divine talisman

Chapter 1667

Thank you brothers and sisters for sending kisses and monthly tickets~


The small turmoil that happened between Chen Xi and Gongye Zhefu ended, no matter what everyone thought in their hearts, and no matter how resentful and jealous Yu Qiujing was, at least from this moment on, everyone present would remember the name Chen Xi.

After half an hour.


Wisps of fluctuations spread out from the door branded with the blood-red "Sheng" character, and immediately fell into silence.

At this moment, the old man sitting cross-legged on the ancient altar seemed to wake up from a deep sleep, and opened his eyes that had experienced many vicissitudes.

"Next." He said concisely.

Everyone was shocked, and finally confirmed that Luo Shaonong and his party had successfully passed the test in the gate of life within half a quarter of an hour.

"let's go!"

Le Wuhen had already prepared well. When this scene happened, he had already led Chen Xi and his party out to accept the test of the gate of life.

But unexpectedly, someone else arrived faster than them and arrived one step earlier!

It was Gongye Zhefu, he also led a group of people, even in order to accept the test in time, he didn't even say hello to the old man, he already stepped into the gate of life first.

Seeing this, Le Wuhen shook his head helplessly and sighed, "We can only wait for the next opportunity."

The others were a little bit upset, but there was nothing they could do, things had already happened.


At this moment, there was also a strange fluctuation in the door of death next to it, which made everyone slightly startled, and immediately judged that the holy son Canaan had successfully passed the test!

Sure enough, the old man sitting cross-legged on the altar spoke again: "Next."

Everyone hesitated for a while.

Chen Xi and the others had already made up their minds to choose the test of Shengmen, and they would not change their minds at this time.

However, soon a group of people stood up and led the team towards the door of death.

"Don't be impatient, everyone. After a while, no one will dare to rob us." Le Wuhen glanced around and said with a smile.

The others nodded, but they also understood that apart from Luo Shaonong and Shengzi Canaan who had already successfully passed the test, there was no other faction that could compete with them.

If someone dares to fight, then they don't mind showing each other some color. Of course, the chance of such a thing happening is very small.

After all, there wasn't a single fool in the room, so he knew how serious He Le Wuhen's fight would be.

After half a sound, a strange wave suddenly came out from the door of death, which made everyone present startled, so fast?

But immediately, they saw that seven or eight figures were suddenly thrown out of the dead gate, and fell to the ground in all directions.

These ascetics all had a throbbing look of fear in their expressions, as if they had encountered something terrible.


The old man opened his mouth calmly, but he didn't see any movement. Suddenly, an obscure and reckless aura was released from the altar, covering those places in an instant.

"Do not--!"

"Senior, senior, please be merciful, I am willing to try again, please give us another chance!"

Seeing this, those ascetics suddenly screamed and begged unwillingly.

But in just an instant, they were moved away and disappeared out of thin air, only the sound reverberated in the air.

Seeing this, the other ascetics present were all terrified and became more vigilant. They knew that after they were eliminated, they would be moved out of the ancient ruins, and they would not be able to take a step forward!

The atmosphere became much quieter and a little depressing for no reason.

As if a tacit understanding had already been formed, from this moment on, it was a test that no one would choose the door of death.

Not long after, there was a strange fluctuation in that life door. Fortunately, no ascetics were eliminated this time.

This also means that Gongye Zhefu and his party have successfully passed the test and arrived at the land of ancestral origin.

"Next." The old man said.

Before the voice fell, Le Wuhen had already led Chen Xi and the others to rush forward. The other cultivators seemed to have known that they could not compete with them, but no one came out to fight.

But at this moment, the old man on the altar seemed to have noticed something, and suddenly let out a light sigh, and said, "Wait a minute!"

As the sound fell, the life door suddenly closed, shutting out Le Wuhen and others who were about to arrive.

Everyone was stunned, what happened?

"Senior, what do you mean?" Le Wuhen frowned and said in a deep voice.

Chen Xi, Shentu Yanran, Yu Qiujing, Zhuan Yushui and others were also puzzled.

The old man didn't answer. His eyes, which had experienced many vicissitudes, no longer had the peace and tranquility before. Instead, there was an intimidating deep luster, giving people a terrifying pressure that rushed to the face, making everyone present breathe a sigh of relief. Stuffed, his face changed slightly.

That kind of feeling is like facing a manggu god who has awakened from the boundless years, and it is heart-shattering.

At this moment, even Le Wuhen and the others shuddered, feeling a heavy pressure. What happened?

Could this temple guard want to prevent them from entering the land of ancestral origin?

In this deadly atmosphere, the old man's eyes swept over Le Wuhen, Shentu Yanran, Yu Qiujing and others one by one...

In the end, it fell on Chen Xi.

