divine talisman

Chapter 1650 The style of that 1 sword

This sword intent is really terrifying!

As thick as wilderness, as vast as the way of heaven, as primitive as the source of the dao, as soon as it emerged, it stimulated Chen Xi's soul to tremble, and he was extremely depressed.

Chen Xi couldn't help trembling in his heart. He is now the supreme god, and his sword practice has reached the level of the sword emperor. He surpasses most of his peers in the world, and he is almost arrogant. But now, he feels so powerless in front of this sword intent. , Like a mayfly in the ocean, extremely small.

This is the power and influence that can only be possessed by how far one has reached in the way of the sword?

Chen Xi finally dared to be sure that in the realm of the Sword Emperor, there is a more noble realm of the way of swordsmanship, and a more powerful profound meaning of the sword exists!

After all, that is just a picture of a blood-stained broken sword, but the sword intent imprinted on it can reach such a frightening level. One can imagine how advanced the swordsmanship of the owner of this broken sword is! Unbelievable levels.


But very soon, Chen Xi didn't want to think about it anymore, the fragments of the river chart kept fluctuating, making the picture of the blood-stained and crippled sword more and more clear, and that sword intent became more and more intense...

Chen Xi only felt a buzzing in his head, and strange and mysterious pictures appeared in his heart like fleeting images——

In the boundless universe, pitch black and empty, a slender figure stood in the center of the universe, with an iron sword inserted obliquely at his feet.

Before Chen Xi could clearly see the appearance of that figure's back, immediately, the screen changed abruptly, and figures with majestic power appeared one after another. The demon god with three heads and six arms holding the God of Order chain roared into the sky and shattered the universe.

There is a golden body dharma figure that controls the sun and the moon, and the height is unknown. It releases hundreds of millions of rays of light from the whole body, illuminating the heavens.

There is a Taoist who arrives on a fairy gourd, and the chaotic Tai Chi pattern circulates all over his body. He sits on the palm to clear the void and speaks the truth, which resounds throughout the universe.

The barbarian god with a human face and a beast body, whose body is like a mountain, steps on a snake with his feet on a snake, with thunder wrapped around his arms...

There is a sea of ​​blood surging, possessing the dharma body of supreme wisdom, and deriving infinite forms of sentient beings...


The majestic pictures and terrifying figures with immeasurable majesty made Chen Xi's fascination shake, his Dao heart shake, and he was about to suffocate.

That random figure was incredibly powerful, not comparable to a spirit god, not comparable to an ancestor god, and even much stronger than the aura of Empress Yu Che that Chen Xi had seen before!

They are like the masters who control the gods of the heavens, and they can be proud of all ages!

At this moment, even though he was only witnessing one scene after another, the terrifying aura was so frightening that Chen Xi's Dao heart almost collapsed and collapsed.

Fortunately, all these scenes only appeared for a moment.


The next moment, the picture changed again, a sword energy swept across the sky, as if coming from the eternal river, beheading down.


The three-headed and six-armed demon god who controlled the Great Dao God Chain was beheaded!

Controlling the sun and the moon, the golden body of the dharma figure taller than the sky was beheaded!

Speaking the truth, the Taoist who arrived on the fairy gourd was beheaded!

A barbarian god with a human face and a beast body, with a snake on his feet, a sea of ​​blood that possesses supreme wisdom and transforms the appearance of sentient beings... Those figures with majestic powers, who had no time to react or resist, were all beheaded by this sword!

This universe, this time and space, this longitude and latitude, the order of heaven... were all crushed and beheaded by this sword!

What kind of supreme power is this?

What kind of unparalleled sword is this?


It seems that no words in the world can describe the power of this sword, because that level of power has completely exceeded all imaginations.

Even Chen Xi didn't have time to see clearly, his whole body felt as if struck by lightning, his eyes were stabbed, and his whole body trembled uncontrollably.


The picture changed again, and it was still the boundless universe, pitch black and empty, but only the back figure remained, and... an iron sword protruding obliquely under his feet.

The iron sword was broken, and the edge was stained with blood, making it extremely dim.

"In this life, holding a sword to cut ten thousand ways and kill ten thousand enemies, I finally see the ultimate way. My way is not alone, my way is not alone!" Suddenly, the figure from behind looked up to the sky and laughed, the sound shook the universe, excited, helpless, and sad ,relief……

In the end, his figure suddenly shattered, turning into bits of light and disappearing.

Only the incomplete iron sword was left, trembling and whining in the empty and dark universe...


Chen Xi only felt a shock in his head, and he completely woke up from those strange pictures. His face was already pale, his whole body was drenched in cold sweat, and there was a lingering shock between his brows.

That figure...could it be the master of the broken sword?

What is the ultimate way?

After that battle, he had obviously won, why did he suddenly disappear in the end?Did you leave?Or... has it fallen?

Questions flooded into Chen Xi's mind one after another, making Chen Xi stunned for a long time.

In the end, he could only be roughly sure that the blood-stained sword that emerged from the fragments of the river map was the iron sword in the hand of the owner of the back figure.

Everything else is unknown.

