divine talisman

Chapter 1664 The Temple Keeper

While everyone was shocked, they couldn't help being envious.

Luo Shaonong is simply too domineering. In order to pursue Shentu Yanran, he is even willing to fight for her at the ninth-rank emperor-level ancestral source Daogen. How many women in this world can get such favor from him?

Perhaps, only a peerless beauty like Shentu Yanran can get such a show of love.

Seeing this, some women were even more jealous of Shentu Yanran. If they could get Luo Shaonong's words, even if they were made slaves, they would agree without hesitation.

Unfortunately, this is obviously impossible.

Because even they themselves admit that no matter their status, status, or personal cultivation and fame, they are far inferior to Shentu Yanran.

There are also people who feel very uncomfortable, like Chen Xi and his group, they are all a little unhappy at this moment, what does Luo Shaonong mean, obviously robbing people in front of them, it is too arrogant!

If Shentu Yanran left, then their camp would lose the help of a supreme god, and this loss would be too serious.

In particular, there are many ascetics who have admired Shentu Yanran for a long time, hearing Luo Shaonong's words, it is no different from winning love with a sword.

This is the influence of Luo Shaonong's words, and it can be seen how powerful this person is.

Le Wuhen frowned, seemingly displeased, but in the end he didn't say much. The other party was inviting Shentu Yanran, and Shentu Yanran was not his subordinate, so he couldn't say much.

The corners of Yu Qiujing's lips twitched, and he couldn't help but glance at Shentu Yanran next to him, as if worried that she would agree.

But at this time, Shentu Yanran suddenly sent a voice transmission to Chen Xi: "Fellow Taoist Chen Xi, do you think I want to promise him?"

Chen Xi had been watching coldly, because he felt that this matter had nothing to do with him at all, so he couldn't talk about emotion.

However, when she heard that Shentu Yanran came to ask her opinion at this time, she couldn't help being startled, and immediately said with a wry smile: "I don't have any suggestions, Miss Yanran, please don't make things difficult for me."

Shentu Yanran asked: "Then if I take you to cooperate with Luo Shaonong, will you agree or not?"

Chen Xi raised his eyebrows and said, "I'm afraid this is not good?"

"I think so too." Shentu Yanran smiled, "Then I will listen to you."

Chen Xi was stunned immediately, listen to me?But I obviously didn't give you any advice.

The communication between the two was mind transmission, which only happened in the blink of an eye, and was not noticed by many people.

Only Le Wuhen seemed to have noticed something, looked at Chen Xi in surprise, and immediately smiled encouragingly.

Similarly, Yu Qiujing, who was standing with Shentu Yanran, also seemed to notice that his brows were furrowed indistinctly, and his expression was a little gloomy.

"Sorry, I will fight for what I want by myself. I appreciate Brother Shaonong's kindness, thank you very much." At this time, Shentu Yanran smiled slightly, parted her red lips, and politely refused.

This was not unexpected, but Le Wuhen and the others secretly breathed a sigh of relief when they got her definite answer.

Regarding this, Chen Xi was noncommittal. No matter what choice Shentu Yanran made, it would not affect her in the slightest, but he did not admit that Shentu Yanran did it after listening to his own suggestion.

But obviously, both Le Wuhen and Yu Qiujing were a little suspicious, but the former seemed to appreciate it, while the latter was a little gloomy.

Hearing Shentu Yanran's refusal, instead of being angry, Luo Shaonong looked up to the sky and laughed, saying: "Yanran, do you know what I appreciate most about you, don't worry, when you enter the land of ancestral origin, as long as you have any demand, I will not stand idly by."

When everyone heard the words, they felt a burst of envy in their hearts. They knew that only peerless beauties like Shentu Yanran could enjoy this kind of treatment, and it would be unthinkable for anyone else.

Shentu Yanran smiled and said no more.

She looked at Chen Xi next to her with full eyes, and saw that the other party was still calm and indifferent, as if she was indifferent to everything around her, so she couldn't help biting her shiny and plump red lips, and said pitifully, " You see, I have already rejected a heaven-sent opportunity, after entering the land of ancestral origin, you can't see me in trouble and ignore me."

Chen Xi was taken aback immediately, what happened to this woman today?

"What's the matter, you don't agree?" Shentu Yanran's voice became more and more pitiful, and her clear eyes blinked. If other people heard this remark, they might rush forward with enthusiasm and blurt out their agreement.

But Chen Xi sighed and said, "Miss Yanran, I'm not in the mood to joke right now."

Shentu Yanran nodded and said: "I know, ever since you saw that girl, your mood seems to be a little abnormal."

As she spoke, she glanced intentionally or unintentionally at Zhen Liuqing in the distance.

Chen Xi's heart was shocked, this woman had such a keen observation ability that she even noticed such a tiny detail.

