divine talisman

Chapter 1671 Surrounded

Wei Zifu was very content. He knew that although Chen Xi said it was easy, how could it be so easy to find more Daogens?

That ancestral root is not a Chinese cabbage, how could it be picked casually?

Coupled with the fact that there are so many ascetics who have entered the ancestral land this time, even Luo Shaonong would not dare to claim that a large number of ancestral roots can be excavated.

Therefore, Wei Zifu agreed to Chen Xi's condition without even thinking about it.

He even felt a little grateful in his heart to Chen Xi for giving him two chances to exchange for Zuyuan Daogen, and he had virtually changed his usual view of Chen Xi.

As for Tao Dong beside him, Wei Zifu didn't bother to pay attention.

Chen Xi looked at Tao Dong with an uncertain face, the smile on his face gradually faded, and he said, "If you don't agree, then take this fifth-grade dao root in front of you and go find Le Wuhen and the others. "

Hearing this, Tao Dong was furious again, thinking that Chen Xi was deliberately making things difficult for him, but he felt unwilling to let him just throw his sleeves away.

In the end, he still said angrily: "I agree to your conditions, but when you enter the initial ancestral source to seize the ninth-rank emperor-level dao root, fellow Taoist Chen Xi, don't expect me to be of much help."

Chen Xi smiled, he didn't even bother to hit the other party's self-confidence, he never expected the other party to do him any favors.

At that moment, his figure flashed, and he was already approaching the tidal flat.


As expected, there were also guardians near this ancestral source. When Chen Xifu appeared, the time and space in the tidal flat fluctuated for a while, and a corpse wearing broken armor and holding a halberd rushed out.

This corpse was obviously transformed by a departed god, with a dead air overflowing from his body, his pupils were gray and white, full of ferocity and tyranny.


As soon as it appeared, it stepped into the void, and with a two-foot-long halberd in its hand, wrapped in a monstrous murderous aura, it ruthlessly slashed towards Chen Xi.


Chen Xi's eyes were cold, and with a wave of his sleeves, divine brilliance overflowed, and with a bang, the corpse was shaken to pieces, turning into powder and disappearing, it was hard to resist even a single blow.

Seeing this scene, the corners of Tao Dong and Wei Zifu's lips twitched. The aura of the corpse was so strong that it was comparable to those in the top Spiritual God Realm, and even slightly worse than the two of them. But now, it was Chen Xi With a flick of the sleeve, it was wiped out!

What kind of terrifying cultivation should be required to achieve this step?


Chen Xi grabbed it with his hand, and a blazing and dazzling light cluster flew out from the depths of that yellow beam of light, and suddenly fell into Chen Xi's hands.

This is astonishingly taking a fifth-grade ancestral root.

Chen Xi cast a restraining seal casually, opened his mouth to swallow it into his body, and hid it.

Tao Dong and Wei Zifu both looked down on this dao root, but Chen Xi would not give up just like that. In the future, whether it is given away or exchanged for treasures, this fifth-rank dao root can definitely exert its super power. almost imaginable.


Chen Xi was about to take the two of them away when he suddenly frowned, his deep and deep eyes suddenly narrowed, and a sharp edge suddenly appeared.

"what happened?"

Tao Dong and Wei Zifu were taken aback for a moment, but immediately, their expressions changed slightly.

Because at this very moment, they could clearly feel that there were waves of incomparably overbearing auras surrounding them from all directions.

Even their retreat was blocked!

"Damn it, are they going to kill people to seize the treasure?" Tao Dong was startled and furious.

Chen Xi glanced at him, but sighed in his heart. If this guy hadn't wasted time, they would have already left here, how could such a thing happen to them?

"Be careful, listen to me in everything, don't act without authorization." Chen Xi warned, then looked around.

Soon, more than ten figures overflowing with divine light appeared in the surroundings out of thin air, faintly surrounding Chen Xi and the three of them.

They are led by two young men, the one on the left is thin and stern, with snow-white eyebrows, wearing a blood-red cloak, and two blood-colored moons emerge from the opening and closing of a pair of eyes, which is extremely frightening.

The one on the right is dressed in a yellow robe, with a fair complexion, and a golden flame tattoo between his eyebrows.

Chen Xi's eyes immediately locked on to these two people, because they were all divine beings as well. As for the other ascetics, although their auras were strong, they were roughly on par with Tao Dong and Wei Zifu, so they couldn't deal with Chen Xi. create a threat.

"The emperor's bloody moon is like fire!"

"Jin Qingyang of the Emperor's Rock Jin Clan!"

Tao Dong and Wei Zifu cried out in surprise almost at the same time, their faces tensed up as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

"So it's them..." Chen Xi narrowed his eyes, remembering who these two people are.

The moon is like fire, No.14 in the Spiritual Realm of the Conferred Gods List, one point higher than No.15 Yu Qiujing, and one point behind No.13 Shentu Yanran.

And that Jin Qingyang, ranked No. 20 in the Spiritual God Realm in the list of gods, although it is not as good as the moon in front of him, but his strength should not be underestimated. Ordinary people.

