divine talisman

Chapter 1653 Shentu Yanran

Hearing Chen Xi's words, Pei Wen's face darkened, he was extremely angry, he had never seen such a stubborn guy before.

Kun Wuqing smiled gracefully, took a deep look at Pei Wen next to him, and then said, "Then I... have no choice but to say no."

The implication is to help Pei Wen to the end.

This attitude of his completely angered Chen Xi. Originally, a battle that was about to be decided, but this guy abruptly disrupted the situation. If it were someone else, it would probably be unacceptable.

"So, you are going to completely become my enemy?" Chen Xi said in a deep voice.

"Then it depends on what you mean, Fellow Daoist." Kun Wuqing smiled freely, without any fear.

Chen Xi fell into silence, the palm holding the sword talisman was gradually clenched, and there was a murderous intent lingering between his brows, which gradually became stronger...

The atmosphere also became oppressive and tense at this moment.

The storm is coming, and it is about to explode!

At this moment, the smile on Kun Wuqing's face also gradually subsided, and there was a hint of caution in the eyes that looked at Chen Xi.

The previous scene where Chen Xi smashed the group of enemies with a single sword was clearly seen by him, and he had long since dared not treat Chen Xi as an ordinary person in his heart.

He even regarded Chen Xi as the number one enemy. The reason was very simple. The other party was too mysterious, and his background was also extremely strange. Among the top [-] names in the list of gods, there seemed to be no other party's name at all. .

This is very abnormal!

You must know that the power of the list of gods permeates every inch of heaven in the ancient gods, and it is everywhere. As long as the birth of any supreme god, as long as the strength reaches a certain height, it will be awarded a ranking by the list of gods, and it will be recognized by the world. well known.

But unfortunately, the kid in front of him could easily defeat Pei Wen, who was ranked fourth, but he didn't seem to appear on the list of gods at all, which is too abnormal.

There must be a demon in the abnormal situation!

Under such circumstances, how dare Kun Wuqing underestimate Chen Xi?

Of course, don't underestimate it. If you really fight, Kun Wuqing will not be afraid. Anyway, he is also the No. 19 god supreme, and he has his own support and confidence.

"Hmph, Chen has remembered everything about today, I hope I won't let me see you again next time!" Finally, Chen Xi took a deep breath and said coldly.

"Hahaha, Fellow Daoist is indeed an extraordinary person. He is well aware of the pros and cons, and can advance and retreat freely. If it is not important, I really want to have a drink with you, Fellow Daoist."

Kun Wuqing looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, how could he fail to hear that Chen Xi had already given up his actions against Pei Wen.

Pei Wen also breathed a sigh of relief at this moment, with a look of joy on his face.

The originally extremely tense atmosphere was also blown away by the wind and rain at this moment, disappearing without a trace.

But Chen Xi, Kun Wuqing, and Pei Wen all knew that if Chen Xi made another decision, this moment would definitely be an extremely tragic fight.


Seeing that Chen Xi was unwilling to say more, Kun Wuqing immediately smiled and cupped her hands, and together with that Pei Wen used the method of teleportation, and drifted away.

"This damn thing!"

Watching the other party go away, a look of loathing suddenly appeared on Chen Xi's face. From the first time he saw Kun Wuqing, he disliked the other party's insidious means of murdering his comrades. Now he is intervening again to sabotage himself. With his actions, Chen Xi hated the other party to the extreme.

He had secretly decided in his heart, if he finds an opportunity, he must avenge today's revenge!

But immediately, Chen Xi shook his head, sighing softly in his heart.

If you have the strength to suppress the opponent, why wait until later?Where would the fight be stopped just now?

The key point is that Chen Xi thought to himself at the time, if he only dealt with Kun Wuqing alone, it would be fine, but if Pei Wen was added, the outcome would be somewhat unpredictable.

In order to be on the safe side, Chen Xi finally made this decision that made him feel a little unhappy.

After all, he had just set foot in the Manggu Ruins, and his purpose was to stop Gongye Zhefu's actions, so he didn't want to cause any accidents at this time.

"Forget it, I won't leave this manggu ruins for a while, and there will always be a chance to go to the other party to settle the score in the future!"

Chen Xi took a deep breath and stopped thinking about it.

clap clap~~

But at this moment, a burst of applause suddenly came from a distance, and immediately, a light blue glow transpired, outlining a slender figure.

This is a fair-faced and beautiful woman in a light blue neon dress, with long hair tied up in a bun, and red lips that are moist and full.

As soon as she appeared, a pair of charming eyes looked at Chen Xi, stroked her palms and said, "Dao is friendly, skilled, kind-hearted, and courageous."

Three good ones in a row, without concealing my appreciation, from the heart, without any pretentiousness, it is extremely comfortable.

Chen Xi's heart shuddered, another one came!

He could tell at a glance that the aura permeating this woman's body was perfect and clear, not inferior to that of Kunwu Qingyi, and she was obviously a divine supreme with astonishing strength.

This made Chen Xi secretly vigilant in his heart, just making a commotion would attract strong people one after another, so he must pay attention in the future.

"The little girl, Diyu, is from the Shentu clan, named Shentu Yanran." The woman in light blue neon clothes introduced herself gracefully, with a melodious voice, which made people feel good about her involuntarily.