"Is she the girl you like?" Shentu Yanran asked curiously.

"Miss Yanran, please don't mention this matter again." Chen Xi's face darkened, and a trace of inexplicable irritability welled up in his heart.

Shentu Yanran smiled, and said softly: "I already understand." He didn't say any more.

When Chen Xi was talking with Shentu Yanran, he didn't even notice that a gloomy and jealous look flashed in Yu Qiujing's eyes looking at him.


After Chen Xi and his group arrived, more than a dozen ascetics came one after another, until later, there were basically few people coming.

"When will the gate of ancestry be opened? We have been waiting here for a full day. When will this be?"

"Hurry up, according to calculations, the temple keeper will appear within these two days, just wait."

"Speaking of the temple guard, I don't know if he is as powerful as the rumors say."

"It's best not to question the strength of the temple guards. I heard from the elders of the clan that the temple guards have been guarding this place as early as when the ancestral temple stood here. I don't know how many years have passed, let alone the experience How many ups and downs he has gone through, but now, he is still safe and sound, so we can know how unfathomable his strength is."

"That's right. When I came here this time, the elders in the sect repeatedly told me not to offend the temple guards no matter what, otherwise the end will be extremely miserable."

As time passed, the temple keeper didn't appear for a long time, and all the ascetics present couldn't help discussing.

"After the temple guards appear, we will choose the test in the life gate." Suddenly, Le Wuhen stared at the two gates in front of the Zuyuan Temple in the distance, and transmitted voice to Chen Xi and the others.

Everyone nodded without any objection.

Because they knew that since Le Wuhen chose this kind of test so confidently, he must have been fully prepared.

Only Chen Xi was a little curious, and asked Shentu Yanran beside him, "Among the two doors of life and death, is there anything else that should be considered important?"

Shentu Yanran glanced at him and said, "Aren't you angry?"

Chen Xi was startled, and immediately understood that what she said was about Zhen Liuqing just now, he couldn't help but smiled wryly and said helplessly, "Do I have such a small belly?"

Shentu Yanran brushed the strands of blue hair around her ear, and said with a smile, "It's fine not to be angry. Speaking of which, your angry appearance is really scary, and it really scared me just now."

Chen Xi sighed and said, "Don't say that, if other people know that I scare you, they must peel off my skin, at least that Mr. Luo Shaonong will be the first to do it."

"I didn't expect you to be joking." Shentu smiled sweetly, and gave Chen Xi a reproachful look, then his expression changed, and he said, "The two gates of life and death are the test of the temple guards... ..."

According to Shentu Yanran, within the gate of life is a grand avenue to ascend to the sky, and the avenue is full of inexhaustible ancient corpses of gods.

The strength of these ancient god corpses is roughly equivalent to that of the top-level spiritual gods. This is not the point. The important point is that the number of these ancient god corpses is huge, and they can be killed endlessly. It can be described as endless life.

When ascetics accept the test, they can only be considered as having passed the test if they have completed this path with their strength.

And in that door of death, there is also a journey of hundreds of thousands of miles, but this road needs to be found by the ascetic.

There is no opponent in it, but it is full of endless murderous intentions, time and space storms, turbulent currents and fracture layers, and various natural disasters... It can be called murderous intentions step by step. Once you make a wrong step, you will not be able to find the only way out. , will be eliminated!

In comparison, whether it is the door of life or the door of death, although the tests are different, the degree of danger is not too much to show off, and each has its own advantages.

"So, when we accept the test later, we will have to face the inexhaustible ancient corpses of the gods in the gate of life?"

Knowing all of this, Chen Xi's heart suddenly trembled. This test is not difficult, and it is not easy to say that it is simple. If you are not careful, you will be eliminated, and you will not be able to enter the Ancestral Spirit Ancient Land.

"That's right, according to the strength of us people, as long as we are careful, it's not too difficult to break through the gate of life." Shentu said with a smile.

Chen Xi nodded his head, and couldn't help feeling emotional in his heart.

For a chance, thousands of ascetics willingly crossed the sea of ​​burying gods and entered the ruins of Manggu. A test, one can imagine how difficult it is to get a chance.

This is the way of cultivating the Tao, competing with the heaven and the earth for opportunities, just like a hundred boats competing for the current, a thousand sails competing for the boat, competition is everywhere.


At this moment, a strange fluctuation spread like ripples from the front of the ancestral temple. In an instant, the audience was silent, and all eyes were all looking at the same place.

There is an ordinary ancient bluestone altar standing between the two portals of "life" and "death".

But at this moment, a faint and illusory light suddenly appeared on the surface of the altar, and a figure sitting cross-legged was gradually outlined...


ps: Zongheng launched a new event, using Memoda and Sending Kiss to urge the author to add updates, interested heroes and heroines can do it.

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