divine talisman

Chapter 1657 Le Wuhen

Seeing that the audience was silent and the atmosphere was dull, Chen Xi didn't want to humiliate the other party any more, so he lightly cupped his hands towards Cao Zhen and said, "I've accepted."

Those few words made the minds of those ascetics suddenly complicated.

I wanted to give this guy from Xuemoyu a badass, but who would have thought that the change in the situation was like an invisible slap in the face, giving them a hard slap.

It made them all very depressed.

But I have to admit that Chen Xi's strength is indeed very strong, at least in the field, most people dare not question it.

Yu Qiujing witnessed the scene in front of him, looked at the gloomy expressions on everyone's faces, and then at Chen Xi who looked calm and breezy, couldn't help frowning.

Although he had already accepted Chen Xi's victory, he couldn't accept it. Everyone's spirits were dampened by Chen Xi.

In this case, on the contrary, it will increase the ambition of others and destroy one's own prestige, which is not conducive to the next action.

"Why don't I come and discuss with Fellow Daoist Chen Xi?"

Yu Qiujing smiled lightly and stepped forward. His white clothes were like snow, with a divine sword on his waist, and his every move was peerless.

Everyone's eyes suddenly lit up.

Seeing this, Zhuan Yushui, who had been silent all this time, couldn't help pursing his lips, as if he was about to speak, but he didn't say anything in the end.

Shentu Yanran raised her eyebrows, and said, "Brother Yuqiu, now that Chen Xi has proven his strength, if this continues, something will be wrong."

Yu Qiujing smiled and said: "Yan Ran, you don't have to be nervous. I'm also happy to see Lie Xin, and I don't have any intention of suppressing fellow Taoist Chen Xi. After all, you also know that after reaching our level, you want to find a worthy opponent. But it's really hard."

After a pause, he looked at Chen Xi suddenly, and said, "Fellow Taoist Chen Xi, what do you think?"

Chen Xi smiled and said, "There is nothing you can do."

In my heart, I was a little annoyed, it was just a cooperation, because I came from Xuemoyu, and my reputation was not obvious, so I kept targeting myself.

Now that he has proved his own strength, but he is still bitten by the opponent, insisting on frustrating his spirit, I really don't understand what these guys think.

However, Shentu Yanran did not agree, her clear and beautiful face suddenly turned cold, the gentleness in her star pupils faded away without a trace, and her whole person suddenly showed a touch of unspeakable majesty.

"Why don't you and I compete with fellow Taoist Yuqiu?" Her red lips parted slightly, her clear eyes were full of illusory light, her voice was calm but cold.

Everyone was startled, knowing that Shentu seemed to be angry.

Yu Qiujing narrowed his eyes, then shrugged with a wry smile and said, "Yan Ran, it's just a sparring session, if you don't agree, then forget it, don't get angry."

As he said that, he glanced at Chen Xi with a smile, and said, "However, I am quite envious of Fellow Daoist Chen Xi. To have such favor and care from you Yanran, even I am a little jealous."

Seeing the change in Yu Qiujing's attitude, Shentu's expression also eased, and he said: "Everyone can be together, it is a fate, and we should take care of each other, advance and retreat together, but there is no preference for one or the other."

Chen Xi also smiled, but didn't say much.

He knew very well that although the current situation had eased temporarily, the conflict might not necessarily be resolved, unless he acted now to completely convince Yu Qiujing.

Otherwise, the other party will definitely not be willing to admit it.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect that I was the last one to arrive this time. Sister Yanran, you don't blame me, do you?"

Suddenly, a heroic laughter sounded from the sky in the distance, shaking the clouds to pieces.


Accompanied by the sound, a figure appeared on the top of the mountain out of thin air.

This person is dressed in ordinary gray clothes, with a dignified body, wide eyebrows, and piercing eyes. He carries two short bronze spears on his back. He often wears a bright and bright smile on his face. He looks fierce, free and easy, and wild, which is unique Charm.

Everyone cheered up and stepped forward one after another.

"Brother Wuhen."

"Brother Wuhen is here."

Seeing him, even the corners of Shentu Yanran's lips could not help but smile, her starry eyes were bright, and she said: "You bastard, you are still so lazy."

"It's not just tired, it's obvious that we don't take us seriously." Yu Qiujing teased pretendingly angrily.

"Hahaha, if you keep saying that, then I will leave." The gray-clothed youth laughed brightly, revealing a mouthful of snow-white teeth, which was very contagious.

Seeing this, everyone smiled.

"Huh, is this fellow daoist new here?" The gray-clothed youth looked at Chen Xi, and immediately strode forward and said with a smile, "I'm Le Wuhen. You just need to call me Wuhen."

He has a warm attitude and a free and easy manner, which makes it easy for people to like him.

Chen Xi smiled and said, "I'm next, Chen Xi."

He was secretly taken aback in his heart, this young man was very unusual, not only because he was ranked No. 11 in the Spiritual God Realm on the list of gods, but also because the demeanor he displayed was extraordinary and comparable.

Even characters like Yu Qiujing are faintly inferior to each other.

It can even be said that among the audience, if Chen Xi valued the most, apart from Shentu Yanran and Zhuan Yushui who had been silent all this time, it should be Le Wuhen in front of him.

