divine talisman

Chapter 1654 Blood Desolation God Clock

This butterfly is only the size of a fingernail, its whole body is dusty, lifeless, like a dead leaf, extremely inconspicuous.

But when Chen Xi saw it, his pupils suddenly shrank.

One must know that with his current cultivation base, the divine radiance overflowing all over his body has already been invulnerable to all dharma, spotless from dust, as clear as glass.

Not to mention a dead leaf, even if a flying sword comes to kill, the whole body's air mechanism will automatically operate to resist and defuse.

But now, with this butterfly attached to his body, he didn't realize it at all, which is very unusual.

"This butterfly is called the Godly Butterfly, and it is an ancient alien species. In the entire ancient God Realm, only the Kunwu family can breed it."

Shentu Yanran exhaled like blue, his eyes moved, glowing with wisdom, and said softly, "Its only function is to track the enemy, let alone you, even the existence of the ancestor gods, once it is attached to the body, it is difficult to detect arrive."

Hearing this, Chen Xi's eyes suddenly flashed a cold look, and he finally understood why Kun Wuqing could appear in front of him again and again.

"It seems that Kunwuqing cares about you very much." Shentu Yanran was thoughtful.

"He originally planned to cooperate with me to venture through this ancient ruins together, but I refused." Chen Xi took a deep breath, staring at the divine butterfly on Shentu Yanran's white finger, a little puzzled, Kun Wu Qing knew that he had rejected him, so why would he do such a small trick on himself.

"I guessed so."

The corners of Shentu Yanran's moist and plump lips showed a hint of sarcasm, and there was an undisguised hatred in her starry eyes.

"Fortunately, you refused. This Kunwuqing is notorious in the entire imperial domain. So far, none of the people who have cooperated with him have not been cheated. Some of them lost their lives, and some were cheated so that their families were ruined. What happened? Miserable, if it wasn't for the great influence of the Kunwu clan in the imperial domain, a guy like Kunwuqing would have died countless times."

After hearing all of this, Chen Xi finally understood that it was no wonder that Kun Wuqing wanted to cooperate with him. It turned out that everyone else knew what he was like, so he could only find a stranger like himself.

"This guy is really weird, a typical dead friend who never dies." Chen Xi couldn't help but sighed.

"You're right. Although Pei Wen was rescued by him this time, according to my deduction, I'm afraid he will be harmed by Kun Wuqing sooner or later." Shentu Yanran pursed her lips and chuckled, her starry eyes were rippling, and she was amazingly beautiful .

When she spoke, she gently twirled her white and slender fingertips, and a blazing white divine flame emerged.

Chi la~

The lifeless butterfly let out a shriek and flapped its wings to fly, but it was already a step too late, and was instantly incinerated by the white divine flame, disappearing into nothingness.

"Now that all future troubles have been resolved, let's go." Shentu Yanran smiled and glanced at Chen Xi, before continuing to move forward.

"Miss Yanran, why are you looking for me?" Chen Xi chased after him and couldn't help asking.

"Let's talk on the road."

Shentu Yanran blinked her eyes, and said with a smile, "Master Chen Xi, don't you even have that little patience? Or do you really dislike walking with Yanran?"

For the sake of this kind of talk, Chen Xi could only recognize it by scratching his nose.


The vast mountains are endless.

In one of the rocky valleys.

Pei Wen clasped his hands and said, "This time, I would like to thank my fellow Taoist Kun for his righteous help. When I return to the Imperial Domain in the future, I will definitely offer a generous gift, and I have already reported my fellow Taoist Kun's help."

Kun Wuqing smiled and said: "You are welcome, brother Pei Wen. The reason why I saved you is also to cooperate with you in this ancient wasteland."

Pei Wen's face changed slightly, as if thinking of something, he forced a smile and said, "My friend Kun, I have other important matters, I'm afraid I can't..."

Kun Wuqing interrupted immediately: "Brother Pei Wen, don't refuse in a hurry, just listen to me, now I have hunted and killed one hundred and eight beasts of the Burial God Sea, and their spirits and blood have been completely intact by me." Save it, you should know what it means."

As he spoke, he took a deep look at Pei Wen.

Pei Wen was startled, and said, "You...you..."

Kun Wuqing nodded with a smile, and said calmly: "Yes, I heard by chance a few days ago that Brother Pei Wen, you came to the Manggu Ruins this time, and you brought a great treasure with you. The spirit insects have been completely tamed, so I thought about cooperating with you, fellow daoist, and these one hundred and eight god-burying sea beasts are the sincerity of cooperation."

Pei Wen's face changed suddenly, and he said gloomyly: "So, fellow Taoist Kunwu, you planned all this long before saving me?"

Kun Wuqing smiled and said: "I did this to better cooperate with you, brother Pei Wen, otherwise, wouldn't all this hard work be in vain?"

A cold light flickered in Pei Wen's eyes, and he said, "I suddenly had some doubts. You were the one who secretly fueled the fight between me and that kid. Otherwise, how could there be such a coincidence in this world?"