Perhaps, one day when he reaches the height of the master of the back, he will understand all this, but definitely not now.


After a long time, Chen Xi suddenly realized a problem, why did the fragments of the river map change like this the moment he stepped into the ancient ruins?

The blood-stained picture, the Manggu ruins, the fragments of the river map... Is there really some kind of relationship between these three?

Inexplicably, Chen Xi once again remembered the two characters "Huang" and "Xuan" among the nine obscure ancient characters that he had identified in the fragments of the river map.


Suddenly, that familiar feeling appeared in Chen Xi's heart again, as if somewhere in this ancient wasteland, something was calling him from afar.

The reason why he was familiar with it was because he had felt this call as early as the first day he entered Fengqi Divine City, when he came to the Burying God Sea by accident.

However, unlike last time, although the perception this time is still vague, it is clearer than last time.

Chen Xi even judged at once that this ray of call came from the north of Manggu Ruins!

But when he wanted to confirm all this, he found that this ray of perception disappeared again, completely out of his control.

what on earth is it?

Chen Xi couldn't help but perceive the blood-stained broken sword picture in his sea of ​​consciousness.


As soon as his thoughts touched the picture of the blood-stained broken sword, the latter suddenly glowed, and the whole picture suddenly turned into a wave of surging power, which poured into Chen Xi's consciousness.

Countless kendo comprehensions are like the tide constantly rushing, and the impact is such that Chen Xi's head is about to explode, because this wave of thoughts is so huge that it feels faintly unbearable to his current strength.

Soon, all of these perceptions of the way of the sword suddenly stopped, and turned into an "iron sword" pattern, which was imprinted in Chen Xi's mind.

This is obviously a kind of inheritance.

It contains an unimaginably huge amount of perception of the way of the sword, and now, it has all been stored in Chen Xi's mind!

Chen Xi was surprised, a little unbelievable, but when he sensed this iron sword inheritance, he found that it was astonishingly true!

Because the reckless, remote, and primitive sword intent inherited in it seemed so intense and strong, and it contained a huge amount of experience and perception, which almost made him immerse himself in it all at once and couldn't extricate himself from it.

And when Chen Xi sensed the fragments of the river map again, he found that the pattern of the blood-stained broken sword was no longer there.

All this proves that at this moment, he has indeed obtained all the power of sword inheritance contained in the picture of the blood-stained broken sword!

"I didn't expect that I got such a chance just after arriving at the Manggu Ruins. Even if I leave at this time, I will have no regrets!"

Chen Xi couldn't help being a little excited. After reaching the level of the Sword Emperor, he had indeed entered a period of stagnation. He could no longer improve the sword. There were many reasons, but the most important one was the lack of the Sword Emperor. Cognition and inheritance above the realm.

Now, by chance, he was able to obtain the inheritance of the blood-stained broken sword. It is conceivable what a surprise it brought to Chen Xi.

After all, just now, he witnessed the shocking scenes and the power of a sword that cannot be described in any words!

It is conceivable how powerful this kind of inheritance of swordsmanship is enough to kill ten thousand dao and ten thousand enemies.

If it wasn't for important matters, but also to stop that Gongye Zhefu's actions, Chen Xi wished he could go into seclusion now and study hard.

"Although there is not enough time to sharpen, but the time along the way cannot be wasted, as much as you can comprehend..."

Chen Xi took a deep breath and pondered endlessly. He was very clear about how powerful his opponent was this time, and there might be more than one such opponent.

Although Chen Xi was not afraid, but he could ask himself, but he was not absolutely sure of winning, so he seized the time to improve his combat power, the more the better.

What's more, now that you have this iron sword inheritance, you can apply what you have learned, and use those competitors as a sharpening stone to sharpen and improve your own strength.

Once he figured this out, Chen Xi immediately stopped hesitating and took action.


With a flash of his figure, he went straight to the side of the rock by the cliff, and carefully picked up a plant of magic medicine growing in it, took a large amount, and put it away with satisfaction.

This magical medicine is indeed extraordinary, it is pregnant with surging chaotic Dao Qi, and every inch of the branches and leaves contains mysterious Dao patterns, which is beyond what he has seen before, and its value is immeasurable.

As for such a magical medicine, there are actually three plants growing on the cliffside rock wall. It is conceivable that there are so many opportunities in this ancient ruins, and it is no wonder that it can attract many peerless talents from the ancient gods.

Even if it wasn't for that ninth-grade emperor-level ancestral Dao root, just the chance of these magical medicines and treasures were enough to make the practitioners scratch their heads.

Like Chen Xi, who had just arrived at the Manggu Ruins and caught a glimpse of these three rare divine medicines at a glance, it was not just luck, the key was that the Manggu Ruins were full of unimaginable secret treasures.


Chen Xi's figure flashed again, and he picked up the second magic medicine.

But just as he was about to pick the last elixir, his heart skipped a beat, and he stopped subconsciously, and his figure slammed to one side and avoided it.

Chi la~

A dark blue magic whip came through time and space, and with a light twist, it uprooted the magic medicine.


ps: The second is about 11 o'clock later. In addition, it is solemn and serious to explain that goldfish is really not a girl!

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