divine talisman

Chapter 1673 Absolute suppression

Thanks to book friends "1712847", Storm, Lemon, Floating World Prosperity, Mengyu and other small partners for their rewards and support, as well as everyone's monthly ticket support~


Chen Xi was wounded, the flesh and blood on his left shoulder was incinerated, and the bones were dense.

But he didn't seem to notice it, after shaking Jin Qingyang back, he didn't stop, and continued to kill Yue Ruhuo with his sword.


Under Chen Xi's murderous and terrifying sword energy, the pair of blood moons were finally smashed into pieces. The moon was like a fire, and it seemed to be backlashed. With a scream, blood dripped from both pupils, which was very frightening.

This is also normal, if he pays the price of his left shoulder injury, if he can no longer gain the advantage, then Chen Xi is no longer Chen Xi.

When it comes to combat power, although Yue Ruhuo is slightly better than Yu Qiujing, it is still impossible for him to be Chen Xi's opponent.

Back then, Le Wuhen had admitted frankly that the only ones who could fight against Chen Xi were those who were ranked in the top ten in the list of gods, and even he didn't have the confidence to fight against Chen Xi.

And that Jin Qingyang was far from being able to compare with Yu Qiujing. If he and Yue Ruhuo hadn't attacked Chen Xi together, he would have been killed by Chen Xi countless times.

"Who are you!?"

Yue Ruhuo yelled in pain, he never thought that with his own fighting power, he would be able to deal with a young man whom he had never heard of before, even when he joined forces with Yue Ruhuo.

Chen Xi didn't say a word, and his expression was indifferent but stern. Time was too tight, and the situation was too tense, so he couldn't afford to waste any time.


Holding the sword talisman in his hand, he is like an incarnation of the sword emperor, with the sword intent all over his body, and he has a forceful attitude of killing the world and who else can give it to him.

In an instant, he had fought with Yue Ruhuo for hundreds of rounds, and then only heard a dull bang, Yue Ruhuo was knocked into the air again, his chest cavity was cut, his flesh was torn open, and blood was dripping.

If Jin Qingyang hadn't arrived in time to help, this blow alone would have killed him!


The moon is like a fire, like a madman, who is he, the young overlord of the Xueyue clan in the imperial domain, who is ranked No. 14 in the list of gods, who has never suffered such a big loss.

What made him even more aggrieved was that the other party was not well-known before, and he was not yet a figure on the list of gods.


In the battlefield, the fire dragon shield vibrated violently, and sparks flew, almost out of control. At this moment, Jin Qingyang was also crushed by a sword energy, and was injured again. His whole body was bleeding from all seven orifices, and his face was miserable.

So far, both Yue Ruhuo and Jin Qingyang were injured!

When witnessing this scene, Tao Dong and Wei Zifu were so startled that their jaws almost dropped to the ground, and they were stunned there.

too strong!

Before, they were still worried, and even Tao Dong wished that Chen Xi would hand over that fifth-grade Dao root in order to save his life.

But who would have thought that in the face of the joint attack of the two supreme gods, Chen Xi not only did not lose the wind, but instead killed all directions and severely injured each other one after another. Such a peerless and heroic appearance is simply unmatched!

"At first, I thought that he would ask Le Wuhen and the others for help with the help of the god Luo Bei, but now it seems...obviously there is no need for it." Tao Dong murmured, completely shocked.

"We all underestimated him, maybe only Miss Yanran recognized his extraordinaryness." Wei Zifu was also amazed.


The battle has been going on.

From the beginning to the end, Chen Xi's attack never stopped once, and he seemed to be trying to kill them all.

And after Yue Ruhuo and Jin Qingyang were wounded, their inner fighting spirit suffered an impact. Even if they still joined forces, they could no longer resist Chen Xi's sharp edge.


A moment later, Yue Ruhuo was blown away again, how many bones in his body were broken, and his energy mechanism almost collapsed.

Almost at the same time, Chen Xi slashed with his sword, and with a puff, Jin Qingyang's arm was chopped off, and the divine blood shot out, dyeing the sky.

"Ah——" Jin Qingyang screamed in pain. At this moment, he finally felt terrified, knowing that by joining forces with Yue Ruhuo, he was no match for this son in front of him.

The opponent is too strong, the way of the sword is beyond imagination, it seems invincible.

"I won, I actually won..." Tao Dong lost his mind.

"What are you talking about!" Wei Zifu glared at him viciously, "Don't tell me you still want Chen Xi to lose?"

"No... how dare I..." Tao Dong explained immediately, but his words were incoherent, and he was really shocked.

Wei Zifu was about to say something, when he suddenly looked into the distance and said in surprise, "Chen Xi... he wouldn't want to kill the other party, would he? That's the supreme god, if he kills him, he might completely offend the forces behind them !"

Tao Dong was also shocked, horrified. He knew that although it was all a competition this time, it involved peerless arrogance at the level of the Supreme God. Usually, when confronting, they would leave a glimmer of life for the other party, in order to avoid angered the forces behind them.

And if Chen Xi really killed that Yue Ruhuo and Jin Qingyang, he might arouse the true wrath of the Xueyue clan and Yanjin clan of the Emperor Realm. If that happens, there might be no place for Chen Xi in the entire Ancient Realm. land.


