divine talisman

Chapter 1660

Chen Xi sat cross-legged.

In the square inch of the heart of the Tao, Xinying sits cross-legged.

Inside Xinying's body, streams of crystal clear, mighty and powerful secret power of the heart circulate continuously, mysteriously and mysteriously, faintly forming the embryonic form of a universe.

As time goes by, this cycle is constantly perfected and perfected, and the secret power of the heart in the Pentium is becoming more and more vigorous and majestic.

It can be clearly seen that in this process, Xinying's body is constantly changing, his face and facial features are becoming more and more clear, and his limbs are like bamboo shoots after a spring rain, constantly growing vigorously...

until seven days later.

The heart baby that has turned into a young boy suddenly stretched out his hands, condensing an obscure handprint, shining brightly.


Almost instantly, there was a roar resounding in Xinying's body, as if the chaos had just opened, the heavens and the earth were stretched apart, and the secret power of the rolling heart suddenly began to evolve.

It evolved into a clear and turbid universe, and all things, mountains and rivers.

Derived from the latitude and longitude of heaven and earth, time and space stars.

Until later, all this continued to expand and extend...

In the end, it was fixed for a party Zhouyu!

This is a universe opened up in the heart, condensed by the pure secret power of the heart, crystal clear, and filled with an indescribably grand and holy atmosphere!

This kind of power is completely different from divine power, soul power, law power, etc. It comes from the heart of Taoism and is the most mysterious.


The secret power of the heart is like a tide, and it begins to circulate, constantly tempering and stabilizing the newly opened universe, and everything gradually calms down.

What is different from the past is that the current Xinying has turned into a childish boy with clear eyebrows and eyes, and even without Chen Xi's guidance, he can control the universe of the heart and practice the original Heart Sutra.

This is the first forging state of the original Heart Sutra, and the power of Zhou Yu who condenses one heart has undergone a qualitative transformation compared to it, which can be called earth-shaking.

And to achieve this step, Chen Xi only spent seven days!

Such a speed of cultivation, how could it be described as shocking?

However, Chen Xi himself is very clear that the secret power of his heart has been lingering at the heart baby level for too long, and he has already accumulated a huge amount of power, and the appearance of the original Heart Sutra only provided a way to transform his heart's power. The secret power is guided and tempered, and the practice can be said to be extremely fast.

In the future, it will not be so easy to break through the second forging state of mental strength.

Therefore, Chen Xi was not too surprised by this.

At this moment, his whole body is filled with wisps of dao charm and divine brilliance, shining brightly, pure and flawless, and the aura all over his body moves at will, just like the clouds rolling and relaxing in the sky, naturally.

After reaching the first forging state of mind power, the breakthrough of the secret power of the heart also indirectly caused a slight change in his cultivation base.

This actually surprised Chen Xi, but he didn't care about emotion, so he immediately seized this slight opportunity and began to temper his self-cultivation.

At the same time, he divided his mind into two purposes, and used part of his thoughts on the secret sword of comprehending the heart.


Another half month has passed.

Chen Xi, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, suddenly opened his eyes. The divine light in his eyes flickered and transformed into strands of vast visions, as if the universe was circulating in it. He seemed to be able to penetrate the heavens and reach people's hearts!

But immediately, all these visions disappeared, and his eyes regained their calmness and deepness, like an ancient well with no waves, or a moon full of rivers, and his temperament became more and more ethereal and free from dust.

"Unfortunately, the time is still too short. It will take at least three months of honing to cultivate to the point of spiritual perfection."

Chen Xi felt the changes in the aura around him, and shook his head helplessly.

However, although the progress in cultivation was very small, Chen Xi was extremely satisfied with the breakthrough in the secret power of the heart and the power gained from comprehending the secret sword of the heart.

This kind of advantage is that his comprehensive combat power has been greatly improved in this short period of less than a month!

According to Chen Xi's speculation, even if Pei Wen and Kun Wuqing attack together at this time, it will be difficult to pose any threat to him!

Kun Wuqing is the No. 19 existence in the Spiritual Realm of the Conferred Gods List, and Pei Wen is ranked No. [-]. Both of them can't pose any threat to Chen Xi. If you compare it like this, how strong should Chen Xi be at this moment? the point?

Even he himself doesn't know.

But at least, in this ancient ruins, he is no longer afraid to fight anyone, including the top ten beings in the list of gods!


After adjusting his breath in the quiet room for several days, Chen Xi counted the time, then got up, pushed the door and left.

At this time, 29 days have passed since entering the area covered by the barren air. According to Le Wuhen, he is probably close to the ancestral land.


When Chen Xi arrived in the garden, he couldn't help being startled, and found that there was an extra and vast platform at some point, and Le Wuhen was standing outside the platform.

On the platform, Yu Qiujing, who was well-dressed and handsome, was competing with a monk.

Yu Qiujing obviously retained his strength, because his opponent was not the supreme god, and his strength was only slightly better than Cao Zhen, whom Chen Xi had defeated before.


With a swipe of Yu Qiujing's finger, a flash of sword energy whizzed away, and with a bang, the opponent was shocked back a few steps, and a shallow crack was cut on the left shoulder skirt.