Kun Wuqing's face darkened, and he frowned and said: "Brother Pei Wen, there are some things that you can't talk nonsense. Although I, Kun Wuqing, have a bad reputation, I will definitely not be able to do such things."

Pei Wen looked at Kun Wuqing suspiciously for a moment, and finally said: "I hope what you said is true, otherwise I would rather die than agree to cooperate with you."

Seeing this, Kun Wuqing breathed a sigh of relief, and laughed loudly: "Brother Pei Wen, don't worry, if I didn't have the Blood Desolation God Clock in your hand, wouldn't my hard work be in vain? We call it cooperation and mutual benefit." , why worry about the big thing failing?"

Pei Wen snorted, "Don't be too happy. If I know that you have evil intentions, I will stop this cooperation immediately. There is no room for maneuver."

Kun Wuqing said seriously: "Of course."

He sneered endlessly in his heart, and even had a murderous intent, wanting to take advantage of this opportunity to kill the opponent in one fell swoop, and then snatch the Blood Desolation Divine Bell from him, but in the end, he still suppressed this impulse.

Pei Wen couldn't kill him.

The Blood Desolation Divine Bell is a great treasure of the Pei family, and it is different from other divine treasures in the world. To use it as a sacrifice, it needs the help of a mysterious and obscure formula.And this kind of formula can only be mastered by a few people in the Pei clan.

Even if other people knew the formula, they would definitely not be able to use it. Therefore, Kun Wuqing did not dare to take the risk.


At this moment, there was a slight cracking sound from Kun Wuqing's body, which made his expression change slightly, and he took out a piece of gray chrysalis that had already shattered.

"It seems that that kid has already discovered the Godly Butterfly, Kun Wuqing frowned, his eyes flickering.

For Chen Xi, he has always been unable to see through, the other party is too mysterious, from the first time he met, he had an intuition that this child is extraordinary, and he must not be underestimated.

This kind of intuition is very inexplicable, but Kun Wuqing is very clear that it is his own unique intuition that allows him to turn danger into luck when he encounters some dangers in these years.

Therefore, from the very first time he saw Chen Xi, his interest was aroused, so he quietly deposited an incomparably precious Godly Annihilation Butterfly on Chen Xi, trying to find out the details of Chen Xi.

With this in mind, after arriving at the Manggu Ruins, he even deliberately used methods in secret to lure Pei Wen and the others to Chen Xi's position, and without a sound, a battle broke out.

Through this incident, he not only detected Chen Xi's terrifying combat power, but also indirectly helped Pei Wen, making Pei Wen owe a favor, thus completing his pre-designed plan.

The plan is to use Pei Wen's Blood Desolation Divine Clock, and then cooperate with the [-] beast spirits and blood on him to lure and tame an ancestral spirit worm in one fell swoop!

This is Kunwuqing's plan.

It has been going on since entering the Sea of ​​Burial Gods, until now, everything seems to be going extremely smoothly, and Kun Wuqing can't help but feel a little complacent in her heart.

But at this moment, looking at the shattered gray chrysalis in his hand, and confirming that the butterfly on Chen Xi's body was dead, Kun Wuqing suddenly felt a bad premonition, as if something was faintly out of control.

"Friend Kunwu?" Pei Wen frowned.

"It's okay, I just remembered something, let's go together, I'm afraid the entrance to the land of ancestral origin has been opened now." Kun Wuqing suddenly woke up from her contemplation, took a deep breath, and said with a smile.

"Oh." Pei Wen's eyes flickered and he nodded.



On the other side, in the sea of ​​clouds billowing in the sky, Chen Xi and Shentu Yanran were flying side by side. When he learned that Shentu Yanran wanted to cooperate with him, he couldn't help being slightly surprised.

"That's right, my lord has any questions, but it's okay to ask." Shentu Yanran asked with a smile, she was dressed in neon clothes, fluttering and dancing, like a Lingbo fairy, graceful and agile.

"Why me?" Chen Xi asked directly without any hesitation.

"It's very simple, because your strength is strong enough, and we just lack some reliable allies." Shentu Yanran replied very calmly. Through contact, she already knew Chen Xi's temper, and knew that he didn't like to beat around the bush.


Chen Xi keenly noticed this word, raised his eyebrows and said, "Is there anyone else?"

"That's right, besides you and me, we also have three supreme gods here, as well as some top-level spiritual gods with amazing fighting power."

Shentu Yanran patiently explained, "This Manggu ruins is extremely dangerous, but it is not difficult to survive, but the land of the ancestral spirits is different. People like Luo Shaonong, Canaan, Gongye Zhefu and others will never Dare to act alone."

The land of ancestral spirits is an area in the ruins of the imperial domain, and it is rumored that the ninth-rank emperor-level ancestral root Daogen was born in it.

Chen Xi was quite clear about this, but he never expected that the land of ancestral spirits would be described as so terrifying.

At this moment, he fell into deep thought, considering whether to cooperate with Shentu Yanran and the others.


ps: Thank you, Sister Lin, for your support~~

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