divine talisman

Chapter 1652 The lingering ghost

As soon as the sword came out, the world suddenly fell into silence, and the avenue collapsed into nothingness, except for that wisp of sword chant that stirred like a dragon's seal.

This sword is too frightening, not only as simple as the swordsmanship at the level of the Sword Emperor, but also contains a hint of wildness, remoteness, and primitive aura that is vaguely present.

Although this trace of aura is insignificant, it suddenly increased the power of this sword by more than double!


Like the chant of swords in the tide, it shakes the nine heavens and ten earths.

This sword energy is not only unparalleled in power, but also extremely fast. Time cannot stop it, and time cannot leave a mark on it.

just for a moment—

The attacks coming from all directions were all smashed, disintegrated, and collapsed by this sword!

It can be called shocking and weeping ghosts and gods!

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, no one would have imagined that the power of a single sword could reach such a frightening level.



Shenbao exploded.

The sound of Taoism collapsing.

...In just a split second, the whole scene was in chaos, some people were terrified and dodged in panic, some were seriously injured and fell into the air coughing up blood, some people shouted angrily and looked terrified.

This is the destructive power of Chen Xi's sword.

But that's not all.

Because that wisp of sword energy did not dissipate after crushing all the attacks, on the contrary, the momentum remained undiminished, and he slashed away at the leader Pei Wen!


Pei Wenjun's handsome face also changed suddenly at this moment, and he didn't expect that such a defeated situation would appear just after the confrontation.

What's more, he didn't expect that this guy whose origin he couldn't figure out had such terrifying cultivation in the way of swordsmanship, which completely exceeded his expectations.

But it was too late for him to regret it.


Almost subconsciously, he raised a golden shield and blocked it in front of him.

This is an ancient shield, with countless dense and obscure runes imprinted on the surface, filled with an incomparably thick divine aura, it is obviously a rare divine treasure.


But under Chen Xi's sword energy, this ancient shield was like paper paste, its divine brilliance exploded, and countless cracks were cracked on its surface, and immediately with a bang, it turned into light rain and exploded into pieces.

Pei Wen felt as if he had been hit by a mountain, and he flew upside down, coughing up blood from his lips.

So far, the power of a sword has just come to an end!

And as soon as the battle started, he severely wounded a god supreme and eight top-level ascetics in the spiritual realm. This kind of power can be said to shock the ancient and modern, and shock the world.


At this moment, Chen Xi was also not feeling very well. This sword consumed a great deal of divine power, but because of the presence of the Cangwu Divine Tree, it would not bring Chen Xi to the brink of danger.

What was really consumed was the secret power of the heart. A single sword almost emptied all of Chen Xi's mental power, causing him to feel an unconcealable exhaustion all over his body.

Although it is unlikely that he will be fatally injured, if he continues to fight, he will definitely be exhausted to the extreme, and eventually he will be reduced to the point where he lacks mental strength and is unable to fight.

And you must know that Chen Xi's cultivation of mental strength, as early as in the Immortal King Realm, had already condensed a heart baby, which surpassed those of his peers.

Right now, he was almost exhausted by Liao Liao's sword. One can imagine how perverted this kind of swordsmanship is.

But fortunately, the power is also extremely astonishing, at least in one blow, it has destroyed all the opponent's attacks and caused heavy damage to the opponent.

Such a situation undoubtedly gave Chen Xi an absolute advantage again!


"What kind of swordsmanship is this?"

"You...you...who exactly are you?"

Those ascetics were frightened and angry, as if they were seeing a ghost, and there was already a tinge of horror in their eyes looking at Chen Xi.

They were really frightened by the blow just now. They never thought that in this situation of many against few, their side would be swept and crushed by the opponent alone.


Chen Xi didn't say a word, his figure flashed, he slashed out with a sword, and took away a bloody head.

He really wasn't in the mood to talk nonsense with the other party. Now that the war had started, the hatred had already been forged, and it couldn't be undone.

Since it is irreparable, we should seize the time to destroy the enemy!

As for the enemies, Chen Xi had never been polite.

What's more, these guys not only wanted to snatch his magic medicine outrageously before, but also made rude words, and they wanted to kill themselves if they didn't agree with each other.

Under such circumstances, Chen Xi didn't have the mood to talk nonsense with the other party, and he didn't even bother to mock and ridicule the other party.


"No, this guy wants to kill someone!"

"What a ruthless little thing, do you know who we are, if you do this, you will only invite disaster for you!"

Seeing that Chen Xi took the life of one of their companions in an instant without saying a word, the expressions of those ascetics changed, and they were extremely frightened and angry.

They tried to threaten Chen Xi to stop him.

But Chen Xi turned a deaf ear to it, moved forward again, and launched the killer without hesitation.

Another sword cut out.

Surreptitiously and cunningly, he swiped in the void, disappeared out of thin air, and appeared in front of a cultivator the next moment, pierced his chest, split it in half, and shot out the blood, without even having time to let out a scream .


That Pei Wen's face was as gloomy as water, and one vertical eye on his forehead surged with a bewitching dao refining blood, and he attacked Chen Xi from one side.

Chen Xi's sword talisman cut across, like swinging a holy mountain, and with a bang, he sent the opponent flying out again forcefully, breaking countless bones all over his body, and the pain caused his handsome cheeks to twist and hide.

