divine talisman

Chapter 1651 Dao Refining Blood Eyes

Sudden surprise attack caused Chen Xi to subconsciously adopt an extremely conservative evasion strategy, but when he saw clearly that the other party's goal was to snatch the magic medicine that he had already set his sights on, his face immediately darkened.


With a light swipe in Chen Xi's hand, a wisp of sword energy slashed away, and with a bang, the divine light shot out, and the black-blue divine whip trembled violently, and was violently shaken out.

Then Chen Xi raised his hand and grabbed that magical medicine back.

"Huh? How dare you fight back?"

A voice of astonishment resounded from a distance, and a figure appeared from time and space.

This is a burly young man like a mountain, holding a black magic whip, his skin is like a rock, filled with a thick golden light, standing there from a distance, like a holy mountain, extremely powerful.

He stared at Chen Xi coldly like lightning, and said arrogantly, "Boy, hand over that magical medicine!"

Chen Xi almost thought that he had heard it wrong, this guy snatched things so confidently, he was really crazy.

He couldn't help raising his eyebrows and said, "Are you sure you're talking to me?"

The burly young man said displeasedly: "Nonsense, besides you, is there anyone else here? Hand over the magic medicine quickly, or you will definitely be killed."

Chen Xi laughed extremely angrily: "Then I want to see how you kill me!"


No matter how lazy he was to be polite, he slapped it out with one palm, and it evolved into a palm print covering the sky, transpiring divine brilliance, crushing time and space, with unparalleled power.

"Toast, don't eat fine wine!" The burly young man was furious, and with a bang, he swung the Xuanqing Divine Whip and smashed it hard.

This Xuanqing Divine Whip is obviously not a mortal thing, with many obscure Dao marks branded on its surface. Although it is not an innate spiritual treasure, it at least has the power and influence of a middle-level sixth-grade divine treasure.

In addition, this burly young man has a good cultivation, and when he hits with a whip, he is so majestic, as if he wants to whip the world into ruins.


But with such an attack, not only could it fail to resist the power of Chen Xi's palm, but it was shaken so that the magic whip collapsed inch by inch, the divine light collapsed, and it trembled violently like a dead snake.

"You...are you also a supreme god? How is this possible!" The burly young man screamed strangely, and was about to pull back suddenly.

But it was still a step too late, being hit by the big hand covering the sky, like a toad being shot flying, with a scream, the whole person hit the ground with a bang, blood spurted from the mouth and nose, and the ground of the mountain with a radius of thousands of miles was all shattered. Shattered to pieces by this aftermath.

It can be seen how terrifying the power of Chen Xi's blow was, not only did he defeat the Xuanqing Divine Whip in one fell swoop, even the burly young man was unable to resist his blow!

"With this little ability, how dare you learn how others kill and seize treasure?" Chen Xi stepped forward, his cold eyes full of disdain.


The burly young man roared angrily, and jumped up suddenly, but he didn't attack, but roared, "Everyone, why don't you show up and kill this son together?"


When the sound just started, before it fell, there was a violent fluctuation in the void far away, from which figures appeared one after another.

There were eight people in total, and the leader was a young man in colorful clothes. He had a handsome face and a cold and arrogant temperament. There was a vertical eye between his brows, blood red and illusory, overflowing with a terrifying luster, and the whole person gave off a strange and cold feeling. .

This is obviously a supreme god, with a more powerful aura than the others around him. Standing there casually, he has an unrivaled aura.

"So there is a helper, no wonder he dares to be so arrogant." Chen Xi squinted his eyes, and did not act in a hurry.

Seeing this, the burly young man suddenly dodged to the side of the bewitching young man in colorful clothes.

Chen Xi didn't stop him, but looked at the other party leisurely, and he roughly guessed that these guys were obviously in a group, and when he saw that he was acting alone, he became malicious.

"Fellow Taoist, I see that you are quite strong, so I don't intend to make things difficult for you. If you hand over that magical medicine, maybe we can become allies and explore this ancient wasteland together." The young man in Caiyi said slowly, The voice was soft and deep.

"Be an ally?" The burly young man suddenly became sullen, and said, "Brother Pei Wen, didn't you see that I was almost killed by this kid?"

Pei Wen didn't even look at him, and said calmly, "Lu Feng, do you still remember what we said when we formed an alliance?"

"Of course I remember." The burly young man named Lu Feng nodded, his face was as gloomy as water, but he didn't say much.

Because when they formed an alliance, they had reached an agreement that Pei Wen would guide everything in the Manggu ruins.

And at this time, Chen Xi had finally guessed the other party's identity, Pei Wen, a descendant of the Pei family, a great power in the imperial domain, and the supreme god ranked third in the list of gods in the spirit and god realm!

This is the information provided by Yunqing to Chen Xi, and even specifically pointed out that Pei Wen's talent is extraordinary, and the one vertical eye on his forehead is a natural "Blood Eye of Dao Refining", which can refine all Dao for his own use, which is extremely inconceivable.

It is precisely because of the help of such rare and unique talents that he has jumped into the ranks of the supreme gods, and his reputation has spread far and wide.

