divine talisman

Chapter 1662 Nine Sword Marks

A wisp of sword energy appeared across the sky.

There was no sound, no dazzling power, only a kind of calm, ordinary and unremarkable.

But when they saw this sword energy, Le Wuhen, Shentu Yanran, and Zhuan Yushui all shook their hearts and felt a deep throbbing.

It was an indescribable aura, as if the sword pierced out, without shaking the sky or the ground, but it could silently pierce the soul, destroy the will, and kill the Taoist heart!

What kind of kendo is this?

No one said it.

But other ascetics did not realize this, their level was too low to understand the horror of this sword.

Even, when they saw that this sword was so ordinary, they couldn't help laughing in their hearts, is this guy really at the end of his rope?

But in the next moment, their eyes froze and their expressions were dull.


All of this sounds slow, but in fact it all happened in an instant. When Chen Xi drew out that bland sword energy with his finger parallel to the sword, the entire huge platform suddenly fell into a deathly silence.

not good!

Yu Qiujing's heart skipped a beat, and a strong feeling of unhappiness surged up, and his face changed suddenly.

Almost subconsciously, he dodged fiercely to one side.


The Brahma Nine-shock Sword, whose aura had reached its peak, was suddenly dissected from the middle, like catkins that had been cut off, it looked so unbearable.

It wasn't a collision, so there wasn't any bang or explosion. On the contrary, it was like a sharp blade that harvested a piece of grass precisely and neatly.

If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would never be able to describe the weirdness of this scene. There was no deafening collision, no dazzling burst of divine light, everything seemed so clean, chilling, neat and... quiet!


Finally, a sound like tearing cloth came out, but it was the sword energy field covering the entire platform, which was easily cut open a crack.



There was a terrifying loud noise, and the divine splendor shattered and swept across the platform. The sound was like thunder from nine heavens, biting people's eardrums and shaking people's hearts and souls.

And all of this happened in an instant. The battle on the platform, from the weird silence before to the chaos at this moment, is like a reversal of silence and movement, producing a strong visual impact, which makes people breathless. A suffocation.


Previously, a group of ascetics including Le Wuhen, Shentu Yanran, and Zhuan Yushui all believed that Chen Xi's conservative retreat strategy would be difficult to resist Yuqiu Jing Brahma Nine if he trapped himself in a cocoon and put himself in a desperate situation. The most powerful blow of the shaking sword.

But no one expected that such a shocking reversal of the current situation would occur!

A bland sword qi, like a paw ding dispelling an ox, with a completely crushing and destructive posture, slashed the Nine Shock Sword of Brahma, breaking the domain of the sword, invincible!

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, everyone would almost think they were dazzled.

"The realm of the sword emperor? No, he has already embarked on the path of pursuing the ultimate sword path!" Le Wuhen's eyes were burning, with strands of divine light flowing.

"This guy..." Shentu Yanran's mood was full of ups and downs. At this moment, she didn't know how to say Chen Xi was good.

Zhuan Yushui remained silent, and no one noticed that his hands were tightly clenched without a trace, and he loosened them immediately.

And the other ascetics opened their mouths wide and their eyeballs almost fell out. How is this possible?How could that kid break the Brahma Nine-shock Sword so easily! ?

The result was like an invisible slap in the face, causing their cheeks to burn and hurt, and their heads were a little dazed.

At this moment, Chen Xi, although he remained indifferent and calm, his image in the eyes of everyone suddenly became taller, with an unfathomably mysterious taste.

Yu Qiujing was ranked No. 15 in the Spiritual God Realm in the list of Conferred Gods. In the duel just now, he even used the strongest Brahma Nine-shock Sword, and Chen Xi was hit by the opponent's strongest blow. , Relying on an understatement of the sword, smashing all directions in one fell swoop, completely crushing Yuqiu Jing, such a fighting power, more than terrifying can be described by two words?

"What kind of kendo is this?"

The platform was filled with smoke and dust, and Yu Qiujing's slightly frightened voice came out. At this moment, he was dressed in snow and his figure was still upright, but his face was full of disbelief.

There was even a hint of horror in his heart. If he hadn't noticed the danger and dodged in time just now, the consequences would have been unimaginable.

Chen Xi's expression was indifferent, and he didn't answer. He just cupped his hands and said, "I've accepted."

After saying that, he turned around and walked down the platform. From the beginning to the end, it was as if he had done an ordinary little thing, without arrogance or impetuosity, and the ancient well was not disturbed.

But at this moment, no one dared to question his strength.

"Wait a minute! You want to leave before the sparring is over?" Suddenly, Yu Qiujing shouted in a deep voice, his figure flashed, and stopped in front of Chen Xi.

Chen Xi frowned, raised his eyes to look at Yu Qiujing, remained silent for a moment, and said, "Fellow Daoist Yuqiu, you have already been defeated."

"I'm defeated?" Yu Qiujing couldn't control the anger in his heart anymore, and shouted, "It's only one blow, how could I lose? Am I still standing here intact?"

