divine talisman

Chapter 1655 Rumors of the Sword Demon

Seeing that Chen Xi was silent, Shentu Yanran was not in a hurry, and just quietly helped Chen Xi analyze it.

"As far as I know, there should be no less than [-] gods and gods who entered this Manggu ruins this time, and there are three who are ranked in the top ten of the list of gods, and six who are ranked in the top twenty. There are [-] of the top [-], and the rest are all outside the [-], which can be ignored."

"On our side, besides me, two of the other three gods are ranked in the top [-], and one is ranked in the top [-]. If we join forces, even if we meet Luo Shaonong, Jia There is no need to be afraid of either of them."

The sound is pleasant, ding-dong like a gurgling stream.

"There is only one ancestral dao root of the ninth grade emperor level. Even if we cooperate, we can successfully seize it, but how can we divide this treasure in the end?"

Chen Xi asked aloud, since it is cooperation, it will inevitably involve this issue, so it is best to ask clearly.

"Fellow Daoists don't have to worry about this. Whoever grabs it at that time will own it. Others will never fight for it. When we fight against other forces, our allies are in the same camp and must be united."

Shentu Yanran seemed to have expected that Chen Xi would ask such a question, her full and shiny red lips parted slightly, revealing a mouthful of snow-white teeth, and explained with a smile.

Chen Xi thought about it, and then he agreed. After much deliberation, he thought that doing so might be the safest and safest way.

What's more, Shentu Yanran and the others who came from the imperial domain must know a lot about the situation of the ancestral land, and it is obvious that there will be no harm in acting with them.

Of course, this was only Chen Xi's own speculation, he didn't dare to place all his hopes on other people.

"Okay, then I'll first wish us a successful cooperation." Shentu Yanran's starry eyes lit up, she smiled, she was obviously very satisfied with Chen Xi's choice.

Chen Xi smiled and cupped his hands.


In the ruins of Manggu, there is a breath of primordial chaos, no matter the mountains, rivers and mountains, all have a primitive flavor.

This place is very large, and there are no buildings to be found. The vast world is full of natural images, filled with a grand, magnificent, and wild atmosphere.

After a full stick of incense.

"Here we are." Shentu Yanran stopped abruptly, and looked at a mountain in the distance that pierced into the sky, "It seems that we are not too late."

Chen Xi raised his eyes and saw in an instant that there were figures standing on the top of the mountain, about a dozen or so people.

Those people, the majestic majesty and the female are agile and elegant, all have extraordinary temperament, shrouded in divine light, like a group of gods.

The most eye-catching ones were the two leading men. One was dressed in snowy clothes and had a divine sword on his waist. Standing up casually, he had a peerless demeanor and looked down upon the bank with arrogance.

The other has a rough face, his eyes are like lightning, his upper body is naked, his muscles are like poured steel, full of explosive power, extremely powerful, and there are strands of mysterious texture patterns imprinted on his skin, like tadpole inscriptions. It looks like an ancient totem, which is extremely mysterious.

"That is Yuqiu Jing, the supreme god of the Yuqiu Clan in the Imperial Domain, who ranks No. 16 in the God Realm of the List of Conferred Gods. He is unparalleled in swordsmanship and has already reached the realm of the Sword Emperor."

Shentu Yanran quickly sent a voice transmission, and introduced to Chen Xi, "The other one is Zhuanyu Shui from the Zhuanyu clan of the Emperor's Domain, ranked No. The Hell of Fire's supernatural powers have been perfected by him, and his strength should not be underestimated."

After a pause, she continued, "The rest of the ascetics are all the best in the realm of spirits and gods in the Emperor's Domain, and most of them have a close relationship with Yuqiu Jing and Zhuan Yushui."

Chen Xi nodded, just listening to the introduction made it clear to him that those ascetics obviously all followed Yuqiu Jing and Zhuanyu's family.

While talking, the figures of the two had already floated to the top of the mountain.

"Miss Yanran."

"Haha, Miss Yanran, you are finally here."

When they saw Shentu Yanran, all the people on the top of the mountain brightened their eyes and greeted them with smiles, looking very solemn.

Even some ascetics showed a trace of respect and admiration in their expressions.

Obviously, Shentu Yanran's status and prestige among these people is also extremely lofty, just like a dazzling bright moon.

"Who is this?"

When Nayu Qiujing saw Chen Xi, he couldn't help being slightly startled, and there was an imperceptible wrinkle between his brows.

The others also noticed Chen Xi, and they looked at him for a moment. In addition to curiosity, there was also a touch of surprise in their eyes. It seemed that they did not expect that Shentu Yanran would come with a man.

"I forgot to introduce to everyone, this is our new ally, Chen Xi from the Snow Ink Region, who is also a supreme god, with quite a lot of strength." Shentu Yanran introduced Chen Xi with a smile.

Snow Moyu?

When they heard this, the curiosity in everyone's eyes looking at Chen Xi faded away, and there was a vague indifference in their expressions.

In addition, they were extremely unfamiliar with the name Chen Xi, and they completely lost their enthusiasm.

