divine talisman

Chapter 1658 The True Self

As soon as Yu Qiujing finished speaking, many eyes looked at Chen Xi vaguely.

There is a hint of subtlety in the atmosphere.

Obviously, many people took Yu Qiujing's words as a warning to Chen Xi.

Naturally, Chen Xi could also tell that his expression was calm, but there was something strange in his heart.

From the first time I saw Yu Qiujing to now, this guy seemed to be targeting me intentionally or unintentionally.

Whether it was provoking those ascetics to test his own strength, or using his own background as an excuse to question himself, his attitude seemed fair and peaceful, but Chen Xi keenly sensed a trace of hostility.

Chen Xi couldn't figure out the reason, but he began to be wary of this person in his heart.

"Okay, now that everything has been discussed, let's go. I can't wait to go to the Land of Ancestral Spirits."

Le Wuhen's sleeve robe fluttered, and with a buzzing sound, a golden gourd with a simple shape and a golden body twirled for a while, soaring into the air, steaming out billions of pale golden radiance.

Slay the spirit gourd!

An innate spiritual treasure handed down by the Le family, the gourd is born with a ray of chaotic original power, its power is unpredictable, and it can be transformed into an invisible god blade, which cuts down the soul of the god silently, the most fierce and domineering.

Everyone's eyes lit up when they saw this treasure, and many people even showed a hint of envy. Even in the Emperor's Domain, this kind of innate spirit treasure is extremely rare and rare.

Chen Xi also secretly sighed in his heart, this is how terrifying the background is, and it is simply incomparable for non-big forces and big clans.

If he guessed correctly, the two bronze short spears that Le Wuhen had been carrying on his back were also a pair of powerful innate spirit treasures!

"Everyone, let's go, I will act as the vanguard this time, and open up a magnanimous road for everyone!"

Le Wuhen laughed loudly, and as soon as his figure jumped, he led everyone into the air, and suddenly got into the inside of the spirit-killing gourd.


The next moment, the void fluctuated violently, and the spirit-slaying gourd suddenly burst out with a strange roar, breaking through the clouds and traveling through time and space.


The spirit-killing gourd has its own universe, which is not only densely covered with mountains, rivers and mountains, but also has magnificent and magnificent buildings, Qionglou Yuyu, pavilions and pavilions, showing the changes of the gods.

"Fellow daoists, please feel free. There are good wines and delicacies of all seasons here. If you don't like the excitement, you can meditate in one side of the house. According to my old man, practicing in the spirit-killing gourd is slightly better than ordinary caves. If you don’t believe me, you can give it a try, hahaha.”

Le Wuhen led the crowd to a palace garden, pointed at the surroundings and introduced them with a smile.

In the garden, there are luxuriant sacred trees, luxuriant fairy grasses, and polished and smooth divine jade case books scattered here and there. All kinds of fine wines, delicacies, fairy fruits, and snacks are placed on the case books... colorful and full of divine brilliance. rich.

"Young Master Wuhen is really good at enjoying life."

Everyone stared in admiration. They knew very well that Le Wuhen had a generous and bold disposition, informal, but extremely particular about enjoyment. No matter when, no matter where he was, he never forgot to prepare something for himself to enjoy.

Soon, everyone sat on the ground, chatting and drinking, and the atmosphere seemed quite harmonious.

"Fellow Daoist Chen Xi, I see that you don't seem to be interested in that ninth-rank emperor-level ancestral dao root?"

I don't know if it was a coincidence, but Le Wuhen sat on Chen Xi's side. Seeing that Chen Xi poured himself a drink and didn't speak, he couldn't help opening his mouth out of curiosity, but the content of his words was intriguing.

"Of course I'm interested, but I don't dare to say that I can definitely win it. After all, there are so many masters like Mr. Wuhen, but I really don't have much confidence." Chen Xi shook his head with a smile.

His attitude towards this treasure is indeed not too enthusiastic. If possible, he will try his best to get it, but the premise is to stop the action of Gongye Zhefu first.

This is Chen Xi's code of conduct. Since he has promised Empress Yu Che, he will not be perfunctory.

"Ha, what kind of master, the ancestral land is extraordinary, not only to fight for strength, but also to pay attention to certain opportunities, if the opportunity is not there, no matter how strong the strength is, it will not help." Le Wuhen laughed freely.

Chen Xi smiled, and said, "For the opportunity, one must have the strength to fight for it."

Le Wuhen took it very seriously, and said with emotion: "Indeed, this road of cultivation is difficult every step of the way, especially for our supreme gods, it is actually more difficult than ordinary people to keep fighting for the front, which is why The reason why I came to Manggu Ruins."

He took a sip of the wine and continued: "Even if it doesn't succeed in the end, it is not bad to have the opportunity to obtain the ancestral Daogen of the seventh-rank monarch level and the eighth-rank king level."

Chen Xi is now clear that the ancestral dao roots are divided into nine ranks according to their quality, and the first three ranks can be called ordinary-level ancestral dao roots. It can also be found in the Great Territory.

The fourth, fifth, and sixth-rank ancestral roots are considered to be top-level, and only the top forces in the major domains can find the blessed land that can give birth to such treasures.