Shentu Yanran!

Chen Xi suddenly remembered that this was yet another famous Supreme Being of the Gods, who was ranked No.13 in the Spiritual God Realm on the List of Conferred Gods!

In the jade slips given to him by Empress Yu Che, it was specially marked that this Shentu Yanran was unparalleled in wisdom, and had cultivated in a certain ancient and powerful force in the imperial domain since childhood, and her cultivation was as deep as the sea and unpredictable as the abyss.

Among the unrivaled talents in the imperial domain, Shentu Yanran can be regarded as a dazzling goddess-like existence, and she has gathered a large number of loyal fans around her.

According to Empress Yu Che, it is this woman who has the best wrists, is extremely good at winning people's hearts, and possesses a leadership demeanor that is difficult for ordinary people to possess.

However, what puzzled Chen Xi was, why did she show up to find him?

Even though he was thinking this way in his heart, Chen Xi said, "So it's Miss Yanran, and I'm Chen Xi, from Xuemoyu."

Chen Xi?

Hearing this name, Shentu Yanran was obviously taken aback. She was obviously very unfamiliar with this name. She couldn't help looking at Chen Xi thoughtfully, and said with a smile, "So it's fellow Taoist Chen Xi. After a Star Hunting Conference, an incomparably dazzling figure was born, and at the banquet of Empress Yu Che, he even defeated Xun Yangping, the thirteenth son of Emperor Gouchen, in one fell swoop."

After a pause, she stared at Chen Xi brightly, and said, "That dazzling person, shouldn't it be you, fellow Taoist Chen Xi?"

Hearing these seemingly praiseworthy words, Chen Xi was shocked in his heart. This woman's wrists are too good, and she even knows everything that happened in the Snow Ink Region like the palm of her hand.

No wonder everyone praises her for being as intelligent as the sea, and she has the potential to lead the group, which is evident.

"Miss Yanran's praise, that's exactly what I'm doing." Chen Xi replied without humility.

"Master Chen Xi, if you don't mind, how about walking with me? The little girl just wants to discuss something with you."

Shentu Yanran smiled slightly, her voice tinkling, and she extended an invitation to Chen Xi with a gentle and gentle attitude, which made people feel like a spring breeze, and she couldn't even bear to refuse.

But Chen Xi didn't seem to appreciate the coquettishness, and refused in one word: "No, I have other things to do, I really can't get away, please don't mind, Miss Yanran."

He didn't want to have too much contact with her. This woman's mind was like a sea, and he couldn't understand it.

"Then I will follow the young master. If there is anything that Yanran can help, the young master can just say it."

As she said that, Shentu Yanran had stepped towards Chen Xi's side, and smiled at Chen Xi, like a flower bud just blooming after the rain, bright and dazzling.

Chen Xi suddenly sighed in his heart, this woman obviously didn't intend to stop there.

The so-called reaching out and not hitting people with smiling faces, not to mention the fact that the other party's attitude was gentle from beginning to end, without showing any trace of hostility, made it really difficult for Chen Xi to refuse at this moment.

He immediately said: "Miss Yanran, I don't know what you are looking for, please be frank, if I can do it, I will not be perfunctory."

Shentu Yanran frowned suddenly, and sighed softly: "Fellow Daoist, there has just been a big battle here, don't you worry that someone else will come and disturb the two of us?"

Every word, soft and sweet, seems to have thousands of styles.

Chen Xi's expression froze for a moment, what do these words mean?What is interruption?It's like I'm having a tryst with you...

"Let's go." Chen Xi made a decisive decision, and he seemed to be too hypocritical if he spoke clearly.

Shentu smiled slightly, as if quite happy with Chen Xi's reply, stretched out a green hand like a green onion and pointed to the north, and said, "Let's go that way, and it won't delay the matter."

As for the delay, she didn't say much.

And when Chen Xi saw that the other party chose the north, he immediately had nothing to say. He originally wanted to go north as well.

The reason is very simple, because of the fragments of the river map, he had previously sensed a vague call, which came from the north of the Manggu ruins.

Without further hesitation, the two rose out of thin air, and disappeared in place instantly by using the method of teleportation.

However, just as they were on their way, Shentu Yanran suddenly turned her head and said, "Master Chen Xi, do you mind if I do you a favor?"

Chen Xi raised his eyebrows and said, "How do you say that?"

Shentu Yanran smiled, stretched out his finger, and gently poked behind Chen Xi.

Her plump red lips were smiling, and her beautiful face was full of gentleness. There was nothing unusual about her, and even her movements were extremely gentle.

But Chen Xi tensed up his nerves all of a sudden. Although he didn't refuse, he was extremely vigilant. If the other party showed any slight hint of inappropriateness, he would immediately react.

After all, he didn't have any relationship with Shentu Yanran before, even if the other party's attitude was good, he didn't dare to trust him completely.

Fortunately, all the abnormalities that worried Chen Xi did not happen.

In just the blink of an eye, Shentu Yanran retracted her fingers, but there was an extra one-inch-sized, dusty, extremely inconspicuous butterfly between the fingers.

Obviously, this was taken from the clothes on Chen Xi's back!


ps: The third update is here~ Completed, I can finally sleep with peace of mind, everyone don’t forget to vote, good night~~


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