"I'm next, Chen Xi, I've met you all." Chen Xi smiled and cupped his hands, as if he didn't notice the change in the surrounding atmosphere.

"They all grew up in the imperial realm. They were either from famous families or bloodlines. They have always been proud and arrogant, and they think that monks in other realms are far inferior to themselves. It's not intentional. Don't you We have to argue with them." Shentu Yanran whispered to the side.

"I understand." Chen Xi smiled.

However, Chen Xi didn't care. Others were a little upset with Chen Xi, especially when they saw him standing side by side with Shentu Yanran and whispering as if there was no one else around.

In their hearts, Shentu Yanran is a goddess-like existence, with peerless beauty and unparalleled wisdom, how can she be with a guy from Xuemoyu?

Snow Moyu?

What the hell is that place?

"Xuemoyu? Hehe, when did places like Xuemoyu actually give birth to the Supreme God?"

Someone suddenly chuckled and spoke with a hint of disdain.

When other people heard the words, they were all shocked.

Seeing this, the smile on Chen Xi's face gradually faded. These guys obviously resented his coming.

"Lie Cong, there is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people. Since when can't even the supreme gods enter your eyes?"

Shentu Yanran stared at the man with starry eyes, her voice was calm but with a touch of displeasure, as if she was blaming him for causing trouble.

Na Lie Cong was a thin young man in brocade clothes. Hearing the words, his expression froze, and he said: "Miss Yanran has misunderstood, I definitely have no intention of looking down on this fellow Taoist Chen Xi, but I never expected that places like Xuemoyu , to be able to give birth to the supreme god, which is very rare."

Shentu Yanran shook her head and said no more.

"Since he is the Supreme God, why have we never heard of such a number one person in the Spirit God Realm in the List of Conferred Gods?"

Someone spoke again, but with a questioning tone, apparently somewhat dissatisfied with Shentu Yanran for defending Chen Xi in this way.

"That's right, among the top [-] gods and gods, there is no one like Chen Xi at all. Could it be that his strength is too weak to even make it into the list of gods?"

"If this is the case, then what qualifications do we have to become allies? If we take him to act together, it will become a burden instead."

The others also opened their mouths one after another, all pointing their finger at Chen Xi.

Chen Xi raised his eyebrows, it seems that he came here at a very bad time.

Shentu Yanran frowned. When she brought Chen Xi here, she also realized that the current situation would arise. After all, Chen Xi was not a cultivator in the Imperial Domain, and his background was unfamiliar, so it would inevitably arouse some doubts among others.

But she never expected that the situation would develop to such a point. Not only were these guys full of doubts about Chen Xi, but they also had a hint of repulsion and hostility faintly.

"Everyone, I know you have doubts about the strength of fellow daoist Chen Xi, so I might as well tell you bluntly that not long ago, Pei Wen, the young lord of the Pei family in the imperial domain, was defeated by fellow daoist Chen Xi." Shentu Yanran said calmly, she didn't want to The situation is in chaos.


Pei Wen was defeated by this guy in front of him?

Everyone was shocked when they heard the words, some couldn't believe it.

Even Yu Qiujing, who had been watching coldly, and Zhuan Yushui, who had been silent all the time, squinted their eyes thoughtfully.

"How is this possible? Pei Wen is ranked fourth in the Spiritual God Realm on the list of gods. If he can defeat Pei Wen, doesn't it mean that he is strong enough to be on the list of gods? Then why is he on the list of gods?" Wouldn't there be his name on the Internet?"

Someone frowned and said, "Could it be that there will be mistakes in the list of gods? This is obviously impossible!"

Others were also puzzled. Indeed, the list of Conferred Gods is like eternity, pervasive in the Dao of Heaven, everywhere, and never makes mistakes.

Shentu Yanran saw that she had said so much, and there were still people pestering her, she couldn't help feeling a little annoyed, and said: "Everyone, I saw this with my own eyes, do you think I, Shentu Yanran, can deceive people?"

Everyone shook their heads again and again. They didn't dare to target Shentu Yanran, but this incident was really unimaginable. In addition, they were quite repulsive towards Chen Xi in their hearts, so they pointed all their spearheads at Chen Xi.

"What's more, in the history of the ancient gods, there are many names that did not appear on the list of gods, but the strength is enough to be proud of the existence of the ages."

Shentu Yanran opened her mouth slowly, with a gleam in her starry eyes, "Everyone will never forget that 8000 years ago, the unrivaled Wang Jianchen who fought against the three thousand spirit gods of the Emperor's Domain Taoist Temple alone and broke through eighteen layers of heaven and earth Bar?"

Wang Jianchen!

Everyone didn't know what kind of memories they recalled, they were all shocked in their hearts, and their expressions changed slightly. That was a generation of sword demons, unparalleled in the world, like a shooting star 8000 years ago, it illuminated the entire imperial domain overnight. In particular, his battle in the Daoist Academy back then caused a sensation in all the ancient Daoist traditions.

But soon, they calmed down, and found that Shentu Yanran was actually comparing the Chen Xi in front of him with Wang Jianchen from 8000 years ago, and their hearts were suddenly unbalanced. How could this kid be so highly regarded?


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