Like ordinary ascetics, it feels like a great opportunity to obtain a top-level ancestral root.

As for the ancestral Dao roots of the sixth rank and above, among the more than 1000 domains of the ancient gods, they are rare.

Because Daoyuan ancestral roots of this level are too rare, every time one appears, it will be snatched up by those ancient powerful forces.

The ancestral roots of such levels are roughly divided into the seventh-rank monarch level, the eighth-rank king level, and the ninth-rank emperor level!

King, king, emperor!

The three completely different words represent three completely different ancestral roots, one is rarer than the other, and it is definitely a treasure that even beings like the Supreme God can only dream of.

But now, with the opening of the Manggu ruins, it is rumored that a new ninth-rank emperor-level ancestral root Daogen was born, which naturally makes countless people covet it.

What's more, in that ancestral land, there are not only ninth-rank emperor-level ancestral roots!

"Haha, brother Wuhen, you are joking again, this time we came in an alliance, and we are not inferior to anyone else in terms of strength. Under such circumstances, why can't we win the emperor-level ancestral root?" ?”

At this time, Yu Qiujing on the opposite side suddenly smiled and spoke, obviously hearing the conversation between Chen Xi and Le Wuhen.

Le Wuhen smiled bluntly: "You can't say that, this time our five gods and gods have a chance, and it is enough to do what we can and do our best."

Yu Qiujing opened his mouth to say something, but suddenly, there was a sudden earthquake, which made everyone's heart tremble, and they stopped their movements.

They are now in the spirit-slaying gourd, and they are so shocked. Could it be that something happened outside?


Le Wuhen stood up suddenly, waved his sleeves, and suddenly, the sky seemed to turn transparent, reflecting pictures of the outside world.

Then everyone saw that there were countless dangers erupting in the outside world, the sky was as dark as night, violently tumbling, and flashing with thunder and lightning.

Countless terrifying and gigantic beast shadows shuttled between the sky and the earth. They roared and roared, trampling time and space into fragments, breathtaking.

From time to time, you can still see terrible chaos such as the collapse of the avenue, the dance of demons, the blood of the gods, the chaos of all things, etc., filling every inch of space in the world.

Those kinds of scenes make people suspect that the end of the world is coming, and it shocks the soul.

"No wonder, we have already entered the chaotic demon realm, you don't have to worry, with the protection of the spirit-slaying gourd, there will be absolutely no accidents."

Le Wuhen breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a relaxed expression.

Everyone also relaxed and stopped paying attention. Obviously, they already knew everything about this chaotic demon realm.

However, Chen Xi was a little terrified. He knew very well that if he relied on his ability, it would be very difficult to pass through this chaotic domain.

This is the ancient ruins of Manggu, full of many opportunities, but also many murderous intentions and dangers.

The Chaotic Demon Realm in front of us is a fierce place in the Manggu ruins. Not to mention the ordinary Spirit God Realm powerhouses, even the top-level Spirit God Realm powerhouses would not dare to take a step alone.

And if you want to enter the land of ancestral origin, you have to go through this chaotic realm, so you can imagine that the land of ancestral origin is not accessible to everyone.

Fortunately, Chen Xi no longer has to worry about this point.


The Zhanling Gourd trembled violently and made a concussion sound. It was obvious that it had suffered a terrible attack, which made everyone's hearts unavoidably awe-inspiring.

"Huh? That is?"

"It's Canaan, the holy son of the Buddhist sect!"

Suddenly, someone exclaimed in surprise, attracting everyone's attention to the outside world.

I saw a young man wearing a moon-white monk's robe, wearing straw sandals, and holding a dead wood Zen staff, walking in the dark night.

His expression was calm and serene, with a touch of rock-like determination and calmness. Lightning and thunder could not move his heart, and beasts and phantoms could not stop his pace.

He walked like this in the catastrophe, in the terrifying world like the doomsday, his figure was small, but he gave people an unshakable feeling.

In just a few breaths, his figure disappeared into the vast night in the distance.

Everyone was speechless, and there was a sense of awe in their hearts, even shock.

"So strong!"

Someone couldn't help but sigh with emotion, breaking the silence.

"This is the strength of No. 7 in the Spiritual Realm of the Conferred Gods List. I really don't know how strong Luo Shaonong, who is ranked third, is."

For a moment, everyone felt a little heavy in their hearts. The stronger the opponent, the more cruel the competition.

"This is the atmosphere of the Buddhist sect in the Emperor's Domain. The holy son Canaan cultivated the path of 'knowing oneself, grasping oneself, and reaching oneself'. It is destined that everything must be endured and fought by one person. This also means that this time In the operation, he was alone and had no other helpers."

Le Wuhen chuckled and said with burning eyes, "In this case, we don't have to be afraid of him."

Hearing this, Chen Xi couldn't help squinting his eyes. Alone, on one path, to seek the path of the true self alone!How could it be so easy to talk about competing with such a powerful character?


ps: I suffered from insomnia last night, and I fell asleep at 5 in the morning. I was completely depressed, and my eyes were sore all day long. I feel that doing any job is no more difficult than writing a book. I still like it so much. What kind of feeling is this?The second is later.

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