divine talisman

Chapter 1661 Brahma 9 Earthquakes

Seeing that Chen Xi had succeeded in being provoked and stepped onto the platform with a single leap, everyone was slightly startled, but immediately became excited.

"It's like a man!"

"Haha, yes, even if you lose this time in the duel with Brother Yuqiu, I will give you a high regard."

"Finally dare to fight, it's not easy."

Everyone praised, but there was a hint of gloating inside and outside the words. If they didn't listen carefully, they would all think that they were sincerely supporting Chen Xi.

Regarding this, Le Wuhen smiled, and his gaze quietly fell on Chen Xi who was on the platform, and he thought to himself, "Don't let me down."

"This guy, why is he so unbearable." At some point, Shentu Yanran also walked out of the quiet room. When she saw all this, it was too late to stop her, which made her frown.

She was quite displeased with Yu Qiujing's actions, and similarly, she was slightly disappointed that Chen Xi was so impatient.

But in the end, Shentu Yanran didn't say anything, the discussion was about to start, she just hoped that Yu Qiujing wouldn't act too much.

To her surprise, she suddenly found that Zhuan Yushui had also arrived in the arena at some time, standing quietly in the distance, watching silently, like a rock.

"Interesting, it seems that this guy also values ​​Chen Xi's strength, which is rare." Shentu Yanran was thoughtful.


On the huge platform, Yu Qiujing and Chen Xi faced each other from afar.

"That's right, just because you dare to stand up and fight, is enough to make me take back what I said just now." A smile appeared on the corner of Yu Qiujing's lips.

But immediately, his expression became serious, and a stern look appeared in his eyes, "Fellow Daoist Chen Xi, before the duel, I have to remind you that if you are unable to resist in battle, please speak up, don't try to be brave, in that case , if it hurts you, it's my fault."

In his words, he was full of contempt and self-confidence, appearing very magnanimous, with a peerless demeanor.

Chen Xi looked indifferent, nodded and said: "Fellow Daoist Yuqiu, please don't be careful. Back then, fellow Daoist Cao Zhen was defeated because of contempt."

After being named by Chen Xi in public, Cao Zhen's face under the platform suddenly darkened, a little ugly, this damn guy has a really bad mouth!

Yu Qiujing was also sullen in his heart, what does this mean?Could it be that he considers himself a role like Cao Zhen?

Simply presumptuous!

"Hahaha, then I would like to thank Fellow Daoist Chen Xi for reminding me, let's not gossip, we will soon arrive at the land of ancestral origin, let's start our sparring now." Yu Qiujing laughed, but there was nothing in his eyes. smile.

"I also like quick battles and quick decisions." Chen Xi said.

Yu Qiujing's expression froze, and he was furious in his heart. Do you want to kill yourself quickly?This guy is really arrogant!

"What Fellow Daoist Chen Xi said is exactly what I want." Yu Qiujing had no expression on his face, and there was already a hint of sternness in his voice.

Seeing the two people's verbal confrontation, full of gunpowder, everyone became more and more excited, knowing that Yu Qiujing had been enraged, this battle was not just as simple as a sparring, on the contrary, it was bound to be exciting!

Seeing this, Shentu Yanran couldn't help but feel a little worried. She glanced at Le Wuhen who was smiling beside her, and said via voice transmission: "Wuhen, if Chen Xi doesn't support later, let's go together and stop him. We must not hurt you at this time." Be harmonious, otherwise it will be extremely detrimental to our next actions."

"Naturally." Le Wuhen nodded, agreeing happily.

Only then did Shentu Yanran feel a little relieved.

"Fellow Daoist Chen Xi, please!" On the platform, Yu Qiujing made a gesture of invitation. He was well-dressed and handsome, and wisps of divine brilliance permeated his whole body, making him even more confident.

"Please." Chen Xi returned the gift with a calm expression, and the ancient well was calm.

This action made Yu Qiujing narrow his eyes, and his self-esteem was provoked again. He originally wanted the other party to make a move to show his majesty, but he never thought that the other party would not appreciate it.

"Haha, then I'd rather be respectful than obedient!"

Yu Qiujing didn't hesitate any longer, he laughed loudly, flirted in white, and reached out to grab it suddenly, a wisp of sword energy steamed out, and with a sound of swish, he tore apart time and space and slashed fiercely at Chen Xi.

This sword, entwined with the law of the blazing divine way, is terrifyingly powerful. As soon as it appeared, it even produced a vision of Sanskrit chanting and heavenly sounds, which shocked the hearts of everyone around them, and they were horrified.

This kind of kendo can be called amazing and unparalleled!

"This guy, sure enough, he made an ultimate move as soon as he came up." There was a flash of light in Le Wuhen's eyes, knowing that this battle would never last.

"You're really welcome. With the means of the Sword Emperor Realm, the small-accomplished laws of the divine way, combined with his Yuqiu clan's 'Brahma Nine-shock Sword', is he going to defeat Chen Xi in one fell swoop?" Shentu Yanran's starry eyes Shrinking suddenly, my heart trembled endlessly.

"No wonder you dare to be so arrogant, it turns out that you already possess the means of the sword emperor realm..." Chen Xi judged the horror of this blow in an instant.

