divine talisman

Chapter 1663 Ancestral Temple

Everyone followed Le Wuhen's gaze, and their hearts were also shaken and excited.

Outside the Zhanling Gourd, it is no longer a cloud of gray, and the shrouded barren air is gradually thinning, and the field of vision is gradually becoming clearer and wider.

In the distance, one can even see an extremely ancient temple standing in the sky!


The spirit-killing gourd suddenly stopped.

"Fortunately, we didn't come too late, the gate of ancestral origin has not yet opened." Le Wuhen smiled and led everyone out of the spirit-killing gourd.

At this time, everyone can see clearly that this is an extremely barren wilderness, and there are gray and barren air in all directions, except for a temple standing in the center.

The temple of the god is extremely old, even broken, with moss spreading on the surface, and I don't know how many years it has stood there, solemn and vicissitudes.

"That is the entrance of the Gate of Ancestral Origin, named the Temple of Ancestral Origin. It is rumored that it was born in the ancient chaos. It is mysterious and unpredictable. Since ancient times, it has attracted an unknown number of powerful people."

Le Wuhen sighed casually, and led everyone forward, "Let's go, if my guess is right, the temple guard may appear soon..."

Temple keeper?

Chen Xi raised his sword eyebrows, showing a thoughtful expression.

He has heard that since the day the ancestral temple stood here, there have been temple guards guarding it, no one knows its origin, and likewise, no one knows how many years it has survived , seems extremely mysterious.

And if you want to enter the Zuyuan Temple, you must first pass the test of the temple guardian, otherwise, even if you arrive here, you will return without success.

The world is vast, the wilderness is dead and silent, and the surroundings are filled with gray and barren air, and the atmosphere is unusually quiet and desolate.

Flying in it is like going back to the ancient times when the chaos first opened, which makes people feel a sense of awe involuntarily.

Soon, everyone came to the ancestral temple.

Looking at it from a close distance, the ancestral temple looks more and more majestic and ancient. The whole body is only built of ordinary bluestone, but there is a palpitating atmosphere of vicissitudes of life.

In front of the temple, there are two portals, which are extremely eye-catching.

The one on the left has the character "sheng" written on it, but the handwriting seems to be soaked from a pool of blood, scarlet red wantonly, exuding a frightening cold smell.

The one on the right has the word "death" written on it, but the handwriting is simple and strange, with a strong center and a calming atmosphere.

One life and one death, two ancient handwritings were imprinted on two different portals, combined with the vicissitudes of the ancient temple atmosphere, it gave people an indescribable shock.

It was as if pushing those two doors open opened two doors leading to different worlds. Immortality or death was only a matter of one thought.

What is particularly special is that in the middle of the two doors, there is an ancient altar, the surface is mottled and full of vicissitudes, and there is nothing unusual about it.

But when this ordinary altar appeared in front of the temple and stood in the center of the two portals of "life" and "death", it seemed so unusual.

At this moment, many figures have gathered in front of the Zuyuan Temple. They are divided into different camps and stand in different positions. They do not interfere with each other and face each other at a distance. Taste of rattling.

When Chen Xi and his group arrived under the leadership of Le Wuhen, there was a sudden commotion.

"Emperor Domain Le Wuhen!"

"Look, there are Shentu Yanran, Yu Qiujing, Zhuan Yushui and the others!"

"It seems that they have also formed an alliance..."

"The competition is getting bigger and bigger. Their team has gathered the No. 11, 21, [-] and [-] four gods and gods in the list of gods, plus the other ascetics. With their help, this kind of power is enough to stand up to Luo Shaonong, Gongye Zhefu and the others!"

"Everyone, be careful, don't provoke Le Wuhen and the others. The opponent's strength is too strong for us to compete with."

People talked a lot, and there was more or less fear and awe in the eyes they looked at Chen Xi and the others.

Of course, most of their eyes stayed on Le Wuhen, Shentu Yanran, Yu Qiujing, and Zhuan Yushui. As for Chen Xi, they rarely attracted attention.

There is no way, his face is unfamiliar, and he is not a famous person on the list of gods, so it is difficult for others to know his identity.

The other ascetics along with Chen Xi and the others, when they saw everyone looking at them in unison, all puffed up their chests, showing a hint of reserve on their faces, appearing very proud and conceited.

They do have reason to be proud, because looking at the audience, there are indeed only a handful of camps that can rival their group.

At some point, the crowd voluntarily parted ways for Chen Xi and his group. Le Wuhen didn't seem to be surprised by this, and directly led the crowd across the crowd to the front.

This location is already the closest to the ancient temple of Zuyuan, and there are relatively few ascetics who are based here at the moment.

Obviously, not everyone is qualified to occupy such an excellent position.

Chen Xi stood in the crowd, looking at the surrounding situation without any trace.

Compared with when they entered the Burying God Sea, the number of ascetics who can reach this place is obviously much less now, only a little over three hundred.