In addition, Yu Qiujing, who is stronger than stronger, ranks even higher than Zhuan Yushui, but his mind and demeanor are slightly inferior.

When one reaches Chen Xi's level, one no longer looks at a person's level of strength, but instead looks at the various demeanor and skills displayed by him, and he can judge a lot of things based on this.

"Chen Xi?" Le Wuhen seemed to think of something, and asked puzzledly, "I seem to have heard of you somewhere, but I couldn't remember it for a while, dare to ask you, are you from the Emperor's Domain?"

His reaction made Chen Xi startled slightly. Could it be that there is a second Chen Xi in this world?

Not only Chen Xi, but also everyone was puzzled, Le Wuhen was the young master of the Le clan of the ancient clan in the Imperial Region, and his status was extremely noble. How could someone like him have heard of Chen Xi's name?This is a bit unusual.

"Brother Wuhen, Fellow Daoist Chen Xi is from the Xuemo Region, but his strength is so great that even I am delighted to see Lie Xin, and I wish I could compete with him." Yu Qiujing praised with a chuckle at the side. Sincerely, only he himself knows.

"Xue Moyu..." Le Wuhen patted his forehead and said with a smile, "It seems that I misremembered, I also heard a senior from the Nuwa Palace in the Emperor's Domain mention it casually, and what I wanted to say was not the same. personal."

Emperor Domain Nuwa Palace?

When everyone heard this, they smiled and shook their heads, disapproving, they would not think that Chen Xi would have anything to do with that kind of ancient orthodoxy.

And when he heard the word Nuwa Palace, Chen Xi's heart was shaken violently, a little unbelievable and a little doubtful.

He was sure that the Nuwa Palace that Le Wuhen was talking about was the Nuwa Taoist Palace that he was familiar with, but what he didn't expect was that someone in the Nuwa Taoist Palace would mention his name because of Xiuyi. for the sake?

Similarly, Chen Xi was also certain that the Chen Xi the other party spoke of must be him, because there was no second Chen Xi in Nuwa Dao Palace.

"It seems that the sect of Nuwa's Taoist Palace in the Ancient God Realm is indeed in the Emperor Realm..." Though thoughts were racing through Chen Xi's mind, his expression remained calm.

He didn't want others to see some clues.


As soon as Le Wuhen arrived, this time their team was fully counted.

If you observe carefully, you will find that this team has five supreme gods, and there are three of them in the top 11 of the list of gods, namely Le Wuhen, who is ranked No.13, and No.16. Shentu Yanran, ranked No.[-] Yu Qiujing.

And Zhuanyu Mizusawa ranks No. 20 and third, he is an existence in the state of gods and demons refining body, and this alone should not be underestimated.

The last supreme god is Chen Xi. Although he has never been on the list of bestowed gods, the scene of defeating Cao Zhen before has proved his strength to everyone.

Apart from the five of them, more than a dozen other ascetics also came from top existences in the imperial domain. Such a team, placed in this ancient ruins, can already be called luxurious.

According to Shentu Yanran's conjecture, only Luo Shaonong, Canaan, Gongye Zhefu and other characters are worthy of their careful treatment, as for the others, they don't need to care too much.

"There is only one ninth-rank emperor-level ancestral dao root in the land of ancestral spirits, which means that this kind of supreme opportunity will only be obtained by one person in the end. To be fair, I discussed it with other fellow daoists before. , reached a consensus."

Yu Qiujing opened his mouth and talked eloquently. According to him, after entering the land of ancestral origin, he took the opportunity to help other ascetics in the team each obtain an ancestral root.

Then, these ascetics will fight together to help them, the supreme gods, fight for the ninth-rank emperor-level ancestral root.

Of course, the order can also be adjusted according to the situation, for example, first seize the emperor-level ancestral roots, and then go to other levels of ancestral roots.

This point is quite understandable. In the ancestral land, there is not only one ninth-rank emperor-level ancestral root, but also many other ancestral roots, but none of them are as high as the ninth-rank emperor. That's all.

And those ascetics who have not reached the supreme level of the gods are obviously impossible to snatch the ancestral dao roots of the ninth-rank emperor level. Due to a realistic consideration, they can only retreat and choose to seize other ancestral dao roots. root.

This is the reality. If gods like Chen Xi and the others failed to capture that ninth-rank emperor-level ancestral dao root in the end, they could only choose ones with a slightly lower grade. Unable to successfully advance to the Ancestral God Realm.

After Yu Qiujing finished all this, he finally looked at Chen Xi and said, "Fellow Daoist Chen Xi, you are new here, so you must be clear about this now, I wonder if you agree?"

Chen Xi nodded: "Of course I agree."

"Well, since everyone agrees, it's decided like this, but everyone, I can say something earlier, after entering the land of ancestral origin, we are in the same camp, and all actions should be based on the entire camp , if anyone tries to break the rules, he will be an enemy of all of us!"

Yu Qiujing's expression became serious, and he spoke in a deep voice, his eyes, consciously or not, glanced at Chen Xi at the side, it seemed to be a warning, and it seemed to be a reminder, which was intriguing.


ps: Just to clarify, after discussing with the editor, the 10th update on weekends will be postponed to next Tuesday. This is also to cooperate with the website's publicity. At that time, Fuhuang will have a relatively large chance of being recommended on the homepage.

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