"What do fellow Taoists think of this condition?" Pei Wen spoke again, soft and indifferent, with contemptuous eyes, as if giving alms.

"Hehe, firstly, I originally set my sights on this miracle medicine, so how can I return it?" Chen Xi sneered, "Secondly, it is impossible for me to cooperate with you just because of your character."

He was really pissed off, these guys snatched his things as soon as they appeared, and they even looked like they were bossing around, which was really arrogance.

"Senior Brother Pei Wen, did you see that this guy is obviously just toasting and not eating fine wine, so why should we be polite to him?" said the burly young man Lu Feng with a frown.

"That's right, if you can't cooperate, you're an opponent. What's more, he injured Fellow Daoist Lu Feng before, so you can't just let him go."

Others also opened their mouths one after another, and they seemed to regard Chen Xi as an enemy that must be wiped out.

Seeing this kind of arrogant attitude, Chen Xi frowned again, feeling angry and wanting to laugh. It seems that these bastards were used to being arrogant before, and I don't know how they survived until now.

"Fellow Daoist, can I tell you your origin?" Finally, Pei Wen spoke again, his eyes scanning Chen Xi like lightning.

The reason why he hesitated to do anything was not because he was afraid, but because he couldn't figure out Chen Xi's origin. As a Supreme Being, he knew more or less about the other Supreme Beings ranked in the top [-]. But they have never seen such a character as Chen Xi.

"No comment." Chen Xi refused without hesitation.

"Hey, what a great opportunity, but you don't cherish it, Fellow Daoist, and you want to go against us, why bother?"

Pei Wen suddenly smiled, "Forget it, since that's the case, then don't blame me for being rude, do it!"


Before the voice fell, a ray of blood light suddenly released from his heart-blood pupil, which turned into the shape of lightning, and with a bang, he slashed at Chen Xi viciously.

This ray of pupil light is extremely frightening, tearing apart the void with incredible speed.


But at this moment, Chen Xi's figure disappeared out of nowhere, and the next moment, he had already arrived in front of Pei Wen, and punched out fiercely.

As early as when he was rejecting the other party, Chen Xi had been prepared for battle, knowing that this battle was inevitable, so he would not sit still and be beaten passively at this moment.


The fist is condensed with a touch of divine brilliance, not like a fist, but like a sharp blade, chilling and fierce, full of an invincible aura.


Pei Wen's pupils shrank slightly, what a quick reaction!

But immediately, a stern look appeared on the corners of his lips, and the vertical eye on his forehead suddenly spun, and an incomparably bewitching bloody light appeared, and he rolled over and over again, unexpectedly shattering the divine power contained in Chen Xi's fist. All refined.

This is the power of the pupil light of refining dao, which can refine all the power of divine dao law, which can be called astonishing.

What a strange power!

Chen Xi's heart shuddered.

Almost at the same time, Pei Wen suddenly raised his hand, and locked Chen Xi's throat.


Chen Xi shook his body violently, grabbed it with his big hand, and a piece of divine radiance appeared in his palm, as if he had opened up a piece of divine kingdom in his palm, gushing out a terrifying devouring power.

This is the Kunpeng treasure technique, which contains the profound meaning of devouring, and its power is infinite.

When the two collided, there was an earth-shattering roar, and the divine splendor exploded. With the two of them as the center, the time and space in a radius of ten thousand miles suddenly became chaotic, collapsed, and collapsed, and everything became extinct.

This scene was extremely astonishing. It was a head-to-head confrontation between the two supreme gods, and the power produced made other people in the vicinity dare not get involved.


Under this blow, Pei Wen was so shocked that his figure suddenly retreated three steps in the void, which made him furious, and shouted sharply: "My boy, I underestimated you! The next thing is your death !"

Amidst the roar, his figure flashed abruptly, and billions of blood light strangely evaporated from his whole body, shooting between the heaven and the earth, disturbing the wind and clouds in all directions.

"Die to me!" His brows were filled with blood, and with a bang, bloody thunderbolts shot out.

From afar, he looked like a god and demon coming in with a sea of ​​blood, his pupils burst into thunder, and his power was terrifying and immeasurable.


"Let's do it together!"

Almost at the same time, Pei Wen's companions mobilized together to besiege Chen Xi from all directions, offering all kinds of divine treasures in a menacing manner.

The situation suddenly became precarious!

This is a group of top existences in the spirit and god realm, and there is even a god supreme sitting in charge. At this moment, they acted together, and the resulting power and influence plunged the whole world into a terrifying and chaotic atmosphere.

Fortunately, the Manggu ruins are different from the ancient God Realm. The law of heaven is full of Manggu chaos, which makes it extremely strong, so that the destructive power of the battle is restrained, avoiding the end of the world and the earth.

At this moment, a cold murderous intent flashed in the eyes of Chen Xi who was surrounded by heavy siege, and strange images appeared in his mind in an instant.

In the end, these pictures were frozen and turned into a sword energy that swept across the universe and crushed the gods.


And in Chen Xi's hands, the simple-looking sword talisman suddenly let out a sword chant that pierced the sky, wrapped in countless obscure divine talisman patterns, and slashed away.


ps: Make up yesterday's, there are 2 more updates tonight.


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