divine talisman

Chapter 1672 1 vs 2

A few words completely angered Yue Ruhuo and his group.

"Bastard, do you think you can be lawless by hugging Miss Yanran's thigh? Kneel down for me!"

A cultivator yelled loudly, and his figure rushed out of thin air, striking down at Chen Xi with a single palm.

His clothes are gorgeous, his manner is proud, and his whole body is full of divine light, which is very extraordinary. He is from the Liao family of the imperial domain, and his name is Liao Kong.


When this palm is pressed, hundreds of millions of pale golden radiance burst out, like a black dragon bursting out of time and space, with terrifying power.


This time, even Tao Dong, who was quite prejudiced against Chen Xi, couldn't help cursing inwardly. How dare he jump out to show off his might to Chen Xi with this little ability?

Wei Zifu also shook his head and laughed.

The reaction of the two made De Yue Ruhuo and the others startled.

Immediately, they saw that the young man left quickly and came back quickly. Chen Xi just flicked his sleeves, and an invisible force gushed out, forcefully knocking him out. His whole body screamed and hit the ground with his mouth and nose He spurted blood, his whole body convulsed, as if he had gone epileptic.

Yue Ruhuo, Jin Qingyang and others all shrank their pupils and their hearts shook. They never expected that Liao Kong would be so vulnerable!

You know, this Liao Kong can be regarded as a top-level existence in the spiritual realm among them, and ordinary people are not his opponents at all.

But now, he was knocked down by a single blow, and he couldn't afford to be seriously injured!

Doesn't this mean that Chen Xi's combat power is too transcendent, completely incomparable to Liao Kong?

"Idiot." Chen Xi couldn't help shaking his head, and didn't bother to look at Liao Kong any more.

Yue Ruhuo's eyes were like lightning, and he waved to the cultivator beside him, "Go up together, and try to see how strong this kid is."

Whoosh whoosh!

There were about a dozen of these ascetics, and they stood up immediately after hearing the words, pressing on Chen Xi step by step from all directions.

Their expressions were solemn and dignified, and they had activated all their cultivation bases, each and every one of them was glowing, like gods coming to the world, with overwhelming power.

With Liao Kong's lesson, they no longer dared to despise Chen Xi like before.

So as soon as they were dispatched, they sacrificed all kinds of magical treasures and performed all kinds of supreme magic methods!



The heavens and the earth are in chaos, and all kinds of bright lights are soaring into the sky, shattering time and space, crushing mountains and rivers, turning this area into a land of chaos and collapse.

It can be clearly seen that the laws of the Divine Dao are vibrating between the heavens and the earth, producing all kinds of terrifying visions, there are gods and demons angry, the sound of Dao is bursting, and the blood of the gods is pouring out, which is really terrifying.

This is the power of a group of top-level spiritual gods. Putting it on the outside world, just such a blow is enough to crush the stars and disturb the latitude and longitude of the world.

This scene was indeed terrifying, Tao Dong and Wei Zifu's expressions suddenly changed, and their breathing was suffocated.

Yue Ruhuo and Jin Qingyang looked at each other, and they both nodded secretly. It would be really strange if such a fighting force couldn't help that kid.


At this moment, Chen Xi's expression remained indifferent, except for a pair of eyes that suddenly burst into murderous intent like a raging fire, as if he was about to incinerate the sky!

He stood still quietly, but strands of obscure and mysterious runes appeared on every inch of his body, wrapping around his body, and his aura suddenly became disdainful and powerful, like an unrivaled overlord patrolling the mountains and rivers.

"If you don't give up, you can only die..."

Witnessing those ascetics attacking with all their strength, Chen Xi uttered a few words lightly from his lips, and pressed his hands in the void.


All around him, hundreds of millions of sharp and dazzling sword auras suddenly burst out. These sword auras are all derived from strands of runes, each of which contains a trace of the secret power of the heart, and now roaring out, that Waiting for a scene, it was like a rain of swords from the sky, dense and torrential.

In an instant, the time and space around his body were shredded and disintegrated, and then this shattering force suddenly spread away along with the sword qi.

Woo woo woo~~ The heaven and the earth cried out in mourning, and the ten thousand swords emptied out. The world fell into a kind of great terror, and everything collapsed at this moment.

This is the power of the secret sword of the heart!

It is also the terrifying power caused by the sword emperor's first level of heaven!

At this moment, it really appeared in the sky, and the horrifying scene created at that moment shocked both Yue Ruhuo and Jin Qingyang, their pupils constricted, and they cried out: "Not good"!

But it was too late for them to save each other...

The hundreds of millions of sword qi have exploded, beheading all directions, crushing divine treasures one by one, shattering all kinds of supreme magic techniques, and the terrifying collision sound produced is just like the sun and the moon colliding, shaking the earth and shaking the mountains. deafening.

puff puff~~~

There was a shrill scream, and those ascetics were either split into two by the sword energy, or their throats were pierced, or they were directly dismembered by seven or eight waves of sword energy... None of them could resist!



The roar of dying unwillingness.

All kinds of voices mixed with blood spilling, stumps, broken arms... filled this chaotic world.

That scene was like a reappearance of the bloody purgatory, miserable and bloody to the extreme.

