divine talisman

Chapter 1665

The altar glowed, transpired and lost its luster, and a figure sitting cross-legged was outlined, and the appearance of his face gradually became clear.

It was an old man, wearing a black robe of invisible material, his body was extremely skinny, like dried bamboo, his face had intertwined wrinkles and ravines, and his temple hair was as white as silver, fluttering gently in the wind.

He was really old, whether it was his skin or the tips of his temple hair, there were heavy traces of time, giving people an aura of vicissitudes.

But his pair of eyes are black and shiny, like the most dazzling stars in the sky, clear, serene, peaceful, and the ancient well is calm, seeming to be able to peep into all the secrets in the deepest part of one's heart.

He didn't have any aura around him, just like an ordinary old man, but when everyone looked at him, there was no reason to feel a sense of awe in his heart.

It is like facing a monument standing in the wind and rain for endless years, which shocks the soul.

Temple Keeper!

Almost instantly, everyone recognized each other's identity without any doubt at all.

Because he sat cross-legged on the altar, and because of the secret old and vicissitudes of his body, it was the best proof.

No one spoke again, and all eyes were fixed on the old man. The atmosphere at this moment seemed solemn and quiet.

The old man's eyes were serene and clear, with a sense of wisdom and indifference to see into the world. He seemed to have experienced too many things like this, so as soon as he appeared, he said, "You must all know the rules. If you want to Enter the land of ancestral origin, then start the test."

His voice was hoarse and deep, far away, as if echoing in the sky, and it rang clearly in everyone's ears.

Hearing this, everyone was shocked, and there was a look of anticipation in their eyes.

Seeing this, the old man couldn't help but feel nostalgia on the corners of his old and withered lips. In these endless years, he has seen this kind of gaze many times, but every time he sees it, he still can't help but feel emotional.

"Senior, then I will be the first to accept the test." Suddenly, Luo Shaonong, who was at the front, laughed loudly, exuding an arrogance and arrogance all over his body.

"It turned out to be a little doll from the Luo family, no wonder." The old man's eyes were full of vicissitudes of wisdom, and he nodded, "What kind of test do you want to choose?"

Luo Shaonong's heart trembled, as if he hadn't expected that the old man would see through his identity all of a sudden, his originally unruly expression became serious, he pointed to the life gate, and said, "This."

"Go, it's time for a stick of incense."

The old man waved his hand, and with a buzzing sound, the door in front of the temple with a bloody "birth" branded on it suddenly opened, and the inside was so dark that it was impossible to see clearly.

At that moment, Luo Shaonong led a group of people around him, stepped into the gate of life in an instant, and disappeared.


The portal is closed again, isolating everything within.

"The gate of life has been opened, who is willing to accept the test of the gate of death?" the old man said slowly.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, most of them would rather choose the door of life than the mysterious and unpredictable door of death.

After all, although there are inexhaustible ancient corpses of spirit gods in the gate of life, at least there is no uncertain killing intent, and all you need to do is to charge hard.

"Young monk is willing to give it a try." Just when everyone was hesitating, a calm voice sounded.

Accompanied by the sound, Canaan, the holy son of Buddhism, dressed in a moon-white monk's robe, wearing straw sandals, and holding a dead wood Zen staff, came out of the crowd.

His expression was as quiet and peaceful as usual, with a sense of perseverance and a sense of Zen that was very different from other ascetics.

Everyone was amazed, but when they saw that it was Canaan, they all showed sudden expressions. The other party was the seventh existence in the Spiritual God Realm in the list of Conferred Gods.

"Sure enough." Chen Xi thought to himself, he knew intuitively that Canaan who cultivated the way of the true self would definitely not be afraid of a "death" test.

"Nanwu Jialan, Baomu Zen branch, hold me back to the original, seek the truth and ask the Buddha... Heh, unexpectedly, after so many years, the Buddhist sect finally has a holy son to comprehend this path, and this heart is already worthy of praise." It's not bad."

The old man looked at Canaan, a flash of surprise flashed in his clear eyes, and immediately restored the ancient well, he waved his hand and said, "Go, it's time for a stick of incense."

Canaan, the Buddha, clasped his hands together and bowed, and then he floated into the door of "death" and disappeared.

"The rest of you should just wait quietly. It won't hurt to prepare a little longer." The old man glanced at the others, then closed his eyes, as if falling into a deep sleep.

So far, both gates have been tested by people, and everyone who wants to enter can only wait for Luo Shaonong and his party and Canaan to come out.

"You say, how long will the young peasant successfully pass the test?"

"It must not be a stick of incense."

"This is not nonsense. According to my guess, a cup of tea is enough."

"Hehe, a cup of tea? You have underestimated the young man's ability. I'm sure that within half an hour, the young man will pass the test!"

"Then what do you say about Holy Son Canaan?"

"Canaan? I don't know. The generation of Buddhist sects have always been mysterious, but this Canaan can rank as the seventh place in the list of gods, and it must not be far behind."

The crowd was discussing a lot, wondering how long it would take for Luo Shaonong and his party and Canaan to pass the test.No one would think that these two would be eliminated.

Regarding all of these, Chen Xi didn't have the time to pay much attention to them. Taking advantage of this time, he was pondering the "Secret Sword of Heart" in his heart.