You know, this Pei Wen is a supreme god, and he ranks fourth in the Spirit God Realm on the List of Conferred Gods!

Not to mention the number one in the world, but it can also be regarded as the top of the top, the pinnacle of the top.

But now, they are completely powerless to stop Chen Xi's divine power!

In fact, this is also normal, as early as the day when he was promoted to the Spirit God Realm, he scared Ye Yan who was in the Ancestral God Realm and fled away.

Later, when fighting against Abi Zhuojian on Zhuolingxing, he accidentally got the help of Empress Yuche's "Taiyi Holy Water", re-forged a new divine body, and his own cultivation was also advancing by leaps and bounds at that time, only one step away, he could reach The perfection of the spiritual realm is more than twice as strong as when he confronted Ye Yan last time.

Coupled with the radical change in the power of the sword talisman, as well as the power inherited from the blood-stained sword map, Chen Xi's current combat power is no longer comparable.

Even if he has not comprehended the inheritance of the blood-stained sword at this moment, he can only rely on his impressions to display a vague, remote, and primitive aura in the way of the sword, but that kind of power is definitely not anyone's. can resist.

At least, not Pei Wen in front of him!


For the first time, Pei Wen used the Aegis to resist, but the Aegis was destroyed, and the whole person was blown away.

If it was just a fluke, then being knocked into the air by Chen Xi for the second time was absolutely no luck at all.

Moreover, this blow shattered countless bones in his whole body, and his five sense organs were bleeding. It was obviously a serious injury, and it couldn't be a fluke.

All of this was like the last straw that broke the camel's back, scaring the ascetics to a complete collapse, with no fighting spirit.


"This child is tricky and invincible!"


Almost without any hesitation, they fled in all directions, as if they hated their parents for losing two legs.

Regarding these guys, Chen Xi didn't try to stop them at all, his eyes were fixed on Pei Wen, and if he wanted to kill them, he would kill a big character!

At this moment, Chen Xi's expression was indifferent and calm, and he came with a sword in his hand, like a peerless sword god urging his life, fierce and unparalleled.

Knowing the danger, Pei Wen struggled to his feet and said: "Fellow Daoist, take your time, there is no deep hatred between you and me, if we kill them all like this, I'm afraid it will cause many troubles."

When he was speaking, a glazed lotus palace lantern suddenly appeared in his palm, and the wick spewed out strands of neon like rainbows, transpiring chaotic energy, which was extremely miraculous.

The moment he saw this palace lantern, Chen Xi narrowed his eyes suddenly, smelled a hint of danger, and stopped immediately.

"This is the ancestor of my Pei family. It's called the Brahma God Refining Treasure Lamp. If you try your best, you and I will only suffer from mutual losses, and it will not be beneficial to anyone."

Seeing Chen Xi stop, Pei Wen breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly said, "If you let me go this time, I owe you a favor, how about it?"

"Not good." Chen Xi shook his head decisively.

Pei Wen narrowed his pupils, frowned and said, "Could it be that Fellow Daoists really want to fight to the death?"

"If you hand over the treasure in your hand, I'll let you go, how about that?" Chen Xi asked back.


Pei Wen was furious, as if he had heard a ridiculous joke, "This is the ancestor of my Pei family, how can I give it to you an outsider!?"

"Yes, you and I have become enemies now, how could I let you live?" Chen Xi said indifferently.

Pei Wen's face was completely gloomy: "So, fellow daoist, are you really going to fight to burn everything?"

Chen Xi said, "You think too highly of yourself. It's just a treasure. No matter how powerful it is, it's still limited. And you're already seriously injured. What are you going to do with me?"

Pei Wenwan seemed to be hit to the point, his whole body froze, and he roared angrily: "Then why didn't you do it immediately before? Did you deliberately tease me!"

"Because..." Chen Xi's eyes suddenly flashed with coldness, he looked towards the void on one side, and said in a deep voice, "Fellow Daoist, if you don't come out again, don't blame me for being rude!"

Pei Wen was startled, there were other people hiding nearby?

"Haha, I'm not mistaken. Fellow Daoist is indeed hiding something." Accompanied by a burst of laughter, Kun Wuqing strode out from the void.

I don't know whether it was intentional or not, the position he was standing on happened to be in front of Pei Wen.

This made Chen Xi frowned, and said coldly, "Why, are you trying to help this person out of trouble?"

"It's not that I want to help him out of trouble, but because of your future safety, Fellow Daoist, I can't kill him."

Kun Wuqing said seriously, "Friend Daoist, you probably don't know, Pei Wen's grandfather, Pei Yunji, is a well-known protector in the imperial domain, if you are quick to kill his grandson now, what do you think?" Is it appropriate?"

Pei Wen obviously also knew Kunwu Qing, and when he saw him appearing to excuse him, he was immediately overjoyed, looked at Chen Xi and said, "Friend Kunwu is right, you let me go this time, it will definitely be beneficial to all of us Disadvantage."

"But what if I don't agree?" Chen Xi's black eyes were full of coldness, this Kun Wu Qing really lingers, you can run into him wherever you go.


ps: The next chapter is after 12 o'clock in the morning, friends who can't wait to read it tomorrow.


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