In the blink of an eye, this round of fighting ended, and the dozen or so ascetics were all beheaded!

In other words, this is not called fighting at all, it can only be called massacre!

This is the power Chen Xi possesses now!

Even without the help of the sword talisman, these ascetics who are not even the supreme gods are far from his opponents.


Tao Dong and Wei Zifu gasped. Even though they were already aware of Chen Xi's terrifying combat power, they still couldn't help but feel shocked when they saw such an incomparably bloody scene.

He never expected that this quiet and low-key guy in front of him would be so ruthless and ruthless in killing people!

Similarly, this was also the first time they really saw Chen Xi committing a murder outrageously, and the strong impact brought about by it had simply reached the point where nothing could be added.

In the past, even the battle with Yu Qiujing was never so bloody and frightening, because it was a duel, and this... is a real battle!

"This guy must have been a killer who was sharpened from the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood!" Tao Dong felt a chill in his heart when he thought of how he had provoked and resisted Chen Xi before, and he was terrified.


The faces of Yue Ruhuo and Jin Qingyang were as gloomy as water.

They came aggressively, but in this matter, only the two of them were left, and...the Liao Kong who couldn't afford to be seriously injured!

All of this happened so fast that even they couldn't believe it. It was just a trial, but they never thought that more than ten lives would be ruined.

And at this moment, they were finally sure that they had indeed underestimated that boy in the distance. They thought that the other person's name didn't appear in the top [-] list of the list of gods, so there was nothing to be afraid of.

But the current reality undoubtedly gave them a sap, made them wake up completely, and even had a little doubt about the authority of the list of gods.

Because they are sure that if the kid on the opposite side is not the supreme god, if his strength cannot rank among the list of the gods and gods, then it is simply a big joke!

"No matter what relationship you have with Shentu Yanran, this time..." Yue Ruhuo took a deep breath, her expression became extremely cold, and she paused, "No one can save you anymore!"


A pair of blood moons were suddenly released from his eyes, round and clear, releasing monstrous blood light, dyeing the sky in deep red, which is extremely frightening.


Chen Xi narrowed his eyes, and without any hesitation, he sacrificed his sword talisman and slashed away.

Because the aura of this pair of blood moons is very unusual, one yin and one yang, it seems that two completely different worlds have been opened up in it, and the power is extremely terrifying.


The sword talisman fled to the divine light, mighty and mighty, and shook the pair of blood moons.

"Die!" Suddenly, a dazzling flame rushed from one side, incinerated the void, and enveloped Chen Xi.

It was Jin Qingyang who made the move, and controlled a divine treasure in his hand, the fire dragon cover, which was an innate spiritual treasure, capable of deriving "chaotic dragon flames", burning mountains and boiling seas, omnipotent and extremely domineering.


With a flash of Chen Xi's figure, he slashed out with a sword, and with a bang, the sword energy chopped the flame into pieces, causing the glow of fire to fly.

"Hmph, still trying to struggle!" On the other side, Yue Ruhuo charged again.

All of a sudden, Chen Xi was flanked by two divine beings, and the three of them fought fiercely, fighting from the ground to the sky, turning the entire area of ​​a hundred thousand miles into a battlefield, killing until the sky was dim, and the sun and the moon were darkened. .

Those kinds of scenes can be compared to the battles of the ancient gods. With every gesture, they have the power to destroy the world, making Tao Dong and Wei Zifu feel trembling and unable to control themselves.

This is the duel between gods and gods, and it is the most peak duel in the realm of spirits and gods. It is shocking and rare.

And the scene in front of him is even more unique in ancient times. It is a supreme god fighting against two supreme gods at the same time. In the ancient gods, this rarely happens.


In the sky, Jin Qingyang controlled the fire dragon shield, releasing raging divine flames, the dragon flames transpired and incinerated for nine days, just like a Vulcan.

This place is like purgatory turned into fire.


But very soon, Chen Xi slashed out with a burst of sword energy, smashing the sea of ​​flames and crushing it, causing Jin Qingyang to stagger and retreat dozens of steps, his whole body tumbling with qi and blood.

"This guy's strength can at least rank among the top [-] in the list of spirits and gods!" Jin Qingyang was frightened and furious, and he didn't dare to be careless.

It didn't take long before Chen Xi was also forced to retreat by that moon. The reason was that the pair of blood moons were really weird. Shen, also suffered a big loss.


Chen Xi's expression was ice-cold, and he was completely enraged. As soon as his footsteps stepped into the void, the sword talisman shone brightly, and suddenly he slashed out a sword energy that could kill Wushuang.

Kill the five elements!

But before he got close to the moon like fire, Jin Qingyang on one side came to kill him again.


Chen Xi violently stretched out his five fingers on his left hand, a kingdom of swords emerged in his palm, steaming with majestic sword intent, and ruthlessly suppressed it away.

With a bang, Jin Qingyang only felt that the whole figure was hit by a hundred thousand gods, and his bones were almost shattered.

But also because of this blow, Chen Xi's left shoulder was hit by the fire dragon shield, and the divine flame burned, incinerating the flesh and blood on his left shoulder, revealing a thick white bone!


ps: The seventh update is here!Thank you for your monthly tickets and rewards. Goldfish continues to code. The eighth watch is almost exhausted before 11:[-] p.m.


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