At this moment, everyone clearly saw that a frightening light burst out from the old man's eyes, which made people's eyes sting.

But these were not worth the shock in their hearts, because they vaguely judged that the temple keeper did all this, it seemed that everything was caused by that Chen Xi!

Even Le Wuhen and the others were in doubt for a while. Was it all because of Chen Xi?But why?

Nobody knows.

And Chen Xi, who was stared at by the old man, felt an oppressive force almost suffocating, his whole body froze, and he couldn't help being shocked, what is this old guy going to do?

Fortunately, in just an instant, the luster in the old man's eyes faded, and he became calm and serene again, but it was more complicated than before.

"Little guy, come here." The old man said hoarsely, and waved to Chen Xi.

Sure enough, it was because of him!

Everyone was shocked, and they were sure that the reason why the temple guards stopped Le Wuhen and his group from entering the gate of life was because of Chen Xi.

Is there something wrong with this guy?

"Young Master Wuhen, Miss Yanran, you have seen it now. I said earlier that there is a problem with Chen Xi's origin, but now it is good, because his appearance has implicated us, and we cannot enter the gate of life in time to carry out the investigation. test."

Yu Qiujing's face was gloomy, and his deep voice transmitted to others.

Hearing the words, other cultivators also felt uncomfortable. Ever since Chen Xi joined their camp, some accidents had happened all the time, and now, they were blocked from the door of life and unable to accept the test. This made those who were originally dissatisfied with Chen Xi They are increasingly dissatisfied.

"Don't speak prematurely, it's out of style for you to say that." Shentu frowned and glanced at Yu Qiujing.

"Look at the situation first." Le Wuhen also said aside.

"Hmph, if there is really something wrong with Chen Xi, we will never agree to form an alliance with him again!" Yu Qiujing snorted coldly.

"Yes, what big brother Yuqiu said is very true, without Chen Xi, we can also enter the land of ancestral origin." Many ascetics also spoke one after another.

Shentu Yanran felt sullen, and was about to say something, but was stopped by Le Wuhen: "Be safe, don't be impatient, I have an intuition that Chen Xi will be fine."


After being called by the old man, Chen Xi fell into silence. After a while, he stepped up and came to the altar, cupped his hands and said, "I don't know what orders senior has?"

At the same time, he became vigilant in his heart and was ready to counterattack immediately if something bad happened.

He couldn't figure out what the old man was thinking, but he had to prepare for the worst.

The old man didn't make any movements. He just stared at Chen Xi, carefully sizing it up. In those wise and vicissitude-stricken eyes, the complicated color became more and more intense, as if he remembered something, and he felt infinite emotion in his heart.

The atmosphere is a bit secretive.

No one spoke, and all eyes fell on Chen Xi, as if they wanted to see what the temple guards would do to him.

But in the end, the old man didn't do anything, he just moved his eyes away, landed on Le Wuhen and the others, and then asked Chen Xi: "Little guy, are those your companions?"

As soon as the voice fell, Yu Qiujing couldn't help shouting: "No..." As soon as he uttered a word, Le Wuhen stopped him: "Shut up!"

At this moment, Le Wuhen no longer had the unrestrained smile of the past, his face was stern, and there was a coercive force, which shocked Yu Qiujing's heart, and he dared not say more.

The other ascetics near Yuqiu Jing originally wanted to speak, but when they saw Le Wuhen's appearance, they immediately fell silent.

Chen Xi captured this scene in his eyes, but there was no fluctuation on his face, he just nodded lightly and said, "That's right."

The old man looked at Chen Xi, and then at Yu Qiujing who had a gloomy face in the distance, a rare smile appeared on his extremely old face, which was very meaningful.

But in the end, he didn't say anything about it, he just waved his hand and said: "You don't need to take the test, go in."

When they heard the first half sentence, everyone's hearts were shocked, even Le Wuhen and Shentu Yanran couldn't help twitching.

But when they heard the three words in the second half of the sentence, they were stunned again, almost unable to believe their ears.

No need to test, just test to enter the land of ancestral origin! ?

Not only other people, even Chen Xi couldn't help being startled.


All of a sudden, behind the altar, between the two portals of life and death, a portal reappeared, and it was filled with luster, which was very mysterious.

Everyone was shocked. They never thought that there would be a third portal. Could it be that it is the passage to test the smooth arrival of the ancestral land?

"If you don't leave, this portal will be closed." Looking at the dazed Chen Xi, the old man couldn't help but remind him.

This time, everyone was completely convinced that everything the old man said was true, and that Chen Xi and his group could reach the land of ancestral origin smoothly without having to go through the test!

"How...how could this be?"

And when he witnessed all this, Yu Qiujing felt as if he had been slapped hard and invisible, and he felt bad all over.


ps: The second update is here, continue to call for monthly tickets, everyone cheer up!

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