Today's him, with the transformation of his mental state, after reaching the first forging state, and his immersion in the way of swords, he also broke through again, and reached the first level of the sword emperor state.

Although it is still in the realm of the Sword Emperor, compared to the past, they are two completely different realms, and the power of the sword is even more incomparable.

Like when he faced Yu Qiujing in the Spirit Slaying Gourd before, the reason why Chen Xi was able to so easily destroy Yu Qiujing, who had also reached the realm of the Sword Emperor, was because of his breakthrough in swordsmanship.

This also made Chen Xi more aware of the power of the "Secret Sword of Heart". In order to improve his combat effectiveness, he seized almost every ounce of time available to comprehend and ponder the secret sword of Heart.

"Huh, I didn't expect that you, fellow daoist, would arrive here as well. This surprised me." Suddenly, a voice rang in my ear, which woke up Chen Xi who was in deep thought.

He looked up, and at some point, the purple-eyed and silver-haired Gongye Zhefu brought Zhen Liuqing to his side.

At this moment, Gongye Zhefu was looking at Chen Xi with a little surprise, while Zhen Liuqing who was on the side was looking away, his expression was still calm, but it gave off a feeling of absent-mindedness.

And in the vicinity, many ascetics also looked at Chen Xi with a little surprise, even Le Wuhen and Yu Qiujing were no exception. They seemed to have never expected that Gongye Zhefu was on the list of gods. A famous person would actually recognize Chen Xi.

The atmosphere was a bit weird, and there were too many gazes from around. This made Chen Xi frowned suddenly, his expression became indifferent, and said, "Are you surprised? I am also very surprised to see Mr. Zhefu here."

In a word, everyone around was immediately sensitive to the sense of tension and tit-for-tat, and they couldn't help but be surprised. Could it be that this guy still has an enmity with Gongye Zhefu?

Le Wuhen showed a thoughtful look.

Shentu Yanran raised her black eyebrows, looked at Zhen Liuqing beside Gongye Zhefu, and then looked at Chen Xi, and vaguely guessed something in her heart.

Yu Qiujing felt a little gloating in his heart, and the corners of his lips curled up like nothing.

As for the others, they all have different expressions.

"Ha ha."

Gongye Zhefu smiled, and suddenly put his arms around Zhen Liuqing's shoulders, and said, "Fellow Taoist, I advise you to stop thinking about Liuqing, and give up on it, otherwise, I won't be like the last time." Let you go."

The voice was indifferent, but filled with a look of disdain and domineering.

From the beginning to the end, Zhen Liuqing who was on the side remained silent, and there was no way to see any emotion from her expression.

And when they heard Gongye Zhefu's words, everyone nearby was in an uproar.

"Did I hear you right, that guy actually robbed Gongye Zhefu of a woman?"

"Who is that guy? Don't you know what kind of character Gongye Zhefu is? He dared to do this, it's just blatant."

"If I were Gongye Zhefu, if someone dared to rob me of a woman...hehe, I wouldn't be so easy to talk to."

Even Le Wuhen, Yu Qiujing, and the others were shocked. They couldn't believe that Chen Xi had ever done such a thing.

At this moment, Chen Xi was disdainful, ridiculed, and even slandered by the crowd.

However, his expression was still calm, as if turning a deaf ear to it, he just quietly glanced at the silent Zhen Liuqing, sighed in his heart, shifted his gaze to Gongye Zhefu, and said, "You came here to warn me?"

Gongye Zhefu smiled lightly, shook his head in a condescending manner, and said, "No, don't get me wrong, I'm not here to look for you."

As he said that, he turned his eyes to Shentu Yanran who was beside Chen Xi, and a bright smile appeared on the corner of his lips, which was extremely charming, "Miss Yanran, can I borrow a word with you?"

It was as if he had completely ignored Chen Xi.

This caused a burst of laughter from the surroundings, and the gaze they looked at Chen Xi was like looking at a clown, full of pity and banter.

Chen Xi pursed his lips and fell into silence. A murderous intent boiled in his heart. He knew that Gongye Zhefu was deliberately bringing Zhen Liuqing along to humiliate him in public, just like the last time he was in Fengqi Divine City!

Although Chen Xi didn't know the reason, but these were completely unimportant.

Suddenly, he felt his palm being held by a warm and soft hand, and immediately, Shentu's sweet and crisp voice sounded in his ears: "Sorry, I'm not free right now."

Chen Xi was shocked all over, and glanced at Shentu Yanran with some astonishment, but saw that the other party had turned her head, her starry eyes were like water, and she was looking at him with tenderness.

She... what is she going to do?

"Why? You never did this before."

Before Chen Xi could react, Gongye Zhefu frowned and opened his mouth. A pair of purple eyes glanced at the palm held by Shentu Yanran and Chen Xi, and the pupils shrank suddenly.

"Didn't you see..."

Shentu Yanran didn't even look at Gongye Zhefu, she just stared at Chen Xi, exhaled like blue, and said softly, "I still want to accompany him."


ps: Tomorrow, we will go all out for the 10 updates. Friends, please save up your monthly tickets. The first update will be at 10:[-] in the morning. In addition, there is a reminder event in Zongheng. Rewards, monthly tickets, blowing kisses, and reminders are one-stop service. Welcome friends Let's actively participate~

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