divine talisman

Chapter 1666

I want to stay with him.

A few words were uttered by Shentu Yanran's clear and melodious voice like the sound of nature, in a soft and gentle tone, so natural and so proud, everyone around was dumbfounded, almost couldn't believe their ears .

In particular, she has a clear face, her starry eyes are as bright as water, and she possesses a peerless elegance and demeanor. At this moment, she speaks such gentle and tender words in front of everyone, almost driving everyone around her crazy.

Who is Shentu Yanran?

That is the peerless beauty who is admired by countless young people in the imperial domain. She is of noble birth, unparalleled in wisdom, and even ranks No. 13 in the spirit and god realm in the list of gods!

Even Luo Shaonong, who is so proud of the world, did not hide his admiration. He showed his heart to her in public, and was even willing to win the ninth-rank emperor-level ancestral dao root for her, but in the end, she still refused.

But now, she actually... revealed her heart to an unknown young man in front of everyone. How could this not shock everyone present?

Who is that young man?

How could Miss Yanran be with him?


Damn it!

The hearts of many cultivators present were about to break, and they wished they could swallow Chen Xi alive.

There are also people who are extremely envious and jealous. This kid is so lucky that he has offended Shentu Yanran, a world-renowned flower!

Some female ascetics were all curious, Shentu Yanran could even reject Luo Shaonong, but it turned out that she fell in love with this young man, he... who is so divine?How could she win Shentu Yanran's heart?

All of a sudden, because of Shentu Yanran's words, the whole scene was about to explode, which shows how great her charm is.

Although Le Wuhen and his group already knew Chen Xi's background, and also knew that Chen Xi and Shentu Yanran had only known each other not long ago, they still couldn't help being dumbfounded when they saw this scene.

Perhaps, Shentu Yanran couldn't bear Gongye Zhefu's public humiliation of Chen Xi, but in order to help Chen Xi, she made such sacrifices, isn't the price too high?

Regardless of whether it is true or not, at least if today's incident gets out, it will almost cause a big earthquake in the imperial domain!

Especially Yu Qiujing, when he saw Shentu Yanran holding Chen Xi's palm with a look of tenderness, the jealousy in his heart could hardly be suppressed, and his face became gloomy.

Yes, he also admired Shentu Yanran, even more than others, so when he saw Chen Xi and Shentu Yanran appear side by side for the first time, he felt uncomfortable for a while. Chen Xi originated from this.

Now, seeing the woman he adores favoring a guy he just met not long ago, one can imagine how angry and jealous Yu Qiujing felt in his heart.

But no matter what, the protagonist at this time is not Yu Qiujing, nor Le Wuhen, nor the monks around.

It was Gongye Zhefu, Chen Xi, Shentu Yanran, and perhaps Zhen Liuqing.


After seeing Shentu Yanran holding Chen Xi's hand and saying that sentence in a proud tone that was taken for granted, Gongye Zhefu was not shocked, he just felt it was ridiculous.

He had known Shentu Yanran for a long time, so he naturally knew that among Shentu Yanran's many suitors in the past, there was no Chen Xi in front of him at all.

Therefore, when he heard these words, he immediately thought that Shentu Yanran was just using Chen Xi as an excuse to refuse his invitation.

"Yanran, you just tell me directly if you don't want to take a step to talk, why use this fellow Taoist as an excuse?" Gongye Zhefu smiled, as if what happened in front of him hadn't affected him in any way.

"An excuse?" Shentu Yanran sighed, staring at Chen Xi with her starry eyes, bit her cherry lips with a bit of resentment, and said, "Look, they don't even trust us."

There was a hint of complaint in the voice, like a long-lost wife acting like a baby to her husband.

Have the people present ever seen Shentu Yanran showing such a resentful and coquettish look?Can't help but stare dumbfounded for a while.

Yu Qiujing on the side gritted his teeth with jealousy.

This damned guy, Miss Yanran has said so much, yet he didn't react at all, he deserves to be hacked into pieces!

At this moment, Chen Xi, after experiencing the initial shock and astonishment, only a wry smile remained in his heart at this moment.

Of course he is clear that he and Shentu Yanran have absolutely no male-female relationship, and he can even be sure that Shentu Yanran did this to help him vent his anger and deliberately embarrass Gongye Zhefu, and on the other hand, it is also to refuse An invitation from Gongye Tetsuo.

Under such circumstances, Chen Xi would not naively think that Shentu Yanran just took a fancy to him.

However, since Shentu Yanran was willing to act for everyone, Chen Xi was also willing to cooperate, so he didn't deny it.

Therefore, he has been silent, being held by Shentu Yanran in silence, silently listening to Shentu Yanran's tenderness and affectionate "acting".

Up to this moment, after hearing Shentu Yanran's words, she even stretched out her arms cooperatively, wrapping around Shentu Yanran's slender and smooth waist.

The movements were natural, but Chen Xi was keenly aware that when his fingers touched the skin on Shentu Yanran's slender waist, the latter's delicate body stiffened imperceptibly, but immediately, she snuggled up to Chen Xi's shoulder, The delicate body stiffened again.

This made him laugh secretly in his heart, maybe this is the small price paid for acting?