What's more, they came hand in hand, accompanied by a group of ascetics, this kind of situation is a bit serious.

If Chen Xi remembered correctly, both Yue Ruhuo and Jin Qingyang followed Gongye Zhefu when they first entered the ancestral land.

In other words, they were originally in the same camp.

The reason why they are acting separately from Gongye Zhefu right now is obviously because they have the same idea as Chen Xi and his group.

"Fellow Daoist Ruhuo, Xia Taodong is from the Tao family in the imperial domain. I don't know what you mean by coming here?"

Tao Dong smiled and said that there are many connections between their Tao clan and the Xueyue clan. Although he has no friendship with Yue Ruhuo, they are both from the imperial domain after all, and the clans behind each other are related, so they plan to test it out. See if you can open it up.

"Dao Shi? Tao Dong? Hehe, brother, don't expect to be able to build relationships, this won't save the three of you."

Yue Ruhuo's face was still stern, and she opened her mouth with a smirk, directly blocking Tao Dong's words, making his expression fluctuate.

Jin Qingyang on the side also smiled and said leisurely: "That's right, if you want to avoid death, just hand over that fifth-grade Dao root, and I will never make things difficult for you again."

Whether it was Yue Ruhuo, Jin Qingyang, or even the group of ascetics around them, they all looked like they were determined by Chen Xi and the three of them, aggressive.

The atmosphere was momentarily chilling and extremely tense.

Chen Xi on the side suddenly smiled, and said to Tao Dong on the side: "Look, what you thought was a inferior Daogen has attracted two gods and supreme beings to snatch it away. Are you still deciding not to?"

Tao Dong was stunned, and was so angry that he almost wanted to strangle Chen Xi to death. What time is this, and you are still in the mood to joke! ?

Defective Dougan?

These words fell into the ears of Yue Ruhuo and the others, but it became a kind of humiliation, which made their faces quite gloomy.

"Let me ask again, are you going to pay or not?" Yue Ruhuo said coldly, her voice was as sharp as a knife.

Tao Dong's heart trembled, he looked at Chen Xi, hesitantly said: "How about... just leave Daogen to them, there is still plenty of time, we still have a chance in the future."

Although these words are a bit useless, in order to save his life at this moment, he can only bite the bullet and do so.

After all, they were Yue Ruhuo and Jin Qingyang!

If it was just one of them, Tao Dong was confident that with Chen Xi's ability, he could definitely help them out of danger.

But when the two gods and gods were dispatched together, Tao Dong absolutely did not think that Chen Xi would be able to fight against each other.

Even Chen Xi couldn't do it, and he and Wei Zifu were even worse.

"This bastard can really say anything."

Chen Xi felt contemptuous in his heart. If the situation didn't allow it, he really wanted to ask, where did your pride and sense of superiority go?

What a coward with a golden appearance and a broken heart!

Chen Xi didn't bother to pay attention to Tao Dong, and quickly instructed Wei Zifu: "Take care of this guy, and leave the rest to me."

Wei Zifu nodded.

Seeing this, Chen Xi no longer hesitated, stepped forward with a single step, and coldly glanced at Yue Ruhuo and Jin Qingyang who were facing him. The energy in his body suddenly boiled, and there was a look of disdain and murderousness all over his body.

"Chen Xi! You... What are you going to do? Do you know that doing so will implicate us as well?"

Seeing this, Tao Dong's face immediately changed from fright, and he wanted to stop Chen Xi, but Wei Zifu at the side firmly held him back: "Tao Dong! Don't forget, Chen Xi still has the god Luo Bei in his hands, but he just can't beat them , we don’t need to be afraid anymore!”

Tao Dong shook his head bitterly: "Even if Le Wuhen and the others received the news, how could they have time..."


"Hehe, I thought you were a jerk, but I didn't expect you to have a lot of backbone." Yue Ruhuo sneered and mocked.

Everyone around him roared with laughter.

In front of the Zuyuan Temple, most of them had seen the scene where Shentu Yanran showed her love to Chen Xi in public.

At that time, even they were quite jealous in their hearts. Now that they have such an excellent opportunity, they don't mind to deal with each other severely once.

Even from Yue Ruhuo's point of view, it would be even better if Shentu Yanran could know that this kid was defeated by her.

This also shows that, subconsciously, he doesn't think Chen Xi has much ability at all.

Not only Yue Ruhuo, but other ascetics including Jin Qingyang also disapproved of Chen Xi, even disdainful.

The key is that Chen Xi's reputation is not obvious, and his name does not appear in the top [-] of the list of gods!

And the list of the gods is the most authoritative list in the ancient gods!

They would never question this, and this gave them a great illusion, thinking that Chen Xi's strength was mediocre, and he couldn't fight them at all.

They didn't know that Yu Qiujing thought so, but Chen Xi beat him to the point where he almost left a shadow in his heart when he took it.

"If you keep talking nonsense like this, we won't accompany you." Chen Xi spoke indifferently, his voice was unhurried, as if he didn't notice the ridicule and disdain from all around.


ps: The sixth update is here!The next chapter is around 9:[-] in the evening!A strong call for a monthly pass!monthly pass!monthly pass!


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