divine talisman

Chapter 1659 Original Heart Sutra

When he saw Canaan for the first time, Chen Xi knew that this was definitely an extremely powerful opponent. Perhaps Le Wuhen and the others were not afraid of Canaan, but Chen Xi had to pay attention to him.

This is purely an intuition.

Of course, Chen Xi didn't want to run into each other in this operation.

After a stick of incense.

The spirit-slaying gourd no longer vibrated, and gradually became stable and silent.

However, when Chen Xi looked at the outside world, he found that it was all gray and he couldn't see anything. Obviously, they had already passed through that chaotic realm.

However, the speed of Zhanling Gourd's flying escape suddenly decreased, as if stuck in a quagmire, extremely slow.

"Everyone, we have already arrived in the ancient barren air, and it will take at least a month to reach the land of the ancestors. This is already the fastest speed for the spirit-killing gourd. After all, the ancient barren air is extraordinary, let alone the innate spirit. Bao, even if we rely on our strength to escape, we will be greatly restricted."

Le Wuhen explained, "Fortunately, there is no danger in the area covered by the wild and desolate atmosphere. You can take this time to calm down and adjust your breath. There is no such opportunity again.”

When everyone heard the words, they all nodded to express their understanding.

"One month? I can take this opportunity to learn about the inheritance of the iron sword..." Chen Xi was stunned, then immediately made a decision and stood up.

"Fellow Daoist Chen Xi, where are you going?" Yu Qiujing asked in surprise.

"Go to retreat." Chen Xi said casually.

"Retreat?" Yu Qiujing said with a smile, "It's only a month, and it will be gone in a blink of an eye if you sit here and adjust your breath. If you retreat, you may not have enough time, right?"

The others are also a little funny, a month, what can you do in retreat?Does this guy think that after a month, he will be able to break through again?

Chen Xi smiled, ignored these things, and turned around to leave.


"This guy is really weird."

Seeing Chen Xi leave, some people couldn't help shaking their heads.

"Miss Yanran, how did you know this Chen Xi? I feel that this guy's background is very strange."

Someone also took this opportunity to ask Shentu Yanran about Chen Xi's origin.

This sentence was recognized by many people, and they all looked at Shentu Yanran.

Before, they questioned and rejected Chen Xi because they believed that Chen Xi's strength was questionable and his reputation was not obvious. After Chen Xi defeated Cao Zhen and proved his own strength, they were unwilling to be demoralized by Chen Xi. On the surface, they didn't say anything. His attitude towards Chen Xi did not improve much in his heart.

Shentu Yanran saw this at a glance, and suddenly a trace of disgust welled up in her heart. These guys all think highly of themselves, their eyes are high above the top, and they look down on other realm cultivators, and they don't know where their sense of superiority comes from.

If they left the protection of the forces behind them, they would have been repaired countless times, right?

"I'm going to retreat too."

Before Shentu Yanran could speak, the usually silent Zhuan Yushui suddenly spoke, got up and left here.

Everyone couldn't help being startled, a little unsure why Zhuan Yushui was like this.

"Perhaps, he doesn't like these guys either?" Shentu Yanran was thoughtful, at the same time, she stood up lightly and said, "I also want to be alone, please feel free."

After all, she has already left in a hurry.

Seeing this, everyone roughly guessed something, and their faces were a little gloomy.

Is it all because of that kid?

A cold light flashed in Yu Qiujing's eyes, and he was sullen in his heart, but he said with a smile: "Okay, let's continue drinking."

"Yes, come, come and drink." Le Wuhen seemed not aware of the change in the atmosphere, laughed heartily, and started drinking freely with the jug in hand.

"This guy is pretending to be confused again." Yu Qiujing glanced at Le Wuhen, picked up his glass calmly, and took a sip.


in the quiet room.

Chen Xi sat cross-legged, no longer paying attention to the trivial things outside his body, instantly cut off all distracting thoughts in his mind, and began to sit and observe self-awareness.


In the sea of ​​consciousness, thoughts are like the sea, surging endlessly.

What surged in it was Chen Xi's memory, wisdom, comprehension, and experience, which were crystal clear and full of divine brilliance.

The altar made of nine auras sits on the soul, just like an eternal altar, burning with the immortal flame of the soul.

Soon, as Chen Xi devoted himself to comprehend, a huge brand of inheritance emerged in the sea of ​​consciousness, and was captured by Chen Xi.


In just a split second, countless inheritance mysteries poured into Chen Xi's perception like a torrential flood.

These inheritances are mysterious like words, but obscure and mysterious, like the sound of Taoism, but ancient and strange, vague and mysterious, and extremely mysterious.

In the end, it turned into a formula, which appeared in Chen Xi's mind.

The name of the Taoist formula is: the original true self, the supreme freedom, and the supreme heart sutra!

Also known as: Original Heart Sutra

Chen Xi's heart was shocked, and he was a little surprised. It was clearly the inheritance of the blood-stained broken sword diagram, so how could there be a way to cultivate mind power?

This is indeed a way to cultivate the secret power of the heart.

Chen Xi was convinced, because as early as in Fujie, he had obtained the method of immeasurable merit and golden body from the Dayan Pagoda by chance, which was also a classic for cultivating mind power.