Chi la~

As if responding to his words, suddenly, everyone saw that the clothes on Yu Qiujing's feet, knees, ribs, shoulders, and the center of his chest were suddenly torn, and the pieces flew, exposing the skin inside.

Looking carefully, the enemies with torn clothes seemed to be torn apart silently by a wisp of sword energy.

A total of nine points, if it is sharper, one can even imagine that Yu Qiujing's feet, knees, ribs, and shoulders will be cut off, and his chest and heart will be cut off in one fell swoop. Pierce!

All of a sudden, the audience fell into silence and there was no sound.

All eyes were fixed on Yu Qiujing, and a storm surged in his heart, even more shocking than before, and even... felt a kind of terror!

Because, they were unaware of the appearance of these nine sword marks before!

And doesn't this also mean that if Chen Xi wanted to kill Yu Qiujing, the other party would have died more than nine times already?


Yu Qiujing's head buzzed, as if struck by lightning, he opened his eyes wide and looked at the bare skin on his body, his expression was dull, and his body was completely frozen there.


At this moment, he finally realized that he had completely failed this time!

The opponent's evasion just now was not because he was afraid of him, but he had already made a move silently. What's ridiculous is that he didn't notice any abnormalities from the beginning to the end, and he was still making the move, so proud, so proud, so confident...

Suddenly, an extremely strong sense of shame rose in Yu Qiujing's heart, and he felt like a fool who had been played around by Chen Xi from the beginning of the battle!

"You...you...how did you do it?" Yu Qiujing's face was uncertain, and his voice was heavy with a hint of hoarseness.

"As early as when the battle started, I have already reminded you that the reason why Cao Zhen failed so quickly was because of his carelessness." Chen Xi said calmly.

This time, he was named by Chen Xi in public again, but Cao Zhen under the platform no longer felt any anger, but felt extremely bitter in his heart, because he finally understood that he and Chen Xi were not at the same level of existence at all, the difference was too far.

And when he heard Chen Xi comparing himself with Cao Zhen, Yu Qiujing's heart twitched endlessly, the corners of his lips twitched for a while, and finally he was speechless.

Seeing this, everyone couldn't help feeling sorry for them. They challenged Chen Xi one after another, but now they have come to this point. It's really a bit bleak.


This sparring is over.

Yu Qiujing seemed to be a different person. From the beginning to the end, he didn't say a word, and drank by himself, appearing very silent.

No one bothered him anymore, because everyone knew very well that after suffering such a blow, Yu Qiujing would never feel better at the moment.

As for Chen Xi, through this sparring, everyone completely changed their views on him, and no one dared to question or reject him anymore.

Many ascetics even looked at Chen Xi with more or less awe.

"It's amazing, I have some doubts now, whether you are the same kind of person as the sword demon king Jian Chen 8000 years ago."

Le Wuhen looked at Chen Xi with a smile, without hiding his admiration in his voice.

"Fellow Daoist Wuhen praised you absurdly." Chen Xi smiled. He didn't intend to embarrass Yu Qiujing in the sparring just now.

Instead, he had already made a move, using the secret sword of the heart to perform "Return to Come", leaving a series of sword marks on the opponent's clothes, but did not hurt the opponent. He had already saved face for the opponent, but unfortunately the opponent did not aware.

"I'm suddenly curious now, which one is stronger between you and Mr. Wuhen." Shentu Yanran said from the side, her eyes were like water, and there were traces of colorful ripples.

Le Wuhen suddenly smiled wryly, waved his hands and said, "Don't compare me with fellow Taoist Chen Xi, Yan Ran, in my opinion, with the current combat power of fellow Taoist Chen Xi, it is enough to compete with Gongye Zhefu, Canaan, and even Young Master Luo." Nong resisted."

Shentu said with a smile, "Wouldn't it be better? With the help of fellow Taoist Chen Xi in our camp, we will definitely be able to gain greater advantages in the next operation to seize the emperor-level ancestral origin."

"Hahaha, what Yanran said is true." Le Wuhen laughed heartily.

However, Chen Xi couldn't bear the compliments from the two, and said with a wry smile, "You two, as I said, it was just a sparring session just now, it was just a fluke."

"You, everything is good, but one thing is not good, that is too modest!" Le Wuhen pointed at Chen Xi feigning anger, and suddenly laughed again, "Don't you know that being too modest is also a kind of humility?" Arrogant."

Shentu Yanran pursed her lips and chuckled lightly.

Chen Xi was completely dumbfounded.

The other ascetics saw all this in their eyes, and felt quite complicated in their hearts. Many people even regretted not being able to let go of their prejudices early and maintain a good relationship with Chen Xi.

As for Yu Qiujing...he had been drinking heavily, and seemed very silent, as if he didn't bother to care about everything around him.


Suddenly, everyone felt a slight tremor on the ground under their feet, and the entire spirit-slaying gourd seemed to escape from the quagmire, and the speed of flying away suddenly accelerated.

"Haha, finally arrived!"

Le Wuhen was stunned, looked outside, couldn't help a look of joy on his face, and laughed loudly.

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