"This attack is already stronger than before, but the application of the laws of the divine way is not perfect enough, so it gave me a chance to take advantage of it. The next time I make a move, I should..."

Yu Qiujing smiled and said, he was dressed in white like snow, tall and tall, with a smile on his handsome cheek, and he was personable.

Not only his opponent, but even some ascetics near the platform showed signs of listening and thinking.

With a glance over, Chen Xi immediately understood that Yu Qiujing was obviously using actual combat to guide those cultivators.

"This guy really doesn't stop. He's going to the land of origin soon, but he's wasting his energy here." Chen Xi felt rather disapproving.

He didn't think that with just a few pointers, the fighting power of these ascetics could change by leaps and bounds in a short period of time.

The most important thing is that they are obviously wasting energy by doing this. Although it is inconspicuous, you must know that the land of ancestral origin is full of horrors and dangers. At this time, any energy wasted at this time may have an impact on the next action. .

But obviously, Yu Qiujing and the others didn't care about this.

Naturally, Chen Xi would not open his mouth to stop it, not to mention spoiling the fun, and it would be easy to offend others.

"Brother Yuqiu, can you also have a discussion with me and give me some advice?" In front of the platform, a monk folded his hands and looked at Yuqiu Jing on the platform expectantly.

"Don't grab it, it's my turn."

"Yes, such an opportunity is so rare. Everyone is waiting, so don't fight for it, so as not to cause unhappiness."

Other ascetics spoke one after another. Obviously, they were also eager to learn from Yu Qiujing and get some advice from it.

Yu Qiujing laughed out loud. He enjoyed this feeling very much. Just as he was about to speak, he glanced casually, saw Chen Xi in the distance, and immediately changed his mind.

"Fellow Daoist Chen Xi, after retreating for many days, you must have improved your cultivation. Why don't you take this opportunity to compete with us?"

Yu Qiu said in a loud voice, and immediately turned everyone's eyes away, with a hint of teasing and weirdness in their expressions.

Back when Chen Xi was retreating, everyone was quite disdainful, thinking that Chen Xi was playing tricks, but seeing Yu Qiujing put forward this suggestion immediately made them feel happy, and they planned to watch the excitement.

Seeing this, Le Wuhen couldn't help but smiled and shook his head.

He had heard before that before coming to the land of ancestral origin, Yu Qiujing wanted to compete with Chen Xi, but Shentu Yanran forcefully stopped him.

Now that Yu Qiujing proposed this idea in front of everyone, it is conceivable that in his heart, he may have been thinking about defeating Chen Xi all the time.

As for why Yu Qiujing did this, Le Wuhen could vaguely guess, but he didn't intend to stop it, it was just a discussion, not a big deal.

In addition, he was quite curious about Chen Xi's combat power, so he also wanted to see it at this moment.

Facing this invitation, Chen Xi frowned imperceptibly, then shook his head and said, "We will soon arrive at the land of ancestral origin. When there is an opportunity in the future, it won't be too late to discuss with fellow Taoist Yuqiu."

This guy is dodging again, is it because he is worried about being defeated and his face is dull?

There was a burst of disdain in everyone's hearts, and some looked down on Chen Xi's retreat.This also proved that in their subconscious minds, although they admitted that Chen Xi was powerful, it was impossible for them to be Yu Qiujing's opponent.

After all, Yu Qiujing is ranked No. 15 in the Spiritual God Realm on the list of gods. In their eyes, such characters are simply legends. Except for Shentu Yanran and Le Wuhen, among them, the old book Yuqiu Jing is the strongest.

And hearing Chen Xi's refusal, Yu Qiujing frowned, the smile on his face faded, and he felt slightly sullen in his heart.

It's okay to say that the first invitation to the battle was rejected, after all, the situation was special at that time, but now the second invitation is rejected, which is too embarrassing!

"Why, is Fellow Daoist Chen Xi looking down on me?" Yu Qiujing said, his voice a little low.

Chen Xi raised his eyebrows: "How dare you."

"Then come and fight, don't back down, otherwise not only I will look down on you, but everyone present may have thoughts about you." Yu Qiujing said lightly.

"Chen Xi, brother Yuqiu has already talked about this, so are you still going to shrink back?"

"Yeah, you are a strong man, just show your courage, we are all in the same camp, even if we lose, what's the shame?"

"Hey, I see, this fellow Taoist Chen Xi doesn't regard us as allies at all, otherwise how could he be so unreasonable?"

The other ascetics opened their mouths. In order to see Chen Xi make a fool of himself, they even used the aggressive method.

Seeing this, Chen Xi was also provoked into anger. These guys really didn't know what to do. He didn't want to hurt his friendship and kept putting up with it, but the other party just made an inch of it. Wasn't it just to suppress him?Why do you have to do this?

"Then come!" Chen Xi didn't talk nonsense, his figure flashed, and the next moment he came to the platform, his pair of deep black eyes looked at Yu Qiujing from afar.


ps: There are some problems with the home network, this chapter is updated late, sorry~

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