I also have to admit that Yu Qiujing, as the No. 15 God Supreme in the list of Conferred Gods, does have the capital to be proud of.

Thinking in his heart, Chen Xi's movements were not slow, he didn't wait for the sword energy to get close to him, his figure flashed, and he moved time and space, moving to dodge it.

He wants to see how capable the opponent is, and then look for an excellent opportunity to make a quick decision and defeat him in one fell swoop.

"Hmph, dodge? What an idiot!"

Seeing Chen Xi dodging, Yu Qiujing couldn't help sneering in his heart, and reached out to grab it again, and a blazing sword energy roared out again.


The strange thing is that as soon as this second sword qi appeared, it came after the first, and merged with the first sword qi in an instant, and its power suddenly increased a lot, and it suddenly suppressed and killed Chen Xi again.

"The fusion and superposition of the power of the way of the sword? This sword technique is formidable." Chen Xi raised his eyebrows, and his figure flickered again and again, avoiding it without any risk.

"If you don't confront him head-on, the situation will be bad..." Le Wuhen frowned, "Hasn't this guy recognized the horror of 'Brahma Nine Shocking Sword'?"

"It's over." Shentu Yanran thumped in her heart, but she knew very well that Yuqiu's Brahma Nine-shock Sword is extremely domineering, one sword is stronger than the other, and the sword energy can be completely fused and superimposed, making the power doubled and skyrocketed !

Until the nine swords are superimposed, it means that they have nine times the killing power of the sword, and can be transformed into an absolute sword field. The power is strong enough to cut stars and moons, and destroy everything in the world!

And at that time, it is no longer possible for the opponent to dodge, because once the Absolute Sword Domain is formed, all escape routes will be blocked, and there is no escape!

Not only Le Wuhen, Shentu Yanran, but everyone else present was also aware of the horror of Yuqiu's "Brahma Nine-shocking Sword". When they saw Chen Xi blindly dodging, they all couldn't help showing a strange look, gloating and pity Disdain.


Chen Xi's performance made Yu Qiujing even more confident. His whole body was filled with divine brilliance, like an unrivaled sword master, continuously releasing one terrifying sword energy after another.

These sword qi, as soon as they appeared, merged with each other, and the momentum also doubled and skyrocketed. The brilliant sword brilliance illuminated the world, and the spreading power faintly formed a field, which was about to cover the entire huge platform.

And from the beginning to the end, Chen Xi kept dodging, as if he didn't dare to show his edge, every time he dodged without any danger.

This made the ascetics around all the more excited. Immediately, the Brahma Nine-shock Sword will unleash the strongest blow. Then let's see how this guy dodges!

They even had the pitiful fate of Chen Xi being suppressed with a single blow in their minds.

Le Wuhen's brows were furrowed, and he had secretly accumulated energy, ready to save Chen Xi after his defeat.

"What the hell is this guy doing!?" Shentu Yanran felt anxious. He couldn't figure out Chen Xi's thoughts, but he knew that if this went on, the consequences would be disastrous!

Zhuan Yushui pursed his lips, and an imperceptible disappointment appeared between his brows.


Suddenly, there was a huge and terrifying wave on the platform, and a field transformed by sword energy, glowing with chilling light, completely sealed off the entire space!

At that moment, time and space seemed to be frozen, unable to fluctuate!

This is the absolute sword field condensed when the Brahma Nine Shock Sword reaches its peak!

Seeing this, Le Wuhen sighed, Shentu Yanran's black eyebrows were locked into a Sichuan character, Zhuan Yushui shook his head and remained silent, and the other ascetics were extremely excited and opened their eyes wide, lest they miss the scene of Chen Xi being crushed.

"Fellow Daoist Chen Xi, how are you going to hide?"

At this moment, Yu Qiujing was full of sword energy, looking down and proud, with a confident smile on his handsome cheek, like the master in control of the overall situation.

In front of him, floated a dazzling and unparalleled sword energy, releasing billions of divine brilliance, its power was terrifying to the extreme.

At this moment, everyone couldn't help but feel a throbbing in their hearts, terrified, the aura of this sword is too powerful.

As everyone had guessed, under the lock of this wisp of sword energy, Chen Xi finally couldn't dodge and stood there.

But to everyone's surprise, his expression was still calm and calm, without any trace of nervousness, as if he had given up struggling and was about to admit defeat.

But Yu Qiujing obviously didn't intend to give Chen Xi this chance.

In other words, he simply does not allow Chen Xi to admit defeat at this moment, no matter whether the other party has decided to admit defeat or not!


Under the gazes of everyone, that blazing and dazzling sword energy suddenly circulated, and with a bang, it ruthlessly suppressed and killed Chen Xi!

"Shut up..." Shentu Yanran couldn't bear it any longer and wanted to stop her, but she only uttered one word before stopping abruptly.

Le Wuhen sighed in his heart, and was about to move to help, but his whole body froze, his pupils burst into radiance, and he didn't move any more.

Zhuan Yushui was about to turn around and leave, but at this moment, his majestic and burly body seemed to freeze, unable to move a step further.

At this moment, even the other ascetics felt an inexplicable chill in their hearts, and their pupils dilated.

All of this was due to Chen Xi's understated movement, the parallel finger was like a sword, and a light swipe without a trace of fireworks.

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