After all, this guy has sworn an oath and promised a bright future, and he is also the top ranked in the list of gods. With the existence of twenty, it is hard not to be tempted.

However, Chen Xi rejected it without even thinking about it: "Sorry, I'm used to being alone, and I appreciate the friendliness."

He knew very well that what the other party said was nice, but in the end, he might even swallow his own bones unceremoniously.

Cooperating with them is undoubtedly acting as a minion for a tiger, which is unwise.

Kun Wuqing frowned, and said seriously: "Fellow Daoist, don't you think about it anymore? As far as I know, many gods and supreme beings have now joined together and started to act together. Under such circumstances, if you alone want to There is very little hope for gaining something in the Manggu ruins."

Chen Xi smiled and said, "Thank you fellow daoist for your invitation, I have made up my mind."

Kun Wuqing's face darkened, as if a little displeased, then he suddenly laughed again, nodded and said: "Okay, very good, everyone has their own aspirations, and I won't force it, then I wish you a smooth journey, fellow Taoist, and a successful start, and leave."

After finishing speaking, he took a deep look at Chen Xi, then turned around and roared away.

"This guy wants to cooperate with me for no reason, obviously he has evil intentions..." Chen Xi looked at the direction where Kun Wuqing left, with a cold arc on his lips.

Immediately, he frowned, realizing a problem. If, as Kun Wuqing said, those gods and gods had all formed their own alliances, then the problem would be a bit serious.

With Gongye Zhefu's prestige and identity, he might easily be able to win over some supreme gods to cooperate with him.

And under such circumstances, it would obviously become very difficult for Chen Xi to stop the opponent's action to seize the ancestral origin.

"Could it be that we really need to find some people to cooperate first?" Chen Xi pondered for a long time, but finally shook his head, stopped thinking about it, and planned to enter the Mang Ancient Ruins first, and take actions according to the situation.

Next, Chen Xi proceeded to take away the corpse of the murderous beast he had killed, and then continued to fly forward.

There were no more disturbances along the way.

After another seven full days of walking like this, just when Chen Xi felt that he had almost crossed the distance of hundreds of universes, suddenly, his pupils suddenly shrank, and he stood still in midair.

In his field of vision, a huge and incomparable portal emerged above the sea area far away, standing upright in the sky, magnificent and vast.

The inconceivable size of this door is like a black hole dug in the universe, which can swallow the universe.

It can be clearly seen that the planets were pushed by the sea water, rolled into the portal like the current, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

That's a planet!

It is enough for thousands of creatures to live on it, but compared with that portal, it is like a pinball played by a child.

And before Chen Xi stood there, he was like an ant standing in front of the gate of heaven, so insignificant, as insignificant as a mayfly.

In almost an instant, Chen Xi concluded that that was the entrance to the ancient ruins of Mang!

The fact is exactly like this. At this moment, Chen Xi suddenly saw black spots standing on the sea surface in front of the portal, and they were all cultivators.

They are constantly approaching, turning into streaks of light, flying towards the portal, and disappearing soon.

Chen Xi stood still on the spot, staring at it for a long time, and waited for those figures to disappear before starting to act.

As he got closer and closer to the portal that stood upright from the sky, an incomparably thick and ancient chaotic aura rushed towards his face, oppressing Chen Xi's expression slightly, and breathing became a little difficult.

He hastened to run all his cultivation bases to relieve this pressure, but it was also like this, which made him realize more and more that, not to mention those big figures above the Ancestral God Realm, it is absolutely impossible for the True God Dongwei to come close to them. The portal is one step away.

Before arriving at the portal, Chen Xi's expression was already extremely solemn. The wild and chaotic aura was too strong, like a substance, constantly gushing out from the depths of the portal, making him become sluggish and slow when moving. stand up.

"Manggu Ruins... It seems that the law of heaven in it is probably derived from this aura. If you enter it, you don't know how dangerous you will encounter..."

Chen Xi took a deep breath, a flash of determination flashed in his eyes, and he rushed towards the portal.

To his surprise, the moment he entered the portal, an incomparable and irresistible terrifying suction suddenly enveloped his whole body, enveloping him. The next moment, his eyes darkened, and he was uncontrollably captured into the depths of the portal.


The sky is vast, the mountains are vast, and there is a surging breath of wildness in the sky and the earth, as if returning to the ancient times in an instant, returning to the era when the chaos was first opened and the majesty was just born.

Everything is full of original taste.

There are no people here, no cities, no buildings, only mountains, lakes, ancient forests...

Chen Xi stood in front of a mountain, seeing all of this, with a hint of astonishment in his expression, this is the Mang Ancient Ruins?

In his previous prediction, he thought that this place was a dead land, full of all kinds of abandoned and desolate ruins, who would have thought that it would be such a place.

Suddenly, Chen Xi's eyes narrowed, and he suddenly saw that in a crevice of a cliff not far away, there was actually a magical medicine plant filled with chaotic luster.

It is about one foot high, with delicate flowers and leaves, fluttering in the wind, every inch of it is imprinted with chaotic textures, imbued with the essence of Dao rhyme, and releasing strands of lustrous luster.

This is obviously a rare miracle medicine, its appearance is extraordinary, beyond Chen Xi's imagination, it has never been seen before.

And at this moment, Chen Xi found at least three plants like this miracle medicine on the side of the cliff!

"This place... is indeed full of unimaginable opportunities." Chen Xi couldn't help but marvel in his heart. It's really hard to imagine how many treasures are buried in this vast ancient ruins.


However, just when Chen Xi was about to go to pick up the magic medicine, suddenly the fragments of the River Diagram in his mind moved quietly, and the image of the blood-stained broken sword reappeared.

Different from the past, this time the pattern is very clear, and the blood stains on the broken sword are bright red and seem to be about to flow out.

What surprised Chen Xi even more was that at this very moment, he clearly felt a terrifying sword intent different from the previous ones from the picture of the blood-stained broken sword. My soul trembled for a while!


ps: The sixth one is here. Thank you brothers and sisters for your votes and comfort. Goldfish has seen it and is very touched. Writing for a long time is already under great pressure. Goldfish is also a common man. Seeing the dismal monthly pass, it is inevitable to have some negative emotions. , Under such circumstances, everyone's encouragement and comfort is definitely the biggest support for Goldfish, thank you, thank you everyone~~

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