Because of this, he saw through the mystery of this original Heart Sutra at a glance.

Forcibly suppressing the doubts in his heart, Chen Xi began to perceive the profound meaning in it.

After a long time, he suddenly opened his eyes, let out a long breath, and his mind suddenly became clear, and his thoughts were clear.

This is indeed the way to practice the secret power of the heart. If it is said that the golden body of immeasurable merit cultivates the four realms of heart energy, heart pill, heart soul, and heart baby.

Then, this Primordial Heart Sutra is the realm above the level of the cultivation heart baby!

This is what shocked Chen Xi.

Because he thought earlier that the limit of the secret power of the heart was at the level of a baby heart, but obviously, the facts in front of him told him that this cognition was biased.

The original Heart Sutra is divided into nine forgings, and each forging is a different realm.

Once forged, it is a heaven, which can open up a universe with a heart in the heart of the Tao.

Nine forgings are the nine heavens, which means that nine universes of hearts can be opened up!

In the end, the universe of the nine hearts will be unified, which can be regarded as reaching perfection. When you reach this point, you can get the original number, realize the image of the true self, and see the great freedom!

The more he comprehended, the more shocked Chen Xi was, and the deeper his understanding of the secret power of the heart.

In short, Xinying is his current state of mental strength, this state is like a baby, and the cultivation of the original Heart Sutra is to let Xinying obtain the method of cultivation and grow up quickly!

And the realm of nine forgings is the nine stages of raising the heart baby!

"With this method, it's not just as simple as improving the power of the heart..." Chen Xi was very clear about how inconceivable the effect of the secret power of the heart is.

Not only can it give oneself the ability to continue fighting, it also has an immeasurable effect on comprehending the Tao and tempering one's cultivation.

And what shocked Chen Xi even more right now was that in the second half of this original Heart Sutra, there was imprinted a method of using the mind to master the way of the sword!

Controlling the way of the sword with mental strength was just like before. Chen Xi had never thought about it, so he was shocked, as if a layer of window paper had been pierced, and he had a refreshing feeling.

Without any delay, he continued to comprehend carefully, and as time went by, his eyes gradually brightened, with surprise, surprise, and disbelief.

In the end, he took a deep breath and murmured: "No wonder, the master of the iron sword's swordsmanship is so amazing, it turns out that if you want to advance to the next level in the realm of the sword emperor, you need to start with the secret power of your heart..."

According to what it said above, the realm of the Sword Emperor is also divided into nine layers, which is called the Sword Emperor Nine Heavens!Every stage is a complete transformation in the way of swordsmanship, and the power will also be improved upside down.

This method of controlling the sword with heart power can be called the secret sword of the heart. What amazed Chen Xi was that this sword formula seemed to complement and echo the nine realms of the original Heart Sutra.

In other words, with the secret power of the first tempered heart, one can display the power of the first level of the Sword Emperor, and with the second level of secret power of the heart, one can exert the power of the second level of the Sword Emperor, and so on.

With the heart power of nine forgings, one can unleash the power of the Sword Emperor Nine Heavens!

Above the Sword Emperor Jiuchongtian, it is called the "Ultimate Sword Path", which is the true sword path of the great freedom, eternity, and true self.

The Lord of the Iron Sword has broken through the Sword Emperor Nine Heavens and embarked on the "Ultimate Sword Path", only in this way can he cut across the universe and kill thousands of gods and Buddhas with one strike!

After a long time, Chen Xi's heart finally recovered a little.

"The Original Heart Sutra, the Secret Sword of the Heart, the Nine Heavens of the Sword Emperor... I have been stuck in the heart baby level for too long now. If I can break through, maybe my combat power will be raised to another level."

Chen Xi pondered silently for a long time, without any hesitation, he began to try cultivation.


After a while, in his heart, Xinying, who had been sitting cross-legged and eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes at this moment, clear and dark, overflowing with mysterious light.

The baby's face was exactly the same as Chen Xi's, but it was about the size of a baby. At this moment, he pressed his hands empty, forming a mysterious handprint.


As this handprint condenses, Xinying's whole body is filled with strands of crystal-clear luster that is as real as it is, steaming, holy and grand.

This is the secret power of the heart. At this moment, Xinying is following Chen Xi's mind and starting to operate the cultivation method of the first training of the original Heart Sutra.


The effect was unexpectedly good, even somewhat astonishing. After just a stick of incense, Chen Xi clearly felt that all the secret power of his heart was being mobilized, pulled, and circulated endlessly in Xinying's body like a tide, forming a Perfect loop.

This force is too mysterious, it exists in the Dao Heart and circulates in the Heart Infant, it seems to be within a square inch, but in fact it is vast and boundless.

A square inch is the size of the heart described.

As the ancients said, "a great chaos in every square inch" means that a person's heart is in a state of confusion.

But now, in Chen Xi's Fang Cun Dao heart, in that Xinying's body, there is a force that is more majestic than the vastness circulating, and it seems that it is about to evolve into the embryonic form of a universe!


ps: Writing the practice method is the most tiring. It is necessary to set up the exact settings and consult some materials that I don’t know where to lose in the previous articles. It is time-consuming. Fortunately, it is finally done. Ask for a monthly ticket~

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