At this moment, Chen Xi's white bones on his shoulders had condensed newborn skin, his whole body was spotless, but his aura was becoming more and more powerful.

He doesn't care who he offends, if the other party wants to kill him, he will not be polite anymore, and since he practiced till now, he has never been afraid of anyone.

Including Taishangjiao!

"What are you going to do? Do you really want to kill them all?"

Seeing Chen Xi approaching, Yue Ruhuo was frightened, angry and frightened. This guy is simply too cruel. Where did such a freak come from?

Jin Qingyang was even more frightened and roared angrily: "Chen Xi, if you dare to do this, no one in the sky or on earth can save you!"

Chen Xi didn't say anything, he wouldn't show mercy to the enemy any more, and the other party's threats had no effect on him.

However, just as Chen Xi was about to completely resolve this battle, he suddenly narrowed his eyes and looked far away.

Immediately, he withdrew his gaze, looked at Yue Ruhuo and Jin Qingyang, who were solemnly waiting to try their best, and finally sighed in his heart, turned around and left.


The next moment, he led the confused Tao Dong and Wei Zifu to perform the method of teleportation, and disappeared in place.

"This guy actually gave up..." Yue Ruhuo was stunned, and he couldn't believe it. He swears to God, he's sure that Chen Xi has just decided to kill him!

But why did he give up again?

"Hmph, I knew he didn't have the guts!" Jin Qingyang gritted his teeth and picked up his severed arm, his face full of resentment.

Yue Ruhuo shook her head: "It's not that he lacks guts."

"Why is that?" Jin Qingyang frowned.


At this moment, time and space fluctuated, and a group of people appeared, about twenty people, and the leader was Gongye Zhefu!

Seeing them appear, Yue Ruhuo and Jin Qingyang looked at each other, they were both silent, and finally understood why Chen Xi left.


"What exactly happened here?"

"Brother Ruhuo, Brother Qingyang, how...how did you become like this?"

"Who actually did this?"

When Gongye Zhefu and his party saw the bloody and devastated scene, they couldn't help but burst into an uproar, and their expressions suddenly changed in shock.

"How could this be?"

With purple eyes and silver hair, Gongye Zhefu's face sank, and he looked at Yue Ruhuo.

These people have already formed an alliance. After entering the ancestral land this time, they divided into two ways to search for the ancestral roots. Who would have thought that such a shocking accident would happen to Yue Ruhuo and the others, and not only more than a dozen monks fell Even Yue Ruhuo and Jin Qingyang were seriously injured, which made Gongye Zhefu furious.

Yue Ruhuo was bitter and aggrieved in her heart, but in the end she still told the whole story of what happened just now, without any concealment.

At this moment, he didn't care about any embarrassment, because he was defeated so badly, and the embarrassment had already been lost.

Chen Xi!

When they heard that all of this was caused by one person, everyone's hearts were shocked. If it wasn't for Yue Ruhuo's own words, they almost couldn't believe it.

This guy... Isn't he the little boy who hugged Shentu Yanran's thigh? How could he be so powerful?

Since he was able to do this step, why is his name not on the list of Conferred Gods?

"Chen Xi..." Gongye Zhefu frowned, and a tall figure unconsciously appeared in his mind, and muttered, "Could it be that I've misjudged myself?"

He didn't notice at all that Zhen Liuqing, who had been silent by his side, after hearing all this, had a gleam in the depths of her clear eyes, which disappeared immediately.

"Yes, it is indeed him."

Jin Qingyang gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice, "Although I don't want to admit it, I have to say that this guy's combat power is too terrifying. Even if Brother Ruhuo and I join forces, we can't beat him at all. From my point of view, with his strength, It’s even enough to rank among the top ten in the Spirit God Realm on the List of Conferred Gods!”

top ten!

Everyone's heart skipped a beat again, that guy who came out of nowhere is actually so powerful?

"Hehe, now that you say that, I'm actually a little curious about him." Gongye Zhefu's eyes flickered coldly.

The next moment, he took a deep breath, regained his composure, and said quickly, "Let's find a place first. On the one hand, we will repose for you, and on the other hand, we will continue to search for the ancestral roots of the Daoyuan. can heal.”

Everyone nodded.

"As for that kid Chen Xi... I will find an opportunity to try it out later, to see how capable he is!"

Gongye Zhefu opened his mouth, glanced intentionally or unintentionally at Zhen Liuqing beside him, but seeing the latter's indifferent appearance, he couldn't help frowning, and immediately shook his head.


The land of ancestral origin is deep in a stretch of barren mountains.


Time and space fluctuated, and the figures of Chen Xi, Tao Dong, and Wei Zifu appeared.

"Gongye Zhefu..." Chen Xi pondered, and finally sighed.

If it was possible, he would wish to kill the other party right now. In this way, he would not only fulfill Empress Yu Che's entrustment, but also test out Zhen Liuqing's true intentions.

It's a pity that the timing is not ripe this time, and for the sake of the safety of the three of them, he is not allowed to do this regardless of everything.

"Find a place, let's take a rest first, and continue to act tomorrow." Chen Xi shook his head, and stopped thinking about it. The most urgent task is to repair the injury and restore physical strength.


ps: Chapter 10 and Chapter 10 are coming after midnight, friends can’t wait, you can watch them tomorrow, Goldfish will stay up all night to finish these [-] updates, besides, everyone, don’t forget to vote monthly~~


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