In fact, Chen Xi overlooked one point. With Shentu Yanran's identity, why would he have to make such a big sacrifice for him?Even at the expense of offending Gongye Zhefu?

Taking a step back, with Shentu Yanran's identity, fame, and cultivation, why did she act with a guy she just met?

This may be acting, but what will the outside world think of her?Others wouldn't think it was a play!

When he saw Chen Xi's hand resting on Shentu Yanran's slender waist, and the latter's joyful and slightly shy look, Gongye Zhefu's expression finally sank.

If he remembered correctly, since Shentu Yanran practiced, he has never been so intimate with any man!

Seeing this, the people nearby were even more shocked. They were quite skeptical at first, but when they saw this scene,

"Hehe, not bad, not bad." Gongye Zhefu's purple eyes glowed coldly, he took a deep look at Chen Xi, then turned around and left with Zhen Liuqing.

"We seem to have made Mr. Zhefu a little unhappy." Shentu Yanran said softly.

"It seems to be true." Chen Xi said.

But there was no trace of happiness in his heart, because from the beginning to the end, Zhen Liuqing remained silent, as if he was indifferent to everything.

And when seeing Gongye Zhefu leave, everyone's emotions were extremely complicated. No one expected that this guy who was threatened and ridiculed by Gongye Zhefu, this guy who was despised by them, would suddenly change and become Shentu Yanran. So far the only man who has personally admitted.

The world is unpredictable!

The crowd sighed.

"This guy is simply too hateful. He already has such a peerless beauty as Miss Yanran, and he still misses Mr. Zhefu's female companion. His heart is damnable!"

Many people were outraged.

"Hey, I'm really envious of that kid. If he can win Miss Yanran's heart, he will have no regrets in this life."

Some people are envious.

What makes some people almost go crazy is that some women have witnessed all of this, and even developed a strong interest in Chen Xi...

Le Wuhen and the others also had complicated emotions. They didn't expect that after a small incident, Chen Xi would take advantage of Shentu Yanran, which made people speechless.

Regardless of what others are talking about, or how they feel in their hearts, at this moment Chen Xi has withdrawn his hand from Shentu Yanran's slender waist, and said in a low voice, "No matter what, thank you very much this time."

"Do you... think I'm acting?" Shentu Yanran's eyes were filled with resentment, and her voice carried a trace of disappointment.

Chen Xi was startled for a moment, this woman must not be too involved in the drama, right?

Immediately, she saw Shentu Yanran burst out laughing, and a sly and triumphant look flashed in her star pupils.

Seeing this, Chen Xi shook his head helplessly. The more he got in touch with Shentu Yanran, the more he could clearly discover that the other party possessed a world-renowned magnificence, but his temperament was hard to fathom. Sometimes he was dignified and quiet, elegant and noble, and sometimes eccentric. Anger should be happy, sometimes resentment is like water, weak and pitiful, and the temperament and image are ever-changing.

People can't even tell which one is the real her.

"Chen Xi!" Suddenly, Yu Qiujing walked over with a gloomy expression.

Chen Xi raised his brows immediately, what is this guy going to do?

Shentu Yanran also restrained her smile, returning to her usual demure demeanor.

"When you formed an alliance with us, why didn't you mention that there are still conflicts between you and Gongye Zhefu?" Yu Qiujing said in a deep voice, with a touch of questioning.

As soon as these words came out, they all looked at him.

"This seems to be my personal matter, so there's no need to report them one by one, right?" Chen Xi narrowed his eyes. Didn't this guy give up after his failure last time?

"But you have to be clear, we are in the same camp now, if after entering the land of ancestral origin, some conflicts arise because of you, what will happen if we are involved?" Yu Qiujing was aggressive.

"Then what do you want to do?" Chen Xi asked back.

Yu Qiujing was stunned for a moment, and opened his mouth, but he didn't know how to answer, did he want to kick Chen Xi out of the camp?That would definitely not work, first of all, Le Wuhen and Shentu Yanran would not agree.

After all, even if he didn't want to, he still had to admit that Chen Xi's fighting power was very strong, and he could play a crucial role in the camp.

But if he said let it go like this, he was extremely unwilling, and finally snorted coldly: "Although we are in the same camp, if there are some personal grievances involved, I ask you to solve them yourself, and I have no obligation to help. "

Chen Xi smiled and said, "It's natural, do you have any doubts?"

Seeing Chen Xi's recalcitrant appearance, Yu Qiujing felt his teeth itch with hatred, but he had no choice but to glare at Chen Xi angrily in the end, then turned his head and left, as if he didn't want to be with Chen Xi.

This is called the passage of time, changing things and changing people.

Chen Xi has already proved his strength, and he has become a core member of this camp, so it is not as easy as before if he wants to trouble him.


ps: The first update will be delivered, and the second, third, and fourth updates will be at 2:3 noon, 4:12 pm, and 2:5 pm respectively.Today, the goldfish will fight with all their strength for a day, friends, if you have a monthly pass, come here!In addition, announce the group number, group 1: 161270336, a small number of vacancies. Group 2: 410189159, the atmosphere is relatively lively.All friends who like Fu Huang are welcome to join!

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