And if Chen Xi remembered correctly, when they set off from Fengqi Divine City, there were thousands of ascetics dispatched together.

This also means that after entering the Burying God Sea, some ascetics must have failed to reach the ancient ruins.

Similarly, after entering the Manggu ruins, some ascetics are destined to be unable to cross the Chaotic Demon Realm, and naturally they cannot pass through the area covered by the Manggu desolation, and finally arrive here.

In fact, it’s easy to understand when you think about it. Most of the ascetics who came to the Manggu Ruins this time knew that they couldn’t compete with those supreme gods for the Ninth-Rank Emperor-level Ancestral Dao Root, and even for their own lives, they There was no plan to come to this ancestral land at all.

Because they are very self-aware, and their purpose is very simple, that is enough to find some available opportunities in the ancient ruins.

For example, as soon as Chen Xi arrived at the ancient ruins of Mang, he found three rare and incomparably magical medicines from a crevice in a rocky cliff.

This also means that just the opportunities distributed in the Manggu ruins are enough to meet the needs of those ascetics for this trip.

But now, those who can successfully arrive in front of this ancestral temple must be the top ones in the spiritual realm, and there are many gods and supreme beings.

In other words, the [-] or so ascetics in front of them are definitely the top-notch Hollow Spiritual God Realm among the many realms of the Ancient God Realm, and they are all like peerless geniuses.

And they are not scattered, they have already formed an alliance. Once they enter the ancestral land, in order to seize that ninth-rank emperor-level ancestral root, they will inevitably become the most terrifying competitors.

At that point, violent conflicts are absolutely inevitable.

Of course, with Chen Xi's current gaze, there were not many people present that could attract his attention.


Suddenly, Chen Xi's eyes narrowed imperceptibly, because right in front of him on the left, he saw a familiar figure.

Wearing a black dress, with a slender figure and a quiet and beautiful face, she exudes a sense of elegance and beauty, she is Zhen Liuqing.

There is no doubt that standing next to her is naturally Gongye Zhefu. He is tall and tall, with purple eyes and silver hair, wearing a black crane cloak, and his complexion is as fair as jade. Standing casually, he has an incomparably compelling edge Qi.

The two stood side by side, surrounded by a group of ascetics, like stars supporting the moon, which was particularly eye-catching.

Chen Xi sighed in his heart, and then withdrew his gaze.

Ever since he happened to meet Zhen Liuqing in Fengqi Divine City, his mood has been quite complicated. From the initial excitement and joy to later anger and bewilderment, and now to the present sadness and peace, it was as if he had gone through a cycle of reincarnation. , is really hard to describe.

"Zhen Liuqing...you are so merciless...but now you are ruthless...forget it, if she is planning to forget herself, forget it over there."

Chen Xi took a deep breath, shook his head to get rid of distracting thoughts in his mind.

He didn't dare to think about it anymore, because he was worried that he would lose control of his emotions, so he rushed up to question Zhen Liuqing again, what was the reason for all this.

Suddenly, a soft and low voice with a lazy taste resounded from the venue - "Miss Yanran, I didn't expect you to come, I'm really surprised."

There was a sudden silence in the field, and there was no sound.

All eyes were on the person at the front of the field. The person had a slack demeanor, thick and long hair hanging loose, and a face that was extremely handsome, with a hint of evil spirit.

Especially on his shoulder, there is also a fiery red mythical beast Suzaku.

This person is Luo Shaonong, who is ranked third in the Spiritual God Realm in the List of Conferred Gods, a young generation peerless figure from the Luo family, an ancient clan in the Imperial Region, whose name is well-known in the entire Imperial Region.

Only when Luo Shaonong opened his mouth could he achieve such an effect, and he immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Especially when everyone saw that Luo Shaonong was talking to Shentu Yanran, it caused a lot of shock.

Shentu Yanran, that is also the peerless beauty in the imperial domain, many ascetics regard her as the object of their hearts.

"The little girl, He De and He Neng, is flattered to be able to make brother Shaonong so caring." Shentu Yanran was obviously a little surprised, she was startled, and then she spoke slowly, her voice was as clear as a tinkling stream, and it was pleasant to the ear.

Coupled with her peerless demeanor, everyone's eyes lit up, and many ascetics even showed a touch of admiration unabashedly in their eyes.

"Haha, Yanran, you know what I am, so why are you so polite?"

There was a bright smile on Luo Shaonong's evil and handsome cheeks, and he stared at Shentu Yanran with burning eyes, and said, "Yanran, if you come and act with me, I promise to let you enter the original ancestral source smoothly. Super ancestor Daogen, as long as you promise to be my Taoist companion, Luo Shaonong, I will definitely help you win it!"

Everyone was in an uproar, no one expected that Luo Shaonong would extend such an invitation to Shentu Yanran in front of so many people at this moment.

No, this is no longer an invitation, it is obviously no different from a show of love!


ps: There are surprisingly few friends who voted for monthly votes in the past two days. Are you saving up to vote when the explosion